
Reviews 5
Approval 78%

Soundoffs 108
News Articles 9
Band Edits + Tags 128
Album Edits 355

Album Ratings 2195
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 08-20-15 7:54 pm
Joined 12-26-05

Review Comments 16,680

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  • fromrows Hey buddy:) We justd our one and only album, so just wanted to send you the link, since you said some kinf words about it earlier, and thanks in advance and take care dude:)
    April 18 08:11 AM
  • neekafat Ooooh good to know, I'll give it a whirl!
    February 1 08:55 PM
  • neekafat jockey was really good ((:
    January 31 11:26 PM
  • CugnoBrasso Probably one of my proudest contributions to this site
    January 27 07:58 AM
  • GhandhiLion Great band!
    January 17 03:38 PM

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