
Reviews 30
Approval 92%

Soundoffs 114
News Articles 5
Band Edits + Tags 9
Album Edits 7

Album Ratings 762
Objectivity 66%

Last Active 11-16-22 4:15 pm
Joined 11-01-07

Review Comments 6,694

shoutbox » all posts 
  • Hawks HELL YEAH!!!
    September 23 02:16 AM
  • Lichtbringer hehehe ??
    January 3 11:32 PM
  • Lichtbringer yep, good stuff
    January 3 01:46 PM
  • zaruyache hmmm maybe if you say its bad
    November 16 01:48 AM
  • Panzerchrist I don't want to
    April 3 01:42 AM
  • Panzerchrist oh god I can't even imagine how out of place that would be in a live environment
    March 31 08:46 PM
  • zaruyache i like that raw bm has started adding those kiiind of goofy keyboards lately. slow evolution wew
    March 25 01:03 AM
  • zaruyache But also Old Nick!
    March 24 04:50 PM
  • zaruyache especially since the scene's kind of moved on from that kinda sound too. gimme more raw bm with dungeon synthhhh
    March 23 12:13 AM
  • zaruyache Radical centrists are cowards and mikko is a loser obvsly, but dso are more in the "sketchy" category than outright fash I think? I've pretty much phased out my listening of them lol.
    March 15 05:05 PM
  • zaruyache idk lol i thought about asking who's alt it is but it's almost more fun if it's just some anon i don't even know
    March 2 12:56 AM
  • zaruyache just sput being sput
    February 28 12:39 AM
  • Sevengill haha dude that was crazy. I was just like, in the dressing room and he was like "hey are you on SputnikMusic?" and I just stared for several seconds before being like, "...yeah...?"
    January 5 04:12 AM
  • Eakflanderyof Hey man, I just saw your post in my shoutbox from a few months ago. Cant wait for that Madison show! Find me there and we'll have a beer! I'm the drummer
    August 12 02:13 AM
  • DungeonBoy Hey dude! thanks man, I'm glad you dig it and appreciate you telling me. Hope everything is going well with you and you are still taking some sweet photos despite the lack of concerts these days :)
    August 6 03:29 PM
  • zaruyache yessssssss
    April 23 12:49 AM
  • Voivod What I (think) I hear in the album is some kind of melodic death metal (among my least favorite metal genres) mixed with post metal. Also, a thing that infuriated me in some reviews I read from Greek media outlets, is that they mention the band as the EP never existed, which is hilarious, because that EP got everyone, their label included, to sign them and keep them alive in the first place.
    March 6 03:23 AM
  • Voivod I've listened to the album twice since our last exchange, and I agree with your assessment. Their previous singer was an asset for the band, that allowed their music to become hugely interesting in the EP. In the new album, I think that the whole band adjusted to the new singer, shedding all the elements that made it notable in the first place.
    March 6 03:17 AM
  • Voivod I've listened to the singles and they were/are okay, but I haven't listened the whole album yet to have a solid opinion.
    March 1 01:26 PM
  • DarkNoctus i genuinely hate it haha, sorry
    January 12 04:10 PM
  • zaruyache and so is Summoning lol
    September 28 12:32 AM
  • zaruyache eeheee yepp :D you know who's not tho? Feminazgul 8)
    September 25 12:44 AM
  • zaruyache dammit. Also found out the Ayr guy(s?) were in Young and in the Way too woooo
    September 18 04:20 AM
  • zaruyache apparently a lot of those native bands are because 'muh blood purity' or w/e
    September 18 02:15 AM
  • zaruyache ye those two are pretty great. I've heard he's kinda fash tho so
    September 18 01:49 AM
  • zaruyache All those indigenous bands put out bangers.
    September 14 04:58 PM
  • zaruyache both kaatayra albums! O:
    September 10 01:44 AM
  • Slex Lmao thanks I suppose, to be fair they make it pretty easy
    September 8 04:53 PM
  • MillionDead lmao Thanks, I pride myself on it. It's more effort than he's worth but the least I could do about his bad views is make him feel bad.
    September 8 06:32 AM
  • DarkNoctus thank you very much!
    August 17 03:16 AM
  • parksungjoon hello again ben schwarz, on the off chance that this is up your alley:
    February 10 04:56 PM
  • DarkNoctus i've had a lot of really bad personal circumstances... this year has really knocked me down. without going into too much detail i was recently diagnosed with ptsd (by recently i mean in september) so i'm just now getting back into the normal swing of things. i hope for my next recording to convey properly just what happened, but it's not going to be easy
    December 6 08:53 PM
  • DarkNoctus awww man, thank you so much! that means a lot! i've been less active listening to stuff recently because i'm in the middle of recording
    December 5 04:16 PM
  • TheSpirit DANG, i know how much you like Fuath so that is crazy to hear. I'm glad you enjoyed it that much :]
    April 24 06:19 PM
  • TheSpirit thank you :] hopefully you like the album as much as the sound-off ;] i'll be curious to hear what you think of it!
    April 24 05:09 PM
  • DungeonBoy That's awesome man, I caught them in Richmond, VA on their Winter's Gate tour where they played the whole thing from start to finish and it was an amazing experience. Hopefully you get to do that!
    March 7 08:34 PM
  • DungeonBoy Yeah man sounds good! my IG is "dungeonboy" go figure
    March 7 04:43 PM
  • DungeonBoy Dude, you got some great photos on your IG. That's awesome, I always enjoy seeing some quality live photos
    March 7 03:45 PM
  • botb Metal nerds are stuck in their ways I?m afraid.
    March 1 12:01 PM
  • TheSpirit I JUST SAW IT LEAKED! I will listen soon and let you know, but I'm excited!
    November 21 01:57 AM
  • Deez That Thantifaxath is an EP dude not an album. Its all ready leaked. 4 tracks.
    November 20 07:45 AM
  • TheSpirit Nocturnal Triumph - Into Light's Graven Wound ... listen to it. You won't be disappointed.
    September 15 03:55 AM
  • FullOfSounds Hey dude just now saw your comment on the Red Giant single news article. Check Tara King Th. - The Tara King Theory
    March 22 01:45 AM
  • zaruyache haven't even jammed bc Japan is dumb and doesn't stream ever and it's not on slsk or anywhere else I could find yet pfffff.
    November 28 10:10 PM
  • zaruyache [Hyperventilates in Japanese]
    November 21 04:30 PM
  • zaruyache World's End Girlfriend?
    November 21 03:51 PM
  • zaruyache WEG?
    November 21 03:48 PM
  • zaruyache Check the new Furia album.
    November 4 05:38 PM
  • SCREAM! I miss it dude.. But have been so busy with classes working full time recently moving out that I have had 0 time to get out there and snap pics :(
    October 28 03:58 PM
  • Gameofmetal ill be sure to post it on sput if and when it comes
    August 18 11:54 PM
  • zaruyache Or you could just like imgur them
    August 18 04:34 PM
  • zaruyache Gimme them PICS
    August 18 03:25 AM
  • Fxxkit13 Ur a bitch
    February 10 09:54 PM
  • Astral Abortis Thanks, I wasn't planning to bring it up, but he's done it on RYM as well. Rated every album I've performed on as half-a-star. He appears to have very bitter feelings towards me and this is his petty way of dealing with it.
    February 10 06:38 AM
  • TheSpirit i heard it but i don't remember it due to the whole album being one giant exercise in everything that could ever be wrong with black metal
    February 4 03:49 AM
  • TheSpirit ITS FREAKING TERRIBLE, RIGHT? they dropped the ball HARD on this one
    February 4 03:28 AM
  • TheSpirit I mean I would probably renounce music altogether if someone wrote a review like that of my band. That being said, the world is better off hah
    February 1 03:39 PM
  • TheSpirit OMFG
    February 1 12:31 AM
    January 31 07:04 AM
  • zaruyache eh heh heh so bad they're not even on RYM ;)
    December 13 07:48 AM
  • zaruyache i dont think he did why did he? bc that album came out years ago
    December 13 05:43 AM
  • zaruyache 4 it then noob. doooo ittttttttt
    December 11 03:05 PM
  • zaruyache go jam World's End Girlfriend's Seven Idiots and tell me I'm dumb for loving it pls. (You were the one who said they loved that project, right? If not do it anyway kthx.) :3
    December 10 02:16 PM
  • rasputin haha just life bro, yeah it has been ages. sputz hasnt changed much though - you're on FB right?
    November 16 05:53 AM
  • TheSpirit I should have known better considering he is he undisputed king of trash metal haha
    November 11 12:17 PM
  • rasputin hey bro sozz, what's up?
    November 7 05:50 AM
  • Metalstyles Also, I know what you mean about discipline, it's hard to make yourself do something that you don't technically want to do, but you always gotta keep that end goal in mind with these things. If that end goal is something that you really want, even feel you need, then you'll also find the discipline, if you're worth your salt.
    November 7 02:49 AM
  • Metalstyles Also, what is it about Finland/Estonia that you miss? It's always interesting to hear an outsider's perspective (Finland feels like home as well to me). Also, man, with the whole mass immigration issue so prevalent in Europe, Estonians have really shown their ugly side here in everyday life. I had no idea that we had so many bigoted people :(. It's not great to stay here for a longer period as a foreigner at the moment, especially if you're of a different skin colour.
    November 7 02:46 AM
  • Metalstyles Yeah, on the flipside it has been monumental for me to be out of the education system for two years now, because I've grown immensely as a person on the side. I miss the everyday camaraderie among a lot of people, as I said, but that has also helped me grow a lot individually, and it's not like I don't have a close-knit group of friends to share the things that matter with. Still, I want to re-visit the ultra low-budget, white youth "hustling with your homies" lifestyle haha.
    November 7 02:42 AM
  • TheSpirit Hey man I'll send my feedback on the review today at some point. Sorry to take so long
    November 3 02:54 PM
  • TheSpirit Sure thing
    November 1 05:25 PM
  • TheSpirit well, that ruled
    October 30 10:04 PM
  • zaruyache Mostly troll, like 2/5 grouchy grandpa with butt taste.
    October 28 07:28 PM
  • zaruyache I assume the extreme snarky side of the musical spectrum provides room for his existence in theory.
    October 28 07:25 PM
  • zaruyache OH PFFFFFFFF
    October 28 03:33 PM
  • zaruyache is it better than their first album? Bc looking back I don't think I really cared for it.
    October 28 03:09 PM
  • zaruyache "blackened metal/crust" well I'm slightly interested. :3 I'll check.
    October 28 02:16 PM
  • Hawks Haven't had a chance yet bro, it's been a very long day haha.
    October 28 03:18 AM
  • Hawks Cool bro, I'll check the link when I get home later. m/
    October 27 09:51 PM
  • TheSpirit You should review the panopticon/vestiges split! Or that hierophant album
    October 26 06:16 PM
  • Jom You do the same, cheers. Your account was waiting e-mail confirmation, but I ported it over to ensure you don't have any hiccups.
    October 24 03:15 PM
  • Jom You will be able to change your avatar through the forums via your User Control Panel. It looks like your account was backlogged in the queue to post, but you should be all square now. Cheers!
    October 24 02:59 AM
  • zaruyache I KNOW RIGHT.
    October 23 03:02 PM
  • zaruyache it sorta all just sounds samey and uninteresting. I hate hate the bass drum sound. I like their other stuff tho!
    October 23 02:38 PM
  • TheSpirit Okay, just sent my feedback. Sorry for taking bit, just got done work.
    October 21 10:58 PM
  • TheSpirit Looking forward to reading it! I work today, but I'llcheck it as soon as I get in.
    October 21 12:56 PM
  • TheSpirit Email it to
    October 21 01:45 AM
  • Hawks My email is, that once you send it hahaha.
    October 21 12:51 AM
  • Hawks Sure bro. Send me a link.
    October 20 10:27 PM
  • TheSpirit He's always been a musician thinking towards the future. I don't really hear much old Panopticon in the new album
    October 20 10:36 AM
  • TheSpirit Of course, it would be my pleasure
    October 19 05:20 PM
  • Metalstyles And I'll see about Finland, but I'll start back in Estonia for sure. It's weird to say I guess, but I'm actually looking forward to going back to college more for the experience and social side than I am for career purposes. I've always been a rather free spirit and honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if I ended up being a job hopper until the end of my days lol. But yeah, the camaraderie and energetic people full of ideas are the main reasons I'm going back.
    October 15 12:46 PM
  • Metalstyles I also have a feeling that I'll become much more metal again once I change jobs, but that ain't gonna happen right away, not before next autumn anyway. But yeah, I do kind of miss being super into discovering new music, which atm I am not. Usually, our store should have background music playing, but during morning and evening hours when I'm alone I often chill in silence just to rest my head for a bit.
    October 15 12:43 PM
  • Metalstyles A driving license kind of license hahahaaha. I never thought I'd need a car before, but it was about a year or so ago that it hit me that I really need one for freedom purposes. Just to get into the car, put your flavor of the moment record on and drive wherever you want to - I need that in my life haha. I've still got a ways to go before I can actually do that (driving school takes a while here), but hey, at least I got started with the process, which is always the hardest the thing for me.
    October 15 12:40 PM
  • SachikoM It's almost as old as I am. Noise tends to get stigmatised for the tactless harsh noise artists rather than characterised by those who do it well. :]
    October 11 03:53 AM
  • SachikoM Try this, it's pretty accessible for noise-related music:
    October 11 03:06 AM
  • Metalstyles I still find myself a favorite metal record or two in every month, but it isn't the same as it was when I was going to high-school/college. But other than that, I'm pretty good man, been having two off years now, but atm I am starting with getting my license done, have imbued into the local underground music scene more, and am looking forward to enlisting in a college next autumn. What's good with you?
    October 10 12:24 AM
  • Metalstyles And man, it has hit hard on my metalness haha. I either lack the time, or the interest, to check out new releases that often anymore. You'd think that after a full day's time of alternative/indie/pop/electronica/singer-songwriter and whatever in between I'd be craving for some head-splitting shrieking, but usually I'm too worn out from just the amount of music I've heard during the day and hence seek either visual or social stimulation during off hours.
    October 10 12:22 AM
  • Metalstyles Hey man, yeah, ever since I started working at a record shop about 2 years ago I've been here less and less. When you're surrounded by music, answer questions about music and discuss music all day anyway, you don't really get the urge to fill your spare time with mire music discussion, at least in my case.
    October 10 12:20 AM
  • BenjoJames Hey, I loved your review of Midian. Would you be interested in reviewing my extreme metal band? We've a similar sound to Cradle.
    June 18 07:32 PM
  • TalonsOfFire Just read your Emmure reviews, some of the funniest I've read on the site
    October 24 02:44 AM
  • deathschool Hey there alive guy.
    April 25 07:57 AM
  • ASnideReturns Hey, since you're finally back. You gave one of my original reviews (around three years ago) a critique. Can you give my best review a look over? - It's the middle review in a series of story reviews (I'm currently writing the Prologue and the Sequel)
    April 16 01:13 AM
  • Wizard Still a metalhead at heart and always will be. I'm 30 now and I'm probably going on about 18 years of metal. I have a kid/ wife/ house and life is as stressful as you can only imagine hahaha. Applying to be a teacher in the near future hahaha I will probably be a dick teacher to my students but only because I want them to appreciate arboriculture and the nature of trees as much as I do.
    January 16 02:12 AM
  • Wizard Holy s*** you buttery whore. I haven't conversed with you in a while. Life treating you good these days?
    December 16 11:40 PM
  • Wizard Are you still kicking around butter?
    December 16 01:47 AM
  • Deviant. Alright, well now you could check out Idoru by Jon Convex (he's one half of Instra:mental), Living Witth Ghosts by Sigha, Decayed Society by Sam KDC and ASC (this is getting into more techno territory now), and also grab dBridge and Instra:mental's Fabric mix
    December 5 09:54 AM
  • Deviant. Haha, well check out my dig definitely. Try The Gemini Principle by dbridge, Resolution 653 by Instra:mental, Ritual Dance by Genotype, Cancel Standard by They Live (Consequence and a guy called Joe Seven) and Survival's self-titled album (should be able to find all of this on filestube)
    November 30 05:48 AM
  • Wizard So bang on with Sigh sucking dink!
    April 8 12:23 AM
  • Deviant. The thing is there really isn't anything like Submo, that's half the attraction of the band. You could try Author and their self-titled album, that's the guy who handles all the electronics for Submo and another guy called Jack Sparrow teaming up for an album. Plus the Finest Hour remix album, but other than that.....
    February 19 11:52 PM
  • Polymath Come to the sputnik room, me and klapper are dropping the filth
    July 2 06:13 PM
  • Polymath lol DUDE:
    July 2 05:52 PM
  • greg84 I agree that vocals could have been more diverse. By prog influences I mostly meant not keeping to the conventional verse/chorus structure, experimenting with dynamics and using Mastodon-like soloing. I don't think the record is that straightforward southern sludge. If you compare these guys to Crowbar, let's say, you'll see they're more complex than that.
    May 15 05:17 PM
  • greg84 ...let me know what you think.
    May 14 05:34 PM
  • Spec Still love your Emmure review!
    January 26 01:54 AM
  • ShadowRemains cool
    October 16 03:42 AM
  • ShadowRemains i like your reviews man :P
    October 10 09:56 PM
  • qwe3 eating barbecue shapes which are the best ****ing things ever and drinking pepsi max. need to start studying at some point but hey
    October 2 04:15 AM
  • qwe3 whaaaat i didn't get NUFFINK. ah well its all good sup mang what you been up tooooo
    October 1 08:18 AM
    September 30 12:38 PM
  • LG I've been a good boy.
    May 12 12:21 AM
  • LG Hello again my friendly stalker, and to answer your question...not lately.
    May 8 01:14 AM
  • plustax Dude. Could you do me a huge favor? Could you do a review of my bands new CD? Your reviews are brilliant and insightful. I don't want you to hold anything back, either. My band is Erase The Enemy I'll send you the CD if you want to do it for me! Three of the tracks from it are on the myspace. (the top 3)
    May 6 07:27 PM
  • Plutonio d00d u just don't understand how edgy the used and panic at the disco are...
    April 15 03:17 AM
  • Plutonio obviously not
    April 10 03:46 AM
  • LG Well hello to you to...whoever the hell you are?
    April 9 05:24 PM
  • Plutonio As rumor suggests.
    April 8 01:20 AM
  • Plutonio I'm ashamed that he's my musical neighbor. He and his little alt account divinityofpan disgrace Pan's Labyrinth.
    April 8 12:31 AM
  • Plutonio nice wold review. hilarious, but i have to disagree. And what the **** is that rationalist kid talking to you about???
    March 27 01:13 AM
  • somberlain love your After the Burial review! inspired me to do a concept review :// let me know what you think
    March 5 04:18 AM
  • Rationalist You're getting me confused with Edward Cullen. /troll posts
    January 20 05:59 AM
  • mynameischan thank you pls don't hate me
    January 20 05:57 AM
  • Rationalist I have a friend named Stephenie who's with me right now, so I was like, "how the **** does this pedophile know who I'm with?" And my fictional writing isn't nearly as bad as my non-fiction. Same applies to poetry.
    January 20 12:54 AM
  • Rationalist Essence Cullen
    January 17 01:43 AM
  • Rationalist I edited it; is it any better?
    January 16 10:51 PM
  • KILL butter
    December 24 09:11 PM
  • Xenophanes Okami=incredible
    October 22 05:09 AM
  • Carnifex Eh kinda glad, get a fresh restart.
    October 20 10:34 PM
  • mareep he speaks the troof. cmon daveeee unban me
    October 20 03:53 PM
  • mareep hahaha my musical neighbours are ****ing ridiculous
    October 20 03:15 PM
  • mareep oh its ulsufyring aye sup mang. im just chilling listening to some Aghast. waiting to be unbanned in a few hrs
    October 20 03:08 PM
  • bloc haha, it took me a while to figure out, i had some another user hinting it too. looks like you're still a long ways away!
    October 20 01:53 AM
  • ninjuice That used to be my favorite movie btw.
    October 19 12:47 AM
  • ninjuice I'm sorry John, but you're going to have to run again.
    October 19 12:46 AM
  • Phantom don't
    October 18 09:56 PM
  • Phantom don't like A7X anymore?
    October 18 09:23 PM
  • KILL x7
    October 15 11:26 PM
  • Waior Never left the shoutboxes DO YOU SEE A COMMENT
    October 15 09:46 PM
  • Waior I recall you listening to the Noah and the Whale a bit, did you listen to the whole thing?
    October 15 09:28 PM
  • Phantom but she has the same name as you, that means you are related and therefore makes it INCEST
    September 18 11:48 PM
  • Benzum no the best time to violate your profile sexually is when you're sleeping.
    September 18 04:05 PM
  • Benzum man that link just sends me loads of random images! I was expecting something funny! Just joking dude, am posting in your shoutbox atm.
    September 18 08:59 AM
  • Phantom how's kirsten doing?
    September 16 12:18 AM
  • Zoo lmao dude
    September 15 07:08 AM
  • Zoo hmm, that's good. she can almost handle me then ;)
    September 15 02:28 AM
  • Zoo But, in certain cases, the level of hotness allows me to overlook such attributes as sluttiness.
    September 14 07:38 AM
  • Zoo You're absolutely right.....when you're gay.
    September 13 10:10 AM
  • Zoo Did you see my list dude?
    September 11 12:06 PM
  • Phantom added
    September 8 09:54 PM
  • Phantom oh did you? nm then haha. i could do indeed but idk cause he might just come to your page and be all like BLAOW!
    September 8 09:17 PM
  • Phantom nice ban for img tag spamming
    September 8 08:01 PM
  • charlesfishowitz r u not the world ends wit u
    September 6 04:15 AM
  • Willie Ok, I e-mailed you. I've posted two reviews lately and neither of them have got any Jacktiger love... what's up?
    September 4 06:58 PM
  • joshuatree hey bb don't get banned again naughty boy
    September 3 08:53 PM
  • charlesfishowitz dont worry i will find you when the time something
    September 3 02:29 AM
  • Waior something about the death star and a fist and image tags but i don't know
    September 3 12:22 AM
  • PanasonicYouth just a bro wondering what to do with life, bro
    September 3 12:19 AM
  • charlesfishowitz maybw we hsould msn somethime
    September 2 10:21 PM
  • Gyromania HAPPY UN-BAN BRO!!!!!!!
    September 2 09:57 PM
  • Waior velcome back
    September 2 09:44 PM
  • SCREAM! Never bothered with AIM but msn is comcast putin
    September 2 06:16 PM
  • Willie I knew you'd end up being banned! Now who's going to call all these neighbor-having mother****ers the whores that they are?
    September 2 11:56 AM
  • charlesfishowitz were we Neighbors at one point or somethin
    September 2 08:20 AM
  • PanasonicYouth that's what i meant BROyour statement just made me brogasm ALL OVER MY BROBOARD
    September 2 03:51 AM
  • SCREAM! last putin
    September 2 03:31 AM
  • foxxxy what who is boxxy
    September 2 02:11 AM
  • SCREAM! lool am offically banned
    September 2 01:53 AM
  • jingledeath FO SHIZZLE
    September 1 03:27 PM
  • Willie They're all hoores!
    September 1 03:09 PM
  • fireaboveicebelow ok since I just found this now I will address all of youJack and Jingle: aSDFHIHWAWAHAAHHAHAHAHHAAH you're gay
    September 1 02:00 PM
  • Willie I'm not anyone's neighbor either... this town sucks.
    September 1 01:44 PM
  • Willie So, would have prefered that I just agreed instead?
    September 1 01:35 PM
  • Willie It doesn't really mean anything. Basically it's Willy (like the name) Fister (used like a verb) and but (like the anatomical part, only not spelled the same).
    September 1 10:00 AM
  • Gyromania lol, nm bud, how bout you?
    September 1 07:43 AM
  • jingledeath HEY JO-E wtf is this neighbor s*** tomfoolery
    September 1 05:21 AM
  • PanasonicYouth joke...? but... they are, bro...
    September 1 03:57 AM
  • PanasonicYouth yeah, he didn't stick around, bro. :( it made me sad.
    September 1 02:13 AM
  • Phantom do you want me to? ;)
    August 30 11:28 PM
  • rasputin was pretty good but from what ive been told i'll like the new oen better
    August 30 02:28 PM
  • Willie I just went to the new comments box on the main page and clicked the first user name on it.
    August 30 01:27 PM
  • Willie Nothing. Just being random and yours was the first name I clicked on.
    August 29 02:09 PM
  • Zip No u gay
    August 29 10:33 AM
  • rasputin nm u
    August 29 01:17 AM
  • Zip What's with you and being gay
    August 28 05:53 PM
  • Willie I just bought the brand new Mac OS. That's right, there will be a party this weekend!
    August 28 03:58 PM
  • Zip what's with you and not being on aim
    August 28 02:00 PM
  • jingledeath ://
    August 28 08:44 AM
  • Zip what's with you and the word fail
    August 28 05:04 AM
  • Metalstyles hahaha you know how to make me laugh Joey - always a plus :)
    August 27 08:55 PM
  • Phantom not dead! just posted on Massive Attack news. Your conspiracy is flawed.
    August 27 03:34 PM

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