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Last Active 01-01-70 12:00 am
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05.17.24 What did I miss03.15.24 Deweekly: March 15th to March 21st
03.08.24 Deweekly: March 8th to March 14th03.04.24 Deweekly: March 1st to March 7th
03.01.24 Deweekly: February 23th to February 29t02.16.24 Deweekly: February 16th to February 22n
02.09.24 Deweekly: February 9th to February 15th02.02.24 Deweekly: February 2nd to February 8th
01.30.24 10 Albums of 195001.26.24 Deweekly: January 26th to February 1st
01.23.24 10 Albums of 196501.19.24 Deweekly: January 19th to 25th
01.12.24 Deweekly: January 12th to 18th 01.10.24 10 albums of 1964
01.04.24 Deweekly: January 1st to 10th 12.27.23 Dewi's 2023: A Year in Review
12.26.23 10 albums of 196312.21.23 10 albums of 1962
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Deweekly: January 19th to 25th

This week is looking really gold, lots of metal, you've been warned, and no hip hop in sight, which is weird. But the album of the week, unless something surprises me, which is always possible, it's already been decided. What are you checking Sput? Let me know in the comments. Also how do you feel about a little bit of color palette?


Sub Pop // Progressive Cosmic Psychotropictoner

I just reviewed this a few hours ago so go read that?

Highlight: The Story That Has Never Been Told
2The Fauns
How Lost

Invada Records // Shoegaze / Dream Pop

I didn't see this one coming but yeah, get a red cover and there's a good chance I fall for it. Must be some post-effect from jamming Two People's "First Body" for so long. The Fauns is a band from Bristol, and they had been dormant for a whole decade until the release of this album. The first two tracks have an electronic, cold wave feel to it and that's where I knew I had to get on the rest. Past the third track they start playing with styles a bit more, switching to dream pop, which seems to be where the band has its origin, a bit of shoegaze, etc. All dominated by the allluring velvet voice of Alison Garner. I feel there' s a review coming for this, but not from me ;)

Highlight: Mixtape Days
3Bolts of Melody
Film Noir

Self released // Indie Rock / Experimental / Psychedelic

New project from Adam Franklin, leader of veteran 90s act Swervedriver. There's plenty of interesting features on this album, including Mascis from DInosaur Jr. At first, I thought this might be in the line of Grails, Lilac and Champagne and all that Emil Amos experimentation with film music, but it's a bit different and not entirely convincing either. Not a bad album by any means, but I don't know, afetr I was done I felt the urge to listen to Grails, and I'm not sure that's a good thing. Killer cover art though.

Highlight: Black Flower
Little Rope

Loma Vista // Indie Rock

I'm one of those that missed an entire career of Sleater-Kinney. I've never been familiar with them, not even on their prime but I'm aware that every attempt of making a comeback in the last years have been received with rather bad reviews and without much interest, which signifies it was the worst time for me to get into them. I tried the last two albums before this one and... meh, but still was dead set on checking their new release with an open mind. But it sucked. I mean, it's not total disaster, I would salvage a couple of tracks, but I don't think this is the same band that earned their name.

Highlight: Small Finds
Hell, Fire And Damnation

Silver Lining Music // Heavy Metal

On their what... 24th album? And Saxon still can give Judas Priest and Iron Maiden a run for their money. Few bands sound as good as this at their age and after sucha consistent and steady run of albums. Absolute bosses. This album manages to captivate their NWBOHM origins with a modern production and I don't know, it just works. The album's presentation is impeccable, proper runtime too of 42 minutes and everyone on the band plays tight and sounds invigorated, with special mention to Biff Byford's vocals. Great album.

Highlight: Madame Guillotine

No BC obvs, but have a video:
Traverse The Bealach

Self released // Progressive Metal

We going blue today. This came out of nowhere, hot damn. Or so I thought during the first 30 minutes or so. This is the solo gig of Tony Dunn, who also plays and/or sings in Saor, Falloch and Cnoc An Tursa. It's a conceptual album about a wanderer traversing a post apocaliptical Scottish landscape, so as you can imagine, the album is filled with atmospheric moments and folk pieces. Style wise this floats between Alcest and Opeth, with Dunn's beautiful vocal harmonies front center. The last three tracks lack the power and confidence of the first tracks, with some parts feeling under-developed and some of the lyrics being of questionable maturity. In any case, I love the first half so much that if this was an EP with the first three tracks and the interlude I would have been more than happy.

Highlight: The Ptarmigan's Cry
7Glass Beach
plastic death

Run for Cover // Progressive smth smth

I honestly don't know how to tag this band. There are progressive elements for sure, pop, indie rock, falsetto vocals, uncompromising riffage and then moments of lush and then back to the fire. It's a trip, almost as liquid and blobby as the demon amoeba in the cover. This is the kind of album that will need further inspections to draw out all the JUICE, cause this thing is sweet as hell. Thanks Slothy Sam for suggesting I should give this album a second chance after I had casted it away during my reconnassaince phase of the week.

Highlight: Slip under the door
The Deepening

Prophecy Productions // Black Metal

New stuff from one of my favorite labels, and an album that had fans waiting for a decade? Oh this should be good. And it was! It was also not what I expected. Imagine a black metal band that instead of focusing on raw agression, takes the formula and adapts it to fit a more expansive, pensive, and profound space. Add some gothic vibes, a full glass of atmoblack and unexpected chants and more or less you'll have Vemod, or at least the Vemod fans got after a decade. Really interesting record that I'm 100% will infuriate half of the black metal cvlt while making the other half very happily depressed.

Highlight: Inn i lysande natt
Expedition One

AFM Records // Symphonic Metal

This had all the chances to fulfill my most basic symphonic metal needs for this month but it somehow fell short of accomplishing that. It's undeniably good in what it does, but there's nothing that bands like Amaranth hasn't done before. Metalite knows the brew works, and so it just makes its own using exactly the same ingredients. It tastes slightly different, but it's the same concoction in the end. Enjoyable, but I'm sure there'll be better wells to drink from down the year.

Highlight: Legendary

No BC so have a video:
10Cellar Dwellar
In the Shape of a Swan

Self released // Progressive Alternative Vindicative Poppypative Rock

Strange band these Cellar Dwellars. Not much info about this (very young from what I see from their band pic) band from Columbus (I guess this is Ohio?). It always amazes me, as an old geezer, how the new generations are able to write and play music like this at their age (assuming, always), when all I could play at that same age were Nirvana and Metallica covers. It's honestly somewhat depressing but at the same time, strangely fulfilling. I guess the human race is not entirely lost after all, only the tik tokers are, yeah, those are done. Maybe I should review this one. Hmmm... (thinks in Glass Onion Knight).

Highlight: REV9
11Resin Tomb
Cerebral Purgatory

Transcending Obscurity // Death Metal

What a better way to start the day than with a blast of metallic grindcore tinged dissonant death metal spawn from Transcending Obscurity. 28 minutes smashing your brain to a pulp and it's only tuesday, hell yeah! Love the production on this, you can feel the WEIGHT of those riffs, and Matt Budge's vocals are not the usual guttural style from beyond the graves that is common for the genre, but something more akin to Mark Whelan from Fuming Mouth. Really good record, short enough to go over it again and again.

Highlight: Dysphoria
To Bare the Weight of Death

Vendetta Records // Black Metal

Mgla worship done with excellence. Great melodies and perfect execution although it doesn't leave much of a trace or lingers in the back of the mind due to its relentless nature. Fellow contributor InfernalDeity wrote this one up so click on the album cover to read it!

Highlight: Oceans of Fire
Between Shadows And Gods

Dalapop // Thrash Metal

Well this was an interesting find. Thrash metal ala Exodus, Kreator, Nuclear Assault with a singer that sounds EXACTLY like James Hetfield on his youthful years, really it's uncanny. He also adds that extra oomph to those ball squeezing metal highs, which is just dumb fun when it happens. Very cool revival of this Bay Area sound with a few twists here and there.

Highlight: Evil Deeds
14The Vice
Dead Canary Run

Noble Demon // Gothic Death Rock

This album broke my mind a little. I've only know a Swedish badn called The Vice and I thought they did like sleazy hard rock? So why this band sounds like Tribulation doing hard rock in a graveyard? Crazy record, which I kinda hated at first and now I keep thinking about it. I can't really compare it to anything cause these guys, minor the slight Tribulation vibe because of the guttural style of the vocals, are really doing their thing, and it's impressive.

Highlight: Exit Lights
Of Scorched Earth

Avantgarde Music // Black Metal

I gotta confess that when I got to this one man project from Russia, my brain wasn't at its prime, so i lot fo it passed me by even if my subconscious was trying tor each for the repeat button unsuccesfuly. Very melodic, lots of synths, blast beats, vocal acrobatics, definitely an album that i need to revisit to fully grasp it.

Highlight: Ode to the Night
Melt the Honey

Fire Talk / Indie Rock

I needed something to cleanse myself after such a metal debacle yesterday, so I decided to get on this seemingly inofenssive indie rock pop by Canadian singer songwriter Madeline Link, aka Packs. "It's alright". that's all my brain could muster after a first listen. I hardly doubt I'll listen to it ever again. None of the songs really engaged me, This is clearly an album for herself, which is totally fine and we will make sure it stays that way.

Highlight: None
17Thirsting Altar

Self released // Death Metal

So after the Packs debacle I went back to metal, cause you know, metal always works when it's 6 am in the morning, you're still on the first coffee and there's a whole new day of work ahead of you. Debut EP from this band from Portland. I loved this. It blends old school slimy death metal with tech death adding a clear 90s flavor, impressive growls and satanic ritual chanting in the swamp. And the cover art... Look at it, and then look at it again. Amazing stuff. Can't wait for these guys to release more stuff in the future, definitely keep them on your radar.

Highlight: Oblation
Altered Realities

Dark Descent // Thrash Metal

It's been a few years now that there's this very palpable feeling that thrash metal is on a huge comeback. I think we reached the point that there are honestly so many thrash bands doing the stuff of their ancestors so precisely that it's hard to distinguish what was then and what is now. I would have thought Sovereign belong to an era past behind us, but here they are churning out jams like no one's business.

Highlight: Altered Realities
Full Contact

Dying Victims Productions // Thrash metal / Heavy metal

I love how Dying Victims is dead set on putting out there every metal band doing vintage stuff. The issue with Kontact is that the vocals won't please everyone, and I say this with full confidence. They didn't bother me and the music definitely makes up for it, but that's where many of you will draw the line. The music you say? Well, thrashy at times, hard rockish at times, lots of synths and cool stuff happening in the background. Very fun album for sure.

Highlight: Spectral Fire
20Donato Dozzy

Spazio Disponibile // Ambient Techno

But enough about metal (for today). Let's close with some electronic music, which was severely lacking this week. Fortunately, Italian DJ and producer Donato Dozzy had us covered. Really entrancing album, perfect for studying/office work, some of the pieces here reminded me of Jack Wall's works with the Mass Effect soundtrack and if that is not praise enough, I don't know what is.

Highlight: Magda
21Keyon Harrold

Concord Jazz // Jazz / Soul / Hip Hop

One of my objectives this year is to be a bit more aware of modern jazz releases, since I usually just end up checking basically Bohren or any dark jazz adjacent, and any Fire! related project. Jazz with some brushes of r&b and hip hop is not something I'm used to so I had mixed feelings going into this third album from trumpeteer, composer and producer Keyon Harrold. My fears were dispelled from track one. This is a wonderful album, including wonderful features and performances while touching on very different styles. I was surprised not even Harrold was on the database so do yourself a favor and check this one.

Highlight: Foreverland
Bury Me Here

Self released // Atmospheric Black Metal / Post Rock / Folk

This is the second album I've heard from this Italian gentleman and a significant improvement over his last album. There are still a few aspects of the production that could be better but I really like his ideas and the style he's going for. The most gratig part for me were the lady's vocals on the second track because they feel completely disjointed and they don't bend nicely with the music. On the other hand, there's a few curveballs here that keeps the album from being stale. The cover art is also a good sign of what to expect.

Highlight: Sonder
Ecclesia Gnostica

Les Acteaurs de l'Ombre Productions // Black Metal

Man, the French know how to do it. I usually trust whatever comes from this label and this one didn't disappoint Style wise this is your usual slab of Behemothian BM grilled on French oil so it sounds like you're being about to be burnt alive by a witchhunting cult. Production is fantastic and the album's runtime is not very punishing. Give it a try.

Highlight: Deuteros
24Mary Halvorson

Nonesuch Records // Jazz

Aaaand another jazz record today. I should research these at the beginning of the week instead of cramming them all in the end after all the metal has shredded my brain. On the other hand, this is the kind album that I need to finish the week smoothly. Latest album of the veteran jazz guitar master Mary Halvorson, but a first for me. Pretty impresed with what I heard on this album and I'm not a fan of jazz guitar, but there's so much going on with this album that it's fairly safe to say this goes far and beyond that.

Highlight: Desiderata
From the Gut of Gaia

Syrup Moose Records // All things H/C / Grindcore / Slam

Pretty strong month for metallic hardcore so far. These guys go even a bit further, practising every trick on the book so every track feels a bit different. The clear highlight for me on this record was the drumming, not only the performance but also the sound of that kit. Superb. I'm not too fond of slam but these guys keep it fresh and somewhat entertaining and when they fire up speed they really go all the way up. Pretty solid record to end the week.

Highlight: Anton Syndrome

Well, no surprises. Slift get the album of the week spot by a large margin. Sgaele, Saxon, the Fauns, Mary Halvorson, Thirsting Altar, the Vice... there were a few really good albums too this week but eventually the psychdelic space rock argonauts remain undefeated and there's a good chance they're the album of the month too!

I purposedly skipped the Green Day album, gave it a cursory listen and remembered why the last time I heard Green Day was in 1994. They're just not my thing. About the "challenge", I'm already regretting it XD... Just kidding, it's good fun. Obviously there's this lingering feeling that tells me it'd be nice to spend more time with this or that release, or spend more time with the classics since it's a lot of new music to assimilate every day and the brain is put to hard work, but it's also balanced by the joy of finding a new jam.



1. Slift - Ilion
2. Sgaile - Traverse The Bealach
3. The Vice - Dead Canary Run
4. The Fauns - How Lost
5. Saxon - Hell, Fire and Damnation
6. Glass Beach - plastic death
7. Vemod - The Deepening
8. Keyon Harrold - Foreverland
9. Thirsting Altar - Reclamation
10. Donato Dozzy - Magda

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