
Album Ratings 925
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Last Active 11-07-20 6:44 pm
Joined 01-29-18

Review Comments 778

05.31.24 Rec me nu jazz/downtempo01.09.24 An Ice 2023
12.06.23 Bark Psychosis ranked11.04.23 Nu-National: rated & reimagined
10.20.23 đŸSlowcore season🍂 (recs welcome!)05.04.23 Untitled (ranked)
01.11.23 An Ice 2022 09.26.22 Sad vibes (continued)
09.02.22 Sad vibes04.27.22 The National ranked
01.04.22 Favourite songs discovered in 202101.03.22 Favourite albums discovered in 2021
11.13.21 ISIS albums as ranked by you10.28.21 VOTE for your favourite ISIS album(s)
10.27.21 Ratings clean-up part II: neglected 5s 08.27.21 Ratings clean-up: questionable 4s
08.11.21 Bug: favorite bands box broken06.13.21 600 ratings: my favourite 60 albums
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An Ice 2023

A list of all the albums I liked in 2023. Divided into three tiers and a bonus tier; roughly, first tier are 4.5’s, second tier are 4’s and third tier are 3.5’s/high 3’s. Albums within a tier are not ranked, but placed in alphabetical order. Genres mostly taken from RYM.
1Toby Driver
They Are the Shield

2Advance Base
Animal Companionship

2018 /// 324 scrobbles

I don’t think ‘Animal Companionship’ is a sad album. A light-heartedness prevails throughout these songs, both in the warm, gentle electronics and in the lyrics. It's the thrill of leaving everything behind and finding new love (‘Dolores & Kimberley’), it's the sense of wonder while cruising downtown at night (‘Christmas in Nightmare City’) or, simply, it's loving your dog (‘Answering Machine’). ‘Animal Companionship’ is cute, comforting and life affirming.

đŸ„‡â€™Your Dog’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Dolores & Kimberley’
3Arab Strap

1998 /// 367 scrobbles

‘Philophobia’ barely made my list last year, but like the best slowcore, it has fully revealed itself to me over the course of 2023. My god, are these songs drunk and heartbroken and incredibly real. Top tier opening lyrics as well, and don’t get me started on the drop of the drum machine on the absolutely miserable ‘Piglet’. Go listen! (But take into account it might take a year or two before you fully enjoy the album.)

đŸ„ˆâ€™The Night Before the Funeral’
4Bark Psychosis
Codename: Dustsucker

2004 /// 212 scrobbles

Moody, jazzy and nocturnal post-rock that somehow matches (or surpasses??) the beautiful ‘Hex’. Especially those first four songs are a treat; the band effortlessly navigate the listener through slow climaxes, trumpet solo’s, instrumental outro’s, filthy basslines and hazy vocals. And then we have ambient closer ‘Rose’, which peacefully fades away into nothingness, as one guy on RYM said. Good stuff.

đŸ„ˆâ€™The Black Meat’
đŸ„‰â€™From What Is Said to When It's Read’
5Matt Elliott
The End of Days

Folk / slowcore
2023 /// 130 scrobbles

Of all 2023 releases, ‘The End of Days’ probably catered the most to my taste. A deep-voiced man, skilful with guitar and armed with the occasional piano and saxophone, making a sombre, elegant folk album about the end of time – what’s not to love? Thanks to someone (the user) for bringing the album under my attention. Read his review, everyone!

đŸ„‡â€™The End of Days’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Healing a Wound Will Often Begin With a Bruise’
đŸ„‰â€™Flowers for Bea’

Electronic / experimental rock
2008 /// 205 scrobbles

I was late to the Portishead party. Last year I checked ‘Dummy’ and thought it was alright, if not really for me. ‘Third’ is different. It’s terribly dark and mechanical, the vocals are downright miserable; it gives a claustrophobic feeling. Not an easy listen, but when you’re in the mood, you won’t find anything better.

đŸ„‡â€™We Carry On’
7Toby Driver
They Are the Shield

8Beach House

Dream pop
2012 /// 113 scrobbles

I always dug Beach House, but they never fully clicked with me. That changed last summer, when I fully immersed myself in the bright tones of both ‘Bloom’ and ‘Depression Cherry’ – not just the highlights, but both albums as a whole. I can’t think of a better band to listen to when you want those breezy summer vibes.

đŸ„ˆâ€™On the Sea’
9Beach House
Depression Cherry

Dream pop
2015 /// 94 scrobbles

‘Depression Cherry’ has the same appeal to me as ‘Bloom’, even if it is maybe a bit slower and less direct? Not much to add to the above description; I like summer and I like Beach House.

đŸ„ˆâ€™Space Song’
10Ben Howard
Is It?

2023 /// 139 scrobbles

Ben Howard reinvented himself AGAIN and this time it resulted in his best work since career highlight ‘I Forget Where We Were’. ‘Is It?’ flows so organically, is so bewilderingly creative, and – in line with the above Beach House albums – so enjoyable summery, that I can see myself come back to it every year to discover some more textures and details. Easily one of 2023’s best albums.

(no preferred songs – everything up to ‘Richmond Avenue’ could qualify)
11Bill Ryder-Jones

Indie rock
2018 /// 151 scrobbles

It took some time, but ‘Yawn’ ultimately won me over – these songs need some room to breathe. I prefer the softer songs, as I feel Bill’s voice better suits a more acoustic approach, and the female vocals and these tracks are a nice addition as well. ‘Mither’ is a cool jam though, and also the song that mirrors RHP's approach to slowcore the most (seriously, those first seconds are basically ‘Grace Cathedral Park’). Good album, even if it doesn't immediately show itself .

đŸ„‰â€™No One’s Trying to Kill You’
12Blonde Redhead
Sit Down for Dinner

Dream pop
2023 /// 316 scrobbles

A must-listen for everyone who enjoyed the new Slowdive. ‘Sit Down for Dinner’ is better than your favourite modern dream pop album, constantly moving, switching gears and trading vocals. Better sit down (ha) and listen to Blonde Redhead!

đŸ„ˆâ€™Kiss Her Kiss Her’
13Brian Eno
Ambient 1: Music For Airports

1978 /// 34 scrobbles

I know fuck all about ambient. Eno's beautiful 'Music for Airports' definitely encourages me delve some more into the ambient world, even if I found part 2 (‘Plateaux of Mirror’) to be less engaging.

14Cocteau Twins
Heaven or Las Vegas

Dream pop
1990 /// 287 scrobbles

For some reason, I put off listening to ‘Heaven or Las Vegas’ for ages, as I somehow assumed that I wouldn’t like it. Turns out I was stupid: Cocteau Twins supposed dream pop masterpiece is in fact a masterpiece, even better than the much darker ‘Treasure’. These songs triumph and sparkle with happiness and creativity – a joy to listen to.

đŸ„ˆâ€™I Wear Your Ring’
đŸ„‰â€™Fifty-Fifty Clown’
You Are My Sunshine

Indie rock
2008 /// 280 scrobbles

'You Are My Sunshine' (awful album title) is exactly the kind of emotional indie rock that I need from time to time. I was tempted to put the album in the first tier, having absolutely jammed it to death these last two months, but I don't think its second half is quite strong enough for that (bar the magnificent closer). Really enjoyable comfort food.

đŸ„‡â€™Should You Return’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Chin Up’
đŸ„‰â€™Not So Tough Found Out’
16Damien Jurado
Where Shall You Take Me?

Americana / indie folk
2003 /// 223 scrobbles

One of my favourite Jurado albums. Listened a lot to the americana combo of ‘Omaha’ and ‘Abilene’. Like always, I’m not fond of the odd loud songs Jurado throws in on most of his albums, but luckily, he mostly sticks a calmer indie approach.

đŸ„‰â€™Bad Dreams’
17Damien Rice

Singer/songwriter / folk
2006 /// 128 scrobbles

Rice's weakest and least consistent album (wtf is 'Me, My Yoke and I'?), but there's enough good material still. 'Accidental Babies' is basically Rice dying of sadness for seven minutes straight - gotta love it.

đŸ„‡â€™Accidental Babies’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Sleep Don’t Weep’
18Good Night and Good Morning
Narrowing Type

Slowcore / ambient
2012 /// 53 scrobbles

2023 was the prime of my slowcore phase, but it might just also mark the beginning of an ambient phase. Along with Brian Eno and Sea Oleena (more on that later, see 22) ‘Narrowing Type’ is one of the albums that piqued my interest in the genre. I have yet to learn the words to fully recommend this type of music, so I’m gonna settle with a ‘good album, go listen’.

đŸ„‡â€™Abroad & Neutral’
19Hidden Orchestra
Night Walks

2010 /// 68 scrobbles

Another case of ‘not my usual genre, unsure which words to use’. Listen if you enjoy Portico Quartet and maybe want something more straight-forward.

(no preferred songs)

2010 /// 40 scrobbles

Triumphant and bright: Sigur Rós stripped down to a delightful pop album. Am maybe overrating ‘Go’ a bit, we'll see how it holds on further listens.


Slowcore / jazz-rock
2000 /// 82 scrobbles

‘Unsolved’ has a pretty unique vibe, as its genre tags probably already suggest. Opening track is really neat and welcomes you to the Karate sound. Works surprisingly well as background music too.

22King's Daughters and Sons
If Then Not When

2011 /// 111 scrobbles

Excellent under-the-radar slowcore in the vein of The For Carnation (or do I just think that because the vocalist sounds an awful lot like the brilliant Brian McMahan? hmm). ‘If Then Not When’ has that brooding slowcore vibe, but also contains some faster and louder cuts, most notably the instrumental ‘A Storm Kept Them Away’. Second and third tracks also have some country influence that – to be honest – I don’t particularly enjoy, but overall this is an interesting album that all fans of the genre should give a spin.

đŸ„ˆâ€™A Storm Kept Them Away’
đŸ„‰â€™Open Sky’
23Portico Quartet

2021 /// 45 scrobbles

On paper, I shouldn’t like 'Terrain' as much as I do: I'm an indie sadboi, not some modern jazz connaisseur. However, I found a lot to enjoy in this three-piece suite, the hypnotic opening track in particular. Check it out and let yourself drift away to the comforting sounds of the hang.

đŸ„‡â€™Terrain: I’
24Sea Oleena
Weaving A Basket

Ambient / folk
2020 /// 147 scrobbles

Everyone who enjoyed Grouper's 'Ruins' should IMMEDIATELY drop anything they do and listen to 'Weaving a Basket', or at the very least album highlight 'On Possession'. I just want to immerse myself in those guitar arpeggios, the steady swing of the bass, the hushed vocals, those beautiful, beautiful piano chords at the climax and the waves ending the track - it's a perfect song.

đŸ„‡â€™On Possession’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Lost Song’
25Sigur Ros

Ambient / post-rock
2023 /// 155 scrobbles

‘ÁTTA’ is basically a second Valtari, and since I love that sound I don’t mind one bit. First half especially is quite beautiful. (Also, I caught these guys live and it was wonderful).

Everything is Alive

Dream pop
2023 /// 163 scrobbles

Solid album. Most Slowdive fans will enjoy this one, but they’ll also agree the band has made stronger material.

đŸ„‰â€™andalucia plays’
27Songs: Ohia
Didn't It Rain

2002 /// 122 scrobbles

I feel a bit awkward writing about the work of Jason Molina. This is not just music made by an incredibly talented musician, but also a memorial to a troubled man who died too early, giving my usual predilection for (deeply) sad music a wry aftertaste. RIP, Molina.

đŸ„‡â€™Blue Factory Flame’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Cross the Road, Molina’
đŸ„‰â€™Blue Chicago Moon’
28Sun Kil Moon
Tiny Cities

2005 /// 405 scrobbles

Despite having checked and loved most of Kozelek's pre-Benji work, I always glossed over 'Tiny Cities'. It's 'just' a collection of Modest Mouse covers, right? Turns out I was wrong - these songs carry the same magic other old SKM records do. Kozelek makes MM’s originals completely his own, sometimes only keeping their lyrics, to occasionally beautiful results. Case in point: obvious album highlight 'Space Travel is Boring', in which Kozelek transforms MM's short, noisy version into a classic, melancholic, Kozelek-like folk song. And most of you will probably hate what Kozelek did to 'Tiny Cities Made of Ashes', but I love it, for you can clearly recognize the guitar pickings that would later return on 'Tonight In Bilbao' which, by the way, is the best song ever made. But let's leave it at that.
(obligatory & sad reminder that Kozelek is probably not a very nice human being)

đŸ„‡â€™Space Travel is Boring’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Ocean Breathes Salty’
đŸ„‰â€™Tiny Cities Made of Ashes’

2002 /// 216 scrobbles

Such a vibrant, energetic album. Probably gonna bring it back in rotation when summer arrives.

đŸ„‡â€™Nijiro Darkness’
The Beggar

2023 /// 92 scrobbles

Yeah this is a Swans record through and through, and I don’t mind at all. I like how ‘The Beggar’ channels some Angels of Light-vibes in the more uplifting songs; ‘Ebbing’ could be a different version of ‘Two Women’. I haven’t found the courage to properly delve into the daunting second half and I’m not sure I want to. For now, I’m happy with the Swans album I found in the first half.

đŸ„‡â€™Michael Is Done’
đŸ„‰â€™Why Can't I Have What I Want Any Time That I Want?’
The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxiety

Math rock / post-rock
2005 /// 241 scrobbles

No vocals here - instead, the drums take the forefront, backed-up by twinkly guitars. Jammed this one to death last year, it’s such a comfortable listen.

đŸ„‡â€™Tremolo + Delay’
32The Twilight Sad
It Won/t Be Like This All the Time

Post-punk / indie rock
2019 /// 145 scrobbles

Didn't really connect with this one when it came out, but I should've known it wouldn't be like that all the time (ey!). On par with their excellent debut, I now think: its highs are lower, but its lows are higher. Great vocals throughout.

đŸ„‡â€™[10 Good Reasons for Modern Drugs]’
đŸ„ˆâ€™I’m Not Here’
đŸ„‰â€™The Arbor’
33Wild Pink
A Billion Little Lights

Indie rock /// 2021
203 scrobbles

It’s rare to find an album with the bookends as the weakest links, but - surprise! - 'A Billion Little Lights' is one of those cases. Tracks 3 to 8 are really pleasant indie rock songs, the other songs are kind of whatever. Good band, good album; check if you like The War On Drugs and crave for an easy listen.

đŸ„‡â€™The Shining But Tropical’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Track Mud’
đŸ„‰â€™Oversharers Anonymous’
34Zero 7
Simple Things

2001 /// 105 scrobbles

Smoooooooth, so smooth I can't attach any other meaningful words to it.

đŸ„‡â€™I Have Seen’
35Toby Driver
They Are the Shield

36Arab Strap
Elephant Shoe

1999 /// 81 scrobbles

Last year, I rated Arab Strap’s ‘Philophobia’ about the same as I rate ‘Elephant Shoe’ now, so maybe this one will top my list next year.

(no preferred song)
Stereo Mind Game

Indie rock / dream pop
2023 /// 57 scrobbles

Feel like ‘Stereo Mind Game’ might grow on me in the future. I was enchanted by it for two days when it released, and then for some reason I didn’t care anymore. We’ll see.

38David Bowie

Art rock / jazz-rock
2016 /// 74 scrobbles

where the fuck did monday go?

39Dead Can Dance
Dead Can Dance

Gothic rock
1984 /// 78 scrobbles

(go listen to 'Ocean' immediately you uncultured swine)

40Dead Can Dance
The Serpent's Egg

Neoclassical darkwave (still not sure what that’s supposed to mean)
1988 /// 65 scrobbles

Not the type of DCD I vibe with the most - I'm more into their gothic, post-punky style - but a good album nonetheless.

đŸ„‡â€™The Host of Seraphim’
41DJ Sabrina the Teenage DJ

2020 /// 203 scrobbles

Lol of course I have never put myself through 'Charmed's full three hours of runtime - not even close. I did listen a ton to 'New Year's Resolution' though - amazing track. Fun discovery outside of my usual musical borders.

đŸ„‡â€™New Year’s Resolution’
The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull

Post-rock / drone
2008 /// 42 scrobbles

An early 2023 favourite that I haven’t returned to much, so I’m just gonna say the album cover is really cool.

(no preferred song)
43Ethel Cain
Golden Age

Slowcore / dream pop
2019 /// 85 scrobbles

Another slowcore record that grew on me over time. 'Golden Age' is mellower and more subdued than both 'Inbred' and 'Preacher's Daughter'. The EP flows really well, so much that I can't really point out any highlights. Good from front to back.

(no preferred song)

Progressive rock
1970 /// 26 scrobbles

Old Genesis is just so much fun. 'Trespass', the first album they made in their classic line-up, is only a little less interesting than the albums that followed, and that should be read as a compliment.

(no preferred song)

Industrial metal
1989 /// 42 scrobbles


(Rarely listen to metal these days, insofar I ever have, but I had some fun listening to Godflesh's debut in early 2023)

đŸ„‡â€™Christbait Rising’
46Jason Molina
Let Me Go, Let Me Go, Let Me Go

Folk / Slowcore
2006 /// 150 scrobbles

The bookends are achingly beautiful, don’t care too much about the in between.

đŸ„‡â€™It’s Easier Now’
47Kishi Bashi

Indie pop
2014 /// 139 scrobbles

Funny! Happy! Quirky! But it couldn’t hold my attention for all of its runtime. Think I lighghtly prefer the debut.

đŸ„‡â€™Carry on Phenomenon’
đŸ„ˆâ€™The Ballad of Mr. Steak’
đŸ„‰â€™In Fantasia’

Chamber pop
2000 /// 70 scrobbles

“The guy on the cross is holier than I
But then again he's made from plastic”

(walked around the city with ‘Grumpus’ on repeat and it felt like I didn’t even have to lift my feet – they just walked themselves)

49Lanterns on the Lake
Gracious Tide, Take Me Home

Indie rock / dream pop
2011 /// 105 scrobbles

First three songs are cute indie, and then the rest of the album exists as well. Nothing offensive, nothing too special.

đŸ„‡â€™If I’ve Been Unkind’
Life in Cartoon Motion

2007 /// 24 scrobbles + many CD listens

Had so much fun listening to MIKA in the car with friends on holiday. Also, I rediscovered hidden bonus track ‘Over My Shoulder’, the moody, eerie end to an otherwise very cheery album, with only a piano and MIKA’s falsetto to accompany the listener.

đŸ„‡â€™Over My Shoulder’
51The National
First Two Pages of Frankenstein

Indie rock
2023 /// 418 scrobbles

It feels harsh to put both new National albums in the lowest tier, since I got a ton of mileage out of them and they contain quite a few songs that I truly love. But how many times have I listened to these records front-to-back? The last months, I mostly just jammed the playlist I made of my personal favourites. As an album experience, these records are nowhere near the level of their old classics or even ‘Sleep Well Beast’.
General opinion seems to be ‘Frankenstein’ is the weaker of the two, but I’d rate them just about equally. Check one of my recent lists for mor thoughts on these songs.

đŸ„‡â€™New Order T-Shirt’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Once Upon a Poolside'
đŸ„‰â€™Tropic Morning News’
52The National
Laugh Track

Indie rock
2023 /// 332 scrobbles

(see above writeup and “Nu-National”-list)

đŸ„ˆâ€™Tour Manager’
đŸ„‰â€™Turn Off the House’
In Rainbow Roads

2023 /// couple of spins via Bandcamp

This was kinda fun (it’s a Super Mario 64 version of Radiohead’s ‘In Rainbows’)

(no preferred song)
54Portico Quartet
Portico Quartet

Nu jazz / downtempo
2012 /// 84 scrobbles

I love Portico Quartet's brand of accessible nu-jazz with electronical flourishes. On their self-titled third album, they let go of the 'harder' jazz aspects of their sound and started incorporating downtempo and ambient. Longer tracks 'Ruins' and 'Laker Boo' are the highlights. Cool album, even if I slightly prefer later works.

55Regina Spektor
Soviet Kitsch

Singer-songwriter / pop
2004 /// 45 scrobbles

A very late entry into this list, but I couldn't ignore all the personality that speaks through 'Soviet Kitsch'. 'Us' is a stunner.

56Ruby Haunt
Between Heavens

Dream pop
2023 /// 178 scrobbles

The least good Ruby Haunt album of all the good Ruby Haunt albums.

đŸ„‡â€™Dark Start’
Red Apple Falls

Slowcore / folk
1997 /// 57 scrobbles

A sort-of-underground slowcore classic from Bill Callahan, released under his early moniker. 'To Be Of Use' hit me on first listen, the first half overall is really strong. Not sure what to think of the last couple of songs yet.

đŸ„‡â€™To Be of Use’
58Spangle call Lilli line
spangle call lilli line

Indie rock / post-rock
2001 /// 94 scrobbles

I was surprised by how much I liked the humble debut of the Japanese indiedreampostchillrockers with the incomprehensible band name. Well worth a listen for those who heard and enjoyed PURPLE.

đŸ„‡â€™error slow’
59Spangle call Lilli line

Indie rock / post-rock
2002 /// 83 scrobbles

Honestly, I don't remember much from 'nanae'. I was on a huge SCCC spree last january and haven't really returned since. I do remember 'E' and 'Lilidisco' being jams, and me being torn between giving the album a 3 or a 4 (I went with the coward's score: a 3.5). Reminder to myself to relisten.

60Spangle call Lilli line
Forest At The Head Of A River

Indie rock / post-rock
2010 /// 106 scrobbles

Another SPCC 3.5, mostly on this list because of the gorgeous, 14-minute closer.

61Spangle call Lilli line

Dream pop
2023 /// 77 scrobbles

Far more immediate than the works above, 'Ampersand' was an easy listen, even if half its songs aren't all that interesting.

(no preferred songs)
Tot ziens Justine Keller

Indietronica / indie pop
2011 /// 175 scrobbles

Still haven’t found a Spinvis album I enjoy front-to-back, but each release offers a couple of songs I put on repeat from time to time.

đŸ„‡â€™Ronnie knipt zijn haar’
đŸ„‰â€™Kom Terug’
63Toby Driver
They Are the Shield

64The For Carnation
The For Carnation

2000 /// 73 scrobbles

Thoughts at the end of 2022: “awesome album, even if track 3 and 4 aren’t as interesting as the others”
Thoughts at the end 2023: awesome album, and track 3 and 4 perfectly set the stage for the brooding, faster-paced ‘Tales’ and the magnificent closer – it’s a 5.

đŸ„ˆâ€™A Tribute To’
đŸ„‰â€™Tales (Live From the Crypt)’
65Glen Hansard
This Wild Willing

2019 /// 91 scrobbles

2022: “first five songs are really cool, the rest is alright”
2023: the first five songs are still really cool, but I’ve also grown to appreciate the second, folkier half more, the closer in particular.

đŸ„‡â€™Weight of the World’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Race to the Bottom’
đŸ„‰â€™Leave a Light’
66Jenn Champion
Cool Choices

Indie pop / indie rock
2014 /// 188 scrobbles

2022: “barely a 4, a bit too mopey”
2023: a strong 4, lots to discover in these anxious pop songs.

đŸ„‡â€™Remember Love’
đŸ„ˆâ€™Tell Me’
đŸ„‰â€™White House’
67Ruby Haunt
The Middle Of Nowhere

Dream pop / Slowcore
2019 /// 127 scrobbles

2022: “the least good of all the good Ruby Haunt albums”
2023: the second best of all the good Ruby Haunt albums. The opener is slowcore perfection and arguably their best song.

68Ruby Haunt
Watching the Grass Grow

Dream pop / slowcore
2021 /// 167 scrobbles

2022: “basically perfect, but I can’t give a 33-minute album a 5”
2023: basically perfect and thus a 5.

69Songs: Ohia
Ghost Tropic

2000 /// 87 scrobbles

2022: “horrible & beautiful album”
2023: horrible & beautiful album and also a 5. I’ve really grown to appreciate the two interludes, they’re essential to the experience.

đŸ„ˆâ€™The Body Burned Away’
đŸ„‰â€™Not Just a Ghost’s Heart’
70Trespassers William
Different Stars

Dream pop / Slowcore
2002 /// 183 scrobbles

2022: “hmm this record just keeps growing on me”
2023: I’ve been listening to ‘Different Stars’ since 2017 or so, but only now has it finally entered my list of 5’s. Stellar dream pop.

đŸ„‡â€™Vapour Trail’
71Wild Pink

Indie rock
2022 /// 266 scrobbles

2022: “really good indie rock that I am maybe overrating”
2023: Nah no way I’m overrating this one – ‘ILYSM’ is ridiculously consistent for a 60-minute indie rock album. I’ve come around the most to the two closing tracks that softly bring the album to an end.

đŸ„‡â€™Hold My Hand’
đŸ„ˆâ€™The Grass Widow in the Glass Window’
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