
Album Ratings 349
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Last Active 11-03-23 8:26 pm
Joined 11-03-23

Review Comments 22

05.10.24 Recontextualizing Third Wave Emo Part 3 03.07.24 Recontextualizing Third Wave Emo Part 2
02.27.24 Recontextualizing Third Wave Emo Part 1 01.08.24 Artists I Have Tickets For in 2024
12.27.23 2023 Emo LP / EP Tier List and Ranking12.06.23 Emo In My Top 100 Songs of 2023

Emo In My Top 100 Songs of 2023

Hey, I'm sure everyone is tired of hearing about Spotify Wrapped, YT Music Recaps, etc. So I wanted to do a little something different. This year in Emo was huge for me; I made tons of new discoveries, earned newfound respect for old favorites and got into entirely new sounds. I'm going to list all of the Emo / Emo-Adjacent / Screamo songs in my top 100 this year. I'll let you know the position it's on in the list, the artist, the song title and a brief description. Let me know what Emo songs made it to your most-played songs of 2023!
1Short Fictions
Fates Worse Than Death

#1 “Fates Worse than Death Pt. II: Anthroposcene”

-Representing 5th Wave Emo in a big way, Short Fictions really introduced me to the genre-defying nature of newer Emo while also dipping into the sweet sounds that made the Emo Revival of the late 00s-early 10s so special.
2The Saddest Landscape
All Is Apologized For. All Is Forgiven.

#2 “The Temptation That Is You”

-A marquee 00s Screamo band, this is perhaps their most heartwrenching and dramatic piece. Taking the hard-hitting yet melancholy songwriting of early 00s screamo legends, The Saddest Landscape crafted a personal masterpiece with this track.
what people call low self​-​esteem is really...

#3 "opener"

-awakebutstillinbed are 5th Wave Emo trailblazers, combining Punk-tinged Emo with rough Screamo, this dichotomous sound is exemplified in this track perfectly. Shannon’s passionate vocals should be enough to draw in anyone who finds that even remotely interesting.
Dear You

#5 "Accident Prone"

-One of the best things I did this past year was dive deep into second wave emo, my knowledge of which was pretty subpar. Back in the day, hating on Jawbreaker for Dear You might have been cool, but the album has aged exceptionally well and is an amazing example of that old-school Pop-Punk / Emo fusion. Find a more fitting track to represent this mid-90s sound than Accident Prone.
5The Appleseed Cast
Two Conversations

#7 “The Page”

-This one is on my sleeping list, so it gets a lot of plays. This song is stripped down but manages to capture that iconic Appleseed Cast atmosphere.

#75 “Fight Song”

-One of my favorite tracks of all time, I was so fortunate to see this very song live last year. This song embodies Appleseed Cast’s Post-Rock approach to Emo, with subdued (but passionate) vocals, ethereal guitarwork and truly excellent melodies. One of the true gems of 2000s Emo.
6Origami Angel
Gami Gang

#8 "Greenbelt Station"

-Another off the sleeping playlist, this song removes the frantic and bombastic sound that Origami Angel is known for and lays it all bare in this acoustic track.
7American Football
American Football

#9 “Never Meant”

-The iconic track itself, of course it was going to make an appearance on this list! Irreverant, ironic intro, jazzy / mathy riffs, heart-on-your-sleeve lyrics and vocals, the somber beauty of that last sunset of Summer, no song really brings it all together the way American Football did.

#100 “The Summer Ends

-This song is absolutely serene. The trumpet is bliss, the guitar is sullen, the vocals are filled with hopelessness. This is Emo.
8see through person

#17 "change your name"

-see through person is another 5th Wave Emo band from Florida, exemplifying the heavy and mathy side of the genre in this absolutely killer track. If you like riffs, distortion and general songwriting chaos, this song is for you!
9Blowout [OR]
No Beer, No Dad

#19 "Cents Cents Money Money"

-This track is admittedly more Emo-Adjacent than properly Emo, but damn is this track fun. A driving track with huge melodies, any Emo fan should be able to sink their teeth into this.
10Carly Cosgrove
Buttersock // Freddie Benson

#22 "Freddie Benson"

-This track is admittedly more Emo-Adjacent than properly Emo, but damn is this track fun. A driving track with huge melodies, any Emo fan should be able to sink their teeth into this.
11vs self
Everything Seems Better Now

#23 “Yesterday By Beatles Or: Imagine By Yoko Ono As Sung By John Lennon”

-vs self is the kind of band brimming with enough potential to front an entire Emo movement. Along with some other contemporaries, such as Party Hats and Knumears, vs self are tearing it up with their brand of Midwest Screamo. If you like passionate vocals, mathy Emo riffs and distorted chord progressions, don’t miss out!
#80 “Despair”

-I’m unsure which album this is on, but nonetheless, WOW! Unlike the straightforwardness of the songs on their LP, this track is raw, atmospheric and played at a simmering pace. The melancholy is obvious in this one.
12Free Throw
Bear Your Mind

#24 “Andy And I, Uh”

-I got to see these guys live this past year! I was also fortunate enough to hear this hidden gem live. It’s one of the bounciest songs in their catalog and the playfulness of the guitar and vocals will have you singing along in no time.

#33 “Randy, I Am the Liquor”

-Probably their most popular song not on Those Days Are Gone, this track showcases Free Throws strengths and their strongest. Riffs on riffs on riffs! Songwriting simplicity! Unbelievably catchy vocals.

#48 “Weight On My Chest”

-Damn, I gave this album A LOT of love this year! I was so happy that Free Throw played so many gems from this album at their show. A lot of words I used to describe their previous songs on this list can be applied to this song, yet it’s quite distinct from the former two.
13khaki cuffs
khaki cuffs

#25 “caffeine cops”

-Another relatively simple and safe Emo release from the 5th Wave, but much like Carly Cosgrove, their songwriting fundamentals are solid. If you like Emo tropes, you’ll like Khaki Cuffs.

#51 “wow, college sure is a lot harder the second semester”

-It’s easy to miss, but this song has truly effortless instrumentation, especially in the guitarwork. Some may deem this band a bit generic, but tracks like this show they have a lot of fun ideas that are executed well.
Amateurs and Professionals

#27 "I'll Take You Everywhere"

-Penfold is a top 10 2nd Wave Emo band and songs like this exemplify just why this band is held in such high regard. The masterful songwriting chops shine through with gloomy atmospheres, excellent quiet-loud dynamics and strong vocal performance.

#28 "Microchip"

-Everything I said about the last entry applies here. This song comes from Deep Elm Records’ deeply-underappreciated Emo Diaries collection, specifically from the third. To say that this is one of the best tracks ever released on any of those compilations would be an understatement.
15Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)
What It Takes to Move Forward

#28 “Keep What You Have Built Up Here”

-I challenge you to find a more passionate, emotional and dramatic Emo Revival track out there, taking everything that was great about the 2nd Wave and creating a poignant, very personal work of art like this. Emo’s hardcore backbone isn’t lost on this band and it drives this melodious beauty forward. If you’re into music as art, no matter your stance on Emo, check this out.

#59 “How to Make Love Stay”

-Melancholy just isn’t the right word to describe this track, it’s far too cheery of a term. Perhaps funeralesque. In the end, it’s just Emo played at the highest caliber of artistic songwriting. This track contrasts perfectly with the previous mentioned Empire! song. That doesn’t make it any less dramatic and heartbreaking.
16Merchant Ships

#29 “Long Term Relationships Were Only Cool When Divorce Wasn't”

-Apparently, I’ve accepted my own challenge and have found a worthy challenger. Jack Senff utilizes a Midwest Screamo approach to making music in Merchant Ships, his voice more exasperated as the track moves forward. As it crescendos, you feel as though you’ve been on this stomach-turning life journey with Jack and the rest of the band.
17Future Teens
Hard Feelings

#30 "In Love or Whatever"

-This actually might fall into the category of Emo Pop, but it’s definitely Emo at its core. With this track, we find ourselves on a departure from the previous tracks’ drama and focus inward on the anxieties of getting your life together. If you like simple, catchy Emo, this is for you.
18Street Smart Cyclist

#31 “Kiss Kitty”

-An excellent little slice of Emo Revival with energetic, twinkly riffs, chaotic rhythms and throaty-vocals, Kiss Kitty is what any punk-leaning Emo band should aspire to sound like. However, this band is one of the poster-children for the “beautiful music, horrible singing” sect of Emo.

#35 “Pastor of Muppets”

-Had SSC continued on as a band, we may not have gotten Emo Revival bands like Snowing or Boy Problems, but perhaps that would be made up for by the amazing songs they could have released together. This track is as excellent as the first on this list.

#52 “Three Lane Cut”

-Okay, maybe you’ve guessed one of my favorite Emo Revival bands by now. If you’re this far in, I think you can tell why, though.
19Algernon Cadwallader

#32 “Look Down (Because The Ground Is Easier To Understand And Doesn't Take So Much Work To Figure Out But I'd Rather Not Know Where I'm Standing And Have An Idea Of What Life's All About)”

-Joining Pre-Revival bands like Look Mexico and Oh My God Elephant in the lonely year of 2006, the insanely-named Algernon Cadwallader released a Kinsella-inspired disasterpiece with strained vocals, jangly riffs and cheeky lyrics. Looking back, this track really helped shape the Emo Revival that was to come.
20Michael Cera Palin
"I Don't Know How To Explain It"

#34 "Portrait of a Woman on a Couch With Cats"

-MCP is one of the finest bands of 5th Wave Emo, yet release music so infrequently and in such small doses that their popularity doesn’t seem to make sense! If you’re curious, just listen to this track. With the typical post-ironic irreverance found in newer Emo bands, this band takes what sounded good in Emo Revival tracks and puts a fresh-sounding spin on things. If this band ever decides to take their music-making more seriously, just watch out for their future.
The Complete Collection (1994-1998)

#36 "Parking Lot"

-Quintessential 2nd Wave Emo, Mineral has the kind of passion and fire that many derided Emo Revivalist bands of the 00s and 10s seemed to lack. Quiet-Loud dynamics are harrowing in this track, leading to a crescendo that’s one of the best moments in Emo history.
The Albatross

#37 “Rory”

-I secured tickets to the FoxingHotelier full album show and I’m beyond pumped. Foxing is one of those bands I found randomly on the internet a decade ago and they blew me away. Who knew years later, I’d get extremely into Emo and this band would of course be a standout of the genre? Much like the Empire! Empire! And Merchant Ships tracks before, this song is overflowing with emotions and boils over by the end.

#88 “The Medic”

-Pain. This album is pain, and this song is no exception. With an overwhelmingly powerful vocal delivery, the rest of the band actually pops off during this song too, if not a bit more on the low-key side.
23Business Models

#38 “When You Walked Off”

-A lively punk-influenced Emo song, this track is a quick breeze through the more fun and energetic side of Emo. Pop-punkers should give this a try!

#70 “Companion Piece”

-More Pop-Punk inspired Emo here with interesting guitar riffs, playful vocal melodies and a very quick runtime.
24On The Might of Princes
Where You Are and Where You Want to Be

#39 “For Meg”

-2nd Wave Emo contemporaries of bands like Mineral and Penfold, On The Might of Princes takes the beloved genre and combines it with Post-Hardcore and Screamo influences, giving them a sound like no other. This track is an epic and showcases the different sides of this band immaculately.

#56 “The Water vs. the Anchor”

-This song demonstrates this band’s ability to handle Quiet-Loud dynamics at an expert level, blending that 2nd Wave Emo melody with spastic Post-Hardcore. They’re easily one of the coolest bands I’ve discovered in this genre.
25City of Caterpillar
City of Caterpillar

#40 “And You're Wondering How a Top Floor Could Replace Heaven”

-After immersing myself in all things Emo the first half of the year, I dug my claws deep into the Screamo / Skramz scene. Having never heard this band before this year, I can confidently say they’re the perfect blend of that chaotic Skramz sound with a brooding Post-Rock atmosphere. However, it differentiates itself from both European and Japanese Post-Rock Screamo in a way you just have to listen for yourself.
26State Faults

#41 "Wildfires"

-After immersing myself in all things Emo the first half of the year, I dug my claws deep into the Screamo / Skramz scene. Having never heard this band before this year, I can confidently say they’re the perfect blend of that chaotic Skramz sound with a brooding Post-Rock atmosphere. However, it differentiates itself from both European and Japanese Post-Rock Screamo in a way you just have to listen for yourself.
27The One Up Downstairs
The One Up Downstairs

#43 "Rememories"

-Mike Kinsella finds himself on this list again, but with this really cool short-lived project that only released a few songs. Nonetheless, the signature jazz-style guitar and vocal delivery from Kinsella is present and accounted for in this snazzy song.
28Jail Socks
It's Not Forever

#45 “Parting Words”

-More of that “safer” 5th Wave Emo, Jail Socks still rocks out with this fun and energetic song. If you’re anything like me, this song’s melodies will stay with you long after listening.

#54 “Jake Haplin”

-It’s interesting how many songs are just peoples’ names. Anyway, another fun and catchy track from Jail Socks. Get ready to sing this one out loud at their shows!

#63 “Poplar Avenue”

-Just more fun! I really listened to the EP a ton this year.
29Father Figure (TX)
jumping off a building

#46 "this is my attempt at an apology"

-Plain and simple, this band is weird. They play Midwest Screamo with strong helpings of Emoviolence and bird screeches. That being said, if that at all sounds appealing to you, this is one of the greatest bands alive. Be prepared to go on a journey with this short song.
30Topiary Creatures
Tangible Problems

#47 "Moving Target"

-Another banger from the 5th Wave, this song makes excellent use of synths. The rhythm section tends to get a little mathy and the singer effortlessly exudes melody from every lyric.
31Origami Angel
Somewhere City

#49 "The Title Track"

-Exemplary genre-defying 5th Wave Emo, Gami Gang combines Math Rock with both pop and hardcore elements somehow to get their unique sound. As you listen to this track, just be aware that there are only two members of this band, and then question how they fill the air with sound so effectively.
At Your Own Risk

#50 "Lost in IKEA"

-Rhythmically simple with fun guitarwork, Cliffdiver launch forward with a hopeful song in this often-bleak genre. Interestingly, the singer has a much deeper voice than you’re used to when listening to the whine-defined genre.
33William Bonney
All Ten

#53 "Leather Empire"

-This is another Jack Senff-fronted band on this list, and won’t be the last (spoilers!). Senff continues to define Midwest Screamo, this time with a stronger hardcore edge. Nonetheless, all of the emotion and melody is still here in spades.
34Insignificant Other
i'm so glad i feel this way about you!

#55 "un mensaje"

-Cute Emo-Adjacent stuff with melodic female-fronted vocals, this Emo-Pop piece is guaranteed to have you singing a lyric in Spanish, even if you don’t know one word!
35Can't Swim
Death Deserves a Name

#57 "Your Clothes"

-This is more Emo-Adjacent Post-Hardcore than anything else, but goddamn, this band rocks. This song is probably my favorite of theirs as it shows off their insane, sincere vocals juxtaposed next to some truly excellent Post-Hardcore.
36Stars Hollow
Happy Again


-Another 5th Wave Emo band, another combination of that jangly Algernon-like playfulness with a singer that’s ready to scream his entire throat away. This is a must-listen if you enjoy the twinklies that come with Emo but also enjoy the power of screaming vocals.
37Dogs On Acid
Dogs On Acid

#60 "Make It Easy"

-If you enjoyed Peter’s voice in Algernon and Business Models, here’s yet another band that he fronted. However, compared to the twinkly fun of Algernon and the Pop-Punk energy of Business Models, this track sounds like a Pinkerton-era Weezer song. Perhaps that makes this track more Emo-Adjacent than anything, but it sure does make me happy (ironically).

#61 "Better"

-A low-key band of Emo’s 5th Wave, this strong is a strong contender for best song of the wave thus far. This finely-crafted tune takes you on a journey of sorrow and mourning, but with an upliftiing crescendo that feels earned.
39Tiny Moving Parts
Pleasant Living

#62 "Always Focused"

-Math Rock fans rejoice! The Holy Riff has blessed us with an appearance on this list. If the Math Rock side of Emo is your favorite thing, this song might just be the best one on here. A memorable guitar hook and some time signature hopping ensure this one is in the Emo / Math Rock Hall of Fame.
40The Newfound Interest in Connecticut
Tell Me About the Long Dark Path Home

#64 "Five Years of Work and We Built That Song"

-During Emo’s commercial period in the 00s, a small but thriving network of underground Emo artists kept the ethos of the 2nd Wave alive. Among those bands is NIIC, whose track on this list is an utter masterpiece. Putting together 2nd Wave Emo with heavy elements of Post-Rock, the musicianship on display alone should be enough to hook you in. If not, try the bleak atmosphere or the ingenious song structure.
41Touche Amore/Pianos Become the Teeth

#65 Pianos Become the Teeth - “Hiding”

-Pianos is a band that helped me get into Screamo all of those years ago. I was lucky enough to see them in LA with Touche Amore AND La Dispute in the same show. I was never the same again. Anyway, Pianos shifted into a less Screamo-oriented direction with Keep You, but this song acts as a preamble to that sound. There’s still a chilling quality to the songs, but with more melody.
42Sunny Day Real Estate
How It Feels To Be Something On

#66 "Pillars"

-An apt title for this album, Sunny Day Real Estate are about as close to Emo royalty as you can get. I’ve made attempts in past years to get into them, but I finally got the appeal this past year. Pillars is an iconic track that really needs no introduction. If you like Emo, listen to this song!
43Free Throw
Lavender Town

#67 "Pennsylvania Dutch"

-This is one of their earlier songs, coming out the same year as their debut LP. It definitely has the feel of one of their early songs with raw, stringy guitars. The band really manage a special atmosphere with this track.
44Algernon Cadwallader
Some Kind Of Cadwallader

#68 “Casual Discussion In A Dome Between Two Temples”

-More twinkly, angular fun from Algernon. This song makes you feel like you’re living in a fever dream, especially if you listen closely to the lyrics. Regardless, this track is essential to those who love Emo and Emo Revival.
Welcome the Problems

#69 (Nice) “The Serious Kind”

-If you love American Football but wished it had slightly more bite to it, then this band will be right up your alley! This Emo track features unique low-register vocals, jazzy instrumentation and the ethos of Punk. Colossal helped keep Underground Emo alive during its commercial peak.

#94 “The Dusk of Us”

-This song in particular contains some truly otherwordly guitar playing, so based on that alone, I’d recommend this song.
46Pool Kids
Pool Kids

#71 “That’s Physics, Baby”

-Extremely catchy Emo-Pop styled with Math Rock elements, this is 5th Wave Emo at its best: combining elements from all eras of the genre, including the controversial 3rd Wave. If this is the future of Emo, we as fans are in good hands.

#79 “Arm’s Length”

-Contrasting this to the previous track. Arm’s Length is more straightforward but focuses all of its energy on its infectious melodies and unbelievable vocal performance. This song is going to get stuck in your ear, be warned.
47Remember Sports
All Of Something

#72 "Stunted"

-Representing the Soft-Grunge side of Emo, Remember Sports breaks Emo down to its core elements with this song, taking what might sound mundane in the hands of lesser musicians and crafting a bleak yet somewhat bouncy atmosphere.
48algae bloom
I am everyone I've ever met

#73 "Thorns"

-Speaking of stripping Emo to its barest elements, perhaps no band does it better than Algae Bloom. Serene guitar riffs, simplistic, pounding drums and a sad guy who’s screaming his head off characterize this song. For Midwest Screamo fans, this is a must-listen.
491994! / Snowing / Boys and Sex / Algernon Cadwallader
Summer Singles

#74 Boys and Sex - “High Notes”

-A short-lived band that came out of the ashes of Boy Problems, Boys and Sex continue the tradition of solid Midwest Screamo. This song, released with other Emo Revival bands on an underrated split, truly belongs among the greats like Snowing and Algernon. Do not sleep on this song!
50My Head in Clouds

#74 "Donut Run"

-It’s a shame this band didn’t release more material. Playing a frantic Midwest Screamo style with stringy guitars and lofi production, this band doesn’t do anything incredibly original but are an extremely solid listen if you like the genre.
51State Faults

#77 "Cemetary Lights"

-State Faults proves again to be one of the best modern day Screamo artists, this time with a Post-Rock-laden masterpiece that features more frenetic musicianship than their previous entry on this list. An all-out audio assault, you cannot skip this if you like Screamo at all.
52Midwest Pen Pals
Inside Jokes

#78 "Movies Like Juno"

-Senff’s final contribution to this list, this earnest song is the most Midwest Emo of his big three bands. This catchy track features a fun-as-Hell guitar riff, so much so that the Based God himself sampled it in one of his songs. If you like Emo Revival stuff, this is going to be up your alley.
53Slaughter Beach, Dog

#81 "Acolyte"

-Finally a change of pace after tons of heavy hitters. This beautiful song is a romantic ode, best described as the kind of song you’d make up about your wife at 3am on a drunken Saturday night, and I say that in the best way. The acoustic guitar, the whistling and humming, the soft-spoken lyrics, everything about this song comes together to deliver a subdued song that’s filled with emotion.
54Free Throw
Those Days Are Gone

#82 “Hey Ken, Someone Methodically Mushed the Donuts”

-This song conveys a very simple message - regret for having loved someone. This isn’t exactly groundbreaking for the genre, and the structure of the track isn’t anything special, but the slow crescendo to its heartbreaking conclusion is worth quite a few listens.
False Cathedrals

#83 "Calm Americans"

-Elliott made a significant contribution to Emo’s Second Wave in its dying days with this album, and this song embodies everything that is good about this band. A unique lead piano flows through this song, accentuating the disparate dynamics and the incredible vocal performance.
56Free Throw
Piecing It Together

#84 "Cloud Sick"

-Their final song on this list (I promise), Cloud Sick is definitely among the best of their newer songs from this decade. Catchy Emo riffs, that signature Cory vocal delivery and very memorable hooks define this song.
57Origami Angel
The Brightest Days

#85 "Second Best Friend"

-This album was a vital part of the soundtrack to my Summer, and this song in particular is one of the best ones on the mixtape. Origami Angel’s energy remains unmatched and their catchiness is on a new level.

#86 "Topanga lawrence"

-This album was a vital part of the soundtrack to my Summer, and this song in particular is one of the best ones on the mixtape. Origami Angel’s energy remains unmatched and their catchiness is on a new level.
I Spent the Winter Writing Songs About Getting Bet

#87 "Curtains Down! Throw in the Towel"

-Proper. positions themselves in Emo’s 5th Wave, drawing a lot of influence from Punk to deliver sincere and confessional Emo. As the track drives forward, you’ll notice the melodic guitar riffs and blistering lyrical delivery.
60Camp Trash

#89 "Bobby"

-Outrageously simple, high production values and catchy vocals - perhaps this isn’t the most depressing Emo song of all time, but it’s at the very least Emo-Adjacent.
61Stay Inside

#90 "Ivy"

-Post-Hardcore-tinged Emo. This song hasn’t done anything you haven’t heard before, but it definitely finds a way to stand out in this crowded field.
62Fiesta Bizarra
Sadness Sorrow Imathgination

#91 “¿Ya No Existes Más?”

-Fiesta Bizarra is a Midwest Screamo band that hails all the way from Peru, so right off the bat, they’re in a unique position. This song features really stringy Math Rock-like chord progressions and is overally a fairly light-hearted song, a weird feeling with all of the screaming around the clean vocals.
63You Blew It!
Keep Doing What You’re Doing

#92 "Match and Tinder"

-With the Emo Revival winding down by 2014, You Blew It! crafted this wonderful Emo track. The raw emotions, the playful guitarwork, the excellent vocal melodies, you’re gonna find all of your favorite Emo tropes here in this song.
64Koyo (US)
Painting Words Into Lines

#93 "Heaven So Heavy"

-Koyo is a relatively new band to the scene, but they’ve made a huge impact with their Post-Hardcore / Emo blend. Interestingly enough, this song sounds like if Jesse Lacey of Brand New was the frontman of Saosin. The harmonies alone are worth digging into.
65Boy Problems
Summer Tour Songs

Honorable Mention

I listened to this band A LOT this year, but their music was recently taken down so it doesn't count toward my total.
66Make Me
Make Me

Honorable Mention

67I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism...

Honorable Mention

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