Lol I Heard The New Lights Album Isnt On Spotify So Tundra Cant Add It To His Playlist

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Last Active 10-22-22 4:28 pm
Joined 07-16-10

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Same as before, REAL PRIZES for whoever recs me the best album. The rules are simple, I choose what kind of recs I want, the first however many people I feel like to rec albums I havent heard get added to the list, and at the end I draw a random prize out of a hat for the person who rec'd me the best album! If there are too many ties for 1st-3rd place a second round for those users will be introduced. This time around I would like DANCE recs. Anything that makes you want to DANCE or is DANCEABLE of ANY GENRE Interpret that as you will. See the comments for a list of the prizes (from now on referred to as SUPRIZES) that are in the prize pool this month. If your rec is so shit I can't even sit through it you are automatically disqualified so that I don't have to subject myself to it any further and also so that I don't end up 1'ing the fuck out of a darling record of yours that never stood a chance.
1Cherushii & Maria Minerva
Cherushii & Maria Minerva


Incredible start and early contender for redemption arch of the season after making me listen to fucking Marina last time. The vocals border on meshing discordantly with the production sometimes in a way that is for the most part endearing more than anything which gives this the charismatic edge to push it into a space of uniqueness. The production reminds me of Lone at times, which is a perfect vibe for late spring/early summer. This definitely panders to my tastes nicely, a well thought out rec. I generally like short and sweet albums but in this case the brevity lessened the impact of the closer, which would otherwise be a great wind down track… I just wasn’t ready to wind down yet. I wanted MORE.

Base rating: 3.9
Noggin’ Nodder: +1
Safety Vest: -0.5
Patty Pander: +0.5
Redemption Arch: +1

Final Score: 5.9
2DJ Trystero


This is fine and all but I would have to be on a considerable amount of MDMA to dance to this. This is mostly armchair stuff to me. And even then, it’s not very interesting. Just lightly pleasant.

Base rating: 2.9
Stanley Stander: -1.0
Risky Randy: +1 for rec’ing an album he hadn’t even heard in its entirety

Final score: 2.9
3Ohio Players


This doesn’t do much to change my opinion of 70’s Funk. I can’t say I enjoyed it much, but at least it felt rather quintessential for the genre and therefore certainly not a waste of my time from an educational perspective. I also have a soft spot for Love Rollercoaster because I had a friend in high school who was obsessed with it. That song makes me want to dance, and the slower songs make me want to sway with a lighter or some shit. But the rest didn’t move me.

Base rating: 3
Sway n’ Slay: +0.5
Risky Randy: +0.5
Stanley Stander: -0.5

Final score: 3.5
4Piri & Tommy


Probably the ultimate in “safe bets” considering you knew I liked all the singles from this in advance, but that’s perfectly alright when it checks all the boxes like this does. I do think that the singles cover most of the highlights here aside from “beachin” which was new to me, but the rest is nice as well. Album is pretty much the epitome of a 3.5.

Base rating: 3.3
Safety vest: -1
Pander Patty: +1
Booty quake: +1

Final score: 4.3
5DJ Assault
Jungle Love


Not a lot to chew on or unpack here which is the risk of rec’ing an EP. The first song was mid. The next two were good fun. Third track is truly meme-worthy in the best way. Did not need a sped up instrumental reprieve as a closer. So two good songs, a mid song, and a redundant filler track. The bookends are going to drag this down on the whole. I also have to dock points for having to listen to this track by track on YouTube via discogs.

Base rating: 3.2
Risky Randy: +1
Accessibility Crisis: -1
Booty Quake: +0.5

Final score: 3.7
6Diseno Corbusier
El alma de la estrella


I don’t know how to describe how I feel about this album without using ableist terminology that I’ve been trying very hard to permanently eradicate from my vocabulary so I’m just going to score it and move on.

Base rating: 1.4
Risky Randy: +1
Stanley Stander: -1
WTF Dude: -0.5
Good Album Art Tho: +0.5
Cyclotron Take-A-Hikelotron: -0.5

Final score: 0.9
7Alexander O'Neal


I feel like this was a really safe play after seeing my enjoyment of your Janet Jackson rec from last comp, but this didn’t resonate nearly as much. I kind of forgot each song as soon as the next one started playing. Very forgettable listen, and it didn’t move my booty.

Base rating: 2.7
Safety vest: -0.5

Final score: 2.2
8Eddie Palmieri
Unfinished Masterpiece


I don’t think you have any point of reference for my opinion on salsa, or Afro-Cuban, or anything like that so I would consider this a Risky Randy for sure. But FYI I love it. And I love this album. Absolutely fucks. Cobarde is god-tier salsa fusion bullshit. Utterly simping. I’m proud of you for this. I hope you make it to the finals.

Base score: 4.3
Risky Randy: +1.0
Booty Quake: +1.0

Final score: 6.3
9The Off Daze
Couple's Skate


While this is admittedly a bit vapid it fills a similar role of harmless good fun that something like Jungle or Her does and reminds me a lot of a particular college era of little to no responsibility and a lot to yes partying. I don’t think I’ll return to this but save for the awful outro it was an enjoyable, undemanding, popcorn-style listen.

Base rating: 3.0
Booty Wiggle: +0.5

Final score: 3.5
10Happy Mondays
Pills 'n' Thrills and Bellyaches


Perhaps there is a timeline where I am a starry-eyed indigo-child deadhead who would love to interpretive dance to this barefoot in the mud but this is not it. This is mostly obnoxious to me with the ocassional bass groove that gives either faint whiffs of Fishmans or 90’s British alt/ trip hop-lite. Those moments are okay.

Base rating: 2.1
Risky Randy: +1
Stanley Stander: -0.5

Final score: 2.6
11Fats Domino
Fats Domino Swings


….I don’t think you learned anything from last round.

Base rating: 2.3
Pity Party: +1

Final score: 3.3
Beyond Blue


This is exactly my kind of dnb. Really particularly sad this isn’t on Spotify because I’d probably listen to it a bunch more if it was.

Base rating: 3.8
Noggin’ Nodder: 1.0
Patty Pander: 1.0
Accessibility Crisis: -0.5

Final score: 5.3
13Benjamin Diamond
Strange Attitude


This is the music Tom Sandoval would unironically make if he had a modicum of talent. This is a lot of fun even tho the lyrics to track two are mildly sus and groomy. The novelty wears a bit thin in the second half, however.

Base rating: 3.3
Booty Wiggle: +0.5

Final score: 3.8
14James Holden
Balance 005


I don't actually agree that this was a risky rec. I don't listen to a lot of DJ Mixes because a) they are usually long as balls, and b) i find them very context bound. This paid off for you however, because instead of gaining/losing safety and pander points, I'm giving you the Risky Randy modifier in full. I also do have to give you the Larry Long-Balls modifier however, but am only deducting half a point because although it was indeed long as balls, I didn't mind.

Base score: 3.8
Risky Randy: +1
Larry Long-Balls: -0.5
Booty Quake: +0.5
Noggin’ Nodder: +0.5

Final score: 5.3
15Mr. Oizo
Analog Worms Attack


This has some 00’s def jux or anticon vibes that make me think I’d fucks with it when I was in high school. It’s aight. It didn’t make me dance but it did get my noggin noddin a few times.

Base score: 3.2
Noggin’ Nodder: +0.5

Final score: 3.7
Alien Civilization


This was a risky rec. I knew what this was going to be as soon as I saw the name, title, and album art. I fucking hate psytrance. BUT, this was just goofy enough to encroach on laser tag music territory in a way that really speaks to my inner child. So for a very short period of time I did have fun with this in an ironic kind of way. So there’s that.

Base rating: 2.7
Risky Randy: +1.0
Noggin’ Nodder: +0.5

Final score: 4.2
17LTJ Bukem
Intelligent Jungle


This was good although pretty easy to lose to the background at times. It’s definitely got a classic feel to it, and leans towards the sides of 90s jungle I prefer (atmospheric) but maybe not enough into the stuff I like absolute best (jazz step).

Base rating: 4.1
Noggin’ Nodder: +1

Final score: 5.1
18Special Interest
The Passion Of


The first two tracks had me really worried about this but I’m glad I stuck through them. Track 3 is great and it’s all good from there on out. I fucks with this. I’ll have to revisit the first two songs and see if they resonate better now that I know that I’m into it.

Base rating: 3.7
Risky Randy: +1.0
Bang Yo Head: +1.0

Final score: 5.7
Second Toughest in the Infants


Full disclosure I don’t fully subscribe to the cult love for Underworld. I think I ~understand~ it, but I don’t ~feel~ it. That’s not to say I don’t find anything of interest, here and there I find a track that really does something for me, but I just haven’t found it in myself to become an Underworld fanatic even though I feel I ought to be. That being said, this was cool and felt like a quintessential experience of sorts. Also best album name of all time.

Base rating: 4.2
Noggin’ Nodder: +1
Dat Album Title: +0.5

Final score: 5.7
20Fred Again..
Actual Life 3 (January 1 - September 9 2022)


I wasn’t a big fan of the fact that I didn’t immediately hate this. It was kinda cute and kinda vibed, much to my chagrin. Fortunately, the novelty wore thin after the first third or so and it dissolved into the vapid basic-bitch edm slog I always assumed it would be. Phewph. You really almost gaslit me there. Pretty harmless fun tho. In a world where my taste and level of pretentiousness had diminished juuust a tad more I’d probably listen to this again.

Base rating: 3.1
Boot wiggle: +0.5
Risky Randy: +0.5
Gaslight Gary: -0.5

Final score: 3.6
21Andres (USA-MI)


This is sick that is all.

Base score: 3.7
Booty Wiggle: +0.5
Noggin’ Nodder: +0.5

Final score: 4.7
22Baby Huey
The Baby Huey Story: The Living Legend


The beginning of Hard Times is a good hip hop sample. Good song. Otherwise this is reaaaaallly far off from my taste.

Base score: 2.5
Risky rec: +1
YouDontEvenKnowMe: -0.5
Stanley Stander: -0.5

Final score: 2.5
23La Punta Bianca


Pretty decent pander but nothing on here was as good as the first track and it didn’t really make me dance. I wish everything here was at the same standard as Smell of Paint.

Base rating: 3.1
Patty Pander: +0.5

Final score: 3.6
24Pollon and Simulant
Scopex 98/00


This is yes-coded. Very good. This was the biggest pain in the ass to listen to of anything here but I liked it enough to overlook that. Off to the finals with you!

Base rating: 4.1
Sack-Thwomper: +1
Accessibility Crisis: -1
But Fuck It: +1

Final Score: 5.1
25Joe Arroyo
Toque de Clase


Yes bro. I prefer the previous salsa album on this list to this one as it was a bit more “out there” with the fusion ass bullshit influences but this fucks too. A very well considered rec. I can’t give you a risky Randy modifier like I did for asleep tho because I think you have a better point of reference for my tastes in such things than asleep does.

Base rating: 3.9
Booty quake: +1

Final score: 4.9
Coup d'etat


I hope this was a troll. This is ~aggressively~ terrible. Could not finish.

Base score: 0.1
Stanley Stander: -1
Pity Party: +1

Final score: 0.1
27Fela Kuti
Alagbon Close


Yep. It’s a Fela Kuti album. Typical I know, but I don’t think anything will ever top Zombie for me. But this was great.

Base score: 4
Booty quake: +1
Safety Vest: -0.5
Patty Pander: +0.5

Final score: 5
Dewdrops in the Garden


This is the guy you need to look out for / take notes from. Absolute rec god right here. Idk if he’s actually heard these albums he’s been hitting me with or if he’s just smart enough to look up a top 100 list for the genres that clearly resonate with me and pick something that has 0-4 ratings but however he works his magic, he’s doing good work. Watch him take it home again.

Base rating: 4.3
Booty quake: +1.0
Patty Pander: +1.0
Rec God: +1.0

Final score: 7.3
29The Cactus Channel
Wooden Boy


This got that menahan street band energy. Good stuff.

Base score: 3.5
Booty wiggle: +1

Final score: 4.5
30Head Automatica


There is a lyric on the second track that really resonates:

“I hate it.”

Base rating: disqualified
Risky Randy: +1

Final score: disqualified +1
31RAH Band
Going Up


Ive definitely heard the first song on here and its a slapper. Great album all around and it definitely fulfills the guidelines. Very safe of gyro to follow the rules this time so gonna have to dock some points for paying attention.

Base score: 4.1
Safety Vest: -0.5
Booty Wiggle: +1
Actually-Read-The-Rules: +0.5

Final Score: 5.1
32Kino (Rus)


Risky Russian Rec. It was ok.

Base score: 2.9
Risky Randy: +1
Booty Wiggle: +0.5

Final score: 4.4
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