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Last Active 01-23-21 3:06 pm
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David Lynch ranked

13. DUNE
This movie is a mess and poor Lynch knows it well. While he wanted to create something much more spiritual and metaphoric, much like Jodorowski's dune that never saw the light, producer Dino DeLaurentis wanted a huge blockbuster in the style of star wars and as many Lynch fans knows, he declined the offer of being the director of episode VI because he didn't gave a flying fuck about that saga. His ideas were castrated in order to appeal to a bigger audience and the movie flopped. I like MacLachlan but he's terrible as Paul. The plot is confusing but not in a good way, some costumes are just ridicolous and the fight scenes aged terribly, every character besides maybe the Baron are bland. The Sandworms still looks awesome though.
Suspended Animation

His shorts are a mixed bag. You can find mere style exercises such as his first short "six men gettin sick", weird funny ones like "what did jack do?" whose plot is about a monkey who killed a gorilla because his beloved chicken cheated him, cryptic surreal works such as "the grandmother" and "the amputee" and, well, David Lynch himself preparing quinoa. Check them out if you're interested in some of his earliest works and surreal experimentation.
Absolute Power

i really enjoy this film despite being so low. A pulp road movie with over the top violence (that influenced Tarantino movies imo), Nicolas Cage being Nicolas Cage for two hours and tons of weird Lynchian humour. The story structure is built like a sort of deranged fable with references to The Wizard of Oz (Laura Dern's mother is the wicked witch and there's Laura Palmer doing the good one), Willem Dafoe's Bobby Peru seems like a depraved version of the traditional fable goon. Wild at heart is overall a really fun film which drags a bit at times but is still entertaining, it lacks the dreamy feeling of most of Lynch movies still keeping weird characters, tongue in cheek dialogues and surreal vibes.
16Angelo Badalamenti
The Straight Story

Many detractors claimed that Lynch was not able to write a straight story. So he wrote "A straight story".
Maybe the most Linear movie ever, this movie is about an old man that makes a long trip through the country on a lawnmower to meet his sick brother after not seeing him for years due to a quarrel. And that's just about it. In it's semplicity this film deals with subjects such as old age, loneliness, brotherhood and hope. The only "Lynchian" scene is the one about a woman who accidentally keeps killing deers with his auto. Besides that this film is the most ordinary thing ever, so mission accomplished.
15Soundtrack (Film)
Lost Highway

My only issue with this movie is the change of pace during the central part. The first 45 minutes are some of the darkest and most haunting moments from this director. After the main character's switch there's a bit of dragging but from that bad trip that is the scene at Andy's house it gets really chilling. Lost Higway blends elements of neo-noir, thriller, eroticism, romance and even psychological horror. The mystery man is one of the most unsettling characters in Lynch movies and the feeling delivered by the tapes is truly uncomfortable. The soundtrack is varied like the movie influences, combining jazz, ethereal tracks like "song of the siren" and industrial metal like "Rammstein". The plot may seem confusing but it perfectly encapsulate the definition of Freud's obsessional neurosis through the eyes of an unreliable narrator and give hints of the actual story throughout the whole movie. The highway's metaphor is really smart. Pullman's and Arquette's performances
14Soundtrack (Film)
Lost Highway

performances were top notch.
13David lynch
Inland Empire OST

And i thought that Eraserhead was weird. His most unaccessible work. I mean, even David Lynch didn't knew where he was aiming and wrote the screenplay day by day in a sort of stream of thought. A 3 hours fever dream and his only film in digital, many scenes were recorded with different and cheap cameras in order to craft somehow more confusion and a gritty amateur vibe that perfectly fits the unnerving and soiled nature of Inland Empire. The close-ups makes you feel uncomfortable for the characters, the unchronological nature of the events is even worse. Laura Dern deserved an oscar for this movie instead of a marriage story, she really looks like an actress on a downward spiral into paranoia, madness and dissociation.
Scenes like the Rabbits segments, the phantom and the infamous jumpscare makes IE a psychological torture.
12Angelo Badalamenti
Blue Velvet

This iconic classic may serve as a bridge between a more accessible filmmaking and lynch's oneiric surrealism resulting in a unique Noir opera. The plot is linear and understandable still the further the story goes the more the situation gets surreal, the setting starts as a bright overly happy town but when our protagonist Jeffrey Beaumont digs deeper into the slums the filth comes out. Frank Booth is a perfect villain, Hopper's performance is both over the top and unsettling and perfectly portrays a schizophrenic criminal that abuses both phisically and psychologically lounge singer Dorothy Vallens elegantly portrayed by Isabella Rossellini. The dreamy vibes and mellow soundtrack contraposes with the twisted imagery showed in the second half.
Honorable mention to one of the most creative product placements ever.
11Angelo Badalamenti
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

The series prequel received lot of hate from the fans at the times, i guess because people wanted answers and Lynch confused the story even more with more questions. The lack of humor and the much darker direction of the story was not accepted by the audience, even Kyle Maclachlan had mixed feelings about it and featured in the film for his friendship with the director. Honestly, besides some dragging in the mid part, this movie is awesome and it's darker direction fits the bad mood of Lynch after his series was taken away from him and i see it like he wanted to get rid of all the soap-opera audience and make twin peaks his creature again.
Bowie's character is interesting, BOB is scary as fuck, the oneiric scenes are wisely crafted, the disturbing depiction of domestic abuse is hard to watch and the concept of evil through depersonalization is explored even more compared to the series. Most of all Sheryl Lee's performance as Laura Palmer is outstanding
10Angelo Badalamenti
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

is outstanding and makes her character really complex. Her expression during the ending scene still haunts me.
9Angelo Badalamenti
Twin Peaks

5. TWIN PEAKS (S1 & S2)
What convinced me to watch this series (don't know why i waited so long) is the beautiful Badalamenti's soundtrack. Frost and Lynch created something completely new at the time combining elements of soap opera, comedy, thriller, psychological horror, teen drama and grotesque. Twin peaks feels like a dream populated by a plethora of awesome characters (and James). The absurdity of the waiting room with the man from another space and the giant, the liminal spaces, the slow pacing, all makes you feel that feeling known as "Anemoia". Guys like Cooper, Rosenfield, the log lady, Leland, Cole and many more are still iconic. About the hated second season, i think that the first 9 episodes are the best arc in the original series. Those episodes analyzes the essence of evil in a terrific way and shows some of the most surreal and oneiric moments in tv history. Still Lynch and Frost were forced to reveal the killer in the first half and being less involved after that,
8Angelo Badalamenti
Twin Peaks

the season had to be longer than the first so there's a drop of quality during ep 10/17 arc, still it's not so bad as many fans claim, there are many interesting elements such as the lodge, Briggs sub-plot and Windom Earle, still it would be better if those episodes were like 4 instead of 8 and it would be awesome if any James scene was cut. Still from ep 18 the things gets more interesting and culminates in one of the best and most chilling season endings ever. Lynch closed the series in the best way possible.
I'd give Twin peaks a 10 with s2 ep10/17 cut into 4 but as it is i'll give it a 9+.
7The Microphones
The Glow Pt. 2

His second feature is the closest thing to a regular movie Lynch has ever done, besides a couple of dream sequences. Both depressing and hopeful, this is the quintessential inner beauty movie, John Hurt and Anthony Hopkins were both awesome in their roles and Merrick really is sympathetic and in most scenes you'll feel sorry for what he has been through. The scene when he's humiliated in his room is one of the most irritating scenes ever. The make-up still looks awesome, the soundtrack was very good and Lynch's rearranged screenplay fits the elegant yet gritty direction of a movie which shows both the best and the worst of mankind.
6David lynch
Eraserhead OST

3. ERASERHEADPossibly the pioneer of modern surrealism.
After 7 years of difficulties Eraserhead became an underground classic and later Kubrick's favorite film and he made the shining's cast watch it multiple times in order to make them stressed and uneasy. Everything about this film is studied to disturb the viewer and project him inside the paranoid mind of Henry. The dismal industrial landscape conveys a feeling of desolation, the film has no soundtrack and still there's no room for silence, industrial noises, cryptic background sounds, the deformed child's cries, distorted ambience composes an unnerving soundscape. The film starts as a sort of twisted creepy sitcom and as the mind of Henry descends into madness the "story" becomes darker with some of the most weirdest and iconic elements in experimental filmmaking such as the bleeding chicken, giant spermatozoons, a deformed sick child, a lady with cheek tumors singing inside a radiator and Henry's brain used as an eraser. Hidden
5David Lynch
Eraserhead OST

behind the absurdity of the staging there are a lot of subject matters such as Insecurity, fear of becoming parent, paranoia, suicide and madness. A disturbing cult.
4Angelo Badalamenti
Mulholland Drive


I don't think that any other movie could capture the essence of dream so well. The film is split in two parts: the dream, which surprisingly is the linear one and the reality which has a more confusing timeline until dream and reality merge together. The dream combines everything that makes Lynch movies great such as Noir atmosphere, Freudian symbolism, black comedy (the hitman and the cheating scenes), beautiful oneiric segments (club silencio), an engaging mystery and scary moments (the apartment scene and the diner jumpscare which may be the best nightmare depiction ever). The reality however is gritty and disillusioned and delivers that feeling when you suddenly wake up from a dream. Everything about this movie is perfect; Harring and Watts have a strong chemistry, the slow pacing fits the atmosphere well, the story is cryptic but many clues reveals the actual meaning of it all, the commentary about hollywood is ferocious, every character is memorable and the
3Angelo Badalamenti
Mulholland Drive

the ending will keep you think for a long while.
2Angelo Badalamenti
Twin Peaks: Music from the Limited Event Series


"I'll see you in 25 years".
David Lynch made a 18 hours n song that encapsulate every great aspect of his works and made them even greater. This trip through existentialism is one of the most complete works ever aired on tv, it has horror (i mean pure psychological terror), hilarious comedic sections, beautifully stunning surrealism and abstraction, heartwarming moments, terrific characters, depression and nostalgia (i mean i really felt nostalgic to see the characters old and i ended the original serie the day before). Kyle Machlachlan did a superb job portraying 4 different personalities, Robert Knepper and Jim Belushi's Mitchum Bros are the best new characters in the series, Laura Dern is perfect as Diane, Rosenfield and Cole are one of the best comedic yet melancholic duo ever. Hell, even James wasn't too bad. While the main plot is pretty comedic, toward the end you'll be questioning your own reality. Every little image and sound is studied in the detail
1Angelo Badalamenti
Twin Peaks: Music from the Limited Event Series

(keep an eye on the roadhouse) still there aren't clear answers and you'll connect the dots hours after the ending. The black lodge sequences managed to be even more surreal, still looking pretty normal compared to the infamous episode 8, one of the most ambitious and unsettling pieces of art ever made portraying the birth of Bob or, if you prefer, evil itself. There are many heartwarming moments like the famous "i am the FBI"line, the Norma and Ed moment and the "thank you mr. Jackpot" scene. The most depressive thing is that Catherine Coulson aka the log lady was gravely ill so she wanted to leave portraying her character for the last time in a sort of meta-death. Twin peaks is like frozen in time, as the famous "is it future or is it past" suggest and after these 18 hours you will be wondering if everything you know is nothing but an illusion.
I hope that the rumours about an upcoming Lynch movie are true, otherwise he would've ended his director career in a majestic way.
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