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Last Active 01-23-21 3:06 pm
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Top 25 villains in videogames

Some of my favorites villains in gaming. I haven't played any Final Fantasy so i don't know much about the villains of that saga. The list won't feature semi-sentient creatures or beasts so, no pyramid head, xenomorphs, dragons etc... Villains are ranked in terms of how well written they are, evilness and charisma. Tell me your favorites! SOME SPOILERS AHEAD:
25Chelsea Wolfe

The embodiment of every kid's hatred and fear for bad teachers. This creepy ass woman sees everything, keeps blank head bullies as her slaves, humiliates them, beats them and chases you with her stretching neck just to kill you.
Unfold the God Man

Despite being cartoonish and funny the psychonauts saga has some pretty dark moments, just to remind you some: The burning orphans in Milla's mind, the accurate depiction of alcoholism and the genocide in Grulovia. This apparently funny guy is one of the main responsible of the last one. Elijah Wood is superb!
Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?

I'm all but a fan of call of duty, still this character kept me interested in the story of this game. The main reason of Makarov being in this list is how believable and actual this character is. An ultranational terrorist who shoots civilians, escalates wars and bears power and money. Sounds familiar?
Zombi (Dawn of the Dead)

Telltale has the power to make you feel sorry for a fucked up family that fed you a poor guy's legs and tried to eat your group. Mrs St John looks like a good hearted mom but after the zombie disease she taught her sons to survive by eating other people. Her son Danny is a sadistic psychopath who kills both for pleasure and for feeding while Andy seems more lucid and attract people with his gentle attitude. The point is that these guys believe that their way is the right one and they basically cannibalize people for not starving, so the game makes you almost feel sorry for them (besides Danny, he's pretty much evil).
Severed Survival

A sadistic surgeon that consented illegal experiments on mentally ill patients. After the wallrider was released his madness is fully released, he became a skinned alive demented doctor whose main hobbies are to mutilate patients, psychologically and phisically torturing people and killing for fun. Being chased by Trager is one of the most intense moments in horror gaming. Eddie is a mental patient, knows also as the groom, he escaped after the walrider's release and captures men in order to mutilate their genitals, fuck them believing they're his bride and then dismember them. He stalks the player for a long time and have fun to terrorize you. He's a little less scarier than Trager because of his charm and charisma.
20Yasunori Mitsuda
Chrono Trigger Original Sound Version

Since these two are pretty similar i decided to put them together.
Both are alien parasites feeding on planets and possessing people. While Lavos is more intimidating because we see in the early game what happens in the future if it would defeat his enemies Gyigas abstract nature makes him almost a lovecraftian being. Both are extremely difficult to fight and their goal is nothing but feeding upon other's lives.
19Soundtrack (Video Game)
Witcher 3 - The Wild Hunt


Still playing this game so i don't know much about other antagonists but those 3 ugly ass witches are some of the most disgusting creepiest characters i've ever seen. If you are Trypophobic avoid this part.
The crones are so smart and dangerous that even Geralt avoid to challenge them, villagers offers their own ears as tribute so they can hear anything anywhere, constantly controlling everyone. The Baron tried to kill them and they basically drive him to suicide (in my run of course).
18fair to midland
Fables From a Mayfly: What I Tell You Three Times is True

Speaking of empathetic villains, this giant crooked bird turned to stone lots of creatures, terrorized the whole blind forest, corrupted with dark magic the forest's guardians eventually killing some of them, and it's one of the most frustrating final bosses in recent memories. Then, after defeating her you see that fucking cutscene and you'll feel so much sorry for her and almost wish you haven't defeated her. Simple but effective writing.
17My Bloody Valentine

The crooked man is a great main villain but Bloody Mary stole the show despite her short screen time, even the other villains are afraid of her. This heartless bitch kills, exploit and terrorize fable creatures for money and personal pleasure, she can see through mirrors and she's a great fighter.
Mary is the only one that nearly killed Bigby, the final fight against her true form is marvelous.
16Garry Schyman
Bioshock Infinite Score


This old man brainwashed an entire town to believe he is the Messiah. Comstock founded an apparently beautiful flying city so rotten inside that it's inhabitants worship him as a god and despise lower class enslaving all non-white people. He permitted to a Businessman to basically enslave people to work constantly, tortured dissidents, stole the merits from a former general driving him crazy, being an abusive husband, locked inside a tower a girl to exploit her supernatural power and his final goal is to attack the world below. I won't mention what he did in the ending because spoiling it would be a real sin. Just play this game.
15Garry Schyman
Bioshock Score


This anarchist thrown into chaos Rapture, manipulated the player throughout the whole game, killed innocent orphans just to drain a power inducing drug and transform himself into a Übermensch in order to control the surface world and become an industrial Tycoon. Fontaine goes against Rapture's founder ideals dragging it's inhabitants into Mayhem to start a revolt. He faked his death many times to take control of other people under different alias. In Burial at the sea we see him trying to Lobotomize Elizabeth and trying to kill a little girl just to extort infos.
14Toby Fox
Undertale OST


A cute smiling flower that want to convince you that the only way to survive is to kill other beings. This psychotic sunflower will always remind your choices, he will eventually break the game and play wity you. You can delete the file, restart the game, delete the game itself but he will always remember what you have done. He will turn into a distorted abstract monstrosity and try to kill everyone you loved in the game. The only reason he isn't higher is because you could manage to make Flowey redeem himself if you're strong enough. This game is fantastic.
13Dan Salvato
Doki Doki literature club


This crazy chick takes control of your pc breaking the 4th wall because she becomes obsessed with the player. Basically an npc that becomes sentient and twist the game in order to drive you crazy and taking you with her. She ruins other character's lives too, making them commiting suicide, psychologically torturing them, inflicting abuses or just making them insane.
The creepiest thing is that you can literally take her with you inside a usb stick and when you put it in your pc she will tell you that she loved to be with you all day. Pretty dark.
Zombi (Dawn of the Dead)


Everytime this guy shows up the tension is unbearable. Michael Madsen did an excellent job. Since telltale makes you worry about every character you'll alway be afraid of what this motherfucker could do to anybody.
At first he shows himself like a regular guy in order to manipulate you, then he reveals himself as a despot with barbaric methods. He breaks 3 fingers of a man in front of his young daughter and then he forces him to hit her because she wasn't paying attention, he kills innocent people, manipulate his men with terror tactics; he punishes with mutilation and murder, he beats up kids, including our beloved Clementine and he bash Kenny's face with a walkie talkie until he loses his eye. The worst is that he has kind of a point, he wants his supposed son to grow strong and he kind of admire Clementine for being a smart kid, his goal is to build a stronger society to survive the zombie plague. Still he's a huge asshole.
11Kelly Bailey
Half-Life 2


The most mysterious character in gaming.
G-man stalks us throughout the games and we don't even know his goals. All we learn is that he has psychic and supernatural powers, he can distort time and space and most likely the alien invasion and almoat everything happening in half life saga is driven by him, using both allies and enemies as his marionettes for some inconceivable masterplan.
10Dan Forden
Mortal Kombat II


The emperor himself. The most iconic villain in fighting games. Other than being a pain in the ass to defeat he's one heartless motherfucker.
He cowardly poisoned his powerful dragon Emperor, he usurped the throne and guided otherworld's to conquer other realms, killed Edenia's king, corrupted his wife, stole is daughter and made an evil clone beacuse he wasn't satisfied with the real one, he holds women as sexual slaves, built a colosseum to make people fight for his pleasure and eventually fight and crush the opponent, invaded earth breaking Mortal Kombat's rules, destroyed thousands of lives and almost won the armageddon before Raiden changed timeline.
Should i mention how cool is his outfit in the last game?
Shao khan is the ultimate evil emperor.
A bit stereotyped but we like him that way.
9Hans Zimmer
The Dark Knight Rises


The best parts in Arkham Asylum were without any doubt the 3 scarecrow segments. Being trapped in Batman's fears with Dr. Crane as a giant monstrous Hallucination was terrific. He was so good that he came back as the main villain in the final Arkham chapter. This time he's not only a deranged psycho obsessed with fear, this time Crane wants to deconstruct Batman's myth in front of a terrified Gotham. He wants to strip the whole city of hope and batman of his pride destroying his meaning of life, just because his inferiority complex due to his fear for batman. Crane appearance is more menacing than ever, his iconic needles glow and disfigured masked face looks awesome. He actually manage to throw Gotham into chaos and fear, he unmask Batman in front of everyone after successfully made him afraid to lose his loved ones.


Similar to Monica but way more subtle. He may even seem friendly at times but all he wants is to making you follow his orders. When you don't he will have fun with the player in several ways: making yourcharacter insane, pushing him to kill himself, mocking him, confusing him and hundreds of variations.
What makes him worse than Monica is that he will make YOU feel bad, The narrator will eventually reminds us that we ALWAYS follow orders and that the only way to pretend we're happy is to keep it that way. He will also point out how useless and repetitive your life is and he will do it in the most subtle way possible. This game is fun on the surface but deep inside it's truly depressive.


The Hal 9000 of videogames.
This crazed A.I. will challenge Chell's mind with difficult puzzles, psychological tricks, death traps, hilarious insults and the hope to receive a cake. I don't think i should say more.
GLADOS is the real protagonist of portal series, a rancorous machine with monotonous voice that tries to drive you insane and killing you in the worst way possible.
Somehow it's creepy and funny in the same way. A unique, almost unsescribable character.
6Soundtrack (Video Game)
Mass Effect 2


inspired by x-files the smoking man, the illusive man is one of the most fascinating villains ever, he mostly appears through holograms and rarely shows himself in person, yet he is the influential and powerful leader of Cerberus, a corporation with unorthodox methods that wants to extablish human's domine over the galaxy. It may sound trivial but i assure you that his goals goes far beyond the predictable "i want to conquer the galaxy" bullshit, he is a truly philosophical cold hearted character with strong motivations. How to not mention the Reapers? These sentient giant primal spaceships are the main antagonist of the trilogy and they truly make you feel unsafe setting a constant impending doom feeling.
Almost unstoppable gargantuan machines with lethal weaponry and mind control powers, the origins behind those "creatures" has some pretty lovecraftian philosophy.
5Brian Tyler
Far Cry 3 OST

Another secondary villain that stole the show.
Vaas definition of insanity became one of the most iconic speeches in videogames history.
Michael Mando's performance is out of this world.
Vaas is completely out of his mind, yet he follows some kind of logic in his total madness. His obsession with her sister is pretty creepy.
He kidnapps tourists in order to ransom them for lots of money and then he sells them as slaves. Despite being nuts Vaas his higly intelligent and he has lot of fun with is work, filling his urge for violence.
4Akira Yamaoka
Silent Hill 4: The Room


The whole story is set inside the concrete projections of Sullivan's demented mind, this unique character manage to be charismatic and terrifying and he barely talks. Everytime Walter shows up the player will feel distressed and when he's not around you are always observed because you're trapped in his psyche. The whole game, environment and disturbing creatures are result of his psychosis. During the story you'll fear him, hate him and feel sorry for him. Walter's childhood of neglection, abuse and loneliness made him  a murderer who despised society, people and life and led him to complete a ritual to achieve the ascension of a goddess, representing both the Room where he has been conceived, his mother and a final rest.
SH4 is full of symbolism, Freudian references, horror and hatred, all centered around Walter's character.
3Thought Industry
Short Wave on a Cold Day


While i'm not a fan of the main franchise tftb made me fall in love with this character.
Jack is a megalomaniac corporation leader with god complex, a synthetic face stitched on his disfigured one, dark humour, good taste in style and a passion for unicorns. Despite being incredibly funny he's a total psychopatic with a giant ego. He tyrannized a whole planet, blowed up a giant bird's head, slaughtered lots of people and enslaves his daughter. In tftb he's a hologram inside the protagonist's head and he works as a comic relief. He is so charming and funny that actually tricks you to believe him. Two times. And after he blows up his own trade center just to take his adversaries with him, he tricks you another time distracting you with his sad story (which by the way made him what he his). Despite all he has done, somehow you'll still love him. How can you hate someone who created "buttstallion".
2Garry Schyman
Bioshock Score


No gods or kings, only men.
It's incredible how this game makes you know one of the best characters ever with almost only recorded tapes. You could write a book with Ryan's quotes.
A man with great purposes, great ideas and great intelligence but so egoistical, vicious and proud that transformed his biggest achievement in his biggest failure.
A majestic submerged city destined to fall and collapse under his creator's objectivism.
A man that prefered to force someone to kill him rather than watch his creations fall (remember someone?).
A magnificent character that shows human's biggest resourcefulness and his greatest flaws.
"A man chooses, a slave obeys."
1Soundtrack (Video Game)
Batman: Arkham City - The Album


I love Ledger and  Phoenix as the Joker but i think that the most complete portrayal of the character is Hamill's in this saga.
Joker is the embodiment of evil, the darker side of the human mind  incarnated in one man. Joker doesn't want to kill the batman, he just wants to bring him at his level.
He sets up a riot in the asylum killing hundreds  just to show him he belongs here, he delivers sacks of infected blood trying to commit a mass murder just to force him to find a cure and kills his girlfriend to force Bruce to let him die, just to find out that he would've saved him and dies in painful laughs in an hamletic scene.
Bruce's infected blood awakens Joker inside of his mind that will struggle to come out and made him the monster he wants him to be, he tortured Robin just to make him feel guilty and  force him to be alone, then he drags him into madness and we see Joker's only fear is to be forgotten, confined in a dark corner of Batman's mind.
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