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Last Active 12-26-22 1:55 am
Joined 06-13-16

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05.26.24 Sacramento Hip Hop Exploratory04.09.24 2024 Spring Hip Hop Binge
03.08.24 Hip Hop in South Central11.14.23 Drift & Pots Rec Exchange
07.04.23 Beats,06.18.23 RIP BIG POKEY
05.20.23 Sput's Favorite Hip Hop Songs03.22.23 hip hop 4 u to hear (1996 edition)
03.13.23 hip hop 4 u to hear (new from old)03.09.23 hip hop 4 u to hear (SUC edition)
03.07.23 hip hop 4 u to hear (early 2000s g funk03.04.23 hip hop 4 u to hear (ruthless records e
02.21.23 hip hop 4 u to hear01.02.23 Rec me these vibes
01.01.23 RIP Gangsta Boo12.18.22 Listen to my friend's album
10.04.22 Say something nice about the person abo09.30.22 Drifting Into My 20's
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5 Year Sputversary, Favorite Users, Top Ten Albums
1Manic Street Preachers
The Holy Bible

TVC15 - One of the people I've talked to most from here. Mf pisses me off all the time but I love him. Always down to do listening parties when he's free and has SOME good taste. I like when he enjoys the albums I show him. This dude watches way too many shock movies which I find kind of weird but he's still cool I suppose.

Onionbubs - Also one of my most talked to people from here. I feel like we really don't have that much overlap in taste but the bit we do is always fun to gush over. This dude listens to music 24/7 and I honestly don't understand how he doesn't get tired of it. It's something I strive for but just can't do it! His ability to discog binge makes me so jealous :(. I love bubs. I have fond memories of wasting time in sophomore year texting him instead of doing work. Good times :')
3Jeff Buckley

50iL - Don't talk to him as much anymore since he's busy AS FUCK CONSTANTLY (or my conspiracy that he secretly doesn't like us in the discord anymore which I'm really leaning towards) BUT still love him so much. We have a lot of overlap in taste despite him listening to a lot of stuff I would never ever touch. He was my first friend on here due to us being similar in age and he introduced me to a lot of my long time friends from here so I'll always owe him that.

AlexKzillion - Idk what it is about Alex but I just love this guy. He just makes me laugh and I'm always excited when he's online in the discord. We have barely any overlapping taste but it's still loads of fun to chat with him. Y'all should peep his tik tok too :eyes: he goes crazy on there with his guitar videos

CalculatingInfinity - As far as brits go, he's okay! His obsession with Frank Ocean's Blonde is such a random curveball compared to the rest of his taste that it will never fail to amuse me. I remember back in 2016 via 50iL he told me that I had really unpredictable and unique taste which... I realize now is less of a compliment than I maybe interpreted it as back then but... yeah... I mean I don't blame him cause I had really backwards ass weird as fuck taste back then. I think I've toned it down a lot over the years but there's still some outliers lol. In our old skype chat of a few sput users he was the oldest and I always felt like I would disappoint him when I did some stupid immature shit lmao. I still feel that way. I have a lot of respect for Cal.
6Built To Spill
Perfect from Now On

AngryLittleAlchemist - While I was friends with him before it happened, I always felt like I could relate to his infamy and reputation on the site when I had my massive spike in activity/utter and constant shit posting back in 2017-2018. I know I really annoyed a lot of people back then and I don't blame them and I was really cringy and I'm embarrassed by it but uhhhhhhhh yeahhh anyways. Love ALA. He was always hella funny on skype and was always kind of a wild card. Never knew what he was gonna do or say which was always really fun and memorable. He always shit on everything I liked which was annoying AS FUCK though.
Art Angels

FullOfSounds - See, Sounds used to annoy me a little bit back in the day cause everyone loved them to bits and I always wanted that kind of respect and attention (still do lololololhheeehuehakhedakueh) but Sounds is a good person. I love her. Now that I think about it I think she played a small part in helping me be more comfortable about sharing my sexuality. She inspires me. I also LOVE her taste even though I hardly know anything she listens to. I love it just cause it's like all gay pop at this point and I just think it's cool lol.
8The Gaslight Anthem
The '59 Sound

Minushuman24 - I think I owe this man right here a lot in terms of maturing. I'm still a cringy dumbass but I think even in the last 6 months I've grown a lot. This dude's really smart and opened my eyes up to why I was wrong about things I believed in. He basically just repeatedly "son'd" me and eventually it stuck. Other than that though, he's one of my favorite people to talk to. I love him so much. He's like 8 years older than me but even still I feel really close to him. Very funny and charming guy that I'm always really happy to see talking in the discord and to talk to. We always share a ton of sad ass lyrics right in the main discord channel and it's amazing lmao. Love him.
9Mariah Carey

NormalOctagon - Octa is such a fun person to talk to. I really love their music taste. They're like a dance music encyclopedia in my mind. They also really love Alexander O'Neal after I showed them him and that just makes them 1000% cooler. Alex is the man and Norm understands. ALSO norm's gif game is legendary. I don't know how they do it honestly. Shit makes me giggle endlessly.
Guerrilla Funk

Keyblade - Key is so fucking cool bruh. His rap taste is damn near unparalleled on here. Anyone who loves g-funk deserves a spot on this list. Key was actually one of the first people I talked to on here for that reason. I had only been listening to hip hop for a few months and knew very little when he shared his g funk albums list with me and I found some amazing stuff from it and is still one of the best lists on this site. Key always drops the best takes in threads and news articles and clowns people effortlessly. Dope guy
11Kendrick Lamar
To Pimp a Butterfly

MillionDead - We don't talk as much as I would like to but milli is a dope guy. His music taste is so great he likes just about everything as far as I know. Even some underground g funk album I've thrown at him. He's in a band and their music is actually so dope even though it's not really my typical style of music I listen to.
12Andre Nickatina
I Hate You With a Passion

Foxblood - He never uses the site anymore but I still love this dude. Probably the only dude on the site who listened to more g funk than me. I'll never forget all our talks about it cause it always made me so happy to have someone to talk to about it. He offered to sell me his copy of 909 Boyz - Royal Flush and I passed cause I still didn't really understand how paypal worked and didn't want to admit that BUT NOW IM PISSED CAUSE THAT SHIT IS RARE AND HE DOESNT GO ON HERE ANYMORE AND I WANT ITTTTTTTT..... anyways. Awesome guy who showed me some of my all time favorite rap albums.
13Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold

Neekafat - We don't really talk anymore but he was one of my first friends on here and I won't forget that. We first connected over both having this here album 5d but neither of us even have it their anymore lmaooo. Our tastes really don't have any overlap but I've respected his taste and loved reading his reviews when I came across them.
When Life Hands You Lemons

Papa Universe - It was really hard hearing about what happened to him. Back in 2017 when I started being a lot more active on the site, we would always have little squabbles in threads which were so funny. I always called him "dad" and he would reply back with something like "I'm not your father twerp" or "if I had an illegitimate child like you they would never find me" lmaooo. I loved dad. His run of puns he would always do with butcherboy were so funny and I always loved how he was like a post-punk/emo encyclopedia. It's still hard to believe he's gone. I'll always remember the good times between us that were probably annoying times for him lol.

Some other users that made my time here better: ZombieToyDuck, Conmaniac, DinosaurJones, HalfManHalfAmazing, Hawks, TheBoneyKing, DoofusWainwright (he deserves his own paragraph but I'm tuckered out at this point), LordePots, SteakByrnes, SlothcoreSam, JustJoe, Dewinged, ian b, Egarran
16Green Day
1039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours

For the past... I don't even know how many years at this point, I've called this my favorite album of all time. There's so much nostalgia attached to it it just feels wrong not to give it that spot. Takes me back to middle school as soon as it starts and I still know most of the words despite not listening to it all that much anymore. Still love it like a 5 though don't get me wrong it's not just a nostalgia 5. It still slaps like a mf
17Alkaline Trio

However, this is more likely my favorite album of all time than the #2 spot I alwas label it with. Half an hour of some of the most painfully relatable, depressing, fun, etc etc pop punk ever. I can listen to it all day and never get tired of it.
18Alexander O'Neal

Alexander O'Neal just has that voice. Unrelenting power that's still noticeable when he's signing softly. This album was written and produced by Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis and it is their finest work to date. 9 actual songs here and every single one is a smash. The fact this album and Alexander O'Neal himself aren't a household name is a mystery and a shame. A real gem for the soul fans out there.
19Songs: Ohia
Didn't It Rain

As probably the biggest Jason Molina fan of the site, I must inform you that this is his best work he ever made. This is truth time right now. But seriously I do think this is his crowning achievement from a lyrical perspective, singing-wise, musicianship, songwriting. I think everything here was just perfectly executed. Jason is my favorite lyricist of all time by a LONG SHOT and this is the peak of his writing I think.

I don't listen to this as much as I did a couple years ago but it's still one of the very best emo albums ever made. I don't know if it's technically more post-hardcore or not but either way it is 30 minutes of depressing bliss. Especially the second half of the album will really knock your socks off. They never did anything after it which is so sad because it is just phenomenal.

This has been in my top 10 albums in some capacity since I heard it for the first 7 years ago. Even when I haven't heard it in a while, I never doubt that it still belongs. The lyrics are nothing short of brilliant, the vocals are passionate as fuck, and the instrumentation is abrasive when it needs to be and gentle the same. Perfect album from front to back. I only wish it were longer. 9 songs is NOT enough.
22The Blue Nile
Peace At Last

This is my favorite band. All 4 of their albums are stone cold 5s for me so really I could honestly put all of them in my top 10 but I'll just put their most underrated. The first 5 songs on this + Family Life are so unbelievable to me I just can't understand how anyone can't vibe with this album. It's not like their first two at all but it's different in a perfect way. Paul Buchanan's voice is completely to die for.
All Eyez On Me

I could put this or Killuminati but this one I've just heard so much. It's been there for me for years. All 27 songs are just classic and most of them are in the perfect category. Pac is my favorite rapper and I think this album (really just his death row material) are proof of why I think he's the greatest of all time. No one makes me feel things like with Pac. This album doesn't have a ton of the introspective and emotional material as MATW or his unreleased death row stuff but it's just 2 and a half hour ride of the greatest rap music there is with so much variety in style that it never gets old. Even years later I'm finding new stuff to hear and new favorites.

This is the album that really got me into non-hard rock music. It was pure ear candy (and still is) but the lyrics didn't register with me until yearsss later. Yes, the guitar is probably the main star and draw of the album but Stu's lyrics are equally as brilliant and his singing his impressive and memorable as fuck. Also still finding new stuff about this album after... shit like 8 years at this point.
25Master P
Ghetto D

I don't know for sure but I think this is my most listened to rap album at this point. The replay value on this is just ridiculous. 80 minutes of the finest dirty south gangsta rap. No Limit is my favorite label in music and this is the finest album they ever put out. A benchmark in hip hop for me for lyrics, production, features, everything. The amount of collaboration on this thing is insane and the fact it came out so cohesive and strong is impressive. Love this album to death. UUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHHH
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