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Umbrella 2020 Results: Closing Another Umbrella

Holy fuck that was a close one.
1Matching Mole
Matching Mole

Zig - Pop
“O Caroline”

Off the bat, you’re appealing to my enjoyment of Robert Wyatt. So far this is light and poppy, but the flute does also make me think of prog. I like this, but maybe not as much as something from Rock Bottom.

2Banda do Casaco
Dos benefícios dum vendido no reino dos bonifácios

Zig - Folk
“A Cavalo Dado”

Intense and constantly changing hmmm. Very pretty voice, piano and guitar. Well that ending was bizarre and abrupt… in a good way! Damn, good stuff.

3Bela Bartok
Piano Concerto No. 2 in G major, Sz. 95

Zig - Classical/Orchestral
“Piano Concerto No. 2, Sz. 95: III Allegro molto - Presto”

Crazy piano and intense horns. This makes me think I’m listening to a brisk winter storm. It’s like Bartok is rushing to get all of the notes out like he’s running out of time or something. Pretty neat, would work in the climax of a movie.
4Gil Scott-Heron
Pieces of a Man

Zig - R&B
“Lady Day and John Coltrane”

Funky so far. I always liked his song “B-Movie.” Man, late 60s/early 70s music loved talking about plastic people. The Mothers of Invention, Sly & and the Family Stone, The Kinks, and now Gil Scott-Heron. I like htat key solo. This is certainly R&B due to vocals and funky parts, but it’s also pretty jazzy. Jazz-funk I guess! Whatever it is, it’s great.

5Boards of Canada
Music Has the Right to Children

Zig - Electronic
“Happy Cycling”

Creepy choral vocals. I like the beat. Weird, this is a bonus track? A seagull? Okay. Kinda odd how personal that Scott-Heron song feels and how impersonal this one feels. Such a large contrast. I both love and hate how little this song has changed. On one hand what it’s doing sounds good, but on the other hand it’s getting a bit tired 5-minutes in. What the hell? As soon as I said that, it changed. Am I a wizard? I am Rene Descartes and reality bends to me, for I am the only person alive. That’s right, I’m a hardcore solipsist now and it’s all thanks to Boards of Canada. Not as good as “Everything You Do Is a Balloon.”

6The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band
Part One

Zig - Rock
“Shifting Sand”

Pretty standard 60s psychedelic rock so far. For a band with both “art” and “experimental” in their name, this sure is conventional. I do like what they’re doing with the drums at the end though. This song is okay, but I feel lied to.

7Beastie Boys
Paul's Boutique

Zig - Hip Hop
“The Sound of Science”

“Hey Ladies” is a classic, so let’s see about this one. What the hell is this background? This is really bizarre. That “When I’m Sixty-Four “sample makes this super clashy uhhh. Wait, now it’s more like their regular stuff all of a sudden. A sample of “The End” ??? Damn, really cashing in on those Beatles songs. Well it’s fun, I’ll give it that. I wish I liked rapping more.

8Bobbie Gentry
The Delta Sweete

Zig - Country
“Penduli Pendulum”

Well isn’t this one cute. I like how warm her voice is. Not much to say about this one, it’s very simple. Y’know Zig, you got a good taste in music.

9Albert Ayler
Spiritual Unity

Zig - Jazz
“Ghosts: First Variation”

Oh my, well isn’t this dissonant. Damn that sax and bass aren’t matching up at all. I suppose this is free jazz? I wonder if all of the people who 5 Trout Mask Replica would love this. This is like Beefheart minus the vocals and psych blues elements. Sometimes people are so good at their instruments, it fools people like me into thinking they’re amateurs noodling. At least that’s what I think is going on.

10Skinny Puppy
Too Dark Park

Zig - Industrial/Noise

Scary intro. Evil vocals masked with confusing fuzz. Pretty neat so far. I wonder if this is what a mental breakdown might sound like. Kinda wish it had more to it though.

11Muddy Waters
After the Rain

Zig - Blues
“I am the Blues”

Bassy off the bat, yes! His passion is unmatched. Good choppy solo. It really holds a lot of emotion. Muddy’s pretty much a safe bet from what I’ve heard from him. Not really a stand out, but certainly still a total jam.

12Angel Olsen
All Mirrors

Minushuman24 - Pop
“What It Is”

Her voice is kinda meh, but the strings are cool. This is totally giving me Lana Del Rey vibes, which honestly isn’t a good thing. This is not for me at all.

13Shana Cleveland
Night of the Worm Moon

Minushuman24 - Folk
“Face of the Sun”

Sounds very 60s despite being from last year. I like the atmosphere on it though. Not much else to say about this other than: it’s a simple psychedelic folk song with sweet vocals.


Minushuman24 - Classical/Orchestral
Witch of Endor

I like that percussion and the strings. The brass reminds me of The Camel album The Snow Goose since the Goose’s parts would be played by similar horns. This also makes me think of a fancy Middle Earth dance, so it fits the name well. Whoa things got intense all of a sudden. Maybe the witch came to ruin everyone’s dance party? That was very cinematic. Pretty cool, but not exactly my thing.

15William Onyeabor
Atomic Bomb

Minushuman24 - R&B
“Atomic Bomb”

Good bass, and I like the backup vocals. I see you’re trying to appeal to my love of Fela Kuti with some afrobeat. Whoa those keys sound alien as hell, that’s awesome. This is poppy and catchiest than anything Kuti has done, which makes it stand out a lot. Man, I really should explore more afrobeat that isn’t Kuti. Maybe this. This keeps getting better. Holy shit.

16Mt. Fujitive
Honshu Island

Minushhuman24 - Electronic

A lo-fi hip hop beat, okay. One of my closest friend’s used to constantly play lo-fi hip hop beats in the car unironically and it was pretty lame, but not as lame as his usual taste. “Jovial” by Limes still rings in my head every now and again. Why pick something like this? It’s so bland.

17X-Ray Spex
Germfree Adolescents

Minushuman24 - Rock
"Oh Bondage Up Yours!"

This is fairly exciting and upbeat. Some classic punk here. The sax gives it life and honestly so do her shouts. Nice.

18A Tribe Called Quest
Midnight Marauders

Minushuman24 - Hip Hop
“Electric Relaxation”

I like the bass. Only song I know by these guys is “Can I Kick It?” is that weird since this is apparently a bigger hit? The rapping is fine, but I’m mostly focusing on the bass and drums haha.

19Magnolia Electric Co
Magnolia Electric Co

Minushuman24 - Country
“I’ve Been Riding with the Ghosts"

Alt country with emotional vocals, okay so far pretty okay. This is pretty standard stuff. It’s not bad, but it doesn’t grab me at all. I feel like i’m being super vague because I have nothing to say about this.

20John Coltrane
Stellar Regions

Minushuman24 - Jazz
“Stellar Regions”

Well this is atmospheric and flashy at the same time. This is nice, but it does fall under the background music category for me.


Minushuman24 - Industrial/Noise

This works, but barely. Harsh enough synths I suppose. With that said: it sounds very original. It’s kinda awkward at the same time though. I’m not sure what to make of this. The twinkles make it feel like a happy love song though, so maybe that’s what it is. This song makes me feel violated for some reason, but it’s also good?

22Howlin Wolf
Moanin' in the Moonlight

“Smokestack Lightnin'”

I’m embarrassed to say I only know the Soundgarden version of this song and I don’t care for that version. So far, this version is neat though. I like his voice. I swear John Fogerty must’ve copped this guy’s style, which is a huge compliment because I love Creedence Clearwater Revival haha. Great stuff.

Dots and Loops

Lord(e)Po)))ts - Pop
"Refractions in the Plastic Pulse"

Whoa this is psychedelic as fuck and her voice is super pretty. I feel like I'm floating on a cloud. Like, I don’t even mind that this is 17 minutes… as long as it keeps this up. This is so me, why aren’t I into these guys yet? Why is there so much music to explore? Aaaah. Beeping section, oh yeah let’s go. I feel like I’m on acid, but also on the Wii shop channel. What the hell is going on? Okay, this is like four songs at once! What the hell! But all 4 songs are good. I wish I spoke French so I could see if there was a common theme in the lyrics. Oh my god those violins and organs. What is this other than a medley of awesome stuff?

24Besh o droM
Can't Make Me! Nekemtenemmutogatol!

Lord(e)Po)))ts - Folk
“Nekemtenemmutogatol Oro”

This is like an epic dance. Feels kinda Latin, or Indian? Or Estern European? God make up your mind song! Apparently the title is in Hungarian, but this doesn’t sound Hungarian at all. Man, I really should learn Hungarian so next time I visit Budapest I can talk to my non-English speaking family members without a translator present. Apparently the title translates to “I Don’t Mind Air” okay… Why does this sound like a Raga Tango, my brain is so confused by this blend of culture. The saxophone and guitar are cool though. Okay, it’s good.

25Naseer Shamma
Viaje De Las Almas. Travelling Souls

Lord(e)Po)))ts - Classical/Orchestral
“Viaje de las Amas. Traveling Souls”

Indian classical music: I should’ve suspected. The tablas and sitar are quite nice and everything about this is quite pretty. For now, I’m feeling this. One this Indian classical has in common with Western classical: the long pieces lose my attention. Okay, I’m at the 10 minute mark and I’m officially bored. Like it’s technically impressive, but man having to focus on this feels like work now. Why the actual fuck didn’t you just pick a 6 minute piece or something? Cool idea, but man does it make me feel like I have ADHD.

26Taylor McFerrin
Early Riser

Lord(e)Po)))ts - R&B
“Already There”

Sweet drums. Jazzy synths and great bass? Oh it’s Thundercat on bass, sweet. Wait, this is instrumental? Oh bummer, I was looking forward to some vocals, but yeah the music here is tight. Instrumental jazzy soul. Future soul they call it, right?

27Cut Chemist
The Audience's Listening

Lord(e)Po)))ts - Electronic
“The Garden”

Cool guitar sample and cool record scratches. Yeah this totally counts as electronic, at least in the same way DJ Shadow does. Some could argue that anything with samples with at least slightly electronic, I suppose. Ooh that picked worked well and caught me. I’m tempted to even label this trip hop, maybe because of the sweet vocals. Regardless, it’s cool.

28Land Of Kush
Against The Day

Lord(e)Po)))ts - Rock
“Iceland Spar”

Not sure what to make of this. It feels kinda folky so far, but also kinda jazzy. I guess it’s kinda proggy too, actually. Those strings are flashy like no other. The vocals are unenthusiastic; I’m kinda neutral on them. Weird that it’s called “Iceland Spar,” yet it sounds so warm and tender. Potsy 5’d those, so does that mean that despite all of his anti-rock talk, Potsy still likes jazzy prog rock? Overstayed its welcome a bit, but it was still a certainly good time.

29The Herbaliser Band
Session One

Lord(e)Po)))ts - Hip Hop
“The Sensual Woman”

Funky so far. Turntablism is usually a good idea and fits here. Jazzy instrumental hip hop was actually a pretty wise decision since I’m kinda weird with most rapping.

30Fire On Fire
The Orchard

Lord(e)Po)))ts - Country
“Squeeze Box”

Not sure I like these vocals at all honestly. The accordion is weird, but gives this song a unique flavor and bass and guitar are cool. Abrupt ending. This was fine.

Bodily Functions

Lord(e)Po)))ts - Jazz
“The Audience”

Weird and chopped up hmmm. This feels mostly like an electronic track. Where's the jazz? Maybe in the keys a little? Okay that key solo is incredibly jazzy. Okay wait, it’s turning more jazz halfway through.Took a while, but it’s finally here and honestly. I was iffy about this at first, but that buildup made it worth it. I’m very mixed on this enjoyment wise though.

32Gazelle Twin

Lord(e)Po)))ts - Industrial/Noise

Harsh opening. Makes me think of Fever Ray a bit. Ooh that beat is awesome. Man this hits well. It’s a weird mix of sensual and creepy. Man, finally some good dance music, am I right? That high pitched moan works too.


Lord(e)Po)))ts - Blues

Blues rock with cool percussion. His voice is withered, which works fairly well for blues. Not too much of a standout, but certainly still enjoyable.

Get Dusted!

BRONZE: Minushuman24 (final score: 3.52727272727)
SILVER: Zig (final score: 3.53636363636)
GOLD: Lord(e)Po)))ts (final score: 3.69090909091)
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