Slothy Seconds

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Last Active 12-13-22 10:58 pm
Joined 01-06-19

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💣Sloth's 70s PUNK COMP🧻

Hello Sput-Isolaters, GAME TIME!!!!!!! Rec me 70s PUNK. Winner gets to name my "Real name" the one that comes up when I rate an album. Rules Below...
1The Clash
London Calling

1) Each user is allowed to recommend a maximum of 3 albums.
Rocket to Russia

2) The album had to be released in the decade of the 70s, before 1/1/1980.
3Sex Pistols
Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols

3) Albums by the first 5 bands listed here are excluded, namely; The Clash, Ramones, Sex Pistols, Germs, and The Saints. The idea is for me to hear some new, old stuff.

4) Each album will be rated out of 10, according to my personal taste.
5The Saints
(I'm) Stranded

5) Any album with less than (edited) 25 ratings on Sputnik, will receive a bonus 0.5.
6The Clash
The Clash (US version)

6) The winner gets to name the sloth, and I will keep whatever they decide, for 1 year, no matter how ludicrous or terrible it is. The name can not be racist, sexist, or derogatory to any groups, other than that, you can call me what you want.
Pink Flag

Year: 1977
Sput average: 4.3
753 votes

Sloth's rating: 9.5/10.
This is classic British Punk. A great variety of tracks, from garage, punk, art punk, minimalist post-punk sounding tracks. This album is superior to The Sex Pistols, like a New England IPA, is superior to Pabst Blue Ribbon. Although PBR is more popular, it lacks the complexity of a NEIPA, a bit like this album shits all over Never Mind The Bollocks....
Fav Tracks: Reuters, Surgeon's Girl, Field Day for Sundays.
8Stiff Little Fingers
Inflammable Material

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 4.1
157 votes

Sloth's rating: 9.5/10.
This is how i like my punk, loud, angry, political, rebellious, and all with a big FUCK YOU. One of my all time favourite records.
Fav tracks; Suspect Device, Here We Are Nowhere. Wasted Life, Rouigh Trade
9Patti Smith

Year: 1975
Sput Average: 4.3
534 votes

Sloth's Rating: 9.5/10,
another classic, ranging from art punk, classical experimental jazz, to punk rock. This album shaped the way for a rock'n'roll going forward. Patti's dynamic vocals, beatnik poetry, over 3 chords, experimental instrumentation and catchy riffs, encourage repeated listens of Horses.
Fav Tracks: Gloria, Birdland, Break It Up
The Feeding of the 5000

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 3.9
173 votes

Sloth's Rating: 9.5/10.
The quintessential anarcho-punk album. I love the sloppiness, British, angry, raw feeling this Crass album delivers.
Fav Tracks: Punk Is Dead, Do They Owe Us a Living, Banned From the Roxy, Fight War, Not Wars.
11James Chance and the Contortions

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.9
100 votes

Sloth's Rating: 8/10.
Vocals are punky and excellent, musically it is experimental, funky/jazzy dance punk. It is punk in spirit, not giving a fuck, this is unique, and a hard listen at times, but when it clicks, it hits hard.
Fav Tracks: Contort Yourself, Design To Kill. Throw Me Away
12UK Subs
Another Kind of Blues

Year: 1979
Sput Average: 4.2
21 votes

Sloth's Rating: 9.5+0.5 = 10/10.
Perfect short bursts of UK 1st wave punk bliss. So much energy, this is my style of punk rock. Drawing from early rock'n'roll and blues, Another Kind of Blues is a classic that still holds up well today.
Fav Tracks: I Couldn't be You, Rockers, Crash Course.
13The Adicts
Lunch With The Adicts

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.5
2 votes

Sloth's Rating: 9+0.5 = 9.5/10
Great little 4 track EP, the first song Easy Way Out is so fucking good. The whole EP is great. Catchy punk rock, this is early pop-punk, just rawer and full of energy.
Fav Tracks: Easy Way Out, This Week
14The Damned
Damned Damned Damned

Year: 1977
Sput rating: 4
256 votes

Sloth's Rating: 8/10.
A great garage-rock/punk album. i feel like this was an excellent debut, but they had a lot more to learn and display on future records. This album sounds a like a young band having fun and playing generic punk, where with later albums, they will come into their own and add the more goth feels.
Fav tracks: Stab Your Back, New Rose.
15Gang of Four

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 4.2
603 votes

Sloth's Rating: 9.5/10
This is one of the great post-punk albums of all time, it's punky and funky, the bass and jangly guitars stand out here. Vocals are great, and the political, social commentary via their lyrics help make this a classic. Gang of Four have influenced so many bands that followed, but one stands out, Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Fav Tracks: Natural's Not in it, Damaged Goods, Glass
Marquee Moon

Year: 1977
Sput rating: 4.4
1113 ratings

Sloth's Rating: 9.5/10
This is some crisp post-punk, with a splash of art-punk. There are rock, jazz, and experimental elements within the songs, adding excitement and allowing for repetitive listens. So many little riffs, catchy hooks, and unforgettable moments within the album. It is easy to see why Marquee Moon influenced so many new wave, post rock and alternate rock bands for the past 4 decades. Outstanding album.
Fav tracks: Friction, Marquee Moon
17Talking Heads
Talking Heads: 77

Year: 1977
Sput rating: 4.1
856 ratings

Sloth's Rating: 7/10.
A great album, that no doubt influenced a lot of post-punk and post-punk revival. I never really clicked with this, and it is probably the album on this list I have heard the most. I just get fatigued, and bored, there is a lot happening on the album, vocal styles is constantly changing, but musically it is a to slow.
Fav tracks; Uh-Oh, love comes to town, Psycho Killer
18The Sods
Minutes to Go

Year: 1979
Sput rating 4.5
1 rating

Sloth's Rating: 9+0.5. 9.5/10.
This is fast, noisy, raw, under-produced Punk Rock, and I love it, well most of the songs are. There are a couple of slower more artsy/ experimental tracks bordering on post-punk/Psych/art-punk, that are great too. All in all an exciting album that keeps on giving. Well worth repeated listens.
Fav tracks: R.A.F., Television Sect. Police, Flickering Eyes,
Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 4.1
375 votes

Sloth's Rating: 7/10.
This is a heap of fun, but I don't know if i really enjoy it, or despise it. Some tracks are excellent, and I want to listen again, and other tracks piss me off, and I will skip them. Glad I didn't have this on vinyl.
Fav Tracks: Uncontrollable Urge, Mongoloid, Sloppy
20The Dickies
Dawn of the Dickies

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.9
12 votes

Sloth's Rating: 9.5+0.5 = 10/10.
Now this is classic Pop Punk, 100 times better than The Ramones. This album could have been made and released any time in the past 40 years and it would still be a classic. So fucking good!! It is a frat boy certified pop punk.
Fav Tracks: Where Did His Eye Go, Fan Mail. I'm a cholo. I'm Stuck in a Pagoda with Tricia Toyota, Gigantor
21The Soft Boys
A Can of Bees

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.9
11 votes

Sloth's Rating: 8+0.5 = 8.5/10.
Mostly Post Punk, a little arty and a little psychedelic. This is a well produced and executed album. Half the tracks would not look out of place released the past 10 years. Musically it is outsatnding, vocals are strong, the song structures are great most of the time.
Fav Tracks: Human Music, Leppo and the Jooves.
22The Damned
Machine Gun Etiquette

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 4.3
181 votes

Sloth's Rating: 9/10.
Mixing straight up punk, with art and goth punk, this album is another classic that no doubt influenced a heap of bands, looking at you AFI. It's British, a little mad at times, and demanding repeated listens, this album will be on heavy rotation for years to come.
Fav Tracks: Anti-Pope, Love Song, Looking at You.
23The Suicide Commandos
Make a Record

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 3.8
5 votes

Sloth's Rating: 9+0.5 =9.5.
This is some classic punk, by a band that knows their craft. The instruments are excellent, vocals great, and the songs are catchy as.
Fav tracks: Kidnapped, Shock Appeal. You Can't, I Need A Torch.
24The Vibrators
Pure Mania

Year: 1977
Sput Rating: 3.8
19 votes

Sloth's Rating: 7.5+0.5 =8.
Power pop or early pop punk, this album has some great tracks.
Fav Tracks: Stiff Little fingers, Into the Future

Year: 1977
Sput Rating: 4
413 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8/10.
After a few listens, this album still confuses the fuck out of me. It's minimalist synth punk, or no wave, which I am not to familiar with. It's atmospheric buzzing, and Alan Vega's vocals are captivating and demanding a closer listen. For 1977, this album feels ahead of it's time, a lot of the instrumentation could be used as background for a The Weeknd song, or an 80s Atari console game. And then there is Frankie Teardrop, which sounds just like Get Schwifty from Rick and Morty, until....... just listen and you will see. Mike Patton would be proud.
Fav Tracks; Cheree, Frankie Teardrop
26Death (MI)
...For the Whole World to See

Year: 1975 (released in 2009)
Sput Rating: 4
145 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 9.5.
Fuck, this is an instant classic, why did they wait so long to release it? I hope it has nothing to do with racism. It's got elements of prog rock, funk, garage rock, and some great catchy punk vibes. Love this album so much! Drumming is outstanding and guitar work is excellent. Politicians in my Eyes needs to be heard by everyone.
Fav tracks; Keep on Knocking, Politicians in my Eyes,
27Siouxsie and the Banshees
The Scream

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 3.9
229 Votes

Sloth's rating:8.5/10
Siouxsie Sioux's vocals on this are the stand out, but the instrumentation is also excellent. This is post punk, with art punk and Gothic elements. It is a classic for the ages, and again has influenced numerous acts to follow.
Fav Tracks: Carcass, Helter Skelter, Switch
28Dead Boys
Young Loud and Snotty

Year: 1977
Sput Rating: 3.9
119 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 9.5/10.
Another classic gem of an album. This is straight up Young, Loud, Snotty rock'n'roll, or the precursor to punk rock. Dead Boys would have been incredible to see back in the day. Sonic Reducer is one of the all time great punk tracks. Guitars and guitar solos on this album are excellent, and the bass and drum adds urgency and rhythmic drive, but it is the raw, dirty, snotty vocals and lyrics that make this punk as fuck.
Fav Tracks: Sonic reducer, I Need Lunch, Caught With the Meat in your Mouth, High Tension Wire
29Black Flag
Nervous Breakdown

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 4.3
538 Ratings

Sloth's Rating: 9.5/10
I own this on vinyl. This is a classic. So raw, but still catchy af, it's early hardcore but could pass off as badly produced pop-punk with angst turned up to 11. Snotty, bratty, no fucks given punk.
Fav tracks, Nervous Breakdown, Wasted
30The Stooges
Fun House

Year: 1970
Sput Rating: 4.4
1160 Reviews

Sloth's Rating: 9.5/10.
So much energy on this album. Garage rock, free jam/jazz, leading to proto-punk, and influencing a whole new genre of rock. This band and album is historic, epic, and a masterpiece.
Fav Tracks: Down on the Street, T.V.Eye, 1970
A Different Kind of Tension

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.8

Sloth's Rating: 8/10.
Early Pop Punk, catchy punk tunes mixed with experimental longer free jams. I prefer the second half of the album, where the experimentation really comes to the front, instrumentally the second half is a lot of fun and it feels like the band were unshackled from the pop punk on the first half.
Fav Tracks; Paradise, Hollow Inside,
32Cock Sparrer
Cock Sparrer

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 3.8
6 votes

Sloth's Rating: 8 +0.5 = 8.5/10.
Vocally, it's punk rock akin to the Sex Pistols, but musically it ranges from mostly punk, to glam, to pub rock. The album also has an early OI! feeling.
Fav track: Taken for a Ride, Runnin Riot
33New York Dolls
New York Dolls

Year: 1973
Sput Rating: 4
333 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8.
More dirty loud rock'n'roll, prelude to punk rock. This album is fun, in your face and pure pleasure. A little bit glam, New York Dolls are doing just enough to differentiate from the Rolling Stones, and create their own unique sound, and influencing punk to come.
Fav Tracks: Private World, Personality Crisis, Bad Girl
34Sham 69
That's Life

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 3.7
25 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 7 +0.5 = 7.5/10.
Some good moments throughout the album, but also some forgettable tracks. The banter throughout the album, creating the felling of a punk rock opera, gets a bit tedious.
Fav Tracks; Who Gives A Damn, That's Life
Real Life

Year: 1978
Sput rating: 4.1
180 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 9/10.
This is so good, it's somewhere in the middle-grounds of punk and new wave, but holds it's own identity. It has some experimental elements throughout that keep you on you toes. Shot by Both Sides, si one of my all time favourite punk songs.
Fav Tracks: Shot by Both Sides, Motorcade, Definitive Gaze.
Half Machine Lip Moves

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.9
83 votes

Sloth's Rating: 8.5/10
This album is certainly different then the rest on the list. It is more noise rock/punk, experimental psychedelic garage punk. I think this require multiple listens, at loud volume, and perhaps with LSD, to really appreciate it. A couple of tracks sound like Tom Waits.
Fav Tracks: March of the Chrome Police, Half Machine Lip Moves, Abstract Nympho
37The Fall
Live At The Witch Trials

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.8
144 votes

Sloth's Rating: 9.5/10
Great Post Punk/ Art Punk album, with an underlying punk vibe and attitude. This is an eccentric listen, lyrics are great and musically a lot of fun. This would hold up well if released today.
Fav Tracks: Frightened, Rebellious Jukebox, Industrial Estate
38Generation X
Valley of the Dolls

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.8
6 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 7.5 +0.5 = 8/10
The vocals of Billy Idol are what stand out here, sounding very bratty, snotty English punk. Musically, and song structure are a mix of pop punk and garage rock.
Fav Tracks: Running With the Boss, King Rocker, Love Like Fire
39The Cramps
Gravest Hits

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.7
16 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8 +0.5 = 8.5
Is this the birth of horrorbilly? It is punkabilly, rockabilly, surf rock. fun stuff.
Fav Tracks, Surfin Bird, Domino
40Public Image Ltd.
Metal Box

Year: 1979
Sput Avedrage: 4.1
279 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 7.5/10
A 10 minute opener, not something you would equate to punk, but then again this is more post-punk. Vocals of Lydon are not good, guitars are manic, exciting and experimental, whilst the rhythm section grooves along. This is under produced, raw and weird, but after a few listens, it becomes endearing and captivating.
Fav Tracks: Memories, Swan Lakes
41The Pop Group

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 4
201 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 7/10
This is some strange experimental post-punk with free jazz, funk and art rock throughout. Vocalist is great, so many cow bells on this.
Fav Tracks: Thief of Fire, We Are Time,
42Joy Division
Unknown Pleasures

Year: 1979
Sput Average 4.4
2747 Reviews

Sloth's Rating: 9/10
What's not to like with this classic album. The bass lines throughout this are so much fun. Ian Curtis had one of the greatest voices in music. It's a moody somber album, with catchy tracks. Mostly Post-punk, with some punky, and goth rock undertones.
Fav Tracks: Disorder, New Dawn Fades, Shadowplay
43The Raincoats
The Raincoats

Year: 1979
Sput Average: 3.9
90 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8. I spent a bit of time with this album last year, and I enjoyed it a lot. A mix of Post Punk and Art Punk, although musically it is simplistic, and obvious they are not masters of their instruments, they are willing to put that aside and just have fun, exploring what can be done, and creating some catchy and experimental tunes in the process. Their version of Lola, is great.
Fav tracks: No Side to Fall In, Lola, Off Duty Trip.
44Swell Maps
A Trip to Marineville

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.9
61 Votes

Sloth's rating: 9/10
This is another classic British Punk/ post-punk/ art-punk album. Gang vocals, keyboards, grooving baselines, and handclaps start the album off, and it is the snotty vocals, and urgency of the drumming that makes this punk. Songs are short, fun and pop punky in a weird way.
Fav Tracks: H.S. Art, Another Song, Spitfire Parade
45Ebba Gron
We're Only in It for the Drugs

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.8
9 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 9.5 +0.5 = 10/10
Swedish punk has never sounded so great. This is an album that would hold up well today. Lead vocals, and backing vocals are perfect. Instrumentation is tight, and creates great songs. This is borderline pop punk, oe melodic hardcore skate punk.
Fav Tracks: We're only in it for the Drugs no 1, Totalvarga, Vad Har Jag Gjort, Sno Fran Dom Rika.
46The Kids
The Kids

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 4.1
13 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8.5 +0.5 = 9/10
Dirty fast rock'n'roll out of Belgium. It's raw, catchy punk, that sounds like a prelude to melodic hardcore. Sound's like a cross between the Stooges and the Damned.
Fav Tracks: Do You Love the Nazis, Bloody Belgium. Baby that's alright. Fascist Cops.
Uppsala Stadshotell Brinner Igen

Year: 1977
Sput Rating: n/a
0 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8+1.0 = 9/10
This is another Swedish band that are blending elements of punk rock, garage rock and psychedelic rock. There are a lot of guitar solos on this, and keyboard solos. Drumming is excellent. It is very raw sounding.
Fav Tracks: Hey Little girl, Jag E' Så Skitig Jag E' Så Paj, Snöspår (Del 1, 2 Och 3)
48Middle Class
Out of Vogue

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 3.7
27 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 9/10
This is quick, raw hardcore punk, and a bit of post punk. Love it!! That drumming is insane, so much intensity and speed. This is a must listen EP, the history of hardcore starts here.
Fav Tracks: Out Of Vogue, You Belong, Insurgency.
49Simply Saucer
Cyborgs Revisited

Years:1974/5 Released 1989
Sput Rating: 3.8
9 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8.5+ 0.5 = 9/10
This is more Artsy/garage/psychedelic/noise rock. It shifts all over the place in an exciting, captivating way. Vocals are punky, and great, musically it is a masterpiece. Great trippy punk by this Canadian band.
Fav Tracks: Instant Pleasure. Bullet Proof Nothing, Here Come The Cyborgs part 1,
50Richard Hell and The Voidoids
Blank Generation

Sput Rating: 4.1
147 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 9/10.
Vocals on this are excellent. Lots of variation with and within the songs. It's a little arty a little post-punk sounding, but mostly a well produced chilled punk album. Guitars stand out and complement Richard's vocals, lyrics are great as well.
Fav tracks: New Pleasure, Blank generation
51Pere Ubu
Dub Housing

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 4
125 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8/10
At times sounds like a chicken singing. This is experimental art punk. and a little post punk, and all round strange. Vocals are really original. At times it sounds like Modest Mouse and The Rolling stones gave birth to a mutant Asperger kid. Takes numerous listens to get into.
Fav Tracks: Navvy, Caligari's Mirror, I, Will Wait.
52The slits

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.8
96 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8/10
Got a lot happening on this album. It is dubby, reggae, post punk, and art punk. A heap of different instruments, and styles throughout make this for an interesting listen. Love the vocals and backing vocals on this album.
Fav Tracks: Spend, Spend, Spend. Shoplifting, Ping Pong Affair, Typical Girls
53Iggy Pop
Lust For Life

Year: 1997
Sput Rating: 4.1
568 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8.5 Lust for life is probably one of the best openers on any record ever! Iggy Pop made it hard for himself to try and top that, but delivers some gems throughout the album. This is more art rock, with a touch of punk attitude and a garage vibe.
Fav tracks: Lust for Life, Some Weird Sin, The Passenger. Neighborhood Threat
54The Modern Lovers
The Modern Lovers

Year: 1976
Sput Rating: 4.2
192 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8.5/10
Protopunk, rock'n'roll. Some great garage rock tracks on this album.
Fav Tracks: Roadrunner, Hospital, Someone I care about.

Year: 1978
Sput Rating: 3.8
7 Ratings

Sloth's rating: 8+0.5 = 8.5/10
Now this is a classic power pop/ pop punk album. It is pretty raw, but the song structure is poppy on nature. Vocals are punk, and the instrumentation it is tight, with different members shining throughout the album, evident by some cool solos.
Fav Tracks: Homicide, Tulse Hill Night, Let's Face It, Out Of Reach
56Ian Dury and the Blockheads
New Boots and Panties!!

Year: 1977
Sput Rating: 4.1
27 votes

Sloth's rating: 8.5/10
Lyrically it is humorous and playful, but Ian's shifting between crooning and punk vocals make this work. Musically it is funky, dubby, experimental and groovy. There a couple of punky louder tracks, and some smoother tracks, a great varied album.
Fav Tracks: I'm Partial to your Abracadabra, Blackmail Man, Clevor Trevor, Blockheads, Plaistow Patricia
Static Age

Year: 1978, released in 1996
Sput Rating: 4.4
892 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 10/10
Danzig is great on this, this is early hardcore, horrorcore punk. There is some raw harsh pop punk on this as well. The fuzzy distortion, and rapid percussion, and brooding bass match Glenn's vocals superbly and make for one of the greatest punk albums of all time. So many classic tracks on this.
Fav Tracks: Static Age. TV Casualty, Last Caress, Hybrid Moments, We Are 138. Attitude, Bullet,
Bela Lugosi's Dead

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 4.3
175 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8/10
What in intro, it just keeps on building up, then echoing vocals kick in. This is post punk/goth rock. The guitar on this is Tom Morello good.
Fav Track: Bela Lugosi's Dead
59The Stranglers
Rattus Norvegicus

Year: 1977
Sput Rating: 3.9
75 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 9/10
The songs on this album are killer, so many classics. Vocals are outstanding, musically it is dynamic and fun. A cross between punk rock, post punk, and garage rock.
Fav tracks: Hanging Around, Peaches, Get a grip on yourself, Choosey Susie
60Iggy Pop
The Idiot

Year: 1977
Sput rating: 4.3
575 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 9/10
A mix between art rock, and post punk, Iggy put out some of his best stuff on this album. The atmospheric sadness this album creates is a masterpiece in aural mood setting.
Fav Tracks: Baby, Dum Dum Boys, Tiny Girls.
61The Mentally Ill
Gacy's Place / Padded Cell / Tumor Boy

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 3.4
7 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8+0.5 8.5/10
This is a heap of stupid fun. Musically it bounces along, like crazy experimental art /dance punk. The bass is so good in this, the guitar is distorted to the max, drums are rolling and make you want to move. Lyrics are ridiculous, and vocals are whiny punk. Great stuff.
fav Tracks: Gacy's Place, Tumor Boy, Padded Cell.
62Nervous Eaters
Just Head

Year: 1979
Sput Rating: 2.5
1 vote

Sloth's Rating: 8+0.5 = 8.5/10
2 song EP, both songs are great. It is fast loud Rock'n'Roll, punk due to the urgency in delivery.
Fav Tracks, Just Head, get stuffed
63The Electric Eels
God Says Fuck You

Year: 1972-1975, released in 1991
Sput Rating: 3.9
8 Votes

Sloths's Rating: 9+0.5 =9.5/10
This could be the punkest album I have heard recorded before 1975. Shame it didn't get released for years.
Another raw as fuck, punky garage rock'n'roll album. Lots of tremendous guitar work on this, solos galore, but where id the bass? Vocals are awesome and punk to the max, lyrics are repetitive, but lets the instruments stand out. This is awesome, a little better production and it would be a classic, the songs are strong, and the talent is there.
Fav Tracks: Agitated, Cyclotron, Natural Situation,
The Urinals

Year: 1978
Sput rating: 3.8
12 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 7+0.5 = 7.5/10
This is so raw, under produced, but there is something endearing about this recording. It is catchy, repetitive almost pop punk. It is a little Psych Surf Rock too. Tracks 1 and 3 are great, 2 is not good, and 4 is just jam rock.
Fav tracks: Dead Flowers, Last Days Of Man on Earth
65The Specials

Year: 1979
Sput rating: 4.2
285 Votes

Sloth's rating: 9/10
Well this is a classic, ska, with rock'n'roll and punk influences. So historic, and influenced so many bands to follow. There are a couple of filler tracks on this keeping it from a perfect 10.
Fav tracks: A Message to You Rudy, Nite Klub, Monkey man
66The Skids
Scared To Dance

Year: 1978
Sput rating: 3.5
11 Votes

Sloth's Rating: 8.5+0.5 =9/10
Some really good tracks on here, it is garage rock/ post punk/ punk. The album needs a bit more variety to make it a classic. But it is still really good, and worth checking if you haven't.
Fav Tracks: Into The Valley, Of One Skin, Melancholy Soldiers, The Saints are Coming
Stations of the Crass

Year: 1979
Sput rating: 4
117 Votes

Sloth's Ranking: 9.5/10
This is angry crazy manic anarcho, at times hardcore, punk, vocals are as snotty and bratty as punk gets. Guitars are on the verge of exploding into their own adventure, bass and the military style drumming is what holds this together. You've Got Big Hands is one of the best tracks of this genre. This album has a lot on it.
Fav Tracks: Mother earth, You've Got Big Hands, System, Chairman of the Board.
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