
Soundoffs 24
Album Ratings 5268
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 08-19-22 8:00 pm
Joined 11-13-18

Review Comments 4,518

01.18.24 It Came From The Bowels of Bandcamp…08.30.22 Death's Final Revenge
02.14.22 -Core List 18: I'm Tired, Boss...02.05.22 2022 Death Metal Compendium
02.05.22 -Core List 17: This'll Be The Death Of 01.31.22 -Core List 16: Once More, With Feeling
01.20.22 A Coda (Postponed)01.19.22 Core Homework #14: I Think I May Have A
01.17.22 Insert Witty Title Here. Core Explorati01.15.22 The Number 12 Sounds Kinda Like This...
01.12.22 ... They Pull You Back Into Their Core.01.10.22 Eleventh We're Reaching Saturation...
01.02.22 2021 Mutant Ninja Turtles: Secret of th 12.28.21 Just When You Thought You Were Safe...
11.15.21 3 Years On Here…05.02.21 Son of Death: Back From the Dead and Hu
12.29.20 Uzu’s Tops of 2020 12.25.20 Uzu’s Honorable Mentions of 2020
More »

They say the number seven is lucky...

So, this is the end (for now......) for this type of list of mine. Shoutout to Botb, AccompliceOfMyDeath, DeadBitchAlexis (Moog bby), Marskid, TheMightyScoop, JeetJeet, Deezer666, DarkSideOfLucca, OxME, calmrose, splinter, dbizzles, and everyone else who liked, hated, commented and recommended bands/albums on my lists, including my metalcore list that kickstarted this whole journey in the first place. I know they won’t see it, but I also want to give a shoutout to friends of mine over on The Daily Mosh who also provided me with fun recommendations, so cheers to Blacksalt, V9733xa, Chainbreaker, Stringypoo, Corvus and Zerotoleranxe. You all provided me with a fun and enjoyable history lesson that I probably wouldn't have gotten to until much later in life, and while I still like listening to modern metalcore, you all made it damn hard not to listen to modern metalcore and not get bored by it. So take a bow, all of you, and without further ado...
Leaves Turn Inside You

I think I may have picked the wrong Unwound album to be featured on my homework list, but damn is this some blissfully divine stuff! Bearing little to no post-hardcore trappings in their sound here, instead Unwound sound as if the best things of Oasis and Radiohead were culled together, creating such a delicious sound here; I was initially disappointed that this didn’t reach the requirements I set for the list, but through the album’s runtime it won me over completely. Vocals and instrumentals are excellent and the tone and flow at absolutely delightful. Loved this. Loved it loved it loved it.

2From the Shallows
Beyond the Unknown

Deathcore that at times has more death in the vocals than -core. Huh.
Yesssssssssssss please!
From the Shallows bring a fucking dope EP to the table here, utilizing and representing the deathcore genre really fucking well with this release, and I couldn’t enjoy it more. Fucking heavy throughout and wielding an excellent command of tone and flow, From the Shallows complement all that with an exceptionally solid vocal display and really well-done instrumentals, using both heavy and melodic throughout. I wasn’t expecting this to be as good as it turned out to be, and I’m happy I was wrong.

3Call of the Void
Buried in Light

A dirty, nasty little slice of sludgy hardcore that flirts around with the grind genre as well, Call of the Void unleash ferocity with this album. Right away you could hear the grind influences in the percussion and flow of some of the songs, while the hardcore provided a strong backbone to build of off; the proverbial cherry on top was the sludge-like quality in the production, instrumentals and tone, giving the album a fantastic sense of atmosphere through it all. Vocals were solid, and in the end, this was really quite good.

4Holy Fawn
Death Spells

Not gonna lie, I'd been looking forward to this entry ever since I heard the EP Holy Fawn dropped earlier this year; seeing as that EP has been one of my favorite releases so far this year, it would kind of make sense then that my expectations for this would be rather high, and I'm happy to say that this entry met those expectations very easily. Leaning heavily into shoegaze elements while maintaining a post-rock structure is an incredibly gorgeous end result, bringing an amazing atmosphere and flow into play and letting the listener become immersed in it all. I haven't heard anything so languid and beautiful since I listened to Isis' "Oceanic" and "Panopticon". Spectacular perfection.

Etter Lys

The post-metal here just keeps on hitting it out of the park, with Ingrina's "Etter Lys" the latest example of being an excellent experience in the realms of atmosphere and dynamics. The tone and flow here are immaculate, creating an incredible sound and range that one would love to lose themselves in. The instrumentals are fantastic as well, and the light uncleans that permeate the soundscapes here are wielded to excellent effect, maximizing the moments they're used. Definitely recommended.

A Mountain of Saola Hooves

An excellent outing of post-metal with vocals permeating the mix, Mireplaner shake up the formulae by implementing a strong death metal presence in the vocals, putting a fresh spin and viewpoint on the genre. The post-metal elements of the album are solid on their own two feet, but the vocals elevate the entire package to a whole new level. As they are, the vocals were tasty, instrumentals were pitch perfect, and the tone and flow perfect for this. An absolute blast with this one.

It's Hard to Have Hope

Emotionally wrenching yet cathartically beautiful hardcore with Svalbard here; I love how immersive this entire experience feels within the album itself. I’d almost have to classify this as melodic hardcore based on the vocal delivery and instrumental choices present. Vocals were emotive and beautiful, instrumentals were handled really well, and the tone and flow were delicious. A definite must to listen to.

8Stasis (CAN)
My State Of Decay

This was actually really good; for as short as this album is (~20 min.), Stasis manage to bring an excellent modern take to melodic hardcore, packing this entry with enough emotion and dynamics to satisfy any fan. Vocals are absolutely excellent, mixing cleans and uncleans with some spoken-word sections; instrumentals are solid and powerful, and the tone and flow are excellent as well. Fantastic.

Misanthropic Generation

You know what, this was better than “Live the Storm”; more fun, more bouncy and a bit more melodic than its successor, Disfear churn out a bop and a half of an album here. Vocals are solid, instrumentals are tasty and I still love the solos they throw in here, tone was good, keeping in line with the best of the hardcore and D-beat worlds, and the flow was delicious. Reeeeaaaallly good album right here.

Into Extinction

Bringing an intoxicating blend of genres to the table, Deathrite launch an all-out sonic assault with this album here; blending the tone and pissed off savagery of D-beat with the flow and technicality of grind Deathrite’s “Into Extinction” will have you in full fury mode in no time. Vocals and instrumentality are both solid, but the true stars here are the tone and flow, being simultaneously savage and fluid, allowing for maximum devastation. Not gonna lie, but this was a fun album to throw on and rage out to.

I Couldn't Be Weaker

It's difficult for me to enjoy pop-punk like I used to. Granted, I can still listen to bands that I grew up with and still enjoy them for what they are, nowadays I don't care for the overwhelming sounds of sterility in the production, the unoriginality in instrumental directions and lyricism, and that extended its long, bony fingers towards Rarity here. Everything here is absolutely average - the vocals, instrumentals, tone and flow - with little to no originality present; not even the light flashes of post-hardcore elements were enough to save this from blandness. Sorry, but I felt nothing with this.


This was gorgeous. It's not often that bands combine post-rock with vocals, and even then it's more often than not clean vocals; here, Locktender provide a stunning mixture of post-rock here and enhance the entire experience with unclean vocals for almost the entire runtime, adding a new dimension to the proceedings. Finding out that the album is based around the German painter Caspar David Friedrich, who happens to be one of my favorite artists ever, and this makes for an ever more enjoyable experience for me. Vocals were excellent, instrumentals were top-notch, and the tone and flow were superb. I might be waxing hyperbolic a little here, but dammit, I enjoyed this a lot.

13Left For Dead
Splitting Heads

Straight up, no fucks given-styled hardcore punk here, complete with the lo-fi grimy quality that makes a lot of these bands and albums so aurally endearing. This sounds like the entire band recorded this in a single room with cheap equipment, and to that end, this sounds delicious. Tone is delicious as well, flow is absolutely breakneck, with no track breaking the 2 minute mark until the final live track at the end, the vocals fit really well and sound good too, and the instrumentals are absolutely off the wall. Definitely something to recommend to friends.


Fucking solid German hardcore/screamo on display right here, with everything meshing quite seamlessly into and enjoyable whole; for the longest time I’ve purposefully skipped over a lot of German bands because I couldn’t get past the juxtaposition of the particular genres of -core and how “guttural/masculine” German sounds. This won me over though and I may have to dabble in the German scene now. Egg on my face. Vocals are actually decent for the genre, instrumentals are tight and the tone and flow are really nice and tasty.

15Dead And Divine

Pretty solid and likable metalcore here, complete with a sense of bouncy groove and a tinge of southern-core material. NGL, I was getting vague ETID vibes from this, and that kinda lent to the fun of it all. Flow handled itself well with never a dull moment, tone and instrumentals were solid and the vocals were quite decent. Check this one out if you haven’t yet for a fun time.

16Trash Talk

Pretty solid hardcore/punk to be had here, providing a fun outlet to just jam and mini-mosh the fuck out. In a technical level, simplicity is the name of this game, and here Trash Talk excel; they don’t really go all out in technicality or atmospherics, opting for a grungier punk sound to it all, and this choice fits them like a glove. Vocals are really good, instrumentals are bouncy and fun, tone is good and flow is good for the most part; the “hardcore” rap section of the song “Blossom & Burn” is a stylistic left turn; beware of whiplash that may pull you out of the moment.


Terribly well constructed blackened crust on display here, simultaneously causing you to windmill and stomp to the crust/hardcore influences in the instrumentals while headbanging to the black metal influenced vocals. Tone was really nice and tasty to my ears, and the flow was smooth and natural. Was pleasantly surprised with this one.


Aggressive D-beat hardcore with very liberal doses of crust punk, Crutches aim for the jugular but settle for the throat here, as the flow kind of trips the album up. That’s not a gripe, but it’s a basic mistake of hardcore 101 when you think about it; nevertheless, the other parts of this album overcome this slight to end up with a positive experience overall. Vocals were really good and the instrumentals and tone were delicious. At around 20 minutes you could do worse, but this manages to become a decent outing despite its shortcoming.

19Arms (FL)

Cacophonous, noisy, math-inflected hardcore. And I wouldn’t want it any other way. Florida’s Arms put out an absolute gem here, sounding almost like The Fall of Troy’s louder, brasher cousin who hasn’t quite learned technicality and nuance yet. Vocals are excellent, instrumentals are absolutely top-notch, and the tone and flow are delicious. A definite gem here.

20Au Champ Des Morts
Dans La Joie

Standardized black metal, with some post-metal thrown in for good measure. Once again we stray ever so slightly from the -core tenets and investigate new horizons; in this case, Au Champs Des Morts. Bringing that ethereal quality from post-rock/metal to a black metal template does allow for an interesting experience, as now you’re buttressing the gloomy nihility found in the instrumentals and tone with the cathartic ebb and flow of post-metal in the overall flow, but at the end of the day, it’s still a black metal record....
Wasn’t bad though, I’ll give it that. And being in French made it even more intriguing to just sit back and soak it in.

21A Pregnant Light
Broken Play

Terribly interesting release here, and somewhat difficult to describe, as it’s a fluid mix of different genres. There’s bits of punk, post-punk, crossover, hardcore and a piiiinch of black metal all to be found here, and actually everything is mixed so well that the end result actually works really nicely; I’m pleasantly surprised at this. Vocals are solid through it all, instrumentals are tasty and well plotted, tone is good and aurally agreeable, and the flow just works well. It just... does. Definitely a fun album to sit and jam out to. Check it.

Audio Noir

Fairly simple, fairly safe post-metal for the most part; the differing tones/textures present though keep things fresh and engaging, even including some high uncleans to punctuate several songs. Flow was solid, and overall this was decent; that’s all I got. Tran—


The Poison Of Self Confinement

Fairly solid metallic hardcore that plays it safe, and in so doing doesn’t really excite all that much. Sure the instrumentals are fairly solid, but I couldn’t really get past the vocals, in that the tone of them just didn’t sit well with me, like the vocalist had been trying to nail his parts all day long and now his voice sounds ragged and raspy. Eehhh. Overall tone is tasty though and the flow is solid. This is definitely gonna be a slow burner, but until then...

24Cara Neir
Part III / Part IV

This was fantastic; simply incredible. Cara Neir introduce an aurally beautiful amalgamation with this entry, combining elements of hardcore, black metal and ambient into an intoxicating experience. I must say that this was quite captivating , never feeling too heavy or reliant on aggression while also allowing for the softer elements to have their say. Vocals, tone, instrumentals and flow were all excellent, and this was delightful.


Solid, yet slightly unspectacular hardcore going on over here, with this entry being satisfactory yet nothing really more; “Death is Patriarchy” is a fucking barn burner though. Vocals are decent, instrumentals are solid and the tone and flow fit this EP well. No more, no less.

26Raised Fist

Fucking damn good Swedish hardcore on display, showing off speed and aggression in spades; this was a nonstop blast from start to finish and it kept a grin plastered on my face. Blacksalt, you’re really turning in the good picks here! Vocals were absolutely solid, instrumentals were fucking tight, and the tone and flow was delicious. Definitely recommend this one, folks!

27The Drip
The Haunting Fear of Inevitability

This was a fucking solid shot to the mouth of blackened hardcore, mixed with light elements of grindcore (faintly audible, but you can pick it out). This is the stuff that would make Trap Them proud. Vocals are straight vicious, instrumentals are fast and solid, the tone is actually kinda punchy and I can dig that, and the flow is the only thing where I do have a minor quibble with, as the flow makes this album feel like variations on a single theme, so extra attention must be exercised when listening or else it’s “blink and you’re done.” All in all though, this was a damn fun album to jam out to.

Out of Respect for the Dead

Decent death metal on display, but like the post-rock here, doesn’t quite fit the requirements for the -core series here. For what it’s worth though, it felt like there was some light hardcore elements in the instrumentals, which is probably the main reason for this being here. Vocals are good, instrumentals are solid and the tone and flow are decent. Anyways....

29His Hero Is Gone
Fifteen Counts of Arson

Just as good, just as essential as their other album on this list, HHiG’s “15 Counts of Arson” is a masterclass in absolute devastation, hardcore style. Sounding just as raw, feral and pissed, this album will chew you up and spit you out given half the chance. Vocals are perfect, instrumentals are top notch, the tone is just as tasty, and the flow is rock fucking solid. Perfection.

30Lost In Kiev
Nuit Noire

You know, for as much as I enjoy post-rock as a genre and as much as this release ticked all the requisite boxes, this was the first post-rock album on this list that really didn’t grab my attention, you know? Like it felt “safe”, for lack of a better term; all the intangibles are handled competently and confidently, but you’re still left wanting a little “more”, as it were. Not bad overall, but I wish it could’ve been more.

31Raiden (ENG)
The Killing Fist

Man, this was fucking evil! If this weren’t so metallic hardcore, I’d almost chalk this up to be proto-deathcore this is that evil! Daaaaaamn.... vocals are fantastically solid, toeing the line between death and black metal with that combination of highs and lows; the instrumentals are raw and crunchy, as I said before they’re veeeery metallic hardcore in nature, the tone suits this perfectly and the flow is exquisite. I need the vinyl of this, Chainy. STAT.

32Tarsius Tarsier
La Boca del Culturista

Spanish (re: Spain) crust/hardcore that includes a blackened element due specifically to the vocals? Hold on, lemme get some popcorn and settle in.... Tarsius Tarsier’s album here was an absolute jam to listen to, providing satisfaction on differing levels due to the aforementioned aspects. Vocals are absolutely tasty, instrumentals are solid and engaging, and the tone and flow are seamless. Well worth the spins and introductions to this band.

Force Fed Misery

Solid but kinda generic sounding hardcore influenced metalcore EP. Vocals have that pissed-off aggression found in hardcore while the instrumentals got that chunky, low tone and sound that one finds in metalcore, Flow is decent, and this isn’t bad to throw on and go dummy hard for 15 minutes.

34If These Trees Could Talk
The Bones of a Dying World

Another post-rock outing here, with If These Trees Could Talk bringing a sense of refreshment to the proceedings in the spirit of providing a sense of dynamism to the basic formula of the genre. Yes, there’s ebbs, flows and catharsis to be found here, but on several tracks here the band really strive to make your feeling of that feel earned, and thus this feels a cut above. Instrumentality is strongly on point, and the tone and flow work gracefully here. A fun outing to be had with this.

35Totem Skin

Dude, this was fuckin’ feral. Low-fi, grungy production meeting a sludgy hardcore sound doth make a happy Uzu, and a happy Uzu is a good time indeedeth. Loved how pissed and raw the vocals sounded, loved how stripped and angry the instrumentals went... tone was decent... moving on! The flow was excellent, and this was fucking dope. Love it, and gonna jam their other album ASAP.

36United Nations
United Nations

United Nations’ self titled effort here is a delicious slice of post-hardcore, and when realized that the band is a supergroup composed of members from Glassjaw, Thursday et al, the sound and direction on here makes so much sense. Good balance here, good dynamics... “Filmed In Front of a Love Studio Audience” is just crushing. Vocals are fucking solid, with a nice balance between cleans and uncleans, instrumentals are tight, and the tone and flow work really fucking well together. Don’t sleep on this one, folks.

37Waste of Space Orchestra

What the hell??? This was a mix of doom/prog/psych with tinges of black metal in the vocals... and this was incredible! Fantastically diverse in its sound but amazingly cohesive in focus, WoS Orchestra just unleash a monolithic album here! Instrumentation was fantastic and the tone and flow were exceptional, my only quibble was it took me a bit to get used to the vocals, but when I did... wow. Fantastic. Fantastic, fantastic, fantastic.

38We Came From The North
Faded Giant

Another post-rock album here.... I honestly wasn’t expecting this at all. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy post-rock as much as the next guy, but this is kind of deviating from the guidelines I set for myself here, and I know I have Holy Fawn coming up. With that being said, this was decent, and when you have decent post-rock, you’re in for a good time. Instrumentation was tight and the tone and flow were satisfactory. Not bad, not bad at all...

39We Are Not Our Bodies
Heavy Ground

Essentially post-rock-lite with some uncleans, We Are Not Our Bodies is a fairly decent outing once all is said and done. Less reliant on the ebb and flow of cathartic release that a lot of post-rock is known for, here the band go for more of a decisive route, intent on getting points across instead of letting tracks meander, and the album as a whole benefits from that tack. Another plus to my mind is that the vocals are inserted low in the mix here, ultimately playing a secondary role to the instrumentals and therefore allowing to color the album better than if they were front and center. Tone was really nice and flow was solid. Not imperatively essential, but a good time nonetheless.

40Kid, Feral
Live And Let's Die

Swedish skramz. I really fucking love the international aspect these -core homework lists took, and of how they’ve introduced me to a larger world that needs recognition and support. With that being said, I enjoyed this entry overall, but it felt slightly lacking, as if it could’ve used a little more time to get worked on before it was released; I dunno, just a gut feeling I got with this. Vocals are solid for the album, and the instrumentation was pretty good; tone is decent and the flow... worked. That might be the genesis of my gut feeling - the flow felt a little too fast in places, like it wanted things to move on too quickly. Hmmm... anyways....


Sweet little hardcore EP here, going fast and hard for all of 11 minutes. Because of the runtime and flow, you’re kind of left with the feeling of wanting more, of feeling a bit unfulfilled, and that kind of deflates the experience a little. Vocals and instrumentation are dope though and the tone is quite delicious. Not bad.

In Never Out

Y’know, I am very much a sucker for post-rock and I knew the name Pg. Lost rang a bell, but I never followed through on checking this and here we are. With that being said, I really did enjoy the calm, soothing sense of being good post-rock can bring, and I’d say Pg. Lost is damn good post-rock. No vocalizations to speak of, but the instrumentations were deliciously sublime in places; add in a good tone and languid flow, and you have all the right elements in place to make this a good album.


Mixing together elements of hardcore and grind, Throats unleash a blistering 20 minute barrage of ferocity on their eponymous EP here. Everything about this was an absolute blast to experience and this is definitely something you can listen to back to back. Vocals were really good, nice and raw and feral in sound, instrumentals were fucking rock solid across the board, and the tone and flow sat very comfily for the runtime. Definitely recommend this one.

44Ground (USA-NJ)
Mourn Innocence

Wow. Just a straight shot to your mouth with a fist full of powerviolence/grind-ish hardcore? OK, bring it on. One thing fun about bands like Ground is they’ve no time for BS; they go in, perform their songs, say their piece and get out, all usually under 25 minutes. Damn, this was fun. Vocals are good, instrumentals were rock solid and the tone and flow were seamless. No BS; get on Ground level.

45Ceremony (USA-CA)
Violence Violence

Solid, SOLID hardcore debut from this band, evoking with their sound a lot of the first and second generation punk bands that came before them. Full of blood, snot, piss and a “fuck you” attitude, Ceremony just unleash here, dropping 20 songs in 20 minutes, leaving you breathless and amped at the end of it all. Vocals were solid, instrumentation was just phenomenal and the tone and flow was solid. A fun hardcore entry right here.


Delightful little post-rock jaunt here with traces of djent to be found, but only in the tone. By and large, the direction and flow of this album was largely meditative and cathartic, with a solid thumbs up to the instrumentation, which from what I understand was all done by one guy, so good on ya, mate, for bringing this to life.


Another example of blackened hardcore where the instrumentals skew closely to the hardcore side of the spectrum, and the vocals are a straight up shot of death metal growl. Fuuuuuuck this was good. Fucking loved how good the vocals were, and the instrumentals were tight; tone was oh so delicious and the flow complemented everything really well. Definitely recommend this one.

48With Horses In Her Eyes

This was absolutely delightful, in that this felt like very, very “screamo-lite”, and what I mean by that is that 99% of the vocals fell into the screamo category, but here they felt calculated and restrained, as opposed to the histrionic heights the vocalists of the genre have been known to go for. Instrumentation was well done and the tone and flow complement the whole package nicely; the closer, “chapter 5”, hits like a wall of bricks. Loved this.

... And This Is Why We Are Alone

Feeling raw and stripped back, Altona provide an engaging melodic hardcore album here. Not gonna lie, I was kind of caught off guard with how emotionally insistent and immediate this felt, with the vocals leading the charge; instrumentals were absolutely delightful as well, and the tone and the flow were solid. Good album, good effort here.

50Rose Gold
In Us We Trust

Very much in the vein of Envy, the band Rose Gold drop an at times dreamy album of post hardcore, heavy on the “post”. Very focused and insistent in its flow, the vocals really compliment the instrumentals, both adding whatever the other is lacking in the moment, while the whole tone is very blissfully dreamy. Delicious little album here, at only half an hour of one’s time.


Now this, on the other hand, I can dig. Part of the “new guard” of deathcore alongside Signs of the Swarm et al, AngelMaker absolutely destroys with this album here, and I’m saying that with no bias, even though their latest album was one of my favorites from last year. Vocals here were absolutely top-notch, instrumentals were solid, and the tone and flow were enjoyable. I’ll be looking forward to whatever they put out next.

52Chelsea Grin
Desolation of Eden

Decent enough “modern” deathcore on display here, Chelsea Grin put out... an album. I didn’t mind this, no, but just like Kublai Khan, there’s really nothing to write home about here; this album is a definable whole, but when you look closer you find the whole to be made up of formless, undefined constructs. Nothing here to really grab you and make you notice, make you pay attention. Vocals are decent, instrumentality was decent, tone was decent and the flow - decent. All decent. I may have been corrupted by H8000 deathcore.

53Kublai Khan TX

Well, heavy is as heavy does; Kublai Khan just set out to demolish people with an aural barrage on this album, and for the most part this works, but in so doing they jettison almost any memorability their music could have had; don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t bad, this just felt a bit formless. Vocals are pretty good and the instrumentality and tone are solid, but the flow is a little bit one note and that kind of hurts the overall product. Decent album.

54Asking Alexandria
Stand Up and Scream

Ahhhhh, sins of the past. I remember the days of me just getting into metalcore, of hearing this and hating it because I was unused to the harsh vocals, and then this growing a bit on me; now fast forward to now. I haven’t heard this in five years plus, easily, and listening to it now.... it hasn’t aged very well. All the hallmarks of “modern” metalcore are here - synth keyboards, gang chants/choruses, facepalm inducing lyricism and fake edginess; yup, it’s all here. Ergh. For what it’s worth, all the intangibles are “tolerable”, the tone, flow and instrumentals, and Danny’s vocals, both clean and unclean, are actually quite strong here. I kinda miss this version of Danny. This was good for a laugh.


Well, this was a bop and a half to listen to; mixing genres a bit, this was almost akin to blackened hardcore, in that the instrumentation veered closer to the hardcore while the vocal stylings were more towards black metal; both not entirely, but you could tell. The vocals were strong despite falling into the “one style fits all” camp, ala the band Straight Line Stitch, and the instrumentals were delicious, especially when they closed the album out on a more moody, atmospheric bit instead of a rager. Tone was good and solid, and the flow was satisfactory as well; another good album to enter into the -core canon with.

56A Textbook Tragedy
A Partial Dialogue Between Ghost and Pri

Pulling off one of the best aural bait-and-switches I’ve heard in a while, A Textbook Tragedy make sure you’re unprepared for their particular brand of math-infused post hardcore when they get going. Sounding very focused despite the musical tendencies of the genre, the band pull off a solid-sounding effort with this, and I applaud them for it. The vocalist was very confident and solid, the instrumentals were tight and well done, especially so when you think of how many tangents this album touched upon, the tone was good and the flow was serviceable, only because some tracks kind of bled into one another, which might throw some people off when they realize they’re one track 5 instead of 2; minor quibble tho.

57All Pigs Must Die
Hostage Animal

There is no slumping, artistically, for this band, is there? Aaaaaalmost as good as their NVTN, Hostage Animal just absolutely destroys everything in its purview. Vocals are absolutely fantastic, and the instrumentation is out of this world; tone is fucking delicious and the flow is to die for. Absolutely excellent, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.


Oh. Oh my. Yes. Yes please. Do it some more! Building off their fucking solid foundation with “I”, Cursed come back with a fucking vengeance on their follow up, aptly titled “II”. The sludge is still here, the under-produced vocals are here, the instrumental viciousness is here - it’s all here. It’s all fucking here. Tone and flow is delicious, and this was fucking dope.

59His Hero Is Gone
Monuments to Thieves

My goodness, this was fucking perfect, and realizing this came out in the latter ‘90’s is positively mind-blowing. His Hero Is Gone bring an incredible sound to their brand of sludgy hardcore, and I can definitely see them as influences for other bands like Trap Them, Cursed, and others. Damn. Vocals are excellent, the instrumentation is fantastic (that bass!!!), and the tone and flow are perfect. Absolutely perfect.


Hell yes, some damn fucking good and solid hardcore right here! This brought that classic “dirty” sound quality that good hardcore sounds like, and they also brought that speed and “don’t give a fuck” mentality, all of which I greatly enjoyed. The vocals were absolutely solid, instrumentation was well done, the tone was really nice and the flow was alright. Definitely an album to recommend to anyone!

61Job for a Cowboy

OK, now I can get down with this version of JfaC; sounding almost nothing like their Doom EP (thank goodness!) JfaC bring a solid album of deathcore jams to the table; vocals are much improved, instrumentation is solid and tight, and the tone and flow are executed well. A major step up in my opinion.


Another example of deathcore that’s done well but upon further inspection doesn’t really do anything to elevate the genre further., Oceano tick all the boxes required of a tech-deathcore band... and that’s kind of it. Everything here is decent - vocals, instrumentation, tone and flow - but you’re left wanting just a little bit more, unfortunately.

63And Hell Followed With

You know, I didn’t mind this that much; there’s too few ways to get deathcore right and too many ways to get it wrong, and And Hell Followed With manage to musically acquit themselves here, even though they don’t exactly bring anything new to the table, style-wise. Vocals are solid for the genre, but you could tell that they needed some time and maturity; instrumentals were well done, and the tone and flow were delicious. This definitely was a fun album to jam out to.

64I Declare War
I Declare War

Another nasty little piece of deathcore we got going here, I Declare War let loose with an album guaranteed to stomp your sensibilities into the ground and then laugh at your discomfort. Vocals are very solid, instrumentation is actually rather well-executed and the tone and flow are solid. Solid overall.

65Infant Annihilator
The Palpable Leprosy of Pollution

I tried with this entry, but I just can’t. From a technical perspective this wasn’t bad, as the instrumentals are all pretty solid and the vocals and tone work well in concert with the instrumentals, but when the vast majority of song titles here and potentially lyrics deal with pedophilic content, even if one is joking/making a point about something, you’re already behind the fucking 8 ball and it makes for an incredibly uncomfortable listening experience, recommendations be damned, you know? I’m sorry, but I wasn’t feeling this one. At. All.

66Signs Of The Swarm
Senseless Order

Damn, this is some good modern deathcore we got going here! Still heavily reliant on chugs, sure, but the vocal performance here is insane! Probably the best I’ve heard in some time! Instrumentals are solid despite the simpler rhythmic patterns in the guitars, and the tone and flow are excellent. This, this is gooood.

Slow Death

This was actually some pretty good deathcore here, and it kinda felt like it was some old-school deathcore, where the focus was more on “death” than -core. Anyways, the vocals were solid and the instrumentals were really good, in that they actually had melodies and harmonies woven throughout, the tone was good and the flow was solid. Not bad, not bad at all.

Pain Again

Now this is some good hardcore! Nasty, pissed-off hardcore that gives no fucks and no quarter, Varials drops a damn good album with this. Vocals are absolutely tight, instrumentals just crush it, tone is good and the flow is fucking solid. I’ll definitely have to check their other material out after this!

69I Killed Everyone
Dead Peasants

A certifiable slam-bang slammer example of... deathcore. You thought I was gonna say “slam”, didn’t you? Nope, this is a chug-heavy, kick-pedal carpal tunnel inducing example of nasty, modern deathcore. All the hallmarks are here - relatively straightforward vocals that’s rather one-note, simple guitars with little variation in their style, percussion to swoop in and aurally save my day, and tone and flow that work serviceable, all in all. If you’re looking for something stupid heavy to mindlessly mosh and annoy the fuck out of whoever else is with you, give this a shot.

70Blind Witness
I Am Hell

Oh what a difference 5 years makes. Sounding a HELL of a lot more mature in instrumentality and having a more solid grip with their vocals and range, Blind Witness crank out a pretty damn good EP, bounds better than their “Nightmare...” album. Tone is really good, flow is solid, and I like the bits of melody they throw in here. Dope EP.

Sewn Shut

Yeah, no... not really feeling this one. Generic slam that honestly needs a bit more time in the oven before it’s finished. Vocals were kinda “meh, needs more work”, instrumentation wasn’t bad though, tone was alright and flow was meh. Keep working hard boys, you may get it soon.

72No Zodiac
Altars of Impurity

Fuckin’ dope-ass beatdown hardcore here... what’s not to love lol? Being hardcore, and beatdown for that matter, this was relatively straightforward in terms of vocals, instrumentation, tone and flow, and they worked well enough I wouldn’t want it any other way. If you’re looking for a stank face time, look no further.

73Texas in July

You get a breakdown! And you get a breakdown! AND YOU GET A BREAKDOWN!!! Not gonna lie, this thing is stupid fun to jam out to. This reminded me of my first years of getting into metalcore and enjoying a lot of it: slick production and breakdowns aplenty. Vocals were really good here, with a nice, small range to them, instrumentals were absolutely fun, and the tone and flow were solid. Enjoyed the heck outta this one.

Return to Despair

I was ready to (sadly) write this one off as another forgettable entry, but a friend convinced me to sit on the album and revisit again, and I’m glad I did. Yes, this album doesn’t reinvent deathcore, but for a fun time where you can mosh and circle pit all you want, you won’t go wrong if you throw this on. Vocals are pretty good, instrumentals are decent, and the tone and flow are both solid. Not the best thing since sliced bread, but a fun time regardless.

75She Must Burn

Solid deathcore that doesn’t reinvent the -core wheel per se, but provides ample material here to give you a good enough time. The melodicism popping up here and there along with the female backing vocals were a really nice touch I thought, and the main vocals, along with the instrumentation, was well done. Tone and flow work harmoniously together, and all in all this was fun.


Another entry that goes dummy hard, and yet at the end of it there’s really nothing to show for it, like straight up “meh” material, and I really don’t want to feel that way. Everything here is decent for what it is, yet ultimately forgettable. Vocals, instrumentation, tone and flow - meh.

77Rose Funeral
The Resting Sonata

You know.... this was kinda catchy. Simplistic as all get out in the instrumentation, but still, this is some fun little “meet me in the pit” deathcore. Vocals had a nice balance between highs and lows, and the tone and flow were decent. Not too shabby if I do say so myself....

78A Night at the Chalet

A Night At the Chalet’s “Filth” is... deathcore. Instrumentally proficient yes and vocally fitting, this is another example of a band where, had I heard this like 2 years ago, I’d had been all over this. As it stands today, this is dummy heavy and I liked it for that, this doesn’t exactly rustle my jimmies, you know? It’s solid on all accounts - vocals, instrumentals, tone and flow - yet there’s really nothing there to captivate me. Listen once and forget about this until it randomly comes back in your playlist 6 months down the road...

79Armageddon Awaits
Deplorable Demise

From what I understand, this came out in 2013, and it SHOWS. This is prime fucking MySpace-core, and another example of something I’d have been all over if I heard it back when I first got into the genre. This sounds as if Motionless In White and (early) Famous Last Words had a baby. Vocals are decent, instrumentation is simplistic but totally fits what the band are trying to accomplish, and the tone and flow are average. This is good for a laugh or two at the very least, long enough to remind you of your high school edgelord days.

80The Great Redneck Hope

Digging up the gems, digging up the gems.... The Great Redneck Hope is another grind-inflected mathcore band that go crazy and heavy for all of less than 20 minutes, and then they’re done, and because of that you feel grateful for it in the best possible way. Fucking dope album here lol. Vocals are insane, instrumentation is fucking tight and the tone and flow are rock solid. Digging up the gems, digging up the gems...

81Dwell (NC)

Heavy in both the tone of the instrumentation and in the emotiveness of the vocals, Dwell release a crushing album here. You could honestly feel the pain in the vocals as he was screaming the words out, and the bits of melody strewn throughout helped to sell the final product. Vocals you know and the instrumentation was tight; tone, again, you know, and the flow was really handled well. Definitely check this one out if you haven’t already.

82Meek Is Murder

Yessss, this is the good, raw, crunchy, angry, grind-inflected metalcore that I’m coming to realize I enjoy. The way they place calculated and precisely, you’d think the album title here of “Algorithms” is more than just a title. Vocals are done really well and the instrumentation is delicious, the tone is nice and the flow is oh so sweet. Enjoyed every frantic minute of this.

83The Festival of Dead Deer
The Many Faces of Mental Illness

What a cacophonous, riotous mess this is, and I wouldn’t want to have it any other way. Blending and bleeding through such disparate genres as noise rock, post-hardcore (like eeeeaaaaarly post-hardcore) and post-punk, Festival of Dead Deer put together a very unique and singular experience here. Vocals were very interesting and solid, instrumentation was really good and wide-ranging, and the tone and flow worked well here. Definitely an intriguing experience overall and I’d recommend you check this out.

I Now Pronounce You Fucked And Dead

A taut little album filled with a nasty mix of screamo and grind, Hayworth will obliterate your eardrums and preconceptions if given half the chance. Vocals were tight and singular, instrumentation was fabulous, tone was well done and the flow was highly spasmodic and yet controlled all at the same time. Definitely an interesting album.

85Inside The Beehive
Drink Bleach; Live Forever

So caustic it may put a hole through your speakers, so viciously visceral and all
packaged neatly within 20 minutes, Inside the Beehive drop a bombshell, let alone the mic, with this album and walk out like complete badasses. I still can’t get over how good this is; this sounds as if TDEP and HHLL has a baby, and it’s a cousin to The End (CAN). Vocals are absolutely blistering and have an excellent range to them, instrumentals are fucking top-notch, and the tone and flow are superb. Absolutely top tier -core work right here.

Live the Storm

Fun and bouncy D-beat hardcore we got going here, Disfear bring a fun sense of style and flow to this album, even incorporating some solos into the proceedings, which you don’t really hear often in this genre. Vocals were decent and the instrumentation was fun and bouncy. Tone was good and the flow was solid, and all in all, this was a fun album to bop out to. Simple, yet effective.

87MouthBreather (MA)

7 minutes. 7 songs, 7 minutes. That’s all MouthBreather need to fucking crush your skull under a barrage of heavy riffs and tone, leaving you a bloody battered pulp, and all the better for it. This is “take-no-prisoners” metalcore, the kind that doesn’t have time for technicality and slick production and all; no, this is metalcore that goes straight for the throat while screaming in your face. Vocals I was a little iffy on at the start but I warmed up to them, instrumentals are simplistic but brutal, tone is amazing and flow is fast.
Do you have 7 minutes to spare?


One hell of a “one and done”, Myotonia bring forth an excellent vision of mathcore here, burning brightly for all of half an hour and then pfft! it’s gone, but terribly indelible. Vocals are quite good and the instrumentals are to die for, tone is done well and the flow is absolutely delicious. Don’t sleep on this one.

Comfort in Nothing

Not as atmospheric as The Secret, but definitely would fit quite snugly next to them as a solid 1-2 punch of aggression straight to your mouth, Spurn put out a banger of an album here, filled with enough anger and rage to fill your listening time. Vocals are quite tasty and well done, instrumentals are solid as fuck, tone is good and combines with the instrumentals to provide a mice edge to the sound, and the flow was well done.

90The Secret
Solve Et Coagula

An atmospheric devolution into cacophonous madness, The Secret’s “Solve Et Coagula” is an incredible ride that is chock full to the brim with anger. Dunno why, but I vibed with this a lot more than their other two entries on my list; fuuuuuuuck this was good. Vocals are excellent, instrumentation was solid, and the tone and flow were fantastic, all coming together to create something truly good.

91Thirty Called Arson
You're Only a Rebel From the Waist Downward

Well, this was fucking dope. Bringing a sound and style reminiscent of early Norma Jean, Thirty Called Arson craft a metalcore maelstrom with this release, opting for periodic dissonance and breakneck changes in the pacing, tone and flow. If ever the term “controlled chaos” were apt, it would definitely be for this. Vocals had a nice range to them and the vocalist had a good grasp of when to change things up, and the instrumentation was top-notch. Definitely recommend this under-appreciated gem.

92The Orphan (AUS)

Angry, angular, at times d lightly dissonant metalcore here. Doesn’t really bring anything new to the table and would kinda get lost in the shuffle, but it’s here. Vocals are decent and the instrumentals are solid; tone and flow were decent too. Not bad at all, but I’m not gonna remember this anytime soon.

93Gorilla Biscuits
Start Today

A straight-up shot of hardcore braggadocio, full of snot, sweat, blood and swagger. This was hardcore. This was a dope-ass album, just flying from one end of the rails to the other, not caring about the speed and not caring who gets in their way, just how hardcore should be. Vocals worked well for this, the instrumentation was fucking rock solid, and the tone and flow were also good. Classic.

94Ling Tosite Sigure

Japanese math rock with some post-hardcore elements strewn throughout, Ling Tosite Sigure really bring the fucking jams on here, simultaneously entertaining and enthralling. Vocals are in a bit of a higher register than what one would normally expect, but if you don’t mind, then you’ll like them. Instrumentals are simply off the charts, they’re that enjoyable, so full of life and expression while exploring mathy books and crannies you never thought of. Tone and flow work really well here, and this was a fucking bop to listen to.

95This or the Apocalypse
Dead Years

In ways, this sounds like the “classic” metalcore my mind will refer to in nostalgic tones, in that this is heavy and aggressive in parts, yet it’s slickly produced overall and it flows really well. This is how 99% of the metalcore sounded when I first got into the genre, and this album is hitting all the right buttons in my mind. Vocals and instrumentals are handled really well, and the tone and flow suit the album to a T. Sometimes it’s nice to come back to something like this after spending the entire day exploring the outer, more adventurous fringes of -core, and I’m glad this delivered.

The Dregs

Y’know, I think I like this Engineer album better than the other one I listened to, “Reproach”. This one, to me, had more variance in the instrumentation and the vocals sounded a lot more visceral, and when you add that up in my mind, you get a winner here. All of those made this album tasty, and the tone and flow was the icing on the cake. Good, solid stuff here.

97Sworn Enemy
The Beginning Of The End

There’s so much thrash elements here this is practically crossover. Daaaammmmnnnn... not gonna complain tho, I dig this. The hardcore elements utilized here are done well, and this was fun to listen to. Vocals and instrumentals are all solid, and the tone and flow has enough variance to keep me invested and interested. Solid as a brick upside yo head.

98Love Is Red
All That’s Ahead Points To Forever

Some more emotional hardcore here, but more along the lines of playing this whilst having a long, hard, introspective look at yourself. Rainy days also help this along. Another good entry that really nails that balance of tone and flow without detracting from either, Love Is Red craft an album that definitely engages your emotions. Vocals are solid and the instrumentation was tight; I can definitely see me coming back to this in the future.

99In Pieces
Learning to Accept Silence

Sweet damn was this some really good emotional post hardcore right here... it doesn’t reach Casey-levels but damn... fucking loved this. Just the balance and ratio between emotional insistency and the more aggressive outbursts so readily associated with the post hardcore genre was so fucking well done. Vocals were perfect as were the instrumentals, and the tone and flow were really nice. Like daaaaammmmmmnnnnnn.......

100For The Love Of
Feasting On The Will of Humanity

Very solid and capable hardcore that skews toward the meat-and-potatoes side of the spectrum, For The Love Of still put on one hell of a performance with this album. Opting to disregard technical frills for in your face aggression and tone, there’s something to be enjoyed by this basic approach. Vocals had that classic hardcore feel to them, in which range is jettisoned for brute emotion and the instrumentals are very solid, going hard and heavy for 99% of the time but throwing in traces of melody here and there. Tone, you already know about, and the flow was solid. All in all a pretty good hardcore album.


Another album like the one above that doesn’t aim for lofty musical heights but is more than satisfied to produce an album that is meant for one to lower one’s head and fucking MOSH; as such, the lyrics are simplistic in view and vocabulary, and the instrumentals are fucking heavy. Tone and flow follow suit in simplicity, and at the end of the day this element of simplicity is all one needs from time to time, no?

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