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PURE HELL Round 1: Elimination Conundrum

I haven't done one of these in a long time. This is a sort of competition, but with impossibly difficult rules. I don't expect many applications, so each round only one person will fall off.
1Fields of the Nephilim
The Nephilim


The point of this competition is to test your musical research skills, so you will have to dig deep into the world of music and listen to a lot of things before rec'ing them.
2Middle Class

Gimme minimum 8 tracks that together can make a good album (with flow, structure, pace, production, similar instrumentation and all that).
-1 track should be over 8 minutes, but the rest shouldn't be. (1)
-5 tracks should be under 4 minutes. (1)
-Each song's title should be as long (in word amount) as the title of the album it is originally from. (3)
-One of the tracks should be a 21st century cover of a 20th century song. (2)
-One of the songs must be in a language other than English. (2)
-You will have to do it all in one particular genre (or derivatives). I will let you choose a genre yourselves, but once you pick, the others can't go with the same one. (3)
-You are not allowed to pick any genre that is the first, the second, or the last in your pie chart. (3)
-All songs should be new to me. (3)
3I'm So Hollow
Emotion / Sound / Motion

Gimme two releases.
-1 album and 1 EP (2)
-Both of a different genre than any in my pie chart. (3)
-One needs to be released in 20th and the other in 21th century. (2)
-The two releases should also have covers primarily in either one of these colours: turquoise, azure, grey, black, white, crimson, cyan, cobbalt, amber. Pick one colour for the EP, one for the album; their covers need to be in those colours primarily! (3)
-One of those releases has to be above 4 in average rating. (1)
4Circle X

One of the rules you can omit, if you don't feel like you'll manage to find me something good in there. The omittable rules are symbolised by " - ". But each rule has its own points value, which will reflect itself on your final score. The points value you can lose by omitting the rule is signified in brackets after each rule.
5Violet Town
Violet Town

The Pod


Ween - Dr. Rock
Starting off admittedly wavy with a sonically shrilling tune of pure mindlessness. I feel like I'm being lectured about law-abiding behaviour while on drugs. I get the point, but it is all too obscured for me not to get the nausea. 3.5
Cherubs - Mr. Goy
Cleaner production, but somehoe even stranger execution that has a tendency to intentionally jump all over the place. Overall the song was slightly off-putting, but could be understood as a part of the album. So far the flow seems like that of an album of avant-garde madmen. 3
Shorty - Rocketman, Rocketman
Another vocal shift, this time from yelling to some strange growl-burp. The music still does fit the overall theme, but not my favourite cut on here. The mixtape so far has a vibe of either a demo or a highly musically conceptual (or lack thereof) drilling noise that tries to be as off-the-wall as possible. 2
Afrirampo - Afrirampo
Back into the fast execution with this surprisingly fun obscurity. Yay. 3.5
The Pod

Coughs - Fright Makes Right
And back to the oddly dissatisfying earscrew, but this time with some actual merit to it. 3
Melvins - Shaving Cream
This song I'm actually heard before, cause I've heard the album, but I most certainly hated the album and hasn't revisited since initial listening, so I didn't remember shit. Still as all over the place and obnoxious as I'd expect a Melvins song to be, but serves as a serviceable detour. 2.5
Cows - Cow Jazz/Car Chase
Man, I have not listened to Cows in a long, long, long time. What a cool throwback, even though they are much less cohesive than what I remember. Still, this song is most definitely a highlight on the album. As if all the distorted, directionless oddities this had to offer was leading up to this one grand uniter of a song that presents an ultimate treatment in harshness. 4
The Pod

Butthole Surfers - Psychedelic Jam (Live)
And the grand finale. Much more sophisticated and constructed than most other cuts on here. It definitely feels a little out of place with its cohesiveness, but at the same time feels more like a compelling part of any album at all. 3.5

A fairly acceptable noise album. Might not be something I'd go for voluntarily, but I guess could be worse. The dissonance and the mind-bending instrumentation most of the time is what really stitches it all up together.

9Johnny Winter
Johnny Winter


Johnny Winter- Mean Mistreater
Oh no,this'll be a bumpy road... 2.5
B. B. King- No Good
Okay, here we go. Some o' that good ol' smoothery with an overly sophisticated edge to it. Yummy. 4.5
Stevie Ray Vaughn- Couldn't Stand the Weather
If anything good can be said about this, it's that it keeps the flow of the compilation afloat well. The song itself is not as memorable, though. Fun nevertheless. 3.5
Janiva Magness- I'm Glad You're Mine
And we're back in the pit. I really cannot tell what is causing these jumps up and down, but they are drastic. 2
Muddy Waters- Tom Cat
Back up. 4.5
Janis Joplin- Road Block
Actually holding steady now. The flow intact. 4
Pappo's Blues- Perro en la Vereda
Spoke too soon about the flow, cause now we have an odd proggy detour with a screeching guitar. 2.5
10Johnny Winter
Johnny Winter

Joe Bonamassa- The Ballad of John Henry 8:13 (from Muddy Wolf at Red Rocks)
And the grand finisher, continuing the sudden switch to shrieking guitar leads... nicer this time, though. 3.5

Perhaps I don't know enough about blues, but this was quite all over the place and often for no seeming reason at all.

11Charles Mingus
Mingus Moves

butcherboy (-3 points for omitting a rule of equal word count in titles of songs and their respective albums)
Jazzy Art Pop

Charles Mingus - Canon
Knowing some of the artists on here, I suspect this to be a slow, but atmospherically rich experience. First song definitely indicates so. Those brass blows caress my ears, uuuuuuugggghhh. 4.5
Teho Teardo and Blixa Bargeld - The Empty Boat
I am not giving this a high score just because it is from butcherboy, I swear. The high score is because this is a fucking beauty. 5
Element of Crime - Weisses Papier
From dark and brooding, or sophisticated and gloomy to suddenly more soft and patient, but not particularly paying off. 3.5
12Charles Mingus
Mingus Moves

Tiger Lilies - Her Room
No secret that I am no fan of Tiger Lilies, but this song started off rather suprisingly with a more or less energetic and quick instrumental softness. Nevertheless that quickly turned sour as the laughable vocals kicked in and more instruments added up, which somehow failed to come together into any particular cohesive structure and just felt awkwardly, shapelessly placed, vaguely reminding of a compelling song somewhere underneath. Just an overall weird, out-of-place unfinished mess (definitely the most obnoxious thing butch has ever given me). Sorry. 1.5
Skatalites - The Reburial
And suddenly we jump into something much sunnier and more upbeat. A fine song, but does little for the flow. 3.5
John Hammond - Shore Leave
Hooray, we're back into that gloomy, spohisticated brooding. Tasty. 4.5
Rowland S. Howard - Girl Called Johnny
And more of that beautiful gloom. Yay. 4
13Charles Mingus
Mingus Moves

Van Morrison - Madame George
Granted, I've heard this song already before, but I remember jackshit from it, which one could define as its real downfall. It's a fine tune, but does it need to go on for nearly 10 minutes? 4

A little hanging in the middle, but overall a solid-ass offering. Blessed be!

14Will Haven
Carpe Diem

MarsKid (-2 points for omitting a rule of 21st century cover of a 20th century song)

Will Haven - Finest Our
Starting off with a little something non-descript. Okay then... 3.5
Zapruder - We Are Orphans
...oh okay, it leads into this. That makes sense, gonna bump the song before .5 point up then. 4
Rolo Tomassi – Estranged
Where We Are Orphans was a straightforward, but still chaotic track, this is just a directionless chaos. Odd turn of events. 2.5
This Day Forward - The Effects of Departure From Ideal Proportions
And now something inbetween. Much more visceral and tormented than We Are Orphans, but also more focused than Estranged. 3
Beecher – Cabin Boy Jumped Ship
This feels like a blend of metalcore, prog and emo... am I right? 3.5
Breach - Presume the Forgotten
There is no need for this. The parts that are heavy are a blast out of the past (the good old days of DIY lo-fi sound), but all that surrounds it is just literal nothing. 2.5
15Will Haven
Carpe Diem

Eden Maine - The Acidic Taste of Betrayal
Eh, it's fine. 3.5
Seizures - The Draper Project
And ending on another chaotic note. 3.5

Well, there seems to be a tendency to go from one stylistic direction to another, but it doesn't work out all that famously, really.

16We Are The Union
Great Leaps Forward

DinosaurJones (-3 points for omitting a rule of equal word count in titles of songs and their respective albums)

We Are the Union - We Don't Care if Yesterday Burns, Stoke Up the Fire
That good old indescribeable blandness of ska and/or pop punk, where the energy flows, but the band (especially the bland-ass vocals) manage to make it sound dull. 2.5
Suburban Legends - Do It For the Kids
Bring on that obnoxious baggage. 2
the Mighty Mighty Bosstones - She Just Happened
Actually, surprisingly, unexpectedly, wondrously decent tune. 4
Thank You Scientist - Blood on the Radio
Perhaps it'll one day grow on me, much like their second album did, but right now I can only appreciate the instrumental palette and finesse. 3
Streetlight Manifesto - the Receiving End of it All
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 1.5
Rx Bandits - Mientras La Veo Sonar
uuuggghhh again. 1
17We Are The Union
Great Leaps Forward

Mad Caddies - S.O.S
The melody is fine, but you can't really credit the band with that, aye? 2
Catch22 - Opportunity
That ffffffffucking annoying laid-back bro-shit I detest about ska, contemporary country, fraternities and social studies... 1

You knew this was coming.

18Justin Timberlake
The 20/20 Experience


Justin Timberlake - Pusher Love Girl
The art of annoying high pitched voice, silly lyrics and utterly boring melody. 1.5
Ellie Goulding - Lights
B for Banal. 2
Lights - Toes
Good fucking god. This is why they call them honkies... 1
Jack's Mannequin - Into the Airwaves
Better than Fun., actually. 3.5
Regina Spektor - Don't Leave Me (Ne me quitte pas)
Yeah, it's cute. 3.5
Hellogoodbye - Here (In Your Arms)
Fuck no. 1
Vada Wave- Very Best Part
Quite sweet. I don't really have much else to say, but it is indeed a decent track. 3.5
All Time Low - Jasey Rae (Acoustic)
Not the excruciating gutlessness I expected of ATL. Just a little tacky gutlessness. So points up. 2.5

This is a collection of the most trivial, imagination lacking commercial pop there is. How could you, Joshua?

19Phoebe Bridgers


Phoebe Bridgers - Georgia
A nice tender ballad, albeit repetative. 3
Shawn Colvin - The Facts About Jimmy
This is quite like the song before, but the samey nature somehow works fine. 3.5
Mary Chapin Carpenter - Stones in the Road
Well, damn. 4
The Swell Season - The Swell Season
Now I understand you obsession with the band. This is indeed a... swell tune. 4.5
Rosalia - De Plata
Quite mesmerising, actually. I don't know if I love it, but I am most definitely intrigued. It seems that there is a lot of that latino exotica flowing through that makes the song so damn appealing. 4
Julien Baker and Manchester Orchestra - Bad Things to Such Good People
Man, this compilation is taking some serious atmospheric turns. It started off with a primitive guitar tangling and simplistic ballads, but as it progresses I hear much more torment and experimentation. This song is actually beautiful. 4.5
20Phoebe Bridgers

Damien Rice - It Takes a Lot to Know a Man
Continuing the hurt gloomy atmospheric heart-wrenching, but this time with a glorious pay off. And the melody is just magnificent. Kudos. 5
Harrod and Funck - Rabbit
A perfect wrap-up that fits in with the execution and the flow. And again, the melody just hits home. 4.5

Hats off to you, neekafat. You can surprise a man.

21Kaviar Special

22Discordance Axis
The Inalienable Dreamless


Discordance Axis - The Inalienable Dreamless
Have to admit that for as much scepticism as I put into grindcore (not just) these days, this ended up being rather pleasantly cohesive. Not that it was honey to my ears... quite the opposite, actually. But it still was a rather enjoyable little (or grand) ride, even if in the end slightly tedious. 3.5

Timeghoul - Panaramic Twilight
Oh man, that's that old, dirty, raw, vicious, demonic, hellish, disgusting death metal casette burner, aye? Bloody miss that stuff. 4


Bloon's total: 3.125 + 3.75 = 6,875
/2 = 3,4375


Slowdive - Slowdive (EP, turquoise, 20th century, 4.2 avg, shoegaze/dream pop)
As someone admittedly not fond of Slowdive, I have to admit that this EP was quite pleasant, even if mildly forgettable. The rising atmosphere was a doozie, though. 3.5

Rorcal - Heliogabalus (LP, black, 21st century, 4.1 avg, doom/sludge)
I mean, it's cool and all... but so unnecessarily, bloatedly, boringly loooooooooong. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh 2.5


bgillesp's total: 3.375 + 2 = 5.375
/2 = 2.6875
24Max Roach
Percussion Bitter Sweet


Max Roach - Percussion Bitter Sweet
I don't really have a lot to say about this... It's a fine jazz album. I liked it. 7/10 would be an appropriate rating, hither translating into 4.

Flaming Lips - Ego Trippin at the gates of hell
You beautiful bastard! I don't know how accurate it'll be to say that me relistening to this nonstop is one of the reasons why I didn't post the results earlier (that and that neekafat rec'd Damien Rice song), but I did indeed get dragged into the pit of sunshine with this little ray of goodness. HOWEVER that is only assuming the out-of-place remixes didn't happen. All the original songs are really pretty and warm, but the remixes did little-to-nothing for me. 3.5


butcherboy's total: 3.8125 + 3,75 - 3 = 4.5625
/2 = 2.28125
25John Larkin
John Larkin

John Larkin - John Larkin
Hah, this guy? He used to do actual music? And that music was good? Wondrous things, folks, wondrous things. 4

Zapruder - Straight From the Horse's Mouth
A little samey and a little banal and the 12 minutes long track did little to justify its length, really. (but Lost in Vegas was a goodie good) 3

MarsKid's total: 3.25 + 3.5 - 2 = 4.75
/2 = 2.375


CocoRosie - Coconuts, Plenty of Junk Food
I for Insufferable. 1 (sorry, bub, but I just can't)

Santana - Santana
Don't think there was ever a point in time, when I liked Santana's music... even a little bit. Sorry. 2


DinosaurJones total: 2.125 + 1.5 - 3 = 1.625
/2 = 0.8125
Set Yourself On Fire


Stars - Set Yourself On Fire
Some of the songs, if taken individually, are indeed powerful and beautiful, but as a whole, this album is way too long for its own good. The songs are often stretched out into lengths they cannot pull off with the lack of catchy material they tend to have. I don't know, half of it is good-to-great, but the other is just excruciating. 2.5

Primus - Animals Should Not Try To Act Like People
This feels like an acid trip, whose aftermath will feel like Tool. 3


ZombieToyDuck's total: 2.3125 + 2.75 = 5.0625
/2 = 2.53125
Chicago Transit Authority


Lady Gaga - The Fame Monster EP
It is an incredibly banal and accessible record with some truly idiotic and primitive lyrics and instrumental moments, but *deep sigh* it is catchy... *sigh again*... 3.5

Chicago - Chicago Transit Authority
Description in Uni's Random Tourney. 4


neekafat's total: 4.125 + 3.75 = 7.875
/2 = 3.9375
29This Heals Nothing
Part of the Routine

WARNING! Here's how this'll work. None of you are eliminated. The points you earned here you will take with you to next rounds and then someone will have the highest amount and win. I expect at least 5 rounds, but might be more. I don't know how my twisted mind will decide.
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