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bgill's Trip Hop Journey

A la Boney's shoegaze journey, I'll take a bunch of trip hop recs and write up blurbs and ratings for them. I already know most of the classics but feel free to rec some you may think too obvious.
1Massive Attack
Blue Lines

One of the first if not the first major trip hop releases from a band steeped in history. This honestly sounded quite a lot like a Tricky album to me on the production and even featured him on vocals in a few spots. There is a subtle difference in some of the production style and there is a significant reggae influence in several tracks that stand out though. As such an innovative album, this deserves a lot of praise, and also because it's very good, but many of the beats are a little too sparse leaving a thin production that doesn't quite hold me in its grasp.
2Massive Attack

Kind of watered down from their other output, but good nonetheless. Out of the classics artists who ever hit mainstream, these guys might be my least favorite though.
3Massive Attack
Ritual Spirit

After finally getting to it, I very much regret putting it off. Some of their darkest work is on this newer EP and I love that vibe. The t/t and their collab with tricky to close are some of their best tracks. This might work its way into the favorite position from them.
Also The Spoils
The companion EP to RS comes in much shorter at 2 tracks. The first track is just as potent as RS but the second doesn't quite live up. Still a very solid work from them. I hope they put out an LP in the vein of these two soon.
Nearly God

Bought this CD a while back and finally got around to it. It's a dark affair much like the rest of Tricky's work, but it comes together here quite nicely even to the point where I'm considering calling this my favorite album of his. Poems is a gorgeous track.
Pre-Millenium Tension

Sort of a large drop of from Nearly God for me here. Still the same dark vibe Tricky always has and it's still done well, but the writing isn't as engaging and the hooks are less prominent. Also the weird thing with the vox sounding like everyone has a cold isn't the best.
Also Angels with Dirty Faces
High moments like Nearly God, but a few weaker tracks with jut decent writing along the way.
False Idols

Tricky pulls out another dark atmosphere laden release that could be up there for the peak of his later years beside ununiform. Nothing out of the ordinary for him, but some really great tracks in We Don't Die and Valentine.
7DJ Shadow
The Private Press

This album is so incredibly overlooked simply because Endtroducing... is such a perfect moment of music history. It took me about a year of knowing the name DJ Shadow before I realized he even had another album. This second outing coming 6 years after the masterpiece deserves a bit more credit than it gets. It isn't Endtroducing... but what is? This is still an incredible display of creativity and vision in production and sampling to make a really awesome trip hop album.
8One Dove
Morning Dove White

Okay, so I haven't *quite* heard the entire thing but I found a nearly full youtube playlist, so I think thats enough for me to give a basic overview. This album represents the poppier, more ambient side of trip hop that isn't heavy into the beats, but still has them. This album actually came out before Portishead's Dummy by a year and was the original band of Dot Allison. It's a really great record throughout, but there isn't really any huge standout moment. Some bits sound stolen from Massive Attack and the early scene, but considering this IS the early scene, it's equally likely bands stole from this.
9Sofa Surfers

Reggae and trip hop much like Massive Attack are the main influences here. The lyrics are pretty strange to me though but this isn't bad. I don't see myself revisiting it though.

At first glance, this band may seem like another Portishead ripoff. The female vocalist over trip-hop beats automatically assumes that position I guess when the example set by Portishead was so strong. However, that comparison really goes no deeper than that. Bringing in sounds from Asian wind instruments to jazz bass and vibraphones, this group certainly has a unique creative vision. They are able to turn their influences into something new and exciting rather than copies in another style. Also, the vocalist sounds like a cross between Stevie Nicks and Beth Gibbons with a flair I can't quite place rather than sounding like a Gibbons copycat. God Bless is a killer track.
Psyence Fiction

JustJoe + Papa Universe
So this is what Shadow was doing during the long gap after Endtroducing... It has his characteristic sampling style so obviously this is very good. The thing with this album is almost every track features a different guest vocalist. This makes for an interesting eclectic feel that, for the most part, works in its favor, but a weak showing from Mike D and a bit of sameyness elsewhere keep it from masterpiece level.
12The Herbaliser
Very Mercenary

A pretty solid trip-hop/hip-hop mixture with mostly smooth beats and flows. A few track can get kinda grating though, especially the spiderman-sample-heavy track in the middle. Let it Go is a real solid track though.
13The Herbaliser
Take London

Holy cow, I wasn't expecting this after the (relatively) lackluster Very Mercenary. Jean Grae is the absolute life of this album, one of the most talented female rappers ever and she proves it here on the few tracks featuring her. Close Your Eyes is a possible top 20 track on this list, several other standouts.
Also Bring Out The Sound
Dewinged (kinda)
Another awesome release from the band. I don't know what it was about Very Mercenary that was just off when they were writing, but they seems to have gotten it and kept it together since then.
14Red Giant (USA-NJ)

The debut EP from a modern, Bandcamp trip hop duo. I use the adjective modern here with intention as it consist of beats not stuck in the 90's but more reflective of today's hip hop. This makes it sound more fresh and interesting, and the vocalist is talented as well.
15Red Giant (USA-NJ)

The follow up EP they did here continued the modernity with even thicker, heavier production. This one has a seriously strong vibe to it that makes it stand out in today's trip hop scene (if that even really exists). Some of the vocal choices weren't my favorite here but the vocalist is still talented and the production is top notch.
Animal Magic

This Bonobo album was pretty different from Black Sands. Of the 3 of theirs I've heard, none were the same, so if you don't like one of theirs, it may be worth checking another. However, I would not personally recommend this one since I found it pretty standard and a little boring. I view Black Sands as their masterpiece.
Black Sands

This album has a very natural feel to it, as in it reflects the sounds of nature very well. The beats are organic and the layers are exquisitely smooth. Not a lot of standout moments but this production is so simple and clean that makes this release stand out from the others on the list as a whole.
18Smoke City
Flying Away

Papa Universe
More of your standard reggae influenced trip hop sound is quite prevalent on Smoke City's magnum opus, although there is a definitive tint of jazz in several places. That being said, although you can find a very similar sound to this many places on the list, this will be one of your better examples. It shines above acts like Morcheeba and some of Hooverphonic, but Lamb may be the overall prime example.
Big Calm

Papa Universe
This one is a bit of a borderline trip hop release as it incorporates a wide variety of influences outside the electronic. Each song brings something unique to it in terms of influence and sound, and as a result, there are several great standalone tracks. However, some of the tracks seem to have a similar song structure and many get a little repetitive beyond comfort.
A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular

Papa Universe
Much much better than their third album (the first one I checked from them). This one feels like a trip-hop original from the early days. Sort of similar to a Portishead sound, but with a very different vibe, they pull off something a lot more dreamy than dark here.

Papa Universe
A mixed bag of influences and quality. Sometimes they pull the Tricky sound and others its Portishead, which they tend to do better as in Flowerstand Man. Others even they have a club music vibe going which was pretty fun, but overall they sound too all over the place.
Give You The Ghost

Papa Universe
Oh the Autotune! The vocals are all autotuned. And not the smooth Autotune but a really bubbly/crackly one that sounds like autotuned vibrato. As you can tell I was not a huge fan of that although I did get used to it by the end. The music was more along indie pop lines but there were definitely some elements of trip hop in the electronic production. Overall nothing too special but still pretty decent.
23Son Lux

Just making this entry to throw out the rest of my Son Lux ratings:
Remedy- An EP with some of their wildest work
Brighter Wounds- 2018 release with the most band collaboration in the songwriting process, making it feel brighter and cohesive
Bones- Real Good
We Are Rising- [2]
Other EPs- [3] but less so
24Son Lux
At War With Walls And Mazes

Papa Universe
When this started out, I wasn't quite sure if it would be trip hop at all. The orchestral electronic scape, nevertheless, was beautiful and set the scene for the album quite well. After the opener, more of the beats flowed in, and that's where the album really got going. The atmosphere on this thing was THICC and luscious. The vocals were ethereal and almost shoegazey to fit well right into the mix. My only complaint may be that the vocal style got a bit repetitive, but since it was subtle and sparse to begin with, this wasn't much of a big deal. Betray is a seriously good example of the highlights.
[edit] Okay this is just as good as Lanterns.
25Son Lux

Papa Universe
And this one is even better! It's less trip hop but who cares at this point. Son Lux deserves attention. Songs like Easy (one of their best) is still pretty trip hoppy but otherwise it's just great orchestral electronic with some beats. Lost it to Trying is another amazing track.
The Unseen

Papa Universe
This hip hop album uses production in a similar vein to that of J Dilla and DJ Shadow making it worth a spot on this list although not entirely trip hop (as many others on this list aren't). As a hip hop album, the unique vocal style, lyrics, broken beyond belief song structures make this stand out as a very interesting work. The songs structures are primarily aided by the wonky beat production consisting of haphazardly strung together jazz and hip hop samples which is the true highlight.
Felt Mountain

Papa Universe
A much more minimal take on trip hop is this album. Not slowed down in the sense of downtempo and not thinner production, just a more minimal presence of sound. I'm sure they must have been going for this vibe but I didn't really dig it.
Also Silver Eye
TalonsOfFire (indirectly by reviewing it)
Quite a different feel from the bare bones trip hop on Felt Mountain, this release has a much bigger presence especially shining on the hollow sounding yet fully formed Zodiac Black. A solid release.
28Perera Elsewhere
All Of This

Papa Universe
Dark and out there, the producer Sasha Perera wants to make something interesting thats for sure. This album isn't connect to stay along the beaten path, but where it strays may not be for everyone, as it wasn't quite ideal for me. This one could surprise you though.
29Nightmares On Wax
Smoker's Delight

Papa Universe
Mmmmmm. This one has some tasty, smooth beats. A teensy bit repetitive, but it's w/e.
Also Carboot Soul
Papa Universe
About the same feel but just a little less smooth than Smoker's Delight. Still a good listen but no standout tracks.
Also Shape The Future
Same as above but some great standout tracks, especially Citizen Kane.
Uncle Tony's Colouring Book

More of a groovy take with a heavier emphasis on samples containing guitar than most in the genre. Some jazzy bits spread throughout too. The samples with dialogue don't really work too well though.
Melody A.M.

Papa Universe
I feel like I keep wussing out on dropping that 4.5 rating since I've been giving a bunch of 4.2's, but also that where I feel a lot of these releases really are. Idk. Anyways, this album is another clear standout for not being more of the same old stuff. It's still trip-hop, but in a much fresh and clean way that has merit in its own rights. Almost psychedelic at times with the beats, jazzy at others, it remains varied and interesting throughout.

Papa Universe
Thicker, fuzzier, poppier. That's the direction Royksopp went after the awesome debut and it worked pretty well for the most part. Still carving a unique niche in the scene, they keep themselves relevant with an updated sound yet again.
33The Heliocentrics
From the Deep

Papa Universe
This one sounds ancient. In the sense of the production being pretty dusty, kinda like those poorly produced albums from the 70s. The sound of the production actually works mostly to the favor of this release though. Tons of jazz influence throughout here, it actually is primarily a jazz release with trip-hop elements. It is a very interesting blend that I quite enjoyed listening to.

Papa Universe
Skalpel, rather than creating the feel of a dark, haze-laden drug lounge as many trip hop bands seek, have succeeded in creating a much brighter and open release that doesn't seek to suffocate the listener. Part of how they've achieved this is through some genuine jazz knowledge and experimentation with brighter auxillary instruments. While the breath of air is refreshing, its not enough to make this a masterpiece. Some of the songs like Switch really shine in this nu-jazz/trip-hop style, but some others tend to fall flat and boring. I look forward to checking their other albums though.
Also Konfusion
Papa Universe
This one was pretty hard to pay attention to. It often just faded to the background lacking both offensive and interesting sound for the majority. Some songs were pretty good still, though.
Also Scalpel
Papa Universe
This one was a little too short for full effect but has some of Skalpel's better work. This band was not the greatest find.
35Blue States
Man Mountain

This album was another well composed entry. I do have a problem with the production though, and I can't quite describe it. The production is glossy, but almost too thick in a way that it got slippery if that makes sense. Still an enjoyable listen though.
36Rob Dougan
Furious Angels

Papa Universe
Like a trip-hop soundtrack but better. A lot of strings through here and the gravelly voice of Mr. Dougan blend in really well with the well produced beats to create something pretty unique compared to the majority of the list especially.
37Thievery Corporation
The Mirror Conspiracy

Papa Universe
A downtempo version of Massive Attack somewhat, they have a lot of reggae influence. Songs like Lebanese Blonde are great but moments like Air Batucada are rather boring.
Sounds of the Satellites

Papa Universe
This one has a pretty standard sound for what you'd see in Portishead's vein of trip hop, so it is enjoyable but nothing incredibly unique musically. The strength of this album lies mostly in the lyrics and how they help to create a very chilled atmosphere.

Papa Universe
That retro sound with a very modern twist. Some amazing tracks on here and some standard ones, but overall very nice.
40The Acid

Papa Universe
An indie rock/trip-hop fusion album that starts off blazing and quickly burns out. The first few tracks really blew me away, but the songwriting never progressed beyond that style and quickly felt old. Some real potential for this artist though.
41Hidden Orchestra
Night Walks

Papa Universe
Nowhere near the beauty and uniqueness of the follow up, but still quite entrancing with the sound. Check Archipelago.
42Hidden Orchestra

Papa Universe
Although a little impatient in the introduction to its world (I use world instead of sound because this album has so much more han just a "sound" to it), it is a beauty and a marvel only this modern orchestra could create.
This review says it all better than me.
43Xploding Plastix
Amateur Girlfriends Go Proskirt Agents

Papa Universe
These jazzy recs are really doing me good. Right up there among the better ones here.

Okay, yeah, this is a real jam. Thanks for the late add on this. The vocals are a major turnoff at first, but once you give it a chance this is some awesome stuff.
Edit: Can't stop jamming this. It's nearing 5 level. Bump
Also her other two albums are gorgeous 4.2s
Edit2: This is a dang 5 now. Won't ever stop jamming this. 4.9
45Lilacs and Champagne
Midnight Features Vol. 1: Shower Scene

Papa Universe
So this EP had very little trip hop influence, but considering the limited pool for recs here, I'll write it up anyway. The first track started out with a psyched-out feel over a trip hop type beat that was pretty nice. After that is was mainly a psychedelic rock album with a lot of electronic elements. Pretty good stuff though
Also Vol. 2: Made Flesh
Papa Universe
The sequel LP to Vol. 1 had a lot more trip hop in it, and turned out to be a really interesting blend of psychedelic and trip hop. There weren't many shining moments of genius, but it was quite an enjoyable experiment nonetheless.
46Meat Beat Manifesto
Impossible Star

Okay now this was just straight up bad. Taking the genre tropes to the extreme without any energy or vision, this is not something you should check unless out of morbid curiosity.
47London Funk Allstars
London Funk Volume 1

Papa Universe
Like a first wave hip hop album in its production. They probably pulled a ton of 80's hip hop records to sample from for this and it shows. Overall the sound is pretty cool, but it is quite dated, and it gets a bit old over its length.
48Amon Tobin

Papa Universe
This works great as a collection of songs. Each song individually is quite interesting with entrancing beats and jazz bass as well as plenty of other layers. However, each songs seems to serve the same exact function, whether or not the structures change or stay the same. It starts simple, adds layers progressively, pulls out and switches up, and ends. Great when spread out but not back to back to back. That being said Stoney Street and New York Editor are particularly great songs.
49Amon Tobin

Papa Universe
So if you like anything from this guy, you'll like this. Nothing stand out as incredibly different between these three releases beyond the subtle. However, this is my favorite of the bunch because the song structures seem a fair bit less formulaic and the production is easily as adept as his other work.
50Amon Tobin

Papa Universe
A different take than Bricolage but much the same result. These songs have a more interesting structure and some really great jazz drums, but the soundscapes aren't up to the level of Bricolage.
51DJ Krush

Papa Universe (was Meiso but changed it cuz this was on Spotify)
Standard fare a la the DJ Shadow route, but what makes it stand out slightly is some of the subtle but distinctly Japanese influences early in the album. The last few tracks close it really strongly but it's a kinda too little too late because the album is somewhat overlong with its simplest material in the middle.
52Submotion Orchestra
Finest Hour

Papa Universe
This one was a real treat. It might seem like more of your standard fare at first with yet another female vocalist and many of the same types of sounds, but the songwriting by this group is pretty far superior to a lot of others with this sound. Songs like Secrets exhibit some really nice broken beats while the closer is a long and winding trip smoother than you'll find from many others.

Papa Universe
Hmmmmmmm, 90's alt-rock fused with trip-hop. In theory that sounds like a freakin' awful combination, but it actually worked really well here.
Nothing Follows, Nothing Stays

Papa Universe
Much like the one above, but sappier and cheesier, which I like for the most part, but it can get annoying.
55Kubrick's Cube

Papa Universe
Not so much genre bending as hopping, every song switches to a different electronic subgenera from trip-hop to techno to dubstep to idm. It keeps it interesting but the execution wasn't always perfect. Also it was too long.
56Peace Orchestra
Peace Orchestra

Papa Universe
Quite a smooth, mostly standard, interpretation of trip-hop, but somehow this one stands out with that "it" factor it just has. Hard to explain this one other than smooth, but its great.
Breath from Another

So if at this point you are familiar with even a few on this list, you won't find much that you haven't before on this album. That being said, this is easily one of the better releases on the list because it so effectively brings in many of those influences that, while not perfectly original, work when executed well.
Psychic 9-5 Club

A slower and more atmospheric rec that almost combine its trip hop base with a bit of drone. The atmosphere from this is great, but it gets stale rather quickly to the point of boredom.
Music By Cavelight

Nothing too fancy, but enjoyable nonetheless. Nothing standout good or bad, but a lot more pleasant moments than not.
60Doctor Flake
Paradis Dirtyficiels

A right pleasant listen with some really interesting samples and good chill vibe. Nothing overly special but worth your time for sure.
Also Divagations
Sounds like he was trying hard to write a song that could be a TV commercial hit. Some of it actually worked but it was mostly a bit boring.
Blue Wonder Power Milk

Not quite as strong as their debut, but much of the same sound is still present, so It remains very good. Its a soft trip-hop style here that I normally don't go for but is done well.
Also The Magnificent Tree
Now their 3rd release, I don't know what went wrong, but they really screwed up whatever they had going on. This one isn't "bad" but its not near the level they had before. 3.0
62Wax Tailor
Tales of the Forgotten Melodies

Ahh, here we go. Here is another rec that takes chill and makes it relaxing rather than boring. The crackling production and frequent film samples give it and old feel that is rather comforting while maintaining interest. The use of Nina Simone's Feeling Good rendition is the highlight of the album.
63Bowery Electric

So this one is a more spaced out version of trip hop. Very chill and pretty dark. Part of the way they create this sound is through production and a bit of droning repetition. This repetition I'm not such a huge fan of though because it makes the album feel very style-over-substance in terms of the writing. Some great songs (like Fear of Flying, yes) but not an album I'd actively listen to or revisit in entirety very often.
64Sneaker Pimps

Some really strong highlights on the softer side of trip hop here, but equally meh lows. This album is more one to take tracks from for a playlist than for a straight listen, although it isn't bad for that at all.
65Zero 7
When It Falls

Better than their quite boring and lackluster debut, this one is on the softer and jazzy side of Trip-Hop. A very relaxing listen.
[edit] My opinion of their debut changed, its actually better.

A/T/O/S has some really beautiful production and is one of the most modern sounding albums on this list. There's a deeper low end presence that was missed on earlier trip hop here. The vocals sound fresh and the lyrics are good for the most part too.

The first half was hip-hop, the second was trip-hop. Unfortunately I liked the first half better. The rapping was very oldschool and a bit tired but still fit well with the production. The more trip-hop section fell flatter.

Apparently its not spelled like this in Russian..... Anyway, this was an alt-rock piece with trip hop beats that was quite nice and settled. Nothing really jumped out at me, but it was super relaxing throughout.
Also Glubina Rezkosti
Much the same of what you'll get with Zvezda here. Some songs are a bit back but others really nice.
69Everybody Loves Irene
The Very First Thing You Must Learn About Flying..

Pure Portishead worship. For those of you who are sad Portishead are no longer and want to know what it would be like if they did a reunion album, this is what you're looking for. Unfortunately I'm a bit cynical and think that if they got back together it would be a mediocre version of their former glory.
Tales Of Us

I guess I'm just not that into Goldfrapp. This was fine. It was good. It was nice and chill and interesting. But still nothing *really* grabbed me. Nothing was beyond a basal level of enjoyable. I guess that's just me though.
For Sleepyheads Only

I wrote a review cuz this one annoyed me.

Really great in parts. Very much of an annoying ripoff in others. By that I mean annoying in the way that it feels like they intentionally took other classic trip-hop beats (Teardrop or Army of Me) and wove them into their songs in a way to hide the fact that they used it. Those moments are few though and the rest is genuinely well-produced and interesting work. Worth a listen overall.
I’ve Been Here the Longest

This release is on the newer side of things. From 2009, it doesn't really sound like it though. It still sounds like its back from '03 or earlier without bringing anything new to the table. This isn't an issue so much in and of itself, but when what it does bring is a subpar rendition of the earlier sound, it isn't that great. Now it wasn't terrible by any means and was mostly enjoyable, but it isn't the best example of its specific sound.
74Howie B.
Music for Babies

The first half was very boring, the second was rather standard. This guy has worked with some high profile acts on some great material, but solo isn't his suit.

Me, Before Competition (BC)
So this isn't entirely trip hop, but about half the songs have true trip hop beats leading to some of the best music in the genre. This is my favorite Bjork album for that reason, and one of my favorite albums overall. She is a beautiful music genius.
76Dot Allison

Female vocalist wisps over trip hop beats. Sounds pretty predictable but considering Allison was active with One Dove before Portishead's Dummy, this isn't just a copycat act. Leaning more towards a downtempo aesthetic, Allison crafts some very chill moments that go from overtly sensual to basking in the, well, afterglow. Colour Me and Message Personnel are perfect songs.

One of the albums that convinced me I was really into trip hop came out just last year in 2017. This isn't the best of the list and doesn't have any mind blowing moments, but it's really consistently good and has it's own unique and fresh sound.

A late release by Tricky of the original scene, this album has some of the old and new. He's exploring other influences a fair bit throughout this release and it works for him as he creates one of his most soulful releases and one of his best.
79Soundtrack (Film)
Brokedown Palace

While this isn't completely Trip Hop, there's an underlying mix throughout that album that give it that same feel. While moments like the Rock the Casbah mix and The Party's Just Begun aren't the best, perfect songs like the closer, Deliver Me, make the whole thing quite worth it.

Very similar in style to Dummy, their s/t is perhaps actually a bit darker than their debut. The vocals are more cutting than sweet although the beats retain a similar vibe. Overall it's another great listen that maybe just doesn't hold your attention quite as strong as Dummy.

Somehow I was a holdout on this in terms of recognizing it as a work worth comparing with the rest of the Portishead discography. Its sounds are a bit more unusual than your standard fare and maybe that turned me off a tad at first, but now I recognize those moments as part of the genius. I still prefer the darkness of the s/t or the haziness of the debut, but this is by no means unworthy.

Frippertronics BC
As another of my "true trip hop" classics next to Endtroducing... this album perhaps is the other side of a very valuable coin. Instead of blowing you away with complexity and vision, this album has the most encapsulating atmosphere of any release in the genre. Potentially it could be viewed as style-over-substance, but when the style is this good, that isn't a criticism. Also the songwriting is still incredible, and Wandering Star may be one of my favorite songs from this list.
Moon Safari

Papa Universe BC
More in the downtempo side of the genre, Air create a soft, swirling atmosphere that will send you into a trance. It may not be the best at demanding your attention, but it sure will take you somewhere.
84DJ Shadow

Papa Universe/TheSpaceMan BC
Endtroducing... is easily the most impressive display of deejaying I have ever experienced and probably exists. There was no notion in my mind that I could be that blown away by a mixture of samples, but I was surely incorrect. Every moment, every beat, and every song flowed with such precision, but even more impressive was the emotion. I had no idea sampling and mixing alone could create such an atmosphere. My biggest internal conflict with this record, though, regarded creativity. I do not doubt the skill it took to make this but is there some inherent limit to creativity and true expression when the music you create actually doesn't come at all from you? I struggled with this question for a bit, but I do believe I've settled pretty firmly on the negative. Shadow uses the samples as his instrument and it feels just as human as any other. 4.9

butcherboy BC
I expected Maxinquaye to have a lot of grit, that really dirty sound rooted in an intelligently directed anger. Instead, it has a clean sound with soft vocals and mildly provocative lyrics. Now that in and of itself is by no means a bad thing, but it was unexpected for me. What makes those choices unwise, to me, is that the attitude behind the lyrics begged for that grit. When you cover a song about refusing the draft because the country has never treated "a black man" or "a brother" with respect, the listener will expect to hear some anger. The listener is greeted, however, with a soft female vocalist singing these lines meant to be from a black male perspective. This choice to use another vocalist worked well in many points in the album, but certainly not here where all personality from the lyrics is lost. Where Tricky does have the guts to use his own voice is on songs about sex, which only weakens his perspective. Lyrics were a con but the production was great.
86Massive Attack

Another classic of the genre, this one may have the most (whether people realize they know it or not) well known trip hop song in Teardrop, and rightfully so. It's a great song. But there's also a ton of other good stuff on here. Stylistically, I've always found Massive Attack to be slightly unfocused, but their production and songwriting skills are undeniable.
[bump] 4.4
Cold Water Music

Hip-hoppy, jazzy, super smooth and atmospheric production. This one hits the spot real nice with many of its tracks and none of them fall flat.
88Dot Allison
We Are Science

Nowhere near the glory of her debut, but still quite good. Dot has a great voice for this and a knack for giving off that hazily sensual vibe with her breathy delivery, but the production to accompany this one and the songwriting are not quite as good.
89Zero 7
Simple Things

So on first listen I found this one lazy and boring. I guess I wasn't paying attention because it was actually very smooth, well-written and varied. Staying on the downtempo side of things overall, the actually craft a really engaging album here.
Soon It Will Be Cold Enough

A whole lotta style over substance in this one, but a whole lotta style nonetheless. This release is pretty simple, but its quite beautiful as well. Seeing as it was the debut of a 19yo college student, its understandable that it has some filler, but even the filler is enjoyable.
Koop Islands

Quite a lot jazzier than the debut with little trip-hop influence. That being said it is still a great album with a very neat vibe and strong production.
Also Sons of Koop
This album at first made me think of Christian Scott who skillfully blends jazz and hip hop. Koop analogously blend jazz with trip hop. Early highlight Glomd show this off very well as the band creates a cool and unique sound. It lulls some in the middle, but Once Britten kicks back in near the end with some harder beats for another album highlight.
92Kruder and Dorfmeister
The K&D Sessions

This behemoth in length is an album of remixes, although to leave it at that would be an understatement. The original songs from various artists are hardly recognizable if at all because they've been morphed into a hazy remnant of themselves, almost as if they were reduced to samples in an original piece by KandD. Which I think that was the point because it works really darn well. Its downtempo nature leads it to be a bit background-y at times, but if it isn't some of the most beautifully murky and interesting background music ever, then I want to know what you think beats it. Going Under is a gorgeous freaking track.

I decided to include this Bjork album too because, although it is also only about half to three-quarters trip hop influenced, that's more than some of the others on this list. Here Bjork goes into a heavier emotional realm than the light and manic Debut, and again it is a masterpiece in both production and music in general. (Okay yeah I'm biased for Bjork, but you can get over it).
Perdition City

someguest BC
Interesting take on the genre from former black metallers, but I'm not a fan of how his vocals mix in with the style. Sometimes this comes off as trying too hard, but others times the sound is unique enough to be mesmerizing.
95Red Snapper
Making Bones

As expected from a Potsy rec, this one is pretty chill, and has a strongly present jazz bass underlying most every track. It switches up between hip-hop type tracks with more traditional, but it all works together quite smoothly despite nothing being overly standout.
96Long Arm
The Branches

I typed up a thing for this but put is screwy. Anyway you probably don't care about what I write here, but this has jazzy and electronic bits mostly and its good. There.
97Attica Blues
Test. Don't Test

Pretty much your standard fare but very pleasant at that.
98 Funki Porcini
Love, pussycats & carwrecks

Potsy on a roll with the recs gives me a doozy here. Actually a quite varied release front to back, the style of the music ebbs and flows from one corner to another quite skillfully. Some killler tracks open the album, especially the first 3, and while I may not personally love the sounds that follow quite as much, every bit of this album is obviously put together with a lot of skill. This could get bumped in the future for sure.
999 Lazy 9
Electric Lazyland

Lazy describes it well, but not really in a bad way. This isn't quite the brand that really resonates with me, but if your into that slightly more empty sound, it does it well I guess.

Sort of a slog, this one. Its quite long, and while there are tons of great moments, there are also a lot of bland/basic/repetitive beats that make the overall listen a bit tiring.
101Hol Baumann

A pretty electronic sided release that is pretty pleasant all the way through, but didn't manage to stick with me any really. Could change with another go at it though.
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