
Reviews 6
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Last Active 01-08-20 8:24 pm
Joined 03-04-12

Review Comments 15,205

12.26.21 Best of 2021: dbizzles edition 04.26.21 Sputnik is Sad: Destroyers
01.03.21 Best of 2020: dbizzles edition 10.05.20 Andy Stott: An Introduction
12.28.19 Best of 2019: dbizzles edition 03.28.19 March of Death
12.23.18 Best of 2018: dbizzles edition 04.13.18 From Cave to Eternity: The Bad Seeds Ra
01.08.18 Greatest Hits Project 08.09.17 Best 3-Punch Metal Combos
06.24.17 Week Shit, with dbizzles.04.07.17 How to become a pile of crap in 40 easy
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10.18.16 User's 2016 Disappointment List09.04.16 An Evening With dbizzles...
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Greatest Hits Project

A few months ago, I started asking users to sell me on their favorite band, essentially asking them to provide me with what they felt were enough tracks to make a Greatest Hits playlist for said band. This nearly spiraled out of control with input, so I apologize if you weren't included- I may do a Part II at some point. Anyway, the results were overwhelmingly positive and have broadened my musical horizons while giving me MANY new bands to love. Below, you can read about my experiences with each band and playlist and check them for yourselves if you'd like- some tracks weren't on Spotify and were jammed independently. ***SURPRISE**** This was not a competition and I never disclosed this to the participants, but I decided recognize my least favorite songs at the end of the list (would have done favorites as well, but the list would be too long). I apologize in advance.
Goodbye to the Gallows

Genre: Deathcore

User: betray

A drunken conversation about the merit of Emmure prompted this entire project. I will be the first to admit that I was an OG Emmure fan, but I fell off exponentially after The Respect Issue. Betray, however, had a lot to say about that one night and I still can't tell you how serious he was, but, in any event, he put together a Greatest Hits playlist for one of the most hated bands in deathcore and lit the fuse for the following explosion. Also, betray is, without a doubt, the best guide for dxc on this entire site, so I was more than happy to oblige him.
The Respect Issue

Honestly, this playlist did little to win me over with Frankie Whatever's newer material, but I'd be lying if some of the earlier tracks didn't get the old neurons firing on all the cylinders they could muster. What I learned was that Emmure isn't all that much different now that when I was a real fan- what that says about my taste, I have no idea. But, Frankie can still scream with the best of them and hasn't stopped pissing people off over the last 10 years for what it's worth.

Favorite Tracks: A Fistfight With Dick Tracy, When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong, I Got a Henna Tattoo That Says Forever, False Love in Real Life, Chicago's Finest

3Do Make Say Think
Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn

User: Frivolous
Genre: Post Rock

Post Rock has always been a hit-or-miss genre for me and one that I haven't ever really immersed myself into other than a handful of popular groups. This wonderful band has apparently been around forever and were likely a huge influence on the bands in the genre that I already enjoyed though I hadn't even heard of them.
4Do Make Say Think
Stubborn Persistent Illusions

I got to check all of Friv's highlights for the entire discography and not one track felt weak or directionless. The entire playlist was chock full of slow build-ups and perfect payoffs. Do Make Say Think are the perfect band to put on when you wake up on your own terms and have all the time in the world to sip a hot cup of coffee with a view of a perfect morning sky; they feel like a day without plans- like the perfect companion for solitude. I was so impressed by this that I ended up jamming all of their LPs in full. Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn is likely my favorite front-to-back. I can see myself returning to this band a lot. This is post-rock done right.

Favorite Tracks: Frederica, Ontario Plates, Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!, Disco and Haze, Reitschule

24 Hour Revenge Therapy

User: pjorn
Genre: Punk/Proto-Emo

Jawbreaker is a band I should have jammed a long time ago. This is something I'm even more aware of now than ever. Where were these break up songs when I was in high school stealing bottles of root beer schnapps and skateboarding past curfew just to see that month's girlfriend? Fuck if I know. If I'm being honest, lines like, 'I tried to drink you off my mind/I just got wasted,' have unknowingly been my anthem at many points in my life. I wasn't cool enough to be jamming Jawbreaker in high school, I guess, but my buddy pjorn was and boy, oh, boy was he a great host for the band.
Dear You

I had the pleasure of jamming this playlist with the creator himself giving me lyrics in all CAPS as they came up in his favorite Jawbreaker tracks. Aside from a seemingly overflowing well of clever, silver tongued lyrics the main appeal for me here was the band's ability to be so energetic about being human. Do You Still Hate Me? is the perfect representation of everything I dig from this band- aggressive pop punk with it's heart on its sleeve. It was a great experience to hear a band that countless bands have tried to emulate and failed to do so effectively, because I just figured this style wasn't all that great other than Alkaline Trio. Now I know this paved the way for their style.

Favorite Tracks: Boxcar, Do You Still Hate Me?, Accident Prone, Softcore, Big, Jet Black (mostly the sample/soundbyte), Condition Oakland

Brother, Sister

User: Rigma
Genre: Post Hardcore/Indie Rock

If you know me, you know I'm already a HUGE fan of this band- I'd have to say, overall, they are my actual favorite. Going into this, I asked people to sell me on their favorite band; well, Rigma put together a playlist as soon as he knew what I had going on and who am I to deny that? In any event, I was interested in seeing what he would consider to be the best of the best by my favorite group and he did a really good job.
Ten Stories

There's not a lot I can say about mwY that hasn't been said either by fans or by sad, poor souls like LethalPaintball, so let's get to it. There are a couple tracks I wouldn't have been able to leave out (Wolf Am I is a dear favorite of mine, for example), but I'll be damned if Rigma didn't mostly pluck all my favorite songs from mwY's discography for this collection. Most importantly, he ended the playlist in what I would consider the ONLY way acceptable: Bear's Vision of St. Agnes, All Circles, A Sweater Poorly Knit. That's how you fucking do it.

Favorite Tracks: All of them; miss me with that picky bullshit, nerd.

9Sufjan Stevens
Carrie and Lowell

User: FullOfSounds
Genre: Indie Folk/Electronic

I knew someone was going to send me on a Sufjan journey; in fact, I was counting on it and FullOfSounds was up to the task. I don't need to remind anyone on this site of Sujan's reputation as a Sputnik darling, but my main experience with him had been with the stellar Carrie and Lowell last year, so I was very excited to see what all the fuss was about. FullOfSounds really gave me a taste of everything Sufjan, and I was wildly impressed.
10Sufjan Stevens

I realized Mr. Stevens had integrated electronics into his work, but I was surprised at how often it was a facet in his work and moreso how well it worked with the style I was accustomed to; this made the playlist Sounds put together more and more exciting as I went because I never knew what I was going to get next. I still tend to prefer Sufjan's acoustic-heavy leanings, but can really see why people love this guy and why it always seems to be a debate when it comes to which of his albums is best.

Favorite Tracks: Redford, Chicago, Jon Wayne Gacy Jr, Fourth of July, They Are Night Zombies, To Be Alone With You,Vesuvius

Who Told You To Think?​?​!​!​?​!​?​!​?​!

User: verdant
Genre: Alternative Hip-Hop

LandDiving/verdant (whoever the fuck that is) got me into Milo when his review was featured for Who Told You To Think??!!?!?!?! and I was stuck on that album for weeks. An alternative to the typical subject matter of most popular hip-hop with beats to match that description felt like a breath of fresh air to me. Milo was immediately the most interesting/appealing rapper I'd heard all year and I was anxious to see what else he had to offer. To no surprise at all, I found plenty to enjoy with his earlier offerings.
I Wish My Brother Rob Was Here

This playlist resulted in me going total fanboy, buying everything Milo has posted on his bandcamp page and listening to his discog straight through in one sitting. I fucking love this guy. I'm picky with hip hop and most of it doesn't seem to appeal to me, but everything from the lyrical content and references to Milo's delivery scratches an itch for me that no one else in hip-hop has been able to do in recent times; he makes me feel like he probably gets me and that I probably get him. "Working title of my autobiography: 'I'm probably not the rapper for you.'" Yeah, don't speak so soon, Milo.

Favorite Tracks: Geometry and Theology, Landscaping, Objectifying Rabbits, Just Us, Magician


*Tracks missing from playlist: Geometry and Theology, One Lonely Owl, Just Us
13Off Minor
The Heat Death of the Universe

User: Tyler.
Genre: Punk/Post Hardcore/Skramz

Clocking in just under 40 minutes, this is the shortest playlist I have received at the time of this writing and it immediately took to punching me repeatedly in the fucking mouth. I don't know what I was expecting from Tyler (who likes Charli XCX), but it certainly wasn't an ultrasonic beat down; I feel like I know him a little better now. Off Minor are intense, abrasive, loud, raw, emotional and, even when they slow it down briefly, they don't waste a second of your time.
14Off Minor

I'm really glad I took the time to read some of the lyrics to these songs because they are exceptional as well:

"This hand on this gun to my head is my own / And these are my demands: / If you leave me, take me with you, I am nothing without you. / People who need people are the wretchedest in the world."

Favorite Tracks: This is a Hostage Situation, Family Circus, Everything Explicit, The Heat Death of the Universe (ffs, it SLAYS), Cadaveric, Practice Absence

People Who Can Eat People are the Luckiest People

User: Bloon
Genre: Folk Punk

I've never seen Bloon in real life, but I can imagine when someone asks him about AJJ, his eyes light up like a Chinese Firework Factory, making him the perfect candidate to hit me up with the band's Greatest Hits. AJJ was another group I was hesitant to really check out for one reason or another and while I'd liked what I had heard I wasn't sure how they would be in big doses. But, the thing is, for such a large playlist, this one went by in a flash and their 'schtick', if you wan to call it that, didn't grate on me at all. In fact, I couldn't get enough; I kept coming back to list new favorite tracks.
Knife Man

What I found is that AJJ are a great mix of super catchy punk and sardonic humor that should be easy for anyone from teens to people in their thirties to relate to on some level. Sean Bonnette is fucking modern folk punk hero that covers a range of topics while managing to sound less like a preacher and more like just a regular dude that has a lot to get off his chest in the only way he knows how.

Favorite Tracks: Hate and Kill, A Song Dedicated to Stormy the Rabbit, Freedom Tickler, People II, Goodbye, Oh Goodbye, Fuckboi, Guilt: The Song, Small Red Boy, White Face Black Eyes, Big Bird

Kyokutou I Love You

User: CalculatingInfinty
Genre: Alternative Rock/Everything

Oh, boy. I had a very slow, possibly sweaty, drunken love affair with this band one steamy Saturday night all by myself in my apartment. I don't know if the playlist was masterfully crafted to get progressively better or if it had more to do with me getting more intoxicated as the songs rolled on, but by the end of Calc's playlist I had been converted and I definitely recommend their later work.
Yume Miru Uchuu

This is one of the playlists I had to put together on YouTube and as a result, I was occasionally treated to many strange music videos and several live tracks selected specifically by Calc that definitely enhanced the experience. Honestly, unless I was checking my laptop between each song, I probably wouldn't have realized how many songs were live performances because the band was so sharp. My only complaint is that I don't know Japanese and can't sing along.

Favorite Tracks: Long Distance Call, Ijin No Yoru, Idol, Jupiter, Sakura, Yume Miru Uchuu

*Set your VPN to K*
19Manic Street Preachers
The Holy Bible

User: TVC15
Genre: Alt Rock/Post Punk/Glam

With a massive playlist spanning from glam to post punk to alternative rock, Manic Street Preachers covered a nice range of rock sub-genres. TVC pointed out the Slash worship early on and it was hard notice the influence in nearly every solo on this playlist. Hell, even the artwork for Generation Terrorists looks like it could have easily been a Guns n Roses cover back in the day.
20Manic Street Preachers
Generation Terrorists

Sans Ocean Spray (sorry, RIP) the songs I jammed ranged from decent to great, with The Holy Bible standing head and shoulders above the rest of their material. The legendary status of that album and it's contents, punctuated by the mysterious disappearance of their lyricists and rhythm guitarist, Richey Edwards, is undeniable. The Holy Bible in particular seemed to be the perfect storm; I almost feel guilty enjoying some of the material so much just knowing the extent of depression that went into making these songs so honest and raw.

Favorite Tracks: Holy Bible (front-to-back), Little Empire, Ready for Drowning, New Art Riot, Motown junk

Oath Bound

User: Ovrot

Genre: Epic Black Metal of the Tolkien Variety

Wow. Fucking WOW. I cannot overstate how much I enjoyed this playlist, crafted by the master wizard himself, Ovrot. There wasn't a track I didn't love. As soon as I finished the playlist, I got on Napalm Records and pre-ordered their new album set for release in January of next year and I can't wait to hear what they have in store next. If you don't know, describing loosely, Summoning is a folk/atmospheric black metal band that almost exclusively writes with Middle Earth in mind and it is even more awesome than it sounds. Just gonna close this blurb with my Sound Off for Oath Bound, if you don't mind:

'Summoning literally puts you on the back of a giant, soaring eagle, flaming sword in hand, ready to abolish dragons in Middle Earth. They actually put you behind a female orc with a horn of mead in one hand and a giant green ass check in the other.'

Favorite Tracks: Flight of the Nazgul, Khazad Dum, Arcenstone, Caradhras, Land of the Dead m/

23Rotting Christ
Non Serviam

User: ZippaTheRippa
Genre: Black Metal/Gothic

If I didn't want Zip to dox me and make mince meat out of my family, I'd call Rotting Christ Greek Festival Metal. Since I prefer not to make a murderer out of a good user, I will call them an extreme metal band from Greece with mainstream appeal a la Lamb of God. I hadn't heard a Rotting Christ song before this and wasn't sure what to expect, but Zip assured me that there would be something here for me and he was correct.
24Rotting Christ


These guys are likely bigger in Eurasia than I initially imagined, but their penchant for sing-along moments in otherwise traditional metal tracks surely aids a mass appeal. The only song that was pure garbage was Among Two Storms- Zip has since unfriended and blocked me since I said as much. If you're reading this, Zip, I love you and I am sorry. Just kidding, that song fucking rules. Had a lot of fun with this massive playlist and, hey, at least they aren't Edguy, am I right!?

Favorite Tracks: Fgmenth Thy Gift, Non-Serviam, Snowing Still, Full Colour is the Night, Among Two Storms, Enuma Elish (m/m/m/), Keravnos Kivernitos, Grandis Spiritus Diavolos

The Destroyers of All

User: Jacquibim
Genre: Death Metal

This was another band I was familiar with prior to taking recommendations/playlists, but Jac is the reason I got into Ulcerate to begin with and he already has a list ranking every Ulcerate song- seriously. We agreed to run with that list condensed to a 2 hour run-time, from 'worst' to best. His ranking is honestly hard to beat and there are only minor adjustments I would make. At the time of this writing and because of this playlist, I have decided to bump 3 of my ratings for the band, placing Everything is Fire and The Destroyers of All among my 5's.

Simply put, Ulcerate is the best modern death metal band in the business, ladies and gentlemen, and you are doing yourself a disservice if you haven't already explored their impressive discography.

Favorite Tracks: Soullessness Embraced, The Imperious Weak, Omens, Withered and Obsolete

26The Shadow Ring

User: Winesburgohio
Genre: ????

When I saw The Body open for Alcest, it was my first experience with the band. Anyone familiar with the group can understand why the performance might have.... affected me and caught me off guard. Well, after that show I knew they were the weirdest group I'd ever experienced. That all changed with the Shadow Ring. I don't know what to make of them, but I can't say I didn't enjoy the experience, which was at times hilarious and at other times entrancing and oddly intense.

Additionally, after touring the playlist, I am still not convinced the guitar player can actually properly play a guitar and I am not sure it even matters, tbh. The keyboardist/percussionist is probably a mad genius and I'm absolutely positive that no other vocalist would fit with whatever this is.

Fave tracks: Stella Drive (Live), We're Complex Piss, Like When

Ashes Against the Grain

User: kingdedethefifth
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal - AKA atmoblack/blackmosphere

Agalloch and Ashes Against the Grain are responsible for getting me into atmoblack to begin with. That album was one of the first I heard in the genre that stuck with me and I proceeded to listen to it repeatedly for a couple of weeks. Eventually, due to the never ending war between users on which is superior, I moved on the The Mantle which is also stellar but never quite struck the same nerve as Ashes for me. I did listen to the rest of their discog once or twice, but Ashes and Mantle have taken up most of my time with the band, so I was pleased to get this playlist as a way to force me into their other work again.
The Mantle

This band nails the combination of folk and black metal and is able to put together wonderful atmospheres consistently. Agalloch's ability to make both traditional black metal tracks and tracks that are more uplifting has done a lot for the genre as a whole and we should all be happy to have them.

Favorite Tracks: In the Shadow of Our Pale Companion, Into the Painted Grey, Hallways of Enchanted Ebony, Limbs

Peel Session

User: Relinquished
Genre: IDM

Okay, so, I avoided IDM for a while because I didn't get the tag and overall I am not into a ton of electronic music. Intelligent Dance Music? Okay. I kinda get it now, tbh. What else could you really call it? I don't see anyone dancing to this, but it definitely doesn't align with most electronic genres I know of and after spending some time with the most concise playlist I've heard at the time of writing this, I'm convinced that this duo may be geniuses after all.

To be completely honest, I haven't ever heard anything quite like what I was treated to by the self-proclaimed (and honestly I'm cool with it the title) Autechrist, AKA Relinquished. The beats and patterns on this were repeatedly fresh. Every track had something the track before it didn't have. Autechre are somehow chill and difficult at the same time. This playlist has given me a serious appreciation for their craft and I will be exploring their vast catalog more in the future, where they already apparently reside.

Favorite Tracks: Drane, Rae, M62, irlite (get 0)

Victory Songs

User: Nazzadan
Genre: Melodic Folk Metal

Let's talk about Ensiferum for a minute. Ensiferum, apparently and appropriately meaning 'sword bearing', and also self-describing their music as 'Heroic Folk Metal' came to me as advertised. If I had to describe them myself, I'd call them Dragon Force without all the suck and Guitar Hero high score bullshit; complete with covers that look like alternative cover art for the Gauntlet video game franchise.

Does that sound great? Fear not. You can jam this playlist and I am certain that on another plane, someone is handing Gimli the aux cable in the base of a fucking mountain and while he and his dwarven friends are draining endless barrels of ale (or whatever the fuck else dwarves drink) and braiding their beards with several varieties of small animal skulls I can 100% guarantee that he'll be putting on this exact same playlist.

Favorite Tracks: Token of Time, Deathbringer, Into Battle, Ahti

An Awesome Wave

User: YoAdrian
Genre: Indie Rock/Electronic/Experimental

This list was provided by a newer user that most of you surely do not know. In fact, the whole idea for this project stemmed from a) a playlist I got from this user attempting to get me to check alt-J, b) my desire to check more of their work, c) betray sticking to his guns, intent on proving to me that Emmure is and always has been, in fact, good, and d) Friv's 5/5 song list posted a couple months ago. Shoutbox YoAdrian; I'm sure they'll be pleased to meet you if they aren't busy returning some videotapes.
This Is All Yours

Anyway, alt-J have an interesting sound and seem to be one of those groups that want to give listeners a little bit more by making an art project out of their music videos. Within my loose guidelines, a few users have requested I watch a video for a couple songs on their lists or, for those playlists created on YouTube, some viewings were incidental, but none were as effective as the videos I saw for alt-J- Pusher is particularly good. alt-J are very successful in blending electronic elements into infectious indie rock bliss.

Favorite Tracks: Tesselate, Nara, Hunger of the Pine, Adeline

34Cult of Luna
Cult of Luna

User: Archelirion
Genre: Post Metal/Sludge

My noob is showing here, but 2017 ushered in a new era for yours truly, as just earlier this year I FINALLY got into Neurosis and ISIS. A name lingering ever since has been Cult of Luna. Aside from their much-heralded album Somewhere Along the Highway and their acclaimed collaboration with Julie Christmas, I was wildly unfamiliar with the band and it turns out I hadn't even jammed what I currently consider their best material.
35Cult of Luna
Somewhere Along the Highway

These guys are just as massive and exhausting as their peers and this journey, courtesy of Archelirion, was a grueling and rewarding ride. Cult of Luna's ability to weave beauty into their otherwise grim sound is admirable and it makes sense that their name pops up with the best in their genre. It's going to take some more time, but these guys seem to be giving ISIS a run for their money as far as I'm concerned and I have two of their albums sitting with SOLID 4.5/5 ratings. Impressive.

Favorite Tracks: In Awe Of, The Art of Self Extermination, Following Betulas, Sleep, Dim

36Bad Astronaut
Houston: We Have a Drinking Problem

User: cl0ver/vaxxi
Genre: Alt Rock/Indie/Pop Punk

While I was busy jamming Mest, The Ataris, Dynamite Boy and Blink 182 in the 00's, Bad Astronaut had mostly eluded me and continued to do so for far too long. Aside from an appearance by the band on the first Atticus compilation (showing my age here) in Catherine Morgan, I had no prior experience with the band. And while I missed the inclusion of that song on this list, Vaxxi treated me to a what's what of their discog.

Considering their ability to write accessible, catchy hooks I'm surprised Bad Astronaut didn't make a bigger dent while they were around. But, with only three LP's to their credit, the band was still able to put together a solid catalog and are obviously primed to gain a larger fan base even after hanging it up. Also, their artwork and mascot are basically adorable.

Favorite Tracks: Anecdote, Killers and Liars, Another Dead Romance, Stillwater CA

37Alien Ant Farm

User: dctarga
Genre: Rock (some of the tags on wiki are hilarious, btw)

When I heard 'Movies' waaaaaay back in 2001, I knew Alien Ant Farm were much more than a cover band, but ask anyone and they will tell you their greatest claim to fame was the ultra-popular cover of Smooth Criminal. Upon further inspection, that's a damn, dirty shame even if said track is admittedly pretty solid.

I recall borrowing ANThology from a friend back in middle school and after I gave the disc back I basically forgot about AAF. I figured they were just another rock band that saw success and faded away. Little did I know, they have material as recent as 2015 and it is just as good as ever before. For ultimately being a radio rock band from Riverside, CA that briefly made it big, AAF have created a legacy and are much better than that description.

Favorite Tracks: Movies, Wish, SS Recognize, Consti2tion, Better Weather

38Rise Against
Revolutions per Minute

User: Joeman_82
Genre: Melodic Hardcore

You know those bands where one of your friends are their biggest fan and, yeah, you think they are a pretty decent band, but you don't get what your friend sees in the band that you don't? Rise Against were always that kind of band for me. Don't get me wrong; I owned and jammed RPM and Siren Songs a lot in the mid-00's, but they never really turned the corner for me. As The Sufferer and The Witness came out, I was just getting more into heavy music and less into bands in this scene so I slowly drifted away from this band. I figured Rise Against would continued to just be another solid band and it appears I was correct, at least in my assessment of what level of enjoyment I'd expect from them these days.
39Rise Against
Siren Song of the Counter Culture

Joeman served up a large 32-track playlist for me to see what else Tim McIlrath had left in their tank and while I had a mostly pleasurable experience, I mostly enjoyed the songs I already knew and was pleased with the opportunity to revisit them. Songs I hadn't heard that I tapped my toes to were The Black Market T/T and Grammatizator while I could have done without Architects, People Live Here or Bridges. While I won't be anxious to jam Rise Against anytime in the immediate future, I think this playlists gave me a better understanding of why so many people love this band.

Favorite Tracks: Black Masks & Gasoline, Life Less Frightening, Heaven Knows, Prayer of the Refugee, State of the Union, Stained Glass and Marble, Six Ways to Til Sunday

The Silent Enigma

User: OceanOfNoise

Genre: Doom(early)/Progressive/Rock

I would liken the progression of Anathema to that of The Contortionist. Play the first and last songs on this playlist back-to-back and you might swear that they were written by a different band; the former sounding like a band familiar with playing basements and dive bars and the latter sounding like a band more in tune with a smoky lounge that may or may not serve martinis and iced vodka exclusively.

While the change in sound with The Contortionist was nearly immediate, Anathema made a much longer and almost seamless transition over the years. I found myself enjoying the second quarter of their career the most, but also feel like they really hit a sweet spot right in the middle. Shroud of Frost was far and away my favorite track (those fucking keeeeys!) but it is notable that the pairing of One Last Goodbye and Judgement may have been one of the most seamless and satisfying I've encountered on this project- even more impressive is that while those songs appear on the same album, OceanOfNoise undoubtedly improved its tracklisting by putting them back-to-back. Bravo.

Favorite Tracks: Shroud of Frost, One Last Goodbye, Judgement, Temporary Peace (even though the wailing at the very end nearly scared the shit right out of me, at least the title is accurate)

42Touche Amore
Is Survived By

User: ianxbledsoe
Genre: Post Hardcore

Touché Amoré is a name I've heard a lot. They've toured with bands I like and have drawn comparisons to bands I'm familiar with such as La Dispute, Pianos Become the Teeth and (the GOAT) mwY. I do this stupid thing where I don't check bands for stupid reasons- in this case their name alone put me off and probably had way more to do with me not actually listening to them than it ever should. I listen to plenty of bands with names more stupid than this one, so I'm not saying it's a valid excuse, but I digress.

ANYWAY, after running through 25 songs over 58 minutes, I found plenty to love. Intelligible, but harsh-enough vocals with passionate, heart-on-your-sleeve lyrics run rampant over a very competent backing band capable of matching the sense of urgency set by their lead singer. If that's what you're looking for, this is the band for you.
43Touche Amore
...To the Beat of a Dead Horse

Now, while I did enjoy the vocalist's performance overall, I do feel like the band could use something more to sweeten the pot. I was pleased that the band didn't employ clean vocals, but I don't think I heard backing vocals even one time on the entire playlist. I respect the band for staying true to their style, but I feel like they could really benefit from supporting vocals in any capacity. How can you play along with this guy and not want to scream a bit now and then???

Favorite Tracks: Always Running, Never Looking Back, Social Caterpillar, Steps, Honest Sleep, The Great Repetition, Gravity Metaphorically

44Coaltar of the Deepers

User: abe
Genre: Experimental Alt Rock / Shoegaze

What a fucking medley this turned out to be. Coaltar of the Deepers, of whom I'd never previously heard, cover rock, metal, pop, electronic, punk, plenty of posts and even circus music for a second on this playlist. They seem to have a definitive feel with each album while still managing to blend styles frequently to somewhat mixed results. The style blend is usually very fluid, though it sometimes works exceptionally (Tim) and sometimes feels jarring (Hard Reality, Star Love-though it goes hard as fuck for about 20 seconds) but most of these moments are brief for the better.
45Coaltar of the Deepers
Yukari Telepath

I had a lot of fun with this and it didn't take long for me to get into it. I was sold on these guys as soon as the second half of Tim burst in out of fucking nowhere after such a sleepy beginning. I wasn't too hot on their more punk-rock oriented tracks from Come Over to the Deepend, but was very pleased with their electronic focused tracks from Yukari Telepath. What stole the show for me were the first few tracks from Submerege- can't wait to get my hands on that full album.

Favorite Tracks: Tim, Prophet Proved, Water Bird, Hedorian Forever

The Galilean Satellites

User: tacosnstuff
Genre: Post Metal

Having only heard Quintessential Epherma several times and Galilean Satellites once, I knew I needed to dig into them a bit more and tacosnstuff obliged me with a pristine selection of their work. Similar bands include Cult of Luna, Isis, Neurosis, The Ocean, and Intronaut but there is something a little bit different about Rosetta- while undoubtedly post-metal, they don't really sound like any of those bands. Rosetta has taken a sub-genre and made it their own.
Quintessential Ephemera

The first time I heard Galilean Satellites, I was unaware of the creative idea behind the two 'halves' and was severely underwhelmed when Au Pays Natal ended and a sea of ambient tracks rolled into my headphones for the next hour. The combined tracks were indeed better, if only because they gave me the comfort that the next time I jam Galilean Satellites, I'll be doing it correctly. Fuck, this was good- the best part of the playlist though were the cuts I hadn't heard. I'm looking forward to jamming Wake/Lift and A Determinism of Morality.

Favorite Tracks: Au Pays Natal/Sol, Monument, A Determinism of Morality, Qohelet, Clavius

48Lil B
Blue Flame

User: guitaredchuck

Genre: Based God Rap

So, Chucky kinda catered to me on this brief tour of the one and only, notorious Based God and I can tell because I dug every single beat on this. You see, me and guitardedchuck know that Clams Casino is Beat Jesus- the second coming of, like, beats or something yo- you know Clams when you hear him and GOD DAMN does he pair well with Lil B. The tracks without Clams' prints on 'em brought the heat as well. Mario Bros. samples are going to be 5/5 for me 5/5 times.
49Lil B
6 Kiss

So, yeah, I guess I been sleeping on Lil B if this playlist is any indication. There is just enough humor in the endless bravado to get a nod from me. I chuckled at several lines while still seeing the skill behind the mic. A smooth flow, good humor and beats galore go a long fucking way when it comes to dbizzles and hip hop. Perhaps most importantly he didn't soil the beat for I Am God, of which I have heard the instrumental version 100 times.

I fucked a thousand bitches [2] I'm the prettiest bitch alive [2] I'm God [2] - IT'S LIKE HE KNOWS ME.

Favorite Tracks: B.O.R., 1000 Bitches, I'm Heem, I'm God

50 Weezer

User: Rowan
Genre: Dad Rock :dab:

Weezer: the band I love that I've never really jammed. Everyone has heard a Weezer song or 10. They are the somewhat rare type of band that has been able to transcend, yet keep, their quirks with infectious hooks and have gained world popularity. I can sing along to a lot of Weezer songs, but aside from jamming the blue album a lot in middle school, I never dug deep. Luckily for me, Rowan took the time to handpick a playlist made up largely of deeper cuts peppered with some singles that we all know and all want to hear again and again.

One thing I wish we'd gotten more from Weezer back in the day were more songs LOADED with keys. A few tracks here had a real Ozma feel to them that kept me wanting more. But, where Weezer is most successful is with their sing-along choruses and fun lyrics and I'm pretty sure Rivers and Co. know it because every song on this playlist (and every other Weezer song I've ever heard) uses that formula effectively. Lots of songs I hadn't heard before and I dug almost all of them, but one song in particular is possibly the worst song I've heard on this project- more on that later.

Favorite Tracks: All the singles (of course), Tired of Sex, Tragic Girl, Dope Nose, Slob, Trainwrecks, Do You Wanna Get High?

52Entheos (CAN)

User: clavier

Genre: Death/Black/Prog Metal

Not to be confused with the US-based 'supergroup' of the same name, Canada's Entheos is an experimental death metal band that sounds a lot like black metal, or an experimental black metal band that sounds a lot like death metal depending on the moment or the listener's perspective. I'm sure an elite genre queen around here will educate us on this shortly, but what makes Entheos so hard to pigeonhole is how well they execute the fusion of different elements of black and death metal with progressive qualities and an almost psychedelic or jazzy flare. Additionally, the vocalist is unique in that he employs mostly mid-range harsh vocals that resemble a DSBM style at times- a characteristic that really helps give the band a distinct identity.
53Entheos (CAN)
Le Zahir

Clavier went about their list quite differently than other users, opting to choose a band with a limited catalog and suggesting I jam them in full citing that most of their current favorite bands don't have a big body of work and Entheos are most impressive. This worked out well, because I enjoyed every second of every song. Upon first impressions, I slightly prefer their debut, Ototeman, which is raw and adventurous; however, their follow-up, Le Zahir, is also fantastic and showcases markedly matured and refined songwriting. This is a band to watch out for; a dark, brooding well of mysterious potential that will gnaw the skin from your skull if you let it seduce you with its beauty.

Favorite Tracks: Ouréa, Rêve de Grandeur, Parasite Asservi, Cité Perdue, L'Orpheline, La Chute

54Bolt Thrower
War Master

User: Hellscythe
Genre: Death Metal

Hell, AKA Hellscytche, has been recommending Bolt Thrower consistently for a while now, so I wasn't surprised at all to receive this playlist. The fun thing about this chrono-themed playlist was that the only thing that properly dated the band near the beginning were the signature, wailing, rapid fire OSDM solos that appeared now and again. Aside from that oh-so-delicious and familiar tone, most of these Bolt Thrower tracks felt somewhat timeless as far as death metal goes, which is impressive considering that Realm of Chaos came out in 1989.
55Bolt Thrower
...For Victory

Oh, man, can we talk about the fucking riffs- more specifically the abundance of them in this selection of songs? I don't have enough appendages, teeth, hair folicles or blood cells to match the number of tasty riffs on this playlist. Usually as soon as one riff ends, another begins and oftentimes we aren't just talking about a generic verse-running DM riff- oh, no. We're talking infectious, mind-caputuring riffs of epic proportions. I knew a band called Bolt Thrower wouldn't be without a heavy dose of grandeur, but these guys put the war in warpaint.

Favorite Tracks: World Eater, Cenotaph, What Dwells Within, Embers, Tank Mk I, Entrenched

56Bomb the Music Industry!

User: kris.
Genre: Pop Punk
(combo list: BTMI/Rosenstock)

You wake up, passed out, face-first in a lawn chair at 10 AM in July. You're not sure whether it was the sunburn developing on the bottoms of your feet or the sound of approaching laughter that woke you up, but when you lift your head and your vision stabilizes you see someone rolling up on a Big Wheel, complete with a beer helmet on his head loaded up with Natty Light. It's your friend Jeff. He wrecks into an inflatable pool, slips trying to get up and manages to throw a PBR in your direction before throwing up all over a lawn flamingo. Anyway, he has a song idea and he can't wait to show you, but he can't find his guitar, or his pants.
57Jeff Rosenstock

That is what I feel jamming Rosenstock; an endless party or hangover, or both, I think. I grew up on pop punk and Jeff has a great modern spin on the genre that got me into music- complete with the realization of all the boring and painful realities of adult life that are edged just enough by having a good time and drinking (maybe too much) beer. I think I prefer his more recent material to BTMI, but there wasn't a track here that I didn't like. I wish he'd fuck around more with keys (maybe he does) but really, he's got it down anyway. It's no wonder people love this guy.

Favorite Tracks: Unlimited Breadsticks, Soup and Salad Days, I Did Something Weird Last Night, I'm a Panic Bomb, Baby!, Nausea, Pash Rash, Hey, Allison!, Bike Test 1 2 3, Beers Again Alone, Felt Just Like Vacation

58The Flaming Lips
The Soft Bulletin

User: AdolfChrist

Genre: Alternative Rock / Psychedelic

This was one of a few playlists that I had to jam twice before getting enough from the content to get a grip on my impression of the band, but overall it was worth it. The Flaming Lips are certainly one of the most quirky bands to gather a large following and that quirk runs rampant on this playlist. Lead singer, Wayne Coyne, has a very strange lyrical output, but is able to make songs stick in your head. In fact, one of these songs gave me a visual that I will never un-see (more on that later), but its lines like, 'What kind of weapons have they got?/The softest bullet ever shot?' and 'And though they were sad/they rescued everyone/they lifted up the sun/a spoonful weighs a ton,' that caught my ear the most.
59The Flaming Lips
Clouds Taste Metallic

Much like the Anathema playlist, I feel like I was more in tune with the middle of the band's evolution rather than their beginning and present sounds. While the band have changed a bit in sound over the last 30 years, several characteristics have stayed in tact (ie. off-the-wall, but catchy lyrics and silly song titles). It is these characteristics that give the band an undeniable identity and a reputation for taking something that would normally feel a little bit vanilla and doing just enough to make it weird. The Flaming Lips are like taking a trip to the grocery store or to the barber shop, but on mushrooms.

Favorite Tracks: Hit Me Like You Did The First Time, Guy Who Got A Headache And Accidentally Saves the World, A Spoonful Weighs a Ton, A Spark That Bled, Peace Sword


User: danielito
Genre: IDM

Autechre is the only group in this project (so far) where two users were passionate enough about them that I got two lists. I was skeptical at first because I wasn't sure what else I'd be able to say about my thoughts on Autechre, but I wasn't about to turn down an opportunity to get an entirely different perspective of a group I found very intriguing in my previous experiences with them.

Anyway, Relinquished and Danielito's lists were quite different and this only re-affirmed the fact that this group has an abundance of good material. I think the Autechre I lenjoy best is when they are at their most chaotic and arguably weirdest, though Drane2 is one of the most gorgeous tracks I've heard in some time. I tend to prefer their tracks that eventually build and come together- or absolutely shatter into a million pieces depending on your perspective (woooooah, man). To really pound the idea into your mind, Autechre feel like the moment just before or just after the Big Bang, or both- a sonic pulse into or out of or through you.

Favorite Tracks: Rale, Under BOAC, Dropp, SYptixed, Drane2

*Track not on playlist: SYptixed
62Alkaline Trio
Alkaline Trio

User: onionbubs
Genre: Punk/Pop Punk/Emo

Fail relationship, rinse with booze, repeat. Perhaps best known with his work with legendary pop punk band, blink-182, Matt Skiba's humble beginnings can be traced back to a little-known band called Alkaline Trio. All jokes aside, Alkaline Trio are legendary in their own right with a reputation as the literal dark horse of the pop punk world. Skiba and Co. have made a living off of writing a dark and catchy tracks, 'about girls, being drunk, or both,' as user pjorn has commented in the past. This is a formula that has been working for 20 years now.
63Alkaline Trio
Good Mourning

This is pop punk for late nights on the bottle thinking about the relationships you fucked up, perfect for that 4 AM reminder that every broken heart has always been your fault. But, as morose and grim as it may sound, listening to these guys doesn't make you sad, it makes you feel better. There's an uplifting level of camaraderie achieved in every masochistic hook that gives me the comfort in knowing that someone else has the same coping mechanisms as I do and that sometimes it's enough to have the last laugh, even if that laugh is at at yourself, shitfaced on a Sunday night.

Favorite Tracks: Trouble Breathing, Fuck You Aurora, My Friend Peter, This Could Be Love, All on Black, Time to Waste, Warbrain


Genre: Folk Metal

And the battle for the most epic band in this project continues with the addition of a new contender in Tyr. I'd argue that it would almost be impossible for a metal band hailing from the Faroes Islands not to be epic as fuck, so it's no surprise that Tyr is heavily influenced by Nordic lore and mythology. I must admit that initially I was a little disappointed that the vocals were entirely clean, but after getting a feel for what Tyr is all about, that feeling was lessened. While I would have loved some harsh vocals now and again, the band is well served by soaring cleans and fist-pumping group chants throughout their catalog.
By the Light of the Northern Star

In my experience, many viking/pagan/folk metal bands have a sound that makes you feel like you just landed in port to pillage and burn a village of riches, but the main feeling that comes to mind here is triumph or justice- Flames of the Free is a good example of this atmosphere. Even when Tyr depicts violent imagery (ie. By the Sword in My Hand) I can't help but view them as more paladin than barbarian. This is a much more upbeat and valiant take on the genre and one I hadn't experienced before, at least not in such a large dose. If bands like Bolt Thrower and Ensiferum resemble a Chaotic Neutral or Evil alignment, Tyr absolutely carries the flag for the Lawful Good and they do it well.

Favorite Tracks: Regin Smidur, Wings of Time, Trondur I Gotu, By the Sword in My Hand, By the Light of the Northern Star, Lady of the Slain

66Paysage d'Hiver
Paysage d'Hiver

User: EphemeralEternity

Genre: Black Metal

I was very pleased when EphemeralEternity recommended a black metal band with whom I have had a very limited experience. Another one of the more unorthodox selections, he opted to give me two full releases of what he considers to be Paysage's greatest work; explaining that, 'his (Wintherr's) albums are more or less holistic experiences so I wouldn't feel right picking odd songs from across them.' This had me anticipating the playlist even more because what finally got me into black metal was listening to full albums as opposed to sampling several songs from a single artist; some albums need your full attention and Paysage d'Hiver fucking commanded mine.
67Paysage d'Hiver
Das Tor

A holistic experience is a great description for these two demos, which -kvlt alert- is what Wintherr considers all of his releases. With a seamless blend of trve black metal production and sometimes droning ambiance Paysage d'Hiver has created a sound that simply envelopes you in cold, bleak atmosphere. Front-to-back, both the self-titled album and Das Tor were downright hypnotic, with the latter separating the tracks with recordings of ceaseless winds that, if you let them, will whisk you away into the Landscape of Winter for which the project is named. m/

Favorite Tracks: Der Weg, Offenbarung, Ewig leuchten die Stern, Schlussel

68The December Sound
The Silver Album

User: TheSpaceMan
Genre: Shoegaze

Let me begin by saying that I had no prior experience with shoegaze aside from it's influence on blackgaze bands like Alcest, Lantlos, Deafheaven and An Autumn for Crippled Children. Even with those bands, I only had an idea of what pure shoegaze may sound like based on the elements that those bands fused with it. To be honest and blunt, I thought if you stripped the black metal elements away from blackgaze, one would be left with a bunch of long, boring, hazy songs. This was a severe injustice and brutally ignorant assumption and I figured that out within just a few minutes of this playlist.
69The December Sound
The Silver Album

TheSpaceMan also took an unorthodox route with his selection. The December Sound only released one LP; essentially SpaceMan omitted a couple songs from its tracklist, letting only the cream rise to the top. The end product was a wonderful introduction into what I can only imagine is a genre filled to the brim with lush, entrancing audio dreamscapes. The December Sound feel like the sonic expression of apathy and passion, but how can a sound feel both apathetic and passionate? The key here seems to lie in The December Sound's ability to pull you slowly into the deep water before you notice you have already drowned; there is no pain, only elation and supreme acceptance. If this is what shoegaze is all about, sign me up- I'll be taking recs.

Favorite Tracks: Drone Refusenik, Painkiller, Truth Hurts, II Forte

70Strapping Young Lad

User: Flugmorph
Genre: Prog Rock/Metal
(combo of Townsend Projects)

Much like Kris' Rosenstock/BTMI list, Flugmorph chose to pick a musician with multiple projects and provide a sampling from most of their respective discographies- in this case, the musician at hand is Devin Townsend, prog legend and alleged God among men. His reputation as a musician precedes him and anyone that listens to metal AT ALL has at least heard of him. Aside from jamming Strapping Young Lad's The City- my favorite tracks here, by the way- this was my first experience with him.

Before I make a ton of Sput enemies, let me just say that prog is not my thing so take all of this with a pallet of salt. I've never been one to enjoy theatrical, over dramatic vocal performances and Townsend has that in spades.
71Devin Townsend
Ocean Machine: Biomech

The music was enjoyable, in fact, some of the riffs and compositions were absolutely exceptional. My main gripe is with the vocals (which were serviceable enough) and the lyrics in particular. I can't imagine Devin handing those duties over to anyone else, considering he names almost all of his projects after himself; but throughout the playlist, I was imagining what it would be like to just have him in charge of the music with someone else preventing atrocious lyrics like those from Earth Day, which you will be hearing about further down the list. Regardless of my overall opinion, I am glad I spent some time with this, if only to be informed about Townsend when I say I'm not really a big fan.

Favorite Tracks: Bastard, Oh My Fucking God, Detox, Failure

Reign in Blood

User: bbgames
Genre: Thrash/Death Metal

Somehow, some way, I've never really dug into Slayer. Like I've done with many classic metal bands, I always just assumed, based on the songs I've heard and their reputation, that they deserved their legendary status. I didn't think Slayer were a band that fit my taste in metal and I was mostly right, but holy fuck, some of these songs rip and considering how early the band was writing and recording a lot of this material makes the the songs all the more impressive. Raining Blood came out in 1986 for fuck's sake. That must have been a trip.
South of Heaven

The guitar work is repeatedly memorable and thrashy as fuck with choice solos and riffs at every corner. I really liked the few moments on this playlist when King would lay down a chuggy groove-heavy riff and wish there were more of them, but Slayer seems most comfortable playing at high speeds. I can almost imagine the whirlwind of denim and bad hair that these guys used to start up like a fucking lawn mower when they were playing shows in their prime. I won't be carving Slayer into my fucking forehead any time soon, but this list gave me a genuine appreciation for the band.

Favorite Tracks: Haunting the Chapel, Kill Again, Crypts of Eternity, Angel of Death, Raining Blood, Ghosts of War, Read Between the Lines, War Esemble

74The Menzingers
On the Impossible Past

User: Spluger
Genre: Folk Punk/Pop Punk

A few months before After the Party was set to be released, I heard my first Menzingers song (I Don't Wanna Be An Asshole...) and my interest was piqued. I jammed On the Impossible Past a couple times, sampled a few other songs here and there, and patiently awaited their new LP. When the album came out, I was disappointed; I felt like it was a fairly average outing compared to my previous experiences and I admit that I never revisited it until now. What I learned (aside from how to pronounce the name correctly) was that, initially, I preferred when the Menzingers made me feel sentimental with their music as opposed to them being sentimental.
75The Menzingers
Chamberlain Waits

After the Party feels exactly like what the title would suggest and has a sort of matured sense of lyrical content and songwriting. It feels like being tired of being hungover, but not enough stop being reminiscent about the glory days. It feels like growing up when what really drew me to the band was that sense of nostalgia I get from catchy choruses about having fun or doing your best to deal with life's little bull shit. As you'll see below, a lot of these songs ended up in my Favorite Tracks and I'm a bit anxious to revisit the album and see if I feel any hesitation about bumping up that rating. I got to give The Menzingers a second chance and they definitely deserved it.

Favorite Tracks: Burn After Writing, Rivalries, Irish Goodbyes, Midwestern States, Lookers, The Obituaries, Nothing Feels Good Anymore

76Julien Baker
Sprained Ankle

User: BlushfulHippocrene
Genre: Indie Folk

My exposure to female artists is limited, generally, by choice. Whether due to a distaste for their tones or a just lack of personal relativity in content (perceived or actual) is likely irrelevant because my level of automated ignorance exists nonetheless. The fact is that I tend to ignore female artists in media altogether. Now and again, I get a nice cold glass of water in the face that makes me question my prejudice- this happened earlier this year with Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake. Just this week it happened with Julien Baker. But, instead of cold water to the face it was a warm, neat glass of whiskey to my lips; seems Julien and I favor the same medicine.
77Julien Baker
Turn Out The Lights

Julien Baker had actually been a small blip on my radar earlier this year when I was recommended a track from her latest LP, but much like many male or female artists before her, the interest wasn't enough to really pull me in. BlushfulHippocrene has treated me to a fine selection of songs from Baker's somewhat limited catalog that gave me a lot of reasons to love this Indie Folk darling. The run from Choked Up to Appointments on this playlist had me wide-eyed and enamored and by the end of it all I knew my apprehension had failed me once more. This is one more artist I've been missing out on for no good reason.

Favorite Tracks: Choked Up, Vessels, Go Home, Appointments, Shadowboxing

78David Bowie
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars

User: fieryfenders (mods, plz let them change their username)

Genre: Pop/Rock

It's about time I got a bit more acquainted with the legendary David Bowie. The dude has done it all and has 10 times as many faces as a deck of cards. It was a treat to journey through some of his finest tracks and it's hard to pin down what style I like of his the most since he's so good at all of them. I remember hearing a lot of these songs growing up but never really appreciated their greatness beyond just being quirky and fun. What impresses me now is ability to make such strange ideas and subject matter so accessible is absolutely remarkable; he always kept it real while keeping it weird and his influence an endless amount of bands (looking at you, Of Montreal) is still very apparent to this day.
79David Bowie
The Man Who Sold the World

There's not a lot that hasn't already been said about him so I'll try to save you the eulogy, but David Bowie did everything on his own terms his entire career and the send-off he gave us with Blackstar was truly special whether I thought it was a 3 or a 5. The fact that he was still so... Bowie... so late in life and so successful says a lot of his character. He will live on forever as one of the most charismatic and original artists in rock and pop and I'm sure he added a little bit of sparkle to the stars that watch over us every night as we sleep. That's pretty freaky, Bowie.

Favorite Tracks: Five Years, Space Oddity, The Man Who Sold The World, Blackstar, Moonage Daydream, Let's Dance, Starman, Fame

80Nicole Dollanganger
Natural Born Losers

User: CaimanJesus
Genre: Gothic Dream Pop / Folk

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that Nicole Dollanganger is just the personification of a chipped and worn porcelain doll from a horror film that can sing and play guitar. The bleak feeling of her music is greatly complimented by her childlike voice and her lyrical content is about as realistically grim as it gets. In this playlist, and I'd assume her entire catalog, Dollanganger covers an array of topics ranging from anorexia to childhood games all through a dark lens of sadness and she doesn't hold back one bit.
81Nicole Dollanganger
Curdled Milk

While part of me thinks Dollanganger has found a groove she'll never leave, it feels like she is yet to fulfill her potential. I often found myself wishing some of her more folky songs were longer (ie. Farmer's Fields, Rabid) and that some of them didn't end so abruptly. In my opinion, some of her lyrics are a little too literal and it feels like she misses out on a good melody in some of her verses as a result, favoring a nearly constant attempt at chilling your bones. Having said that, she has definitely carved out a solid identity for herself and has a very bright future for such a dark girl.

Favorite Tracks: Fleurs Captives, Barren, Famer's Field, Rabid, Dog Teeth, Lividity

*Tracks not on Spotify: Have You Seen Me?, Beautiful and Bad
An Age Among Them

User: Sniff
Genre: Post Hardcore

Another band with a limited discog and, in turn, a limited playlist- refreshing, tbh. Anyway, I must admit that I was waiting for about 3 minutes with my shoulers tense and my eyes squinted, just anxious for a clean chorus to rain on this parade. But, it never happened and I was so grateful. I know cleans aren't necessarily a staple of post hardcore, but this sounds an awful lot like metalcore at times and my biggest gripe with metalcore is the harsh/clean/harsh formula that often plagues the genre. There wasn't a shred of cleans here, not even backing vocals, and, to be honest, I began to think the songs would grow stale without any sort of variation in that department. In that, Rinoa surprised me once more.

When the frontman takes a backseat, the band really shines; a lot of this material benefits from smooth transitions into almost exhaustive atmospheric sections that break up any monotony that might be present otherwise. Most of my favorite moments on this playlist come when the band is in the spotlight and they really have a way with building up a track and bringing vocals back into the fold- the second half of Fires in the Distant North is a perfect example of this. Really solid stuff with notable percussion; it's a shame they don't have more material.

Favorite Tracks: Past Maidens, Fires in the Distant North, Atlantis

The Red Album

*These selections were heavily based on tracks that were new to me and I wanted to keep the list somewhat limited for the sake of logistics.

Weezer - The Greatest Man That Ever Lived

This song is quite ambitious and I'm sure it took some time to track it to the band's liking, so the fact that they presumably had soooo many chances to decide against ever finishing or releasing it makes me hate it even more. This is like Weezer doing prog. WEEZER. DOING. PROG.
85The Flaming Lips
Transmissions From the Satellite Heart

The Flaming Lips - She Don't Use Jelly

While catchy enough, and actually representing the overall sound and character of the Lips, the image of Vaseline on toast is one of the most disgusting things a band has made me imagine and that is saying a lot.
86Manic Street Preachers
Know Your Enemy

Manic Street Preachers - Ocean Spray

I'm an asshole, okay? Finding out this song was about visits to a dying mother in a hospital at least gave it some better context, but it's still just chock-full of cringe that even Ocean Spray juices wanted to buy the rights to it.
87Devin Townsend

Devin Townsend - Earth Day: Good god, this was so on the nose it fucking hurt. From what I gathered, listening to this out of context probably isn't a fair way to judge it, but it was so bad that I'll never know. The lyrics were just awful. There was so much cheese in this that I could feel my arteries clogging up just listening to it.
The Lay of Thrym

Honorable Mention:

Tyr - Shadow of the Swastika

This song isn't awful, but I couldn't help but laugh out loud whenever he sings "And kiss my Scandinavian ass!" Will revisit this track now and again when I need a glorious chuckle.
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