Papa Universe
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Last Active 12-23-19 9:27 pm
Joined 09-16-14

Review Comments 22,503

01.10.20 paps runs through his favs real quick (12.07.19 just gonna put this here to remember
07.17.19 On Hip-Hop07.08.19 June 2019 resumé
07.03.19 Actual User Appreciation Thread06.30.19 JULY19 Songs of the Day
06.26.19 Unknown Post-Punk #406.13.19 Papa's Wifey's List of Favs
06.08.19 May 2019 resumé06.07.19 Sputnik R.I.P. list
06.03.19 mid-year metal rundown05.29.19 another one of those bm threads
05.27.19 Unknown Post-Punk #3 05.23.19 looking for an album/band
05.22.19 stuff my cat seems to like05.08.19 recent black metal demos and lo-fi nons
05.05.19 April 2019 resumé05.03.19 Sput's 2019 Random-Album-Review 2019 Ga
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Uni's 2017 in lyrics

YEAR END LIST 12/14. orderlessly
1The Magnetic Fields
50 Song Memoir

'68 A Cat Called Dionysus

"He hated me, cause I loved him."
2The Magnetic Fields
50 Song Memoir

'69 Judy Garland

"In l'année érotique
"Je t'aime" was banned as pornographic"
3The Magnetic Fields
50 Song Memoir

'74 No

"My mother believes that this physical universe
Is a big holographic show
And she says someday science'll catch up with her
Has she a shred of evidence?
4The Magnetic Fields
50 Song Memoir

'86 How I Failed Ethics

"My Mennonite professor did concede I'd done the coursework
Although my system left him quite dismayed
Depending, as it did, on neither history nor Jahweh
And gave me, finally, a passing grade"
5The Magnetic Fields
50 Song Memoir

'02 Be True To Your Bar

"Be true to your friends
And let your friends know
Without your bar you'd have no place to go"
6The Black Angels
Death Song

Life Song

"I'm dying to say
I love you anyway
Even though you sent me off to die"
7Porter Ray

Past Life

"Questions I had but I just couldn't ask
Before LJ got killed in a crash
Money that I spent when I just should'a stashed
And my grandmother's words that i just couldn't grasp at the time"
8Tau Cross
A Pillar Of Fire

Pillar of Fire

"Oh no, they’re burning their Gods again, the sacred and the profane"
9Perfume Genius
No Shape

Slip Away

"They'll never break the shape we take"
10Wax Fang
Victory Laps

The Things I Do For Fun

"I can excuse the missteps of my past
The human body isn't built to last
It's not designed to stand the test of time
Sometimes you have to lay it on the line"
11Future Islands
The Far Field


"Is this a desperate wish for dying?
Or a wish that dying cease?"
12Fleet Foxes

Fool's Errand

"I was thin and I saw all life in you
A fool's errand"
Who Told You To Think?​?​!​!​?​!​?​!​?​!

The Young Man Has a Point

"I regret to inform you of your imminent demise."
14Arcade Fire
Everything Now

Everything Now

"Every inch of space in your head
Is filled up with the things that you've read"
15Remo Drive
Greatest Hits

Yer Killing Me

"You make me want to start smoking cigarettes so I die slowly"
16Remo Drive
Greatest Hits

Name Brand

"Irresponsibility is dear to me
I piss away my money on this bourgeoisie coffee"
17Sorority Noise
You're Not As ____ As You Think

No Halo

"If there's a race to heaven
I will surely come in last"
The Underside of Power

Mme Rieux

"My relationship with that word: Abstraction"
The Underside of Power

Hymn for an Average Man

"Somewhere down along the line I lost the plot"
20Flotation Toy Warning
The Machine That Made Us

To Live For Longer Slides

"I know it’s raining,
But did you have to build an ark?
You go easy now, that’s how religions start"
21King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard
Murder Of The Universe

The Lord of Lightning

"Lord of Lightning shifts his gaze
Points his strong finger our way
Electricity escapes
Leaves destruction in his wake"
22King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard
Murder Of The Universe

A New World

"As soon as the dust settles, you can see
A new world in place of where the old one had been"
23King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard
Flying Microtonal Banana


"The earth is melting down
Our home and our playground
Won't be fit for children when our world
Has melted down"
24King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard

Crumbling Castle

"I see through the bricks, to the sea, crumbling castle
Water's rising up, thick and green, crumbling castle
Inching closer each century, crumbling castle
Are we safe in our citadel?"
25The Menzingers
After the Party

Tellin Lies

"Where are we gonna go now that our twenties are over?"
26The Menzingers
After the Party

Thick as Thieves

"I held up a liquor store
Demanding top shelf metaphors"
27The Menzingers
After the Party


"You little Kerouac
Always running like Dean and Sal"
28The Menzingers
After the Party

Black Mass

"It's strange relating with the lamb to the slaughter"
29The Menzingers
After the Party

Your Wild Years

"A little Irish in your blood
A little Polish in your name
A little Boston in your attitude
Just the way you were raised"
30The Menzingers
After the Party

After the Party

"What a great way to start anew
To shed your skin and find the old you."
31Tyler, the Creator
Flower Boy

I Ain't Got Time

"Nat Turner would be so proud of me
'Cause all these motherfuckers got their style from me"
32Manchester Orchestra
A Black Mile to the Surface

Lead, SD

"Would you marry me? repeat repeat"
33J. Roddy Walston and The Business
Destroyers of the Soft Life

I Called You

"You can only hurt the ones you know
It’s safer now to be alone"
34Offa Rex
The Queen of Hearts

The Old Churchyard

"Mourn not for them, their trials are over
And why weep for those who will weep no more?"
35Broken Social Scene
Hug of Thunder

Mouth Guards of the Apocalypse

"Words of hope are a joke for the numb"

No One Likes You

"I'm boring but I'm trying
Does that count just a little bit?"
Gone Now

Don't Take the Money

"Somebody broke me once
Love was a currency
A shimmering balance act
I think that I laughed at that"
Relatives In Descent

A Private Understanding

"Call me Heraclitus the Obscure
Constantly weeping, cause the river doesn't move"
Relatives In Descent

My Children

"My children
Pay dividends
Vomit and rage spewing forth in the drive-thru"
Relatives In Descent


"And all that loving, that's leaving
Replaced now with complaining"
Relatives In Descent

The Chuckler

"An angry customer's face
Confused because they didn't get their way"
Relatives In Descent

Windsor Hum

"The sound that you're hearing across the river
Saying, "everything's fine"
Relatives In Descent

Up the Tower

"The portraits in the hallway look better smashed upon the floor"
Relatives In Descent

Night-Blooming Cereus

"Only in darkness does the flower take hold"
Relatives In Descent

Male Plague

"See-through skin - barnacles of age
Male plague"
Relatives In Descent

Half Sister

"In ancient Palestine, a Roman middle manager dresses down a radical
"I have a backlog of so-called prophets
You are of a multitude"
The offender said, "I witness truth"
Perplexed and filled with pique the jailer replied, "Truth, what is it?""


"Sexual violence doesn't start and end with rape
It starts in our books and behind our school gates"

Date Night

"But I tried to shake shake shake it up
But I shook myself to boredom"

Divide and Conquer

"A loved one perished at the hand of the barren-hearted right"

Stendhal Syndrome

"Did you see that selfie what Francis Bacon did?
Don’t look nothing like him, what a fucking div"

White Privilege

"One miscarriage
Two abortions
One degree
Seven jobs"
52The New Pornographers
Whiteout Conditions

Whiteout Conditions

"Only want to get to work
But every morning I'm too sick to drive
Suffering whiteout conditions
Forget the mission, just get out alive
Only want to glean the purpose
Only to scratch the surface, raise the plow
Suffering whiteout conditions
Forget your mission, just get out somehow"
53The New Pornographers
Whiteout Conditions

High Ticket Attractions

"This thing could go two ways
Won't be another exit for days
So pack a small suitcase
Anything else can be easily replaced"
54The New Pornographers
Whiteout Conditions

Second Sleep

"Been awake, thinking fast, cannot sleep
Second thoughts, second rate Socrates"
The World Is A Loud Place


"Your patience left the station ages ago"
The World Is A Loud Place


"Fair is fair until an order came to be
Negatives of lightning burned a hole where we could see"
57Benjamin Clementine
I Tell A Fly

Farewell Sonata

"Standing here and mingling with
Birds that cannot fly and
Fishes that cannot swim and
Rainbow black and white and
Man that cannot love!"
58Benjamin Clementine
I Tell A Fly

God Save the Jungle

"Welcome to jungle, dear
Where tensions do amount
And kids must grow as quick as possible"
59Benjamin Clementine
I Tell A Fly

Phantom of Aleppoville

"For me the difference between love and hate
Weighs the same difference between risotto and rice pudding"
60Benjamin Clementine
I Tell A Fly

Paris Cor Blimey

"One day, right before dawn she got up
Only to find that her pen was gone
And Paris' friend looked everywhere
Yet couldn't find it anywhere
There's a PENdemonium, whoa"
61Benjamin Clementine
I Tell A Fly

By the Ports of Europe

"A star twinkles not on a tree
But in front of a TV screen"
62Vince Staples
Big Fish Theory

Party People

"Please don't look at me in my face
Everybody might see my pain
Off the rail, might off myself"
A Place I'll Always Go

Hunter's Gun

"Don't come near me
I don't wanna fall in love"
Dark Days + Canapés

Many Moods at Midnight

"Those cargo pants hide all manner of sin
Their demon demeanour gets let out on a limb"
Dark Days + Canapés


"Clothed like a friend
Best mates, guess again"
Dark Days + Canapés


"Ain't left the city in months
I guess Westfield knows what I want"
Dark Days + Canapés

Immigrant Boogie

"Oh, let us in
We never bite
Me and the four kids, show some love
Then it will be right
We won't stay
Grand promise in every way
It's just the boat's going down
And I don't think we wanna stay"
The Never Story


"Alright, what do you call a chick that don't suck dick?
You don't."

(sorry, I know it's stupid, but I just couldn't resist)
69The Afghan Whigs
In Spades

Demon in Profile

"It was all that I wanted
Now it's killing me"
70The Afghan Whigs
In Spades

Toy Automatic

"Too late, my lie had been cast to the dark side of 'Do or die'"
The Iceberg

Digging Deep

"I ain't hear to tell you everything will be fine
Cause thinking critically is really on a decline"
The Iceberg

Built by Pictures

"I was born with small access to big dreams"
The Iceberg

Hold It Back

"Moment of silence for me, I don't really need applause"
The Iceberg

You Grew Up

"Let me take it back to my childhood
When Six Flags was still called Wild World
Where I had every race as a neighbor
We were all working class trying to make it out of our hood"
The Iceberg

Waiting Outside

"Been a little while we ain't fought
Guess you doing better than the last time we met up"
76Quelle Chris
Being You Is Great...


"I look in the mirror
Like, “Who is that nigga?”
I’m cool with that nigga"
77Quelle Chris
Being You Is Great...


"Wiley Coyot’ great regrets always define my image
Seems I never reach the goal but always meet the finish"
78Quelle Chris
Being You Is Great...


"They say "Boy, you've got a gift"
I say "Here, you take it."
79Fred Thomas


"And there was something I was trying to say
But I was followed by a non-descript chemical smell
An amateur witch cast her fist binding spell"
80Fred Thomas


"2008 - an era of pointless boys in putrid sea foam V-necks
I wanted to hate but I was much the same
Spiritually broke, my Bridge Card revoked"
81Fred Thomas


"You spend your time
Looking at books about New York from the 1990s"
82Fred Thomas

Open Letter to Forever

"I remember standing out in front of the Northern
After another 15-paid gig
Getting harrassed by Olympia street punks (the worst!) for looking like a hipster"
83Fred Thomas


"You talk about your enemies, that doesn’t really interest me
I’m grateful just to be considered"
84The Burning Hell
Revival Beach

Nurse and Patient

"Yes, I confess it was love at first sight
And as a Registered Nurse I fight
To save the lives of every girl and guy
That's wheeled through the door
For you, I fought a little more"
85The Burning Hell
Revival Beach

Canadian Wine

"Canadian wine in a red plastic cup
Receiving line: I throw up"
86The Burning Hell
Revival Beach

The River (Never Freezes Anymore)

"Remember that winter when we got snowed in and the power was out for a couple days or so
Your parents stayed inside and got wasted and they thought we didn't know
But we waited until they were fast asleep and poured their half empty glasses into mason jars"
87The Burning Hell
Revival Beach

The Babysitter

"He said "well, read em and weep, dudes, I'm playing for keeps, and you fascists put the asses back into fiasco"
And with that he flicked his wrist and a gave a silent sharp kiss to their Nazi necks, said "this is how we say goodbye in Glasgow!""
88The Burning Hell
Revival Beach

Minor Changes

"But in general I really like the story arc
I find the landscape descriptions believably stark
And your characters, for the most part, are well-developed but not over-explained
And I love the recurring device of the poisonous rain"
89The Burning Hell
Revival Beach

The Last Night

"The piano is playing but nobody’s staying
To hear the young troubadour out
His songs blur together and go on forever
No one knows what they’re about"
90Xiu Xiu

Get Up

"A piano fell on my face
You told me to get up"
91The Fall
New Facts Emerge

New Facts Emerge

"You better buy stock
It might become a whirlwind"
92Pere Ubu
20 Years In A Montana Missile Silo

Plan From Frag 9

"I am like a pencil
There's two ways to look at it
One, you got the sharp part
It leaves a mark
Two, you got the pushy part
It takes the mark away"
93The Necromancers
Servants of the Salem Girl

Salem Girl (Part 1)

"She's running in the woods
Hide from the cross claiming the good"
America, Location 12

Only the Wild Ones

"In the attics of the city night
We talked corso and the MC5"
95Loyle Carner
Yesterday's Gone

Ain't Nothing Changed

"They ask why every fucking song the fucking same
And I tell them it's 'cause ain't nothing changed"
96Guided by Voices
August by Cake

Goodbye Note

"I’m leaving
Don’t interpret it wrong
And don’t worry
I’m not leaving for long"
I Can Tell You About Pain


"I need to forget and to move on
I need to feel loss to cherish love"
98St. Vincent


"I can't turn off what turns me on"
99St. Vincent

Happy Birthday, Johnny

"When you get free, Johnny
I hope you find peace"
Hot Thoughts

Hot Thoughts

"Hot thoughts melt in my mind
Could be your accent mixing with mine"
101Cold War Kids
LA Divine

Love is Mystical
-This one is for butcherboy-

"Love is mystical
Do you feel the same?
Love is irresistible
It's calling out your name"
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