hal qaeda

Soundoffs 28
Album Ratings 4773
Objectivity 77%

Last Active 11-13-22 2:15 am
Joined 04-01-15

Review Comments 15,777

02.26.21 #FreeSach10.23.18 gag me
07.24.18 rec me coldwave12.21.17 rerunnin and runnin and runnin redux
12.07.17 yung clean07.28.17 halbums 66 -- 17
07.22.17 101 fav noise rock/punk records 07.03.17 nuts ranked
04.08.17 hey 03.03.17 d-beat
12.20.16 hal 1611.15.16 bossa nova recz
10.20.16 Befriend , battle , feast10.18.16 t0p 10 lean
08.16.16 all hal the clamor 06.21.16 hals half 2016
06.08.16 hals '16 metal03.30.16 hals best of Q1
More »

yung clean

soo uhh been exactly 2 years since i last used heroin / fentanyl . been rly hard to stay discipline but it's also definitely been rewarding. i don't talk about this shit much to friends / family cuz they tend to get weird about it, so here i am . anyway, i know a lot of ppl on here have had issues with substances so if yall want to talk about how it's going or whatever u can, even if it's not going well, ain't no judgment here. list is digz
1Viper the Rapper
Plush Player
2Oliver Francis
bape music
3Friedrich Cerha
String Quartets 1-3 (Arditti Quartet)
4DJ Richard
Path of Ruin
6Pale Saints
The Comforts of Madness
7Yung Lean
G.L.O.N.L. 2
9Despised Icon
The Ills of Modern Man
11Bernard Parmegiani
De natura sonorum
12Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck
Twodeadsluts Onegoodfuck
Trapped in da 100
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