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Worst Songs off My 5s

Just following an interesting question of what do you or don't you like about the greatest flaws of your favorite albums?
1Avenged Sevenfold
City of Evil

There’s some great riffs on here and it’s one of the most heartfelt songs on the album, but one can’t deny that its unnecessary and aimless length is unjustified, and Shadows’ weakest vocal performance on the album is featured here.
2Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold

(This might not even be a 5 soon :( )
Probably the only risk on their s/t that didn’t totally pay off, it actually still holds up pretty well. The dual guitar work on here is pretty amazing and the instrumental work is generally great, but it can’t help but feel like a filler attempt at pop-metal.
3Black Sabbath

“Jack the Stripper/Fairies Wear Boots”
This is a great, exciting slice of early heavy metal with a sense of power and fun radiating throughout it’s slightly overbearing runtime. The fact that this is the worst track on the album is just a testament to the album’s ridiculous quality.
4Brand New
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

“The Archers’ Bows Have Been Broken”
This is just some straightfoward pop-punk left over from their far less inspired previous two albums. I’ll admit that it’s growing on me a bit, but that doesn’t help the boring chorus and cheesy as fuck lyrics. Idk man, if this wasn’t on the album TDAG would almost be equal to Sci-Fi.
5Brand New
Science Fiction

“Can’t Get it Out”
Just like “Archers,” the weakest song on this album is a track that serves as a callback to sounds and ideas from earlier works. The difference between the two? This one is excellent, “Archers” is good.
Chicago Transit Authority

“Free Form Guitar”
Terry Kath jerking off his guitar for seven minutes is just as exciting, frustrating, compelling, and mundane as it sounds.
7Damien Rice
My Favourite Faded Fantasy

“Trusty and True”
A beautiful and expansive Irish-folk-inspired song that manages to be hugely overdramatic without ever being cheesy. It might also be the only song on the album that doesn’t totally justify its length.
8Dixie Chicks

“Hello Mr. Heartache”
Pretty much the only miscalculation from the best country-pop album ever made, “Hello Mr. Heartache” is an entertaining if unexciting and slightly redundant exercise in the basest of the Chicks’ talents. On it’s own though, it’s still a good and earnest tune.
9Dixie Chicks

“Tortured Tangled Hearts”
Probably the only song that doesn’t move the listener on the album in any way, and also the only song that lacks a unique reason for existing on the album. Other than that, it’s great.
10Fleetwood Mac

“Think About Me”
The poppiest and most straightforward track from Tusk also manages to be the worst, a plain and uninspired attempt at recapturing the magic of Rumours that disrupts the endearing weirdness and massive creativity of the rest of the sprawling classic.
11Harrod and Funck

A beautiful and moving folk ballad with insightful lyrics and a melancholic atmosphere that still manages to be perfectly captured even in its live setting. And yes, I’m talking about the worst song on here and not the best.
12Linkin Park
A Thousand Suns

Yeah yeah it’s an interlude, but all the actual songs are too goddamn good to be listed here. This earns it’s place thanks to being a completely useless repeat of earlier lyrics and sounds, even if it does set up a great atmosphere to lead into “The Catalyst.”
Brand New Eyes

“Feeling Sorry”
A fun little slice of pop punk with some relatable lyrics and great musicianship, but god damn would this album be even better if this were completely cut from it. The following two tracks repeat its sounds and themes far more interestingly.
14Peter Gabriel

Imagine having every pop song form the eighties and seventies grinded into a fine pulp and injected into your veins. That would be the closest you could come to understanding the greatness, annoyance, an insanity that this song inflicts on its listener.
15Peter Gabriel

“The Barry Williams Show”
I like this song far more than I should, but I can admit that it’s a mostly brainless attempt to make fun of late-night talk shows that nearly ruins the artistic and mindful brilliance universality of the album. But it’s just so much goddamn fun.
16Pink Floyd
Wish You Were Here

“Have a Cigar”
Yeah this is probably the best song on this list so really nothing to complain about here, aside from it not quite reaching the masterful heights of the other tracks.
17Queens of the Stone Age
Songs for the Deaf

“Do it Again”
A fun if mind-numbingly repetitve track that would’ve served the album far better if it were removed from it. The best thing about this song is the mashup with Kanye’s “Black Skinhead.” Listen to that shit instead.
18Queens of the Stone Age
...Like Clockwork

“Fairweather Friends”
Yeah yeah yeah this is incredible I know, but it’s also the only track on the album where all of the pieces just don’t quite click together. It’s like an undercooked mish-mash of brilliance.
19The Police

“Tea in the Sahara”
Great little atmospheric track that never quite astounds nearly as much as any of the others on the album. Also pretty unmemorable if we’re being honest.
OK Computer

“Subterranean Homesick Alien”
The atmosphere on here is so thick that it overtakes nearly everything else present and renders it mostly inert. Is that even a complaint? Idk, but all I know is that it’s the only thing on this album I can remember nothing of unless I’m currently listening to it.
21The Smashing Pumpkins
Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

“Tales of a Scorched Earth“
An ugly, undignified track that sounds like a tired attempt and sounding heavy, but just sounds like noise compared to other heavier epics like “X.Y.U.” and “Fuck You.” Probably the worst song on the list.
22The Swell Season
The Swell Season

One of the simplest tracks on the album, yet upon repeated listens it’s likely to worm its way into your heart just like the rest. It’s just a nice little pretty song, even if it doesn’t hit quite as hard as the rest of the album.
23TV on the Radio
Young Liars

”Young Liars”
The title track is a great but unexciting addition to the otherwise completely groundbreaking and invigorating EP. When every song on the album is as fantastic as the likes of “Blind” and “Staring at the Sun,” even greatness can come as a letdown.
24TV on the Radio
Dear Science

“Lover’s Day”
I seemingly neverending ode to sex, the song deflates the album’s closing energy riding from DLZ with a straightforward tune and unnecessary length. This almost drops the album to a 4.5, as it’s already teetering on the edge.
Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends

"Cemeteries of London"
If this total jam is the worst song on the album, are you really gonna argue it's not a classic of modern rock?
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