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Last Active 01-06-23 2:13 pm
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2016 - Voivod's Random Best Of

List consists of all the albums I dug AND wrote a soundoff about in 2016, plus albums with no soundoff, that I dug enough to add here, starting from 12/2015. Minimum rate: 3.4 Supplementary lists will be published as we move towards the end of the year.
1Construct of Lethe

3.6 - Technical death metal
Construct of Lethe lie among the few tech death metal outfits which unfollow the majority of their peers in terms of style and (of equal importance!) sound layout. Instead of being part of deplorably fast instrumentals, guitars in Corpsegod come as "slow" and muddy af, hinting at (but not topping) the relevant work of Morbid Angel and Suffocation, also due to the almost total lack of guitar leads. The mentioned similarities in sound, are extended to the arrangements, as there's a decent penchant for diversity; in that vein, the drumming is exceptional and aptly produced, whereas vocals go from totally ripped out to low end guttural. Favourite track: The Incapacitants, Abandoned to Conflagration. Stream/"name your price" download: http://constructoflethe.bandcamp.com/album/corpsegod

3.8 - Industrial metal
Hogwasche lie at the intersection of industrial, metal and hardcore and they sound terrific. The industrial element, courtesy of the relentless rhythm section and the oral speech samples, blends perfectly with the genuinely pissed off, hardcore vocals. The album misses some points due to the next to last track, which sounds like an low tier industrial cover of a Lacuna Coil or Paradise Lost song. Favourite track: Switch is sexy as hell. Stream: http://hogwasche.bandcamp.com/

3.4 - Heavy/thrash metal
Dystopia comes as unexpectedly decent in its homage to different, critically acclaimed periods of Megadeth, also due to the recruitment of really proficient associates around Dave Mustaine, especially in the second guitar. Better than all past Megadeth slumps, but inferior than their really essential stuff.
4This Is Nowhere
Music to Relapse

3.7 - Psychedelic/noise/heavy rock
The band's debut album was a revelation, and not only for the ever vibrant Greek heavy/psychedelic rock scene. Music to Relapse is a fairly different affair, as This Is Nowhere get their groove up to speed with respect to late '60s hard rock; moreover, the noise and drone elements are augmented, whereas Thessalonikans show an underdeveloped, yet interesting penchant for progressive rock, strictly in the light of the aforementioned attributes. Favourite song: Lies. Stream: http://thisisnowhere.bandcamp.com/album/music-to-relapse

3.6 - Post punk
Nice, unsettling post punk from Germany. Lyrics are sung in the band's mother tongue, and come to add more character to the angry/frustrated attitude Turbostaat are going for in here.
An Epiphany Of Hate

3.5 - death metal
Dirty, Motorhead/punk-driven death metal for the masses, enough said. Album is no better, nor worse than previous Master releases, and while it suits its purpose just fine, a tad more variety in terms of song writing, would be more than welcome.
7Nordic Unio n
Nordic Union

3.6 - Modern hard rock
As far as melodic/shredding metal goes, label owners have been particularly prolific in building line-ups around guitar shredders or setting up collaborations between prospective artists signed in the same label. Nordic Union is boss of Frontiers Records bringing together Ronnie Atkins of Pretty Maids fame, and up and coming songwriter/producer Erik Martensson (Eclipse (SWE)). The result couldn't be anything other than a great album of modern hard rocking metal, albeit it does not amount more than the sum of its parts.
8The Dirty Earth

3.5 - Hard n' heavy rock
Australia has always been notorious for its class of great hard n' heavy rock acts, with Sydney's The Dirty Earth being one of the most recent additions worth mentioning. Whereas the arrangements don't stray away from the genre's constraints, the band's calling card is their female singer, who pretty much carries the album on her shoulders. Favourite track: Cruel World. Stream: http://thedirtyearth.bandcamp.com/album/ascendancy
Too Loud to Live, Too Drunk to Die

3.5 - rock n' metal
Listening to this album, it feels as if Gehennah sensed that Lemmy would part for Heavens' Band, so they re-emerged to cut down the world's huge deficit in dirty rock n' roll. Easily, one of the most essential outfit reactivations in recent years. Stream: http://gehennah.bandcamp.com/album/too-loud-to-live-too-drunk-to-die
The Wizard Falls

3.8 - crossover metal
Last year it was Trial from Sweden, this year's Denmark's turn in delivering a truly captivating piece of adventurous heavy metal to mankind... Iotunn are killing it in every way possible, be it in terms of the behemoth sound production (courtesy of Flemming Rasmussen!!!), or the arrangements in which all ends of metal have been masterfully converged. Don't let this EP slip through the cracks!!! Favourite song: Frost. Stream: http://iotunn.bandcamp.com/releases
11Marta Ren and the Groovelvets
Stop Look Listen

3.9 - funk/soul/blues
The soul and groove of this album is second to none, Marta Ren's vocal work is killing it every step of the way, not that her backing band falls behind or anything, rather it consists of frantic virtuosos on every instrument (the rhythm section slays!). Push play and get in the move! Favourite track: the whole album. Stream: http://martarengroovelvets.bandcamp.com/
Post Society

3.8 - Voivod metal
In view of their upcoming album, which is slated for release some time in 2016, the French-Canadians have gathered all the split singles issued last year, and added previously unreleased material composed on and off the road. Needless to write, but the EP complies with Voivod standards, whereas it partially eases the anticipation for the upcoming full length.
13Ripper (CL)
Experiment of Existence

3.8 - death/thrash metal
Few outfits death/thrash as ferociously as their South American counterparts; Chile's Ripper is a strong case in point, although few heads turned when Raising the Corpse was released. That album's sole flaw was the lack of diversity, however Experiment of Existence is improved therein, while maintaining the frantic pace of its predecessor. The bassist lies at Steve Di Giorgio level (maybe higher), managing to improvise in between the organized chaos. Favourite track: Neuronal Unity stands as first among equals: Stream: http://www.nocleansinging.com/2016/02/24/an-ncs-album-premiere-ripper-experiment-of-existence/

3.6 - avant-garde rock/metal
Since the the Middle Ages, ethnicities circling the Baltic Sea, have been involved in a highly interesting cultural/linguistic osmosis, forged through war and peace; in that light, the sophomore Pergale album is definitely representative of the said deliberations. On par with the ambivalent avant-garde rock/metal of outfits like Fleurety, the Lithuanians throw elements from surf, goth rock and black metal, and deliver an album that could be released this side of the European continent only. Favorite track: Estonian Lesbians. Stream: http://pergale.bandcamp.com/album/antropologija
15Aeon Sable

3.4 - Gothic rock
How's Hypaerion is different from the previous album? Aeon Sable have abandoned the adventurous song writing found in Visionaers and fled to by-the-numbers gothic rock, even though the doom-metal-laden album opener and closer might trick everyone, otherwise. While the album is fairly attractive as a whole due to the "deep" sound production and the excellent vocals, the arrangements come as similar, making the selection of stand-out tracks difficult. Favourite track: Elysion. Stream: http://aeonsable.bandcamp.com/album/hypaerion-2016
16Eternity's End
The Fire Within

3.7 - progressive/power metal
For quite some time now, Euro power metal has been the sonic equivalent of an anydrous desert with almost-one-off oases emerging every once in a while. Eternity's End is the most recent case in point and a supergroup altogether, featuring seasoned musicians in extreme/progressive metal, as well as the intersection between power metal and adult oriented rock. Nominally, The Fire Within lies as close as any band can get to Symphony X, yet Eternity's End manifest their European origin in every way possible, while branching out to tech metal and AOR. The mentioned styles have been blended nicely in terms of arrangements and sound production, even though some metalheads may argue against the album's overall mellowness. Favourite track: The Hourglass. Stream: http://powerprog.bandcamp.com/album/the-fire-within.
The Downfall

3.7 - Tech thrash
In terms of tech thrash outfits that emerged in Europe in the early '90s, Italy's Braindamage have been honourably mentioned for their 1993 debut album Signal de Revolta, with later albums branching out to pure thrash, progressive rock and industrial. This year's The Downfall sees the band focusing on atmosphere through aggression, without being overly technical, instrumentally. Listening sessions will eventually give shape to a convincingly dystopic, '90s post-thrash painting, as usual suspects Mekong Delta, Meshuggah, Fear Factory, Voivod, and Red Harvest are unconsciously referenced. Favourite song: The Downfall Is Here To Stay, I Shall Fight Until The End. Album stream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObOScGv2n4M
På Djupt Vatten

3.5 - Vintage rock
On their 6th album, Swedes Magnolia indulge their remote universe with bare-bones vintage rock that comes with its expected load of tension. That said, things are spiced a bit more through the straying of some songs into more psychedelic/jam-ish paths. Favourite track: Ensamvarg. Stream: http://play.spotify.com/album/22hS3Iunh32UlIEkGAaDfs
19Red Spektor
Red Spektor

3.4 - hard rock
Red Spektor pick up from where the EP ended, as they give in to the teachings of Jimi Hendrix, among a few other vintage/blues rock behemoths. The album sounds cool in its dedicated minimalism, as these Englishmen are particularly persistent in their adopted riffs and tempos per songs. What's more, the sound is on par with the above description, as it stresses down the already restrained stoner elements in favor of a more vintage tone. Favorite song: Before the Sunrise. Stream: http://red-spektor.bandcamp.com/album/red-spektor
Terminal Redux

3.6 - Prog/thrash metal
If Terminal Redux is commendable for something, is its sheer intensity and the band members' technical proficiency throughout, and those are no small feats. While these attributes may be enough to land instantaneous critical acclaim, they don't necessarily guarantee the production of truly memorable material; moreover, combined with a prolonged album duration, they can mask a lack of diversity song-writing-wise, and that's where the album falters considerably. First 2-3 songs take no prisoners but the same frantic, linear pattern of riffs-over-riffs-over-riffs is blindly; performing this material live will certainly be a blast, but Vektor still haven't fully concealed their influences and they need to do so, in order to truly stand next to the great old ones of prog/thrash metal.
21Sacramental Blood
Ternion Demonarchy

4.0 - death metal
Bring in mind any of the majors as far as US technical/brutal death metal goes, and Sacramental Blood will match them within mere instants. Their debut album is that good. Although the Serbs don't reinvent the wheel, they execute their arrangements with a ferocity and detail that leave little to no room for dull moments. I mean, for the love of god, the album's second half is even better than the first. Favorite tracks: Sanctimonious, Livid Deaths Descend!, Imposed Resurrection. Album's streaming at http://ghastlymusick.bandcamp.com/album/ternion-demonarchy
22Flotsam and Jetsam
Flotsam and Jetsam

3.7 - Thrash metal
Excluding The Cold, Flotsam and Jetsam erase 20 years of mediocrity, with an album firmly rooted in '80s thrash and classic metal (no wonder why they are still warmly heralded in old school metal lairs such as Greece, namely their 2015 live concert in Athens). The current line-up shreds instrumentally, whereas Erik AK's vocals are still distinguishable from a light year away. Album could have been a true rival to the band's classic stuff, should its sound was livelier, more raw. Favorite track(s): Seventh Seal, Iron Maiden.
23Suicidal Angels
Division Of Blood

3.4 - Thrash metal
Suicidal Angels rise above with an album that brings back the urgency the band (and thrash metal in general) is renowned for. The said trait has adequately spiced up the arrangements, which would deem the album insufferably one-dimensional, otherwise. The excellent guitar leads of Gus Drax (Sunburst), take the songs on a higher level; however, an unbridgeable gap between him and the rest of the band in terms of musicianship, becomes imminently evident. Let's hope that the presence of Gus, will push the others to become more involved with their instruments and in turn, with their song writing.
24Burial Hordes

3.5 - death metal
Much like the tectonic plates upon which the land floats, members of the underground Hellenic death metal scene, signify their awakening at rather untimely instances. Along with Dead Congregation, Burial Hordes (both lineups partially overlap) have come up with an EP of monolithic, (and discretely majestic/atmospheric) brutal death metal, in which everything sounds just about right. Favorite song: Hatred. Stream: http://burialhordes.bandcamp.com/album/extinction

3.5 - Thrash metal
Swedish rock/metal scene is all too known for yielding excellent material for a variety of distinct styles, yet when it comes to thrash, the genre was always mixed with something else (death/black/progressive metal, even hard rock). Umeå natives Defiatory, may be the first Swedish outfit coming so close to the genre, as their debut emulates Bay Area thrash with fragments of Swedish extreme metal. Although the energetic arrangements tend to blend towards the album's end, the album is rewarding as a whole, due to its excellent sound and vocals. Favourite track: Reaper. Stream: http://defiatoryblacklion.bandcamp.com/
26Virus (NO)
Memento Collider

3.8 - Avant-garde rock
Virus leave behind the moot point the previous album was, and allow their music to catch some serious rock breathers. The distortion in the guitars (and the metal elements altogether) is completely gone, giving more space to the weird guitar melodies and the expertly arranged rhythm section. To that end, Plenum's recurring/off-beat bass lines in "Steamer" will get you in tune with Ved Buens Ende's dissonant vibes, whereas the rather unexpected solo in "Gravity Seeker" is courtesy of Dan Mongrain from Voivod! Favorite song(s): the whole album, pretty much. Stream: http://play.spotify.com/album/7iYDbFoE46EyEXqmkw0mA1

3.6 - Thrash metal
Pangea holds no surprises regarding Paradox's trademark style, but judging from a handful of superb tracks bound to stick with fans for years to come, the rest of the album stands lower with respect to classic material and material found in previous efforts. On the other hand, the loud but digital production does not fully favor the album, with the vocals struggling to stand in between the rest of the instrumentation. Favorite tracks: Ballot or Bullet, Manhunt, Pangea, Alien Godz.
28Fates Warning
Theories of Flight

3.9 - Progressive metal
Theories of Flight picks up from where its predecessor concluded, and marks a further refinement/improvement in terms of song writing and Alder's vocal delivery. For the former, Fates Warning still have it in them (albeit things get a little repetitive towards the end), when it comes to making prog metal elegies like "The Light and Shade of Things", in which every possible human sentiment can be readily felt. As for Alder's work, the fact that he allowed some vibrato to (re-)emerge from his chords here and there, is a well intended innuendo to old school (metal) fans (of the band). Favorite song: The Light and Shade of Things.
29Insane Vesper

3.5 - Black metal
If Layil is a hint to anything other than traditional (epic at times) black metal, it's that mid-to-late '90s era, right before the undertaking of some serious attempts towards the genre's expansion. Insane Vesper are not as innovative as some of their French or Norwegian counterparts, but the fairly adventurous arrangements, along with the "bitter" melodies and sound, have a really good replay value. Favorite track: Blood of the Moon. Stream: puregrainaudio.com/audio/insane-vesper-bring-forth-some-booming-black-metal-with-layil-album-stream-exclusive-premiere
Klofnar Tungur

3.5 - Black metal
The occult/lofi/ambient character of Klofnar Tungur will take you back to those ancient times where black metal relied (much) more on random impulse, and (much) less on elaborate design. While the style of this Icelandic outfit safely files under the quote "organized ritual chaos", both mentioned ends meet to form a downright interesting experience. Their other EP released this year is also interesting. Stream: http://ljain.bandcamp.com/album/klofnar-tungur
31Medicine Boy
Kinda Like Electricity

4.0 - folk/country/post punk/gothic
Medicine Boy have delivered a masterclass of atmospheric minimalism. Folk, new wave/post punk, country and pure rock n' roll have been summoned to flesh a custom torso, in which the sounds of silence and self-reflection, are homogeneously welded with pockets of genuine tension. Perfectly aligned, the duo's soothing vocal work breaths life to some of the most abstractly thoughtful lyrics about the human psyche. Stream: http://medicineboy.bandcamp.com/album/kinda-like-electricity
32Vicious Rumors
Concussion Protocol

3.6 - Power metal
Vicious Rumors re-emerge with their most spontaneous album to date, and that's as good as much as a bad thing. In terms of style, Rumors' can't do no wrong mixing their trademark heavy/power metal (which is closer to Judas Priest than ever), with glam rock/metal, even industrial (on the safely passable "Dead Ned Razor "bonus track). The problems with the album are mainly relevant to the band's vocal performance, in close relation to the corresponding part of the production. While percussions and strings are decorated with the best sound this band had in years, the same cannot be said about the vocals. Besides being clearly (and inexcusably, I might add) pushed in the rear production-wise, new singer Nick Holleman - the closest Vicious Rumors have probably been to the late Carl Albert - is sharing vocal work with the rest of the band, with the latter doing that harsh/"gang-style" singing on choruses and elsewhere.

3.8 - Power/thrash metal
Ever since Helstar were reactivated, there was a discrete pressure for a return to the stylistic realm of Nosferatu, a criminally misplaced album at release time. Like every band which respects its craft, however, Helstar took their time in indulging their fan base, with the release of their 9th album. Vampiro (caught the innuendo already?), is nothing short of top-shelf, classical-tinged tech power/progressive/thrash metal, coated with the sound quality that Nosferatu should have in the first place. With the possible exception of "To Their Deathbeds They Fell", the remainder of the album is not particularly memorable per each song; however, as a whole, it can be safely played on repeat, just for admiring Helstar's ample song writing ability. Favorite song: To Their Deathbeds They Fell.
The Storm Within

3.5 - Progressive/power metal
Evergrey's music simply cannot fall below certain, fairly high quality standards, and The Storm Within is no exception. While all Evergrey albums are emotional in design, it's safe to say that new album goes red in the said respect. What's more, with the arrangements not being as tight as in previous albums, The Storm Within works as a whole, as there's not a single track, that's infinitely more catchy that the rest (the way "Frozen" was in Glorious Collision). (is the album) A small step backwards before a future, bold step forwards? Only time will tell.

4.0 - heavy metal
Sumerlands had made clear they were a band of great merit even from the The Guardian demo, so it was merely a matter of time before they would resurface, this time around with their self-titled debut. Sumerlands repackages the three songs of the demo with a handful of new cuts, the one being better than the other. The album's monolithic style, a stance situated between early '80s metal and hard rock, would have anyone more ready for a snooze fest than a celebration of those times and music styles; and yet, Sumerlands thrive with their "less is more" arrangements, their discretely displayed instrumental aptitude, and their thick/anthemic sound. The latter sustains an incredible gothic vibe, manifested through the rhythm section and Swanson's stentorian vocals. Favorite song: the whole album. Stream: http://sumerlands.bandcamp.com/releases
36Magnus Pelander

3.4 - Folk
Since long, Magnus Pelander has been known for his idiorrythmic disposition towards art, and - surprise surprise! - his debut solo album manages to get that across. Nominally,Time is "an acoustic album", with an atmosphere that ensues calmness and self-reflection. The instrumental backbone consists of an acoustic guitar, sporadically accompanied by violin, harmonica, the flute and minimal percussion; the album's peculiarity though, lies in Pelander's falsetto-and-an-acquired-taste vocals, which act as if they are rivalling the melodies upon whom they were supposed to tread.
Hardwired... to Self-Destruct

3.5 - heavy metal
Prior to this one, the last Metallica album I remember enjoying was Black Album, for reasons all too obvious. With the band admitting its increasing physical inability in appropriately bringing classic/legacy material to life, the vigor of this album comes as an unexpected, but welcome surprise; Metallica still have in them, a fair amount of that something that made them what they are today. Favorite songs: Dream No More, Spit Out the Bone.
38The Rolling Stones
Blue and Lonesome

3.5 - Blues rock
The Rolling Stones pick up the blues/rock n' roll bible, open it up at a random page, start jamming at the first thing they read with the sheer conviction see-all-done-all veterans are known for, and get away with it, as usual.
39Wheel In The Sky
Heading For The Night

Psych/hard rock rock from Sweden.

Stream: http://thesignrecords.bandcamp.com/album/wheel-in-the-sky-heading-for-the-night
40Secrets Of The Moon

Black metal from Germany.

Stream: https://secrets-of-the-moon.bandcamp.com/album/sun
41Toska (IS)

Black metal from Iceland.

Stream: http://toskabm.bandcamp.com/album/toska-2
42Vomit Bitch
Vomit Bitch

Black/thrash metal from Athens, Greece.

Stream: http://vomitbitch.bandcamp.com/releases

Death metal from Chigaco, Illinois.

Stream: http://narcoticdeathmetal.bandcamp.com/album/to-the-pyre-2
44Sun Preachers
Walking Towards The Tower

Heavy/blues rock from France.

Stream: http://sunpreachers.bandcamp.com/album/walking-towards-the-tower
Aggregat 4

Death/doom metal from Holland.

Stream: http://confrontationhm2.bandcamp.com/album/aggregat-4

Modern metal from India.

Stream: http://yonsample.bandcamp.com/album/extropy
47Courage Cloak
Praise The Thaw

Post metal from Boston, Massachusetts.

Stream: http://couragecloak.bandcamp.com/album/praise-the-thaw
48Apollyon Mechanicus

Death/black metal from Moscow, Russia.

Stream: http://apollyonmechanicus.bandcamp.com/album/218
49Busted Chops

punk/hardcore from Asheville, North Carolina.

Stream: http://bustedchops.bandcamp.com/album/illumignarly

Extreme/symphonic metal from Chicago, Illinois.

Stream: http://mechinamusic.bandcamp.com/album/progenitor

Extreme/doom metal from Oakland, California.

Stream: http://lycus.bandcamp.com/album/chasms
52Temple of Evil
The 7th Awakening

Black metal from Cyprus.

Stream: https://templeofevil.bandcamp.com/releases

Hardcore from Denmark.

Stream: https://eglise.bandcamp.com/album/glise
54Nearly Dead
Drop Of Red

Noise/drone rock from Canada.

Stream: http://nearlydead.bandcamp.com/album/drop-of-red
55Preacher and The Bear
Super Blues Explosion

Blues rock from the UK.

Stream: http://preacherandthebear.bandcamp.com/album/super-blues-explosion
56Titan X
Titan X

Death/black metal from Greece.

Stream: http://titanx.bandcamp.com/releases

Doom metal from Ohio.

Stream: http://witchhelm.bandcamp.com/album/j-tunn
58Agoraphobic Nosebleed

Sludge metal from Springfield, Massachusetts.

Stream: http://agoraphobicnosebleed.bandcamp.com/album/arc
59The Blue Rider
Year Of The Horse

Psychedelic rock from Denver, Colorado.

Stream: http://thebluerider.bandcamp.com/album/year-of-the-horse
60Acid Roach

Psychedelic/stoner rock from Vermont.

Stream: http://acidroach.bandcamp.com/album/unseasonable
61Mortuary (FRA)
Nothingless Than Nothingness

Death metal from France.

Stream: http://goregeousproductions.bandcamp.com/album/nothingless-than-nothingness
62Armoured Angel
Communion (demo)

Thrash/death metal from Australia.

Stream: http://armouredangel.bandcamp.com/album/communion
63Dog Days

Stoner rock from Fribourg, Switzerland.

Stream: https://dogdaysband.bandcamp.com/releases
Repetitio Est Mater Studiorum

Fuzzed out post punk from the UK.

Stream: http://morelband.bandcamp.com/releases
Total Freedom

Psychedelic/lofi rock from Philadephia, Pennsylvania.

Stream: http://spacin.bandcamp.com/album/total-freedom-2016
66Kosmik Boogie Tribe
Suck More Piss

Punk/noise/hard rock from Oslo, Norway.

Stream: http://kosmikboogietribe.bandcamp.com/album/suck-more-piss

Black metal from Bergen, Norway.

Stream: http://nifrost.bandcamp.com/releases

Thrashcore from Vancouver, Canada.

Stream: http://inhalervideotapes.bandcamp.com/releases
69God Body Disconnect
Dredge Portals

Ambient/drone from Portland, Oregon.

Stream: http://cryochamber.bandcamp.com/album/dredge-portals

Avant-garde music from Norway.

Stream: http://ulver.bandcamp.com/album/atgclvlsscap

Hard n' heavy rock from Sweden.

Stream: http://play.spotify.com/album/4h4MGsPIwpiez35crsmGIy
Born Beneath

Death metal 'n roll from Finland.
73The Young Revelators
All I See

Blues rock from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The Herald

Post metal from Venice, Italy.

Stream: http://seventhofficial.bandcamp.com/album/the-herald
Allir vegir til glötunar

Black metal from Iceland.

Stream: http://nadra.bandcamp.com/album/allir-vegir-til-gl-tunar-3

Post/doom/black metal from Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Stream: http://hvosch.bandcamp.com/
Glimpses of Sorrow

Black metal from Russia.

Stream: http://kareliannokken.bandcamp.com/album/glimpses-of-sorrow

Hardcore from Germany.

Stream: http://throwers.bandcamp.com/album/loss

Thrashcore from the UK.

Stream: http://amplifightersleeds.bandcamp.com/releases
Old Sunlight

Post metal from the UK.

Stream: http://dmp666.bandcamp.com/album/old-sunlight
Critical Hits

Hard rock from Ventura, California.

Stream: http://gygaxguild.bandcamp.com/releases
Nothing to Lose

Sludge metal from the UK.

Stream: http://battalionsdirt.bandcamp.com/album/nothing-to-lose

Industrial/death metal from Germany.

Stream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0I9dC7aag0
84Brimstone Coven
Black Magic

Hard n' heavy rock from Wheeling, West Virginia.

Stream: http://brimstonecoven.bandcamp.com/album/black-magic
85Surgical Strike

Power/thrash metal from Germany.

Stream: http://play.spotify.com/album/30bd6EqY80rSOJQIfrklVU
Nothing Less

Hardcore from Baltimore.

Stream: http://reactrecords.bandcamp.com/album/nothing-less
87AJ Froman
Phoenix Syndrome

Progressive rock from San Diego, California.

Stream: http://ajfroman.bandcamp.com/album/phoenix-syndrome

Death metal from El Paso, Texas.

Stream: http://hortlak.bandcamp.com/
89Schlachthaus Zukunft
Absolve Domine

Industrial/black metal from Austria.

Stream: http://schlachthauszukunft.bandcamp.com/releases

Doom/black metal from Los Angeles, California.

Stream: http://thecetacean.bandcamp.com/album/breach-submerge
91Large Bodies

Psychedelic rock from Boston, Massachusetts.

Stream: http://largebodies.bandcamp.com/album/shade

Psych/stoner rock from Lyon, France.

Stream: http://fuzzcrafter.bandcamp.com/album/fuzzcrafter
93The King Is Blind
Our Father

Death/doom from the UK.

Stream: http://play.spotify.com/artist/0hTei0BqOjaPwIIw27wqtp
94Pensees Nocturnes
A Boire et A Manger

Avant-garde black metal from Paris, France.

Stream: http://penseesnocturnes.bandcamp.com/album/a-boire-et-a-manger

Post/black metal from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Stream: http://solifvgae.bandcamp.com/album/avenoir
96Violet Cold
Magic Night

Post/shoegaze black metal from Azerbaijan.

Stream: http://violetcold.bandcamp.com/album/magic-night
97Tartarus (USA-PA)
Et Eritis Sicut Dii

Death/black metal from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Stream: http://tartarus1.bandcamp.com/album/et-eritis-sicut-dii
98Mourning Sun
Último Exhalario

Atmospheric doom metal from Chile.

Stream: http://gsproduction.bandcamp.com/album/ultimo-exhalario
99Big Sun

Psychedelic/progressive rock from Long Beach, California.
100Gin Lady
Call The Nation

Retro hard rock from Sweden.

Stream: http://ginlady.bandcamp.com/
Metal Punk

Blackened punk metal from Sabadell, Spain.

Stream: http://cendra.bandcamp.com/album/metal-punk
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