
Reviews 83
Approval 96%

Soundoffs 298
News Articles 32
Band Edits + Tags 6,467
Album Edits 11,372

Album Ratings 21919
Objectivity 93%

Last Active 05-28-23 3:22 am
Joined 11-04-15

Review Comments 13,796

11.29.23 Pie Charts 2023 11.20.23 I'm Just Folking With You (Part I: 1937
01.22.23 What's Your WORST Review? 12.01.22 Pie Charts 2022
12.07.21 Albums With Fewer Than 15 Ratings V | U12.01.21 Pie Charts 2021
11.21.21 Unknown Post-Punk #708.05.21 I Just Wanna Jangle and Twee
05.25.21 Reviews That Mention COVID-19 03.09.21 Unknown Post-Punk #6
12.01.20 Pie Charts 2020 10.08.20 R.I.P. Papa Universe
06.10.20 Popular(?) Artists I Haven't Heard A Fu04.14.20 Albums With Fewer Than 15 Ratings IV |
04.02.20 Unknown Post-Punk #5 01.29.20 Can any of you upload album art to albu
01.05.20 Albums With Fewer Than 15 Ratings III |12.06.19 Pie Charts 2019
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Albums With Fewer Than 15 Ratings

Shockingly unique and different. List of albums I feel you should listen to (in no particular order).
1Theoretical Girls
Theoretical Girls

No Wave | Released: 2002 | Ratings: 7

Glenn Branca and Lohn are both greeeeeeat.
2Francis Bebey
La Condition Masculine

Afrobeat | Released: 1976 | Ratings: 1

This was pretty good and weird. Some jazz fusion and electronic elements going on as well.
3Michael Chapman
Fully Qualified Survivor

Folk | Released: 1970 | Ratings: 1

Been on constant repeat. Light In The Attic did a really good reissue of this.
4Fire Engines
Lubricate Your Living Room

Post-Punk | Released: 1980 | Ratings: 3

On one of Bob Last's labels; fucken L E G E N D. Album's short, but oh-so sweet~.
5Red Krayola
God Bless the Red Krayola and All Who Sail With It

Psychedelic | Released: 1968 | Ratings: 11

Influential album, to say the least. Still think it's just as good as their debut.
6Andrew Hill
Black Fire

Post-Bop | Released: 1964 | Ratings: 15

Still gets me going after so many years~. Also, why is nearly every jazz album on AllMusic a 10/10?
7Test Dept.
Beating the Retreat

Industrial | Released: 1984 | Ratings: 14

*car engine noises*
8Michael Hurley
Armchair Boogie

Edit 1 | November 19, 2016: Decided I'm going to update this from time-to-time. Always adding new stuff to the database and/or finding weird albums, so might as well outline some quality ones I come across. Just for me, I guess.

Blues-Folk | Released: 1964 | Ratings: 7

Best "White Boy Blues" I've heard in a long while.
9Dick Hyman
Moog - The Electric Eclectics Of Dick Hyman

Electronic | Released: 1969 | Ratings: 2

The recent love for Mort Garson makes me wonder why more early-Moog stuff isn't rated/added to the database.
10Baylies Band
All Clowns No Lions

Noise Rock | Released: 2014 | Ratings: 1

Guy who sold this to me at the flea market was particularly cool. Seemed to enjoy obscure tunes as much as I do. Highlight of my day.
11Tragic Mulatto
Chartreuse Toulouse

Edit 2 | November 26, 2016: Just a single album. Looking into Reggae and Bluegrass right now, so other genres are on the back-burner, I guess. Hoping I find a lot of 4.0 and above.

Noise Rock | Released: 1990 | Ratings: 1

Genuinely strange, yet accessible band. Album's just a lot of fun from beginning to end.
12I'm So Hollow
Emotion / Sound / Motion

Edit 3 | January 4, 2017: New year, new 5s to obsess over.

Post-Punk | Released: 1981 | Ratings: 1

Listened to this during Christmastime. Perhaps my rating is overselling it, but I can't get enough of this. Super recommended.
13Harvey Matusow's Jews Harp Band
War Between Fats And Thins

Edit 4 | January 11, 2017: what the hell

Experimental Jew Harp | Released: 1969 | Ratings: 1

Never thought I'd find this, but here we are. Uploaded it to YouTube because it's incredible:
14Perry Leopold
Experiment in Metaphysics

Edit 5 | February 9, 2017: Folk music should be 49% of my pie chart by this point.

Folk | Released: 1970 | Ratings: 4

Another fantastic, underappreciated gem. Soothes the soul.
15Destroy All Monsters
1974 - 1976

Noise Rock | Released: 1994 | Ratings: 6

Usually I try to stay away from compilations, but this is an exception to the rule. Over 3 hours of fantastic cuts. Really wish they had put out a proper album in their prime, but I suppose 3 albums in 1 package is fine!
16The Gerbils
The Battle Of Electricity

Edit 6 | February 22, 2017: Do gerbils make good pets?

Indie Pop | Released: 2001 | Ratings: 5

Straight out of the Elephant 6 collective (Neutral Milk Hotel, The Apples in Stereo). Sounds exactly like you think it would, so if you like other Elephant 6 groups, you'll like them.
17Flamin' Groovies

Edit 7 | March 8, 2017: 1968 Edition

Garage Rock | Released: 1968 | Ratings: 1

Nothing really to say except that I had to add this to the database, despite it being the funnest thing ever recorded. The rest of their discography needs more love as well.

Psychedelic Rock | Released: 1968 | Ratings: 7

Rushed Sgt. Pepper rip-off album. At least that's what band member Tom Newman said about the album. I still think it's pretty great and on-par with the Beatles best work.
19Dave Bixby
Ode To Quetzalcoatl

Edit 8 | April 14, 2017: Cults produce really good music

Psychedelic Folk | Released: 1969 | Ratings: 6

I've had a bit of time to ruminate on this album and I feel comfortable saying that I adore it. It's a perfect storm of emotion and melody. Arguably one of the best albums of 1969. And only 6 ratings on Sputnikmusic. If you ever have time, give this interview a read. It's a real good companion piece for the album:
20Ya Ho Wha 13
Savage Sons Of Ya Ho Wa

Psychedelic Rock | Released: 1974 | Ratings: 2

Father Yod's story is nutty as all hell, from his cult surrounding vegetarian diets to him dying after a hand-gliding accident. While most of the cult's activities were previously unknown, a documentary was recently made and I'm excited to watch it so I can stop sleeping for a few nights. What I can say is that the music the cult produced is a blast. A good contrast to the solemn folk of Bixby's Ode To Quetzalcoatl.
21SJOB Movement
A Move in the Right Direction

Edit 9 | May 3, 2017: Nigeria produces really good music

Psychedelic Funk | Released: 1974 | Ratings: 1

This one was in the database already, but didn't have any ratings. Shame really, but I'm glad I didn't have to add it with the band edits being on the fritz right now. No thank you. Anyway, this album is solid (THAT MOOG). While someone more seasoned in funk might be able to name a billion albums like this in no time flat, little ol' me needs a bit of catch-up.
Try And Love

Psychedelic Rock | Released: 1973 | Ratings: 1

Listened to this a few months ago and, I've got to say, the album's growing on me. Again, I don't know nothin' 'bout no funk, so whatever. Love the flair they give these songs; really sets this album over the top.

(I need to promise myself that the next induction onto this list has nothing to do with psych, cause this is getting crazy.)
23Ed Askew
Blue Highway

Edit 10 | June 21, 2017: Ed Askew produces really good music

Indie Pop/Lo-Fi | Released: 2001 | Ratings: 1

24Ed Askew
Little Eyes

Folk | Released: 2003 | Ratings: 1

Recorded in 1970, but only released a few decades later, Little Eyes is a wonderful release that fans of Ask the Unicorn would adore. Because it's pretty much the same thing. I still love it though.
Solla Solla

Edit 11 | July 19, 2017: When I hit 16000 ratings, I'm changing my avatar to the head on this cover.

Electronic/Pop | Released: 2011 | Ratings: 1

South India represent. I need to remind myself to pick up some music next time I go down to the homeland.
26Circle X

Edit 12 | September 20, 2017: SandwichBubble likes a no-wave album; water is wet.

No-Wave/Post-Punk | Released: 1983 | Ratings: 6

I forgot this list existed, so here's my latest 5 just as a little update. It's rare I 5 something on first listen, but this one deserves it.
27T. Rex
My People Were Fair And Had Sky In Their Hair... But Now They're Content To

Edit 13 | October 14, 2017: 60s >

Folk | Released: 1968 | Ratings: 2

I wasn't expecting this at all. I knew T. Rex had a background in folk, but wow. Their first two albums are just incredibly good. I'd recommend them highly.
28The Freak Scene
Psychedelic Psoul

Psychedelic Rock | Released: 1967 | Ratings: 3

Yet another hidden psych gem, what else is new? Also, reminder to check The Deep. Apparently them and the Freak Scene are the same. I'm not sure, but even if I'm wrong I get to listen to a new 60s psych album. Win-win in my book.
29The Deep
Psychedelic Moods

Edit 14 | October 15, 2017: The Deep, Freak Scene

Psychedelic Rock | Released: 1966 | Ratings: 2

Win-win, just as I said. Only 2 ratings and the first one was in 2017. I can't believe this is from 1966. Velvets eat your heart out.
30National Lampoon
Radio Dinner

Edit 15 | November 13, 2017: Adding albums and adding albums and adding albums and adding albums and adding albums and...

Comedy | Released: 1972 | Ratings: 1

I've been going back into my RateYourMusic ratings, and I just realized that I didn't rate any of those albums on Sputnikmusic. Probably because I only use RYM when Sputnik goes down. Now is as good a time as any to add some artists/albums I guess. This one holds a very special place in my heart. Even if most of the topics are a bit dated, making fun of the Beatles is a universal form of comedy.
31The Tornados
The Original Telstar - The Sounds Of The Tornadoes

Space Age Pop/Surf | Released: 1962 | Ratings: 1

I don't know why I love this kind of stuff so much. Something about music trying to capture the mood
of space exploration and pride in technological advancement just gets me. Long story short: 5.0'd this.
32Donnie and Joe Emerson
Dreamin' Wild

Soul | Released: 2012 | Ratings: 4

This was one of the few I didn't have to add to the database, which was pretty exciting. It was originally recorded in 1979, but Light in the Attic did a reissue of it. Can't sing the praise of Light in the Attic enough, they do good work. While not my favorite of the pile, it's some damn fine bedroom soul.
33The Squids
4 Floors of Whores: The Squids Collection

Edit 16 | November 26, 2017: A big, dumb smile on my face.

Alternative Punk/Rock | Released: 2000 | Ratings: 4

I was originally going to listen to their Rush 2112 EP, but I couldn't find it. So here's this instead: a 23-track comedy rock masterpiece. If you're a fan of 80s-90s punk and alt rock, this should be on your "to listen" list. Don't expect a lot of nuance in the lyrics though.
34Renaldo and the Loaf
Renaldo and the Loaf play "Struvé and Sneff"

Edit 17 | December 17, 2017: Christmas with Renaldo Malpractice and Ted the Loaf

Residents-Worship | Released: 1979 | Ratings: 2
"Self released and sold by mail order" Doesn't get anymore D.I.Y. than that. I dig it.
35AA (BEL)
Essential Entertainment

Edit 18 | January 7, 2018: Belgian Post-Punk albums from 1982 Edition

Post-Punk | Released: 1982 | Ratings: 1

Both this entry and the next are off a label called Sexy Robot. As far as I can tell, the label only released 3 EPs and a single, but they're the epitome of quality over quantity. Still, I wish there was more by AA, cause this just knocked my socks off.
36The Cultural Decay
Wars On 45

Post-Punk | Released: 1982 | Ratings: 1

Another Sexy Robot release. Why do these great bands just stop making music? Breaks my heart.
37Drowning Pool (USA-CA)

Edit 19 | February 19, 2018: I messed up the album art for this one. Go me!

Post-Punk/Ambient | Released: 1986 | Ratings: 1

I'm not really sure I can describe this one well, but it deserves a spot on this sporadically-updated list of mine. Think of a blend of ambient and post-punk (more of the latter), but instead of being sleep-inducing, it's properly atmospheric and dark. I wouldn't've believed it either, but here it is.
38Philemon Arthur and the Dung
Philemon Arthur and the Dung

Edit 20 | March 17, 2018: Swedish albums from 1971 Edition

Freak-Folk | Released: 1971 | Ratings: 5

There's nothing like staying up all night on Discogs and finding an amazing album. 22 short bursts of giddy fun.
39Trad Gras Och Stenar
Djungelns Lag

Psychedelic Rock | Released: 1971 | Ratings: 2

Leave it to sputnik to not give a crap about one of the best psych groups ever. Here's a live record that changed everything, no big deal.

Those swedes were onto something in 1971 I tell you.
40The Dead Science

Edit 21 | April 10, 2018: A 2000s album? In MY SandwichBubble list? It's more likely than you think.

Art Rock | Released: 2003 | Ratings: 1

Some jazzy rock with a little bit of snap to it, me likey a lot. Bears a striking resemblance to another well-known modern art rock group, but I've leave that for you to discover for yourselves. Also, a 2000s album! Been a while since that happened, but what can I say? I'm an ass.
41Thomas Leer and Robert Rental
The Bridge

Edit 22 | May 17, 2018: It goes blippity-bloop, finally.

Ambient/Industrial | Released: 1979 | Ratings: 3

Even despite having a fairly old review (2011, to be exact), The Bridge doesn't seem to get too much credit here. A blend of early synth punk and ambient pieces.
42Lolita Storm
Girls Fucking Shit Up

Breakcore | Released: 2000 | Ratings: 1

Let's be honest here: that is a terrible band name and album name. But it does describe their sound very well. It's real loud, kind of obnoxious, but a whole lot of fun. I'll let you know when the novelty runs out, but for now I'm enjoying this.
43A Certain Ratio
The Graveyard and The Ballroom

Edit 23 | May 31, 2018: 12-rating wonders.

Dance-Punk | Released: 1979 | Ratings: 12

What the fuck?
44Simon Finn
Pass the Distance

Folk | Released: 1970 | Ratings: 12

45Kim Jung Mi

Edit 24 | June 15, 2018: Korean? I'm in.

Psychedelic Rock | Released: 1973 | Ratings: 4

That cover just screams classic. Good music helps also.
46Various Artists
Folk And Classical Music Of Korea

Classical/Folk | Released: 1951 | Ratings: 1

Like I said... about 30 entries ago, I'm not very good about checking compilations. But, when you're craving something as poorly archived as Korean court music, you're better off just trying to find a compilation. Got lucky with this one, as Smithsonian Folkways did a reissue of this (as they do). God bless 'em.
47Wild Ivy
Wild Ivy League

Edit 25 | June 16, 2018: The 2010s deserve some love.

Tribal Pop | Released: 2014 | Ratings: 1

Legitimately pains me that this doesn't have 100 votes. It's incredibly well-executed 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 worship, but I love it all the same.
48Oozing Wound

Thrash | Released: 2013 | Ratings: 8

That's right, 48 entries in and I finally put something that isn't folk/psych/indie on this list. I did it!
49Part 1
In The Shadow Of The Cross

Edit 26 | July 16, 2018: Sandwich is on a punk binge again, hide yr wife and kids.

Anarcho-Punk | Released: 1981 | Ratings: 1

Band recorded the same few songs over and over, so you might as well listen to the one that started it all. Punk just sounds better on cassette.
50Lost Cherrees
All Part of Growing Up

Punk | Released: 1984 | Ratings: 3

"Female-fronted punk? Yeah, how original Sandwich. What's next? You gonna 5.0 a folk album?"

Lonesome Surprize

Edit 27 | August 19, 2018: My new obsession.

Indie Rock | Released: 1991 | Ratings: 1

Spotify's recommendations are getting dangerously close. Starting to think they tailor-make bands that suit their users needs. Another first listen 5.0. Instant classic for sure. Will be checking all of their albums VERY soon.
52Il Paese dei Balocchi
Il paese dei balocchi

Edit 28 | September 16, 2018: Getting back on the proverbial Progressive Rock horse.

Progressive Rock | Released: 1972 | Ratings: 15

15 ratings right on the dot. This is what we call "list filler" in the trade. Italian prog is always worth a mention.
53Virus (DE)

Progressive Rock | Released: 1971 | Ratings: 3

I've been slacking on the prog stuff, which is a cardinal sin for a greasy prog-dad like myself, so I went on a Discogs Dive. Picked this one at random, gave it a listen, wiped the tears from my eyes, 5.0'd it, and here we are.

(Just a note: I didn't mean for this list to become a 5.0 dump. Will rectify in future "updates.")

Edit 29 | September 29, 2018: I'llattendyourfuneral

Techno | Released: 1998 | Ratings: 1

Thanks to ArsMoriendi for rec'ing me this. Goofy, minimal techno that makes you smile.
55Kicking Giant
Secret Teenage Summer

Edit 30 | October 3, 2018: I'm still clinging to the summertime.

Indie Rock | Released: 1991 | Ratings: 1

I don't really want summer to end, since I was too busy to do anything, but c'est la vie. At least I have albums with the word 'summer' in the title to tide me over.
56The Frumpies
Alien Summer Nights

Riot Grrrl | Released: 1992 | Ratings: 2

Short (just like Summer 2018). But unlike this summer, this is actually good.
57Terry Malts
Killing Time

Edit 31 | October 15, 2018: Join my Terry Malts Fanclub.

Lo-Fi/Garage Rock | Released: 2012 | Ratings: 11

Very disappointing turnout, Sputnikmusic. Loved this on release, still think it's pretty good.
58Hose Got Cable
Discography 1992-1995

Edit 32 | October 31, 2018: 𝕳𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓!

Post-Hardcore | Released: 2006 | Ratings: 1

Incredible compilation of a short-lived band. Doesn't really have anything to do with Halloween, but whatever.
59Screaming Sneakers
Marching Orders

Edit 33 | November 5, 2018: 3 years on this site and I'm still disappointed in myself.

New Wave/Punk | Released: 1982 | Ratings: 2

Wow, I've really taken to updating this rather frequently. Whatever, I'm not complaining. EP right here is some great punky pop. Great lyrics. Great vocals. Great drums. Great guitar. Great, great, great.
60Big Flame
Rigour 1983-1986

Edit 34 | November 15, 2018: Pour one out for my objectivity.

C86/Post-Punk | Released: 1995 | Ratings: 1

I just 5.0'd like 3 EPs in a row because of this compilation right here. Worth it.
61Les Mouches
Blood Orgy!!!

Edit 35 | November 21, 2018: Les Mouches

Indie Folk | Released: 2003 | Ratings: 1

Here's a band that just popped up on my radar one day: Les Mouches. They're a indie folk/rock band with elements of chamber pop and other wonderful nonsense. I'm a sucker for this sort of stuff.
62Les Mouches
You're Worth More To Me Than 1000 Christians

Indie Folk | Released: 2004 | Ratings: 2

This one's even better than Blood Orgy!!!
63Counter Intuits
Sheets of Hits

Edit 36 | December 13, 2018: Sandwich is easily pleased.

Lo-Fi/Punk | Released: 2013 | Ratings: 1

Wonderful throwback art punk. Gotta check more of these guys stuff.
64Raw Power
You Are the Victim

Edit 37 | January 2, 2019: Ponk Rawk

Punk | Released: 1983 | Ratings: 3

Someone give the percussionist a raise.
65Archbishop Kebab

Edit 38 | January 22, 2019: Hot to Trot Scots

Art Punk | Released: 1989 | Ratings: 1

Strange punk "collective" makes the tunes people should dig. Simple as that.
Club Anthems

Indie Pop | Released: 2002 | Ratings: 2

Broke the punk chain I had going there. Compilation of the band's discography. Also very simple.
67Vomit Launch
Exiled Sandwich

Edit 39 | January 27, 2019: Sandwich

Indie Rock | Released: 1988 | Ratings: 1

Sometimes fate hands you an album that you've needed your entire life and you just have to shout it to the heavens. Jangly rock.
68Maggot Sandwich
Get off the Stage

Hardcore Punk | Released: 1987 | Ratings: 1

Okay, I only listened to this one because they had the word "sandwich" in their name. Still good.

Edit 40 | March 5, 2019: Bandcamp Punk

No Wave | Released: 2017 | Ratings: 1

I was gonna do "Bubble" next but who cares, I'll do that some other time. This band rules.

Are EPs against the rules? Title does say "Albums..."
Who cares [2]
70Pill (USA-NY)
Soft Hell

Art Punk | Released: 2018 | Ratings: 1

6+ months after release and I'm the only rating, for shame. Pill are definitely up there as far as current NY bands are concerned.
Two Mountains

Edit 41 | March 23, 2019: Eskimeaux-no I 5.0'd another album on first listen.

Dream Folk | Released: 2011 | Ratings: 1

Everyone involved in this album's creation gets a gold star from me. Especially co-producers Benjamin Schurr and (Eskimeaux herself) Gabrielle Smith, cause this sounds like a million bucks.

Dark Ambient/Dream Pop | Released: 2012 | Ratings: 3

You think you can win me over by kind of looking like the cover to Dead Can Dance's S/T?
Well maybe.
73Y. Bhekhirst
Hot in the Airport

Edit 42 | April 5, 2019: New Hyde Park!

No Wave | Released: 1986 | Ratings: 1

Just looked into this guy's strange backstory. Puttin' New Hyde Park on the map, represent you crazy bastard.
Facial Tissue

Edit 43 | April 27, 2019: What's in that Georgia water?

Noise Rock | Released: 2019 | Ratings: 1

Absolutely incredible or proof that I've gone nuts and 5.0 everything on the spot these days: you decide.
75Dead Neighbors
Dead Neighbors

Indie Rock | Released: 2015 | Ratings: 2

Heard this and immediately did a backflip. Catchy indie rock with those washed-out vocals that I love apparently.
76The Rosehips
The Rosehips

Edit 44 | May 26, 2019: Jangle and Twee are the ones for meeeeeeeeee...

Twee Pop | Released: 1997 | Ratings: 1

Compilation of the band's discography. Essential Tweeeeeeeeee...
77St. Christopher
Dig Deep, Brother 1984-1990

Twee Pop | Released: 1993 | Ratings: 1

Looks like I've finally gotten over my stigma against compilations, cause here's another one, yippeeeeeeeeee...
78The Chesterfields

Jangle Pop | Released: 1987 | Ratings: 1

And a normal album for safe-keeping. That opening yelp on "Storm Nelson" has been added as yet another entry on my evergrowing "musical fetishes" list. List coming never (probably). Uh, eeeeeeeeeeeee...
79Taiwan Housing Project
Veblen Death Mask

Edit 45 | June 30, 2019: Taiwan Housing Project

Noise Rock | Released: 2017 | Ratings: 1

[insert rapturous praise]
80Taiwan Housing Project
Sub-Language Trustees

Noise Rock | Released: 2019 | Ratings: 1

Band comprised of former members of Harry Pussy and Little Claw, amazing stuff.
I Went To The Mall Yesterday And I Got Sick

Edit 46 | July 28, 2019: What's in that Georgia water? II: Goddamn, Georgia.

Noise Rock | Released: 2017 | Ratings: 1

"What a shock, another noise rock entry." said the void.
"Shut up." SandwichBubble whined, though not denying it.

I love those spoken word vocals, what can I say?
82The Beach Bullies
We Rule The Universe

Edit 47 | August 10, 2019: Sand in my britches.

Minimal Wave | Released: 1980 | Ratings: 1

Sparse, goofy post-punk with the best dual-vocals. An acquired taste probably, but I enjoyed it wholeheartedly. Even the Velvet Underground cover! Wow!

We're kind of in the homestretch with this list (almost 3 years later), so I'll probably update this more frequently until it's finally done.
Yeah...The Dum Dum

Edit 48 | August 13, 2019: See? I wasn't lying about updating this more frequently.

Post-Punk | Released: 1983 | Ratings: 1

Same label as Big Flame (see entry 60). Divine single/EP.

Post-Punk | Released: 1984 | Ratings: 1

Same here, another EP.
85Katie Stelmanis
Join Us

Edit 49 | August 15, 2019: Death to False Indie

Indie/Art Pop | Released: 2008 | Ratings: 1

Short preview of my next list (whenever that comes out). This one's a midi operetta with great vocals. Unique.
86Tap Tap

Edit 50 | August 27, 2019: Thanks foxblood

Indie Rock | Released: 2006 | Ratings: 3

Nearly came in my pantaloons listening to this. Sounds a lot like 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 and 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 (you'll know what I mean when you listen to it).
87A Witness
I Am John's Pancreas

Edit 51 | September 5, 2019: I Love Ron Johnson Records

C86/Post-Punk | Released: 1984 | Ratings: 1

God help me, all these bands are gold. First EP is better than this, but I need more full-lengths on here.

Also, for prosperity: there was a site crash in September 2019 that wiped a lot of album art. And a lot of that album art was from stuff I've uploaded, so I'm re-uploading them right now. Just for the record, my number of Album Edits as of this writing is 5,605. Lets see how high it goes.
88Hysteria Ward
From Breakfast To Madness

Edit 52 | September 19, 2019: Workin' for the (wo)man.

Gothic Rock | Released: 1986 | Ratings: 1

Out of respect of Papa Universe, I've been tasked with continuing his "Unknown Post Punk" series.
Little preview of what's to come:

Now this is more my speed: cassette-released goth rock. While the version I listened to was the remastered digital version, I definitely can still hear the crackle and squeak hidden beneath. Should clarify that that's a good thing. Wonderfully-dualtone* gal vox, punchy drums, those angular guitars; scratches an itch only good goth rock can. And with the post-punk/new wave influences here, it's a knockout.

*meaningless descriptor I made-up, but it's surprisingly fitting

Riot Grrrl | Released: 2019 | Ratings: 1

"Stu, what are you doing?"
"Listening to Clitosaurus."
"It's four o'clock in the morning, why on earth are you listening to a band called Clitosaurus?"
"Because I've lost control of my life."
90Tanner (USA-IL)

Riot Grrrl | Released: 2019 | Ratings: 1

The EP is better as a whole, but again: I need more full-lengths on here [2]
Gave a whole bunch of 5.0s and 4.5s out over the span of about an hour or two.
"Self-control? Whose that? Never heard of her."
91Charlie Watts Jim Keltner Project

Edit 53 | September 25, 2019: Jazz is back on the menu?

Jazz Fusion | Released: 2000 | Ratings: 1

Confession time: I don't listen to a lot of jazz these days. Just not in phase right now, I guess? I don't really know. But whatever the case, I feel that I should rectify it, so here's this percussion-heavy jazz fusion collaboration.
92The 012
The White Patterns on Her Dress

Edit 54 | September 29, 2019: TURN TO YOUR LOVER AND SAY "HEY SWEETIE!"

Art Punk | Released: 1981 | Ratings: 1

Totally out there noise rock/punk with some amazing improvisation. Wild.
93The 012
Let's Get Professional

Art Punk | Released: 1984 | Ratings: 1

Not as good, but also wild.
94Mayor Daley
Warm and Dry

Edit 55 | September 30, 2019: And were back.

Art Punk | Released: 2006 | Ratings: 1

Stole this from a RYM mutual's wishlist hehehe. No one will ever know!
This is some 2000s yelping noise rock stuff. Have a soft spot in my cold, charcoal heart for stuff like this.
Totally similar to 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐓 𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄. Bet they played the same venues or something.
95Gay Cum Daddies
Bartok's Vineyard

Edit 56 | October 15, 2019: As the name implies.

Experimental Rock | Released: 2011 | Ratings: 1

This is another Papa Universe unknown post-punk entry.
No further comment.
96Fine Pets
Feet Pins

Edit 57 | October 21, 2019: Kennel Jitters Recordings

Garage Punk | Released: 2012 | Ratings: 1

So I was going through bandcamp today looking for some post-punk (as one does), and I found this small label full of noisy garage punk, Kennel Jitters Recordings. I haven't every band on their roster yet, but I'm pretty excited to do so.
97Best Supporting Actress
Many Moods of BSA

Garage Punk | Released: 2011 | Ratings: 1

Rated this pretty low in comparison to everything else listed here, but the original intention of this list wasn't just to list all my new 5.0s and 4.5s so here's my penance... 97 entries in. This is a noisy good time.
Jukeboxer Learn the Alphabet

Edit 58 | October 22, 2019: *Synth solo*

Indie/Art Pop | Released: 2001 | Ratings: 1

Pretty odd, home-recorded indie pop. "Even Little Stunts" off this is really 2001, in the best way possible.
99Biff Bang Pow!
Pass the Paintbrush, Honey..

Edit 59 | October 23, 2019: Slow and steady wins the race

Jangle Pop | Released: 1985 | Ratings: 1

This is one of the earliest Creation Records bands (The Jesus And Mary Chain, The Pastels, Felt, My Bloody Valentine) and they rule. Goofy band name though.
Useless Coordinates

Post-Punk | Released: 2019 | Ratings: 13

"Ctrl+F Ratings: 1"
Yeah, towards the end of this list, it kind of became "things I added to the site and also like" diary. Didn't want it to become that, but hey here's my penance. Drahla are a pretty cool band, and even though I don't like this as much as their EPs, I still dig it enough to put it up here. Definitely needs more ratings.

And with that, I'm done with this.
10.26.16 - 10.23.19
Christ, 3 years just to finish one list, kill me now.
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