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It’s Been a Summer

Listened to a fair bit of music over the summer, and whilst I still have a month or so off before I head back to Uni I’m starting work on my dissertation and so wont be jamming quite so much new music. Thus I figured I’d document my summer listening experience. As always this is more for my enjoyment than anything else, but if you guys get any recs from this then all the better. Feel free to rec stuff similar to what I enjoyed or, even better, criticize my taste and try to get me to try something new (I actually prefer this, far more interesting and only a little soul crushing).
People Who Can Eat People are the Luckiest People

(Folk): One of the records I was delving into around revision time for exams. Exceptional folk (or anti-folk? Idk) and in my opinion AJJs best record by a long way. 4.2/5
Black Future

(Thrash/Death/Black Metal): When revising I’d dangle a musical carrot in front of myself that I would check in my breaks to keep me working productively. Black Future was one of these carrots, and its fantastic. Really it’s the record that encouraged me to explore metal more given my lack of prior experience in the genre. Rules. 4.6/5
3Death Grips
The Money Store

(Hip Hop/Industrial): Seeing as the Internet’s Busiest Music Nerd wouldn’t shut about this band I also decided to check it, often listened to it when I was making dinner during exam period and it was a bizarre experience. My housemates didn’t really appreciate me blasting this out but it was a tonne of fun. Also, brilliant album. 4.4/5
4Neutral Milk Hotel
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

(Lo Fi Indie Rock): The first album I listened to after I finished exams. Became my 3rd 5. It’s such a cliché to love this, but I do, unashamedly. This was just the kind of emotional release I needed after the year I’d had blah blah blah I’m a unique snowflake and my life is so incredibly hard blah blah blah. 5/5.
5The World Is a Beautiful Place...

(Emo/Indie Rock): Was jamming this for months and was quite undecided on what I thought. Certainly not as good as ‘Whenever, If Ever’ and it is pretty far from their emo inspired roots but its not bad indie rock at all. 3.8/5.
6Against Me!
Transgender Dysphoria Blues

(Rock): Tackles one of the most interesting and personal topics I’ve seen an album touch on in years. And it’s catchy as hell. Could probably see myself bumping this to a 4. 3.7/5.
7The Mountain Goats
The Sunset Tree

(Folk): Tackles one of the most interesting and personal topics I’ve seen an album touch on in [days]. And it’s catchy as hell. [2] 4.2/5.
8Run the Jewels
Run the Jewels 2

(Hip Hop): I don’t love this as much as everyone else seems to, but it’s pretty solid. 3.5/5.
9Death Grips
Bottomless Pit

(Hip Hop/Experimental): Distinctly remember jamming this whilst playing Overwatch just after it was released. Gave it a deeper listen later and it grew into a favourite of mine. 4.4/5.
Bad Magic

(Hard Rock): Sigh. I wanted to love this given its status as Lemmy’s last project. Sadly it wasn’t for me. 2.75/5.
11Darkest Hour
Undoing Ruin

(Metal things): Some exceptional songs, some filler, and overall a solid album. 3.6/5.
12Bon Iver
For Emma, Forever Ago

(Folk): I wanted to get this, but never did when I first checked it. It grew though when I had a chilled evening with this and a couple of beers. 4.1/5.
13Clever Girl
No Drum And Bass in the Jazz Room

(Math Rock): a lovely little math-y summer-y gem. 3.9/5.
Outer Isolation

(Thrash/Death Metal): I ended up getting a job for 2 weeks at a law firm about 3 weeks after exams and jammed this on the train there and on most mornings walking to work. Not as good as Black Future, but solid metal. 3.8/5.
Jane Doe

(Hardcore things): Listened to this on the train, heaviest thing I’d heard in ages. You all know this one so I don’t really need to explain why it rules. 4.4/5.
16Elliott Smith

(Folky things): Another train listen, its good. 4/5.
17Death Grips
The Powers That B

(Hop Hop / Experimental) – Another train listen, its good. [2]. This one was bonkers, even for Death Grips. 3.9/5

(Atmospheric Death Metal): Got back home to my family. Jammed this. Initially I thought this was the greatest thing ever. It isn’t. 3/5.
19David Bowie
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars

(Bowie): It was my birthday pretty much as soon as I got home and I got a copy of this on vinyl. Lived up to its reputation. 4.1/5.
20Ghost (SWE)

Metal things): Didn’t know what to expect from this and appearances were deceptive. First half is near flawless, but the second half falters for me. 3.7/5.
You Fail Me (Redux)

(Hardcore things): Grew on me a tonne. Musically its on par with Jane Doe, but doesn’t hit me quite as emotionally. 4/5.
22Brand New
Deja Entendu

(Pop Punk): pails in comparison to TDAG, but it aint a bad pop punk record. 3.7/5.
23Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties
We Don't Have Each Other

(Indie Folk) – I love the Wonder Years, but this bores me. 2.8/5.
24The Hotelier

(Indie Rock/Emo): I’d hyped this up for way too long. Initially it was a huge disappointment but it grew on me a tonne…and then it grew off me a bit…. and then it grew back. Its the perfect follow up to Home in that it didn’t try to replicate it and went its own way, and it was largely successful. 4.3/5.
25Car Seat Headrest
Teens of Denial

26Ghost (SWE)
Opus Eponymous

(Metal things): Good. 3.7/5.
27Every Time I Die
New Junk Aesthetic

(Fun things): been jamming this all year long and finally formed an opinion on it: it rules. So damn fun. 4/5.
All We Love We Leave Behind

(Hardcore things): I’m starting to come around to Sowing’s way of thinking as this comes pretty close to Jane Doe for me. 4.2/5.
Knife Man

(Indie Rock): A weird contrast to People, and imo not as good. Too disjointed and ridiculous in places. Still, it’s stunning in other places. 3.5/5.
30Captain, We're Sinking
The Future Is Cancelled

(Pop Punk/Punk): went on a bit of a pop punk and emo binge around this time went I went to the Lake District (from those not from the UK, the Lake District is basically a large area (or district I suppose) full of large bodies of water (kind of like lakes)). This album is stunning. 4.6/5.
Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit

(Emo/Punk): The feels. 4.7/5.
32The World Is a Beautiful Place...

(Emo): Interesting to see where these guys came from. 3.8/5.
We've Been Talking

(Math Rock): Boring. 2.6/5.
34Billy Talent
Afraid of Heights

(Rock): Doesn’t replicate the energy of their earliest works, but its still pretty fun. 3.2/5.
35Suis La Lune

(Emo): A solid emo record. 3.6/5.
36Cap'n Jazz
Shmap'n Shmazz

(Emo): Initially hated this apart from the opener. Thankfully it grew on me. 3.6/5.
37David Bowie

(Bowie): I feel like such a musical numpty for not falling head over heels for this. I think the fact that I only recently got into Bowie lessened the emotional impact of Bowie’s swan song. As a work of art this is stunning, and its pretty unique in what it strove for, but I just don’t enjoy some of the songs here. Please don’t hate me. 3.7/5.
38Dream the Electric Sleep
Beneath The Dark Wide Sky

(Boring Stadium Rock)– Snore. 2.5/5.
Pierced from Within

(Metal): Can’t really fault this for achieving what it sets out to do fairly flawlessly, but I’m rarely in the mood for this. I’m predicting this will be a grower though. 3.7/5.
Embark Embrace

(Math Rock): Ash convinced me to give this another go after not really digging these guys debut, and cheers man as this was a pretty solid collection of summer-y jams. 3.5/5.
VI: Flora

(Black Metal): like nothing I’d ever heard before. Pretty neat black metal. 3.6/5.
Death Touches Us, From The Moment We Begin To Love

(Post-Hardcore(?)): Not my thing at all. The vox don’t fit the music imo and it’s a boring experience despite the fact that the vocals, if taken on their own, are brilliant and the lyrics are great. 2.7/5.
43Explosions in the Sky
The Wilderness

(Post-Rock): It’s alright. Nice to see these guys changing it up a bit but it’s really just a re-skin of their older work with different instruments in the mix. 3.25/5.
44Thank You Scientist
Stranger Heads Prevail

(Prog Rock/Jazz Fusion): initially this blew my mind, but on further listens the flaws in the project (the needless length of some songs and the voxs) become clear. Still a fantastic record. 3.8/5.
The Dream Is Over

(Pop Punk/Punk): Listened to this on the plane to Spain. A surprisingly amazing album, lyrically and instrumentally. Best Pop Punk of 2016. 4.6/5.

(Dribble): why the hell did I listen to this? 1.25/5.
Versace Summer

(Emo): Surprisingly good carefree emo. 3.9/5.
Awkward Pop Songs

(Emo): Less good carefree emo. 3.4/5.
49Death Grips
No Love Deep Web

(Hip Hop/Experimental): my least favourite DG project from those I’ve checked. Maybe it’ll grow on me, but it lacks the depth of their other stuff imo. 3.1/5.
50Direct Hit!
Brainless God

(Pop Punk): Really amazing concept, especially for Pop Punk. Will likely bump. 3.75/5.
51The Smith Street Band
No One Gets Lost Anymore

(Folky Rock): some of the best lyrics I’ve heard all summer and a new favourite band. 4.6/5.
52Racing Glaciers
Caught in the Strange

(Indie Rock): A neat little Indie Rock gem. Gets dem feels flowing. 4.1/5.
The Bends

(Alt Rock): I’d put off checking Radiohead for years due to the sheer reputation of these days kind of scaring me off (as odd as that sounds). It’s their project I can most easily jam on repeat all day long and it’s got some of their best songs on it imo. 4.5/5.
54Say Anything
I Don't Think It Is

(so lo fi that the term lo fi no longer seems apt): why the hell did I listen to this? [2]. 1.9/5

(chug chug chug): Took about a year of cursory listens for me to finally sink into this and adore it. The guitar tone is killer. 3.9/5.
Mental Vortex

(Thrash): I feel like a bit of a Metal scrub for not absolutely loving this, but idk, hopefully it’ll grow. It certainly thrashes hard. 3.7/5.
57The Tallest Man on Earth
The Wild Hunt

(Folk): I initially despised the vox on this, but this grew from a low 3 to a low 4.5 in about a week. It’s just a beautiful record. Check it. 4.3/5.
58The Microphones
The Glow Pt. 2

(Folk/Experimental): My soundoff on this says everything I have to say, but this is the best thing I think I found in my summer exploration. 5/5.

(Actual Emo): after Art informed me of my lack of knowledge of emo’s roots I checked this. Good decision. 4/5.
OK Computer

(Alt Rock): yeah, it’s ok I guess. 4.5/5.
61Russian Circles

(Post-Rock/Post-Metal): A Russian Circles record… 3.4/5.

(toilet water): why the hell did I listen to this? [3] 2.3/5.
63Matthew Lennox
Do It For The Love

(some dude with a guitar): Got a soft spot for this guy having met him about 4 times busking over the last few years. This is probably the worst project he’s put out, but its still worth a spin. 3.25/5.
64Direct Hit!
Wasted Mind

(Pop Punk): A bit of a disappointment, but listenable. 3.1/5.
65Sufjan Stevens
Carrie and Lowell

(Folk): Where the hell has this album been all my life? 4.5/5.
66Tigers Jaw
Tigers Jaw

(Emo/Pop): Good easy listening emo pop with character. 3.5/5.
67Horse Lords

(Indescribable): Weirdest thing I’ve heard all year. 4.3/5.
Runaljod - Yggdrasil

(Folk): not heard something like this before. A bit long winded but beautiful Nordic Folk. 3.75/5.
69Bon Iver
Bon Iver, Bon Iver

(Bon Iver): I don’t really get it, but Holocene is a good song. 3.1/5.
Jumalten Aika

(Folk-Metal): Well this is pretty cool. A genre I’m looking forward to exploring more. 3.9/5.
Pure In The Plastic

(Pop): Man, I really couldn’t make my mind up on this one. Ranges from a 2.5 to a 4 depending on my mood. 3.6/5 (at the moment).
Pleiades' Dust

(Death Metal): Looking forward to checking Gorgut’s discog, but this didn’t really do too much for me. Still impressive though. 3.4/5.
73Infected Mushroom
Converting Vegetarians

(Psychedelic): Trippy. 3.6/5.
The Albatross

(Emo): Emotional. 4.1/5.
Kid A

(Things): Neat. 4.6/5.
76Gay For Johnny Depp
What Doesn't Kill You, Eventually Kills You

(Punk): Hilarious. 3.9/5.
77Tigers on Trains

(Folk): Beautiful. 4.4/5.
78Iron Maiden

(Heavy Metal): Riffs. 4.5/5.
79Black Flag
Nervous Breakdown

(Punk): Idk man, not really for me. 3/5.
The Bible 2

(Indie Rock): Not as bad as people seem to be suggesting. Got some tunes on it. And stop complaining about the fact they changed their name. Chill. 3.2/5.
81The Smith Street Band
Sunshine and Technology

(Indie Folky Rock): Not as good as their debut, but still wonderful. 4.1/5.
82Brian Eno
Here Come the Warm Jets

(Wut?): This album is a bit bonkers, but it’s so damn good. 3.8/5.
83Nisan Farber
If You're Ever Feeling Lost...

(Pop Punk): A neat little basement pop punk project by a fellow user. Check it. 3.6/5.
The Mantle

(Folk/Black Metal): Wonderful Musical Escapism. 4.25/5.
85A Day to Remember
Bad Vibrations

(Pop masquerading as not-Pop): why the hell did I listen to this? [4]. 2.5/5.
86Culture Abuse

(Rock): This rocks far harder than an album titled Peach should have any right to rock. 3.5/5
87We Lost the Sea
Departure Songs

(Post-Rock): some of the best post-rock I’ve heard in ages. 4/5.
88Between the Buried and Me

(things): So damn fun. 4.1/5.
89Algernon Cadwallader

(Emo): This was fun too. 3.5/5.
Summer Death

(Emo): Figured this one would be a good choice to close up the summer. Solid emo with fantastic lyrics. 3.7/5.
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