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06.26.19 Unknown Post-Punk #406.13.19 Papa's Wifey's List of Favs
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April 2016 résumé

This is no best-of list, it is just a bunch of records I've heard, that were RELEASED this month. Not the ones I've heard this month, but ones that were RELEASED this month that I've heard. Therefore, as the time goes, I'll be adding more items on the list, since I listen to stuff constantly. By the way, the names occasionally written under the comments are titles of songs that I recommend. If there are none written, it's either because I didn't like enough of them or because I can't point out a highlight. And now a score guide: 10/9 - 5; 8 - 4.5; 7 - 4; 6 - 3.5/3; 5 - 2.5; 4 - 2; 3 - 1.5; 2/1 - 1
1King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard
Nonagon Infinity

This is easily my favourite album of the year and one that made me a definite King Gizzard fan. This album features some of their best tunes thus far, and best instrumentation too. From beginning to end it will pump your blood to a point of a heart attack. I really love that main theme of the album that is repeated constantly throughout the duration of the record. And each time this tune pops up it is reimagined to a different sound and structure. And all of the songs are pasted into each other so well that it feels like one looooooong song that won't let you go. And as their Bandcamp page says: "Play it on infinite loop." Damn right! And it makes sense. As I mentioned earlier, it is basically one song with one tune that is constantly remade under different influences and you won't have a slightest feeling of boredom, because it is so cohesive, versatile and varieted that you will indeed want to put it on infinite loop until your ears will bleed. 9/10
2Black Mountain

And this months award for "Could have been greatest Bluesy-Psychedelic-Rock album" goes to...oh, it's a tie between BLACK MOUNTAIN... 8/10

Mothers of the Sun, Florian Saucer Attack, Defector, Line Them All Up
City Sun Eater In The River Of Light

...and Woods! 8/10

Sun City Creeps, Morning Light, Can't See At All, The Other Side
Outer Heaven

I was really excited for this album, seeing that their last EP was so good. But in the end it just ended up sounding like a long and more compressed version of that EP. However, every song features at least one moment, where I go "Well, that's good, maybe they'll keep it up this way." But they almost never do. Unfortunately. But I still don't have a heart to give them 5/10, so we'll call it a very stinking 6/10.
5Holy Ghost!
Crime Cutz

Now that's an electronica I like. 8/10

Crime Cutz, Stereotype, Footsteps
6Please Drown
Please Drown

It's a typical Doom Metal, nothing else to it. Give it a shot. 7/10
Amen & Goodbye

This is a mess. Although it starts off pretty solid, very soon you will struggle to keep interest. And after that 'I Am Chemistry' single I thought it could be any good, silly me! (got it?...) 5/10

I Am Chemistry, Silly Me, Dead Sea Scrolls

We'll call it a slightly more cohesive Amen & Goodbye. 6/10

Reminder, Fool, Animal Trails, Ghostmother
9Rodrigo Romero
Psychedelic Magic Journey Through Your Mind

A mesmerising psychedelic epic. 7/10

This Is My Blues, Rainy Day
10Graves at Sea
The Curse That Is

If you don't like long and most repetative Metal, don't go in it. But if you don't mind it, strap in, cause this is one hell of a ride. 7/10

Dead Eyes, Tempest, Minimum Slave
11The Dandy Warhols

Was the band itself interested in making this album? It sure sounds like they weren't. 4/10

Asphalt For Eden

Simply put, it's quite good. Check it out. 7/10
13Rest (IT)

A solid metal EP that definitely shows all the gut and ambitions. 7/10

Mixing the haunting with the beautiful. 7/10
15The Fall of Troy

This is another by-the-numbers Prog-Post-Hardcore. But it fulfills its only primary purpose well. It entertains from start to finish. And it also features a lot of great instrumentation. 7/10

401k, Inside Out, Savior, Your Loss
Nocturnal Koreans

I appreciate that they're still trying, but I am not so much into it anymore. Whereas most other original Post-Punk bands already disbanded or fell into shit, Wire still more or less holds steady. But this EP is 8 tracks long and 4 of them are completely expendable. 5/10

Internal Exile, Dead Wight
Blood Harvest

The music is mostly passable, but the vocal performance is just hollow. 5/10
18Com Truise
Silicon Tare

A really good EP that offers a handful of great beats, melodies and overall good time. 7/10

I guess, I just expected a little more, seeing that it is one of the most hyped metal records this year. In the end, it is not bad, but I wouldn't want to listen to it in its entirety again. 6/10

Mass Darkness, Celestial Violence, My Heart Is Of The North
20The Heavy
Hurt & The Merciless

What a fun album. My search for a Franz Ferdinand alternative is over. 7/10

Since You Been Gone, Nobody's Hero

"Oh, God! Mogwai too? So mayn have fallen. The disease that spreads across the Post-Rock world lately, ELECTONIC INFLUENCES, have taken our best. Goodby, Mogwai, you will be missed." But seriously, though. Electonics were always sort of part of Mogwai's projects. And when they pop up on here, it's not that bad. But I still can't say that I will come back to it...well, ever. 6/10

Ether, U-235, Tzar
22Explosions in the Sky
The Wilderness

EitS always seemed to me as ones of the greatest Post-Rock bands (on part with GYBE and others), but as the time goes, people change and it's either my enthusiasm for the band that faded or the band itself doesn't try that hard anymore. 6/10

Tangle Formations, Disintegration Anxiety
23The Boxcar Suite
Life On The Limb

Very soft and very tender, but almost not compelling at all. 6/10

This is another typical atmospheric Post-Metal record that will sort of wow you at first, but then you'll realise that it is okay at best. 7/10
25Charles Bradley

Bradley comes back with his possibly most powerful and personal record yet. 8/10

Good To Be Home, Ain't It A Sin, Changes, Crazy For Your Love, Slow Love
26Mike & The Melvins
Three Men and A Baby

Here's a perfect example of a wasted talent. The band clearly knows how to work with instruments and heaviness, but basically everything surrounding it fails. Vocals, lyrics, production (except for the heaviness) and tunes. 5/10
All Empires Fall

A slightly underwhelming record from the Tombs, but still an enjoyable one. 7/10

I don't really mind the electronics or the breathy vocals, but sometimes it just comes together as not interesting at all. 6/10
29Stare At The Clouds
This Clear Divide

Quite obvious Prog-Metal that is just barely compelling or memorable. At least it's nicely played. 6/10

Concurrent Abreaction I: Presage (The Hunter)
With Love

This is easily the oddest thing I've heard this month. It is very experimental and noisy, but from the other hand it also sounds way too amateurish. As if it was desperate to sound unsetteling and weird. Which it does, to a certain extant. Think of it as rapless Death Grips demo with strong The Body influences without a metallic sound or structure. 6/10
31Wood Lake

The singles were highly misleading. Outside of them there's very few really heavy songs that I personally was hoping to hear. Most of the time, it's quite underwhelming actually. Either the vocals don't go well with the music or the music emerges into some odd Pop. 6/10

Hollow, Head In The Sand, Madeline
The World Unseen

So, a typical formula: "It's good, give it a shot and blablabla." 7/10

When you have more ambitions than sense. 6/10
34Future of the Left
The Peace and Truce of

"Follow only if you be men of valor, for the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived! Bones of full fifty men lie strewn about its lair, so brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further! For death awaits you all with nasty big pointy teeth.”
“…what an eccentric performance.”
The Death of All Things

What a magnetic record that has power, grit, gut and besides from that, is instantly memorable. I'd maybe just add a little more complex guitar riffs. But still, if you want to hear heavy, dark and catchy albums that may be one of the best of the year (why wouldn't you), go ahead! 8/10

Call To The Mountain, Devils of Last Night, Witches, Holy Man, The Death Of All Things
36Grand Mexican Warlock

An instrumentally driven EP that has guts and interesting material. Almost every song features a lot of versatility, from moodiness and tranquility to grandiosity and agression. 8/10

Vexed, Disillusioning
The Last Witness

Another good metal record this year...that's's well played, but not as memorable. I don't really have much else to add. 7/10

Wow, how much more plain can the music get? And how much more obnoxiously boring can the vocals get? 4/10
39The Burning Hell
Public Library

I absolutely did not expect this. Although it is very well played, its biggest strength are the snarky, smart and witty lyrics. My only issue with the record are the vocals, but they are bearable for the most part. 8/10

The Stranger, The Road, Fuck The Government I Love You, Two Kings
40The Jayhawks
Paging Mr. Proust

A generic and boring Country-ish Folk-Rock. Leave it. 5/10
41Buck Gooter
Stainless Steel Mirrors

Alright, now this is the weirdest record this month. I can't say that I liked it, though. A lot of disordered underproduced songs without an interesting tune or structure. Still not sure what to think about it, but it didn't leave a good impression on me. 5/10
Cold Streams of Taiga

Despite the cool instrumentals, the album couldn't hold my attention almost at all. Still well played though. 6/10
43Once Upon A Dead Man
Concepts and Phenomena

As superficious an Electropop as it can get. 4/10
44Nosaj Thing
No Reality

A perfect memory-eraser. 5/10
45Culture Abuse

A samey Punk-Rock that is very nicely performed though. Unfortunately the vocals are one of the low points on here. Though they are maybe okay-ish from punk standards, but their pasting is just odd. They're slopped in so poorly that a lot of the time they either drown under the music or are produced completely differently that the music, therefore they stick out and make everything less listenable. 6/10
46The Tourniquets
Hales Corner

Very lazily sounding Indie Rock. Just no distinctive ideas or enthusiasm what-so-ever. 5/10

I think that they go a little softer that before, especially on the first of the two tracks. The second one is just pure power though. 7/10
48Hallelujah The Hills
A Band Is Something To Figure Out

Way too many ambitions for a band that couldn't even figure out how to put together a semi-interesting tune. 5/10
Lost Time

Uplifting and fun at first, but despite its brief runtime, it gets unbelievably obnoxious towards the end. 5/10
50The Lumineers

A sweet Countryesque Indie Folk that, unfortunately, grows old pretty fast and in the end it just bores you to death. Still it has its bright moments worth checking out (for once, that piano outro is a nice refreshment after the album's mostly guitar-driven themes). 6/10

Ophelia, Cleopatra, My Eyes, Patience

Maybe the only lowpoint of the album is that that dreamy, floating attitude (the atmospheric music and high female vocals) can get a little way too dreary (like on a title track on here). 7/10

Estrada, Reliquia
52Parquet Courts
Human Performance

For as much excitement the three singles from this album evoked in me, the rest of the album has very few moments that were truly interesting. For the most part, everything just felt flat and boring. 5/10

Dust, Human Performance, Captive Of The Sun, Berlin Got Blurry, Two Dead Cops
Everything At Once

Almost none of the songs have anything interesting going on and every single one ends either abruptly or with absence of any distinct momentum. Too hollow to be memorable. 5/10

Magnificent Time, Paralysed, Animals

Could have been just an okay Hardcore-Grunge EP, but those vocals simply do nothing for me. 5/10
Desire's Magic Theatre

Now, that's what I call a truly epic Prog-Rock. Unfortunately, as with most of the bands of this genre, Purson is poisoned by desire to perform as ambitiously and as grandiously as possible. That doesn't always work out perfectly and instead sounds way too quirky. Still, for the most part, the music sounds fantasticly and the vocals are gorgeous, so check it out. 7/10

Electric Landlady, The Sky Parade
56Hocus Jumbo
Caught In The Suspension

Quite enjoyable Stoner-Prog with very nice instrumentals, but pretty bland vocals as well. And each song, despite their lenghts, ends quite abruptly, I think. 7/10
57Nick León

Somewhat listenable Techno piece that has a handful of interesting moments, but unfortunately not enough to make it a memorable listen. 6/10
58Ash Koosha

Like Death Grips without MC Ride, but with audiotape of an alien orgy instead. 6/10

Update: I made a joke about this record, here it goes: "This is not guud." Got it?
Sleep Cycle

Though it deffinitely is much more original than any other Animal Collective spin-off solo projects, it failed to grip me at any level and ended up boring me. Sleep Cycle indeed. 5/10

Total Time

And the award for the most misleading bandname and album cover of the year goes to...DOOMSQUAD. But seriously though, I thought I'll get some sort of Ghost-like Heavy Metal with demonic themes, but in reality this is pretty dense Electropop with Dance elements. Still worth checking out though. 7/10

Who Owns Noon In Sandusky?, Collective Insanity, Eat The Love
61PJ Harvey
The Hope Six Demolition Project

PJ Harvey is back with yet another socially and politically conscious and critical powerhouse of an album. Even though the lyrics sometimes may come through as a bit cringeworthy and the music does get a little trippy towards in the middle of the album. 7/10

The Ministry Of Defense, A Line In The Sand, The Orange Monkey, Medicinals, The Wheel
62Aesop Rock
The Impossible Kid

Aesop Rock created one of the best Hip-Hop records of the year (although seeing the little amount of Hip-Hop albums I've covered this year so far, I might be wrong), and he did it all by himself (with a few other credits of course). This is both an advantage and disadvantage. Although it does come off way more personal than if it was packed with features, it also grows old quite fast. Meaning that it becomes pretty stale towards the end of the record. Still an interesting album, though. 7/10

Dorks, Rings, Supercell, Blood Sandwich, Molecules

Disorder in a wrong way. Though the instrumentation is solid, it is the production and the way it is sometimes pasted together that puts me off. The vocals are okay when they are loud, otherwise they sound completely lifeless (and there is a lot of such moments). From the positive side, though, the drums are good and the guitar riffs sometimes can be very impressive. But it is still that sterile, washed out snoozefest with maybe just the melodies and occasional moments okay enough to make you not hate the record. 5/10

first half of Oracles of War and those Pink Floyd-esque vocals and guitar riffs on Pareidolia
Aquatic Occult

Wow, how much more bland, tame and flat can you get? 4/10

Some kind of experimental Jazz-Punk, I guess. Although it is indeed one of the most mindfucking and creative releases this year, I think it went completely over my head exactly because of how unique it is. I was lukewarm on this project despite the great virtuoso instrumentals. Definitely check it out. It's just not for me. 6/10

Deftones try to come through as thoughtful, innovative for their style and maybe even tortured, but they butcher half of the tracklist here with completely boring and bland material, production that leaves the whole record feeling flat, and insufferable vocals barely go along with the music. But they still try to be grande, therefore even their best moments are stretched out into excruciating lenghts. 5/10
The White Album

I've always had a certain distaste for Weezer and style like theirs in general. So what d'you think, did I change my mind? I can see why people would have a soft spot for a type of simplistic chorus-driven Pop-Rock like this, but you ain't be foolin' me, fellas. (though Thank God For Girls is unexpectedly impressive) 5/10

L.A. Girlz, Thank God For Girls

Post Mountain Depression. (but with all seriousness, why so synthetic? A sudden urge for Science Fiction?) 5/10

Initiate, partially The Architect

Swiss version of Behemoth, and with ballsful of landscapic and megalomaniacal ideas. Unfortunately, it often becomes a victim of ambitions and subsequent length. 7/10
70Guided by Voices
Please Be Honest

Honestly, I don't care at all. It's just a compilation of tracks, each barely two minutes. In that brief runtime, none of them bore, but nor do they engage. 5/10
71Colin Stetson
Sorrow - Reimagining of Gorecki's 3rd Symphony

You know how Hollywood makes remakes of stuff that is great on its own? And you know how with some of those remakes you at least can see that it is done legitimately with soul, but you can't appreciate it enough, because in the end it is just a remake? Well, here's a similar example. In other words, Colin Stetson is trying to be as pompeic as possible, and although he definitely handles that well, you still feel that it is not his own material, he just added some more instruments to make it sound a bit louder. 6/10

I get that the drums are great, but did they really have t overshout the vocals and the guitars? (Though in the second half, the situation does get the little better, but not for the vocals) 6/10
73The Golden Grass
Coming Back Again

"Excuse me, waiter, can you get me a bottle of the most expensive wine here?"
"Honestly, it tastes exactly like the cheapest one."
"Doesn't matter, I just like the things to be a bit bloated and unconvenient."

Shadow Traveler, Hazy Daybreak
74Brian Eno
The Ship

Oh, great, scientists finally found an alternative to all those unhealthy sleeping pills. 4/10

When a band is trying to sound as perfect and professional as possible to a point of them sounding completely pristinely sterilised. 5/10
76Pet Shop Boys

Want to hear 40-year-olds talking about youth, accompanied by sickening beats? Me neither. 5/10

Pop Kids was a fun track though
77Pity Sex
White Hot Moon I the only one who was tired of every single song on this album. And it could have turned to a bright side if at least the vocals were more passionate. 5/10
78Frightened Rabbit
Painting of a Panic Attack

First track or two will make you believe that you are in for a slightly trippy ride of quiet and calm but emotional tracks. But in reality, there's a lot of completely hollow and wasted tunes and the whole record is just so unbearably long. 5/10

Death Dream, An Otherwise Disappointing Life
79Loose Tooth
Saturn Returns

I wasteland of an album. I suppose this kind of music has its audience, but it's just not for me. I really don't like this laid-back, by the numbers samey Pop-Rock that we've had tons of already. 5/10

One of the dullest Metal records this year. Every single boring, bland and uneventful track is stretched out into excruciating lengths, while the other ones that are actually good, heavy and brutal songs are criminally short and end abruptly. 4/10

A set of overwhelming, glitzy and blistering chorus-driven Sugar-Pop ballads. Unfortunately, chorus-driven songs usually have a very vague focus on everything besides the chorus itself. It just tries so hard to be catchy and in your face that it ends up feeling quite overbearing and bloated. Just completely washed out personality. But I must admit my guilt, since I found myself occasionally excited about some of the tracks. At the end of the day, their main focus is a memorable chorus, which they sometimes handle well. But the album is still amost an hour long, and it has a few good tracks at best. So no, it is not filled with killer tracks, it's rather mostly sterilised and lifeless. 4/10

Do It Try It, Go!, Walkaway Blues, Road Blaster
Everything and Nothing

Possibly the most uncharacterictic, boring and forgettable Shoegaze record this year so far. Although it does sound quite relaxing and sweet at first, it overstays its welcome very, very, very quickly and by at least 50 minutes. 5/10
83Hanni El Khatib
Savage Times Vol. 1

Going into this I thought HEK just couldn't come up with a whole album. But upon further inspection I found out that all of the 3 tracks on here are actually fantastic. Every song is completely different. One is more of a bluesy Indie Rock, the other is slightly electronic and the third is full Art-Punk ballad. Great performance, snarky lyrics, instantly memorable. 8/10

Pack your hands with popcorn buckets, because this is a blockbuster monustrousity. Reminds me a little of that Batushka album, but a tiny bit more serious. The similarity is also that Zhrine doesn't need to slow down to make a following moments feel more explosive, as it is often used by many other Metal bands lately. But when they do slow down, they make sure that the interlude is as odd as possible. The production on this album isn't the greatest, but it does create a certain atmosphere for the album, in that the blistering guitar melodies, vocals and drumming blend into this chaotic powerwave and you suddenly feel crushed by a steel block of sadness and miserability. Unortheta is a strange, grand, imposant and gorgeous album in its own way. 8/10

Utopian Warfare, World, Empire, Unortheta

A Emo-Grunge EP that strikes with a surprisingly pleasing heaviness, but unfortunately drowned vocals. 6/10
86The Last Shadow Puppets
Everything You've Come To Expect

This album is filled with gorgeous lead melodies, beautiful romantic poetry (especially on the title track on here), but also with the safest mediocre music in both Alex Turner's and Miles Kane's careers (even considering those last Arctic Monkeys outputs which I had a very hard time getting into). The content of the album somehow makes that Bad Habits single seem like a highlight, although upon forst time listening to it I though the song was alright at best. 5/10

Aviation, Miracle Aligner, Everything You've Come To Expect, The Element Of Surprise, Sweet Dreams TN
Blind Spot

4 songs, out of which 2 are completely hollow and forgettable and the other two just mediocre, and all of it with an annoying vocals. 3/10

Lost Boy, Rosebud
Audio Noir

Completely hollow, lifeless instrumental dizziness. That slow, uneventful, stagnant and regressional music bored out of my mind. The only track where this slow uneventful instrumentation works is on the track Relancer, because it doesn't even try to have any heaviness to it. 4/10
89Sorority Noise
It Kindly Stopped for Me

And so what is Punk in this? But that's not my main issue with this EP. Mostly the tunes are forgettable and the bland vocals can't make it up to the slow and melancholic music. 5/10
90Kaviar Special

Heavy, instrumentally and compositionally masterful, loud, killer and with a tons of guts and punch to the sound. In a way it sounds similar to Nonagon Infinity, if that album wasn't merged into an infinite loop. 8/10

fuck it, everything's awesome
91Grubby Little Hands
Garden Party

A pretty dreamy Psychedelic Pop with slight elements of Shoegaze. Might be a little boring to some, but mostly it is a solid catchy and sweet Pop album. 7/10

Dial Tone, Don't Shoot Straight
Midnight Machines

Moody and melancholic album full of some nice instrumentation and vocalist's nice voice, but also very few interesting compositions and ideas. For the most part it's just an okay Indie Folk-Pop without anything else to it. 6/10

An interesting Blues Rock from Algeria with a very distinct and textured exotic vibe that adds to the ethnic uniqueness of the record. 8/10
94Lord Slug
Lord Slug

What am I listening to? 4/10
Green Star

This album is full of crushing brutal Hardcore tunes that despite of being basically the same thing again and again, keep you engaged from the beginning to the end. 7/10
96Teen Suicide
It's the Big Joyous Celebration..

Meh... 6/10

Maybe the only thing I was lukewarm about were the vocals, they just didn't really work for me. Outside of that, the music is really good. 7/10
98Luca Brasi
If This is All We're Going to Be

To a certain extent similar to Fer Like Us' Succour from May, but a little less imaginative. 6/10
99Hoodlum Shouts
Heat Island

At first you might have a slight WTF moments with the vocals, but the moment you get used to them, the album comes together pretty nicely. 7/10

Twin Cities, Split The Bone, Self Medicating, With The Sun On Our Backs
The Wound and the Bow

Some of the best drums and some of the worst pasting. 5/10
101October Tide
Winged Waltz

Fantastic music that could only be accompanied by great vocal performance. But that doesn't happen quite as much as I would love it to. The vocals are most definitely good, but they just don't really sit well with me on here, I'd love them to be a tiny bit lighter and softer. Although I know that soft vocals on a metal record h the ability to ruin everything. Maybe it's just me who feels this way. 7/10
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