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2015 - Voivod's Random Best Of

List consists of all the albums I digged AND wrote a soundoff about in 2015, which makes it extremely flawed in terms of completeness (I may add some albums in due time, as honourable mentions). The album order follows the official release date, starting from late December 2014 releases (1-7) that deserve some attention.
Order of Chaos

3.7 - thrash metal - Blackning from Brazil have come up with an extremely solid debut album of thrash metal. Band is playing it by the book most of the time, with sparse moments of differentiation from the norm. The sound production is excellent as it highlights the intensity one expects from a thrash metal album. Stream: http://soundcloud.com/blackning/sets/order-of-chaos
Seers Memoir

3.6 - melodic death metal - Some albums have the ability to travel the listener to several places simultaneously and Sabhankra's sophomore effort certainly did this for me; Through the epic heavy/black metal of Rotting Christ and Enslaved I was headed towards the melodic death metal of (very) old In Flames and from there to the ethereal folk/doom/death metal melodies of acts like Amorphis, old Septicflesh and Paradise Lost. Oddly enough, the second half of the album is stronger than the first half. The Turks put out new music every now and then, and here's to hoping that this will change after this album. Favorite tracks: Against The False Gods, Times of War, Fate's Already Written. Stream: http://sabhankra.bandcamp.com/album/seers-memoir
3On The Wane

3.5 - post punk - Ukrainian post-punkz On The Wane do not introduce us to new territories, however their first album is enjoyable in its noise n' gloom philosophy. Stream/free download: http://onthewane.bandcamp.com/releases
4Festival Of Mutilation

3.6 - death metal - Chuch Schuldiner lives and breathes and shreds in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Erzegoniva through Festival of Mutilation. First of all, Indiscipline is great, because the Bosnians have fully captured the spirit of the band they pay homage too, even in the vocal sector. Festival of Mutilation are excellent instrumentally. The rhythm section is a total beast in both hands and feet, whereas the guitars shred. The album is brimming with oriental leads and female vocals ("Katul Ferman"), which combined with the cymbals' reverb (!), give the album a captivating atmosphere and a good replay value. The above said, the album is uneven in terms of consistency. In contrast to what usually is the case, the really interesting songs of Indiscipline are located to the album's second half. Favourite tracks: Personal Cosmos, The Den, Cranium King. Stream: http://festivalofmutilation.bandcamp.com/
5Infant Death
Total Hell

3.5+ - Norwegian black/thrash metal up the alley of Aura Noir, Audio Pain etc.

6Fortress Under Siege
Phoenix Rising

3.5+ - melodic power/progressive metal from Greece

7Dan Caine
Still Awake

3.5+ - guitar driven ambient from the UK

666 Bastards

3.6 - blackened punk metal - On their sophomore album, Cendra from Spain deliver a slab of blackened punk metal that, if anything, serves its purposes in full. If Motorhead tour Spain for their upcoming new album, they should consider taking Cendra as a support act. Stream: http://cendra.bandcamp.com/album/666-bastards
9Lucian the Wolfbearer

3.5 - doom/death metal - The name of the band comes as rather pretentious, but aside from some sound-production-wise (the snare drum could sound better in the first two tracks) and style hiccups (the album closer is totally out of place with respect to the rest of the album), the music included in Paradise is very solid. The album kicks off with two doom/death metal tunes, further decorated with keyboard-driven ambient parts. The latter dominate the album both temporally and in terms of style through the "Paradise" songs, which constitute the album's biggest merits. Overall, Paradise deserves at least one spin by fans of the previously mentioned genres. Stream: http://lucianthewolfbearer.bandcamp.com/album/paradise
10Defaced (CHE)
Forging the Sanctuary

3.6 - death metal - Defaced from Switzerland give out a highly effective slab of brutal death/black metal that's taken its cues from both the US and the European (Polish in particular) schools. The album is fun to listen back-to-back or on a casual basis, despite the fact that there's not much innovation on any sector. Stream: http://defacedswiss.bandcamp.com/album/forging-the-sanctuary
11Missa Mortvm
Et Lux Perpetua Luceat Eis...

3.4 - black metal - One-man black metal projects tend to be more of a miss than a hit in terms of the actual music, however Missa Mortvm are definitely an exception. While the focus is solidly fixed on traditional black metal (with intermissions of melody), there are mere nuances of gothic, post metal and ritual music, whose further development could grant the album a distinct merit. On the other hand, the sound production could've been done more carefully (for example, the fluctuation of volume during the transition from "Caos Nocturno" to "Amissa Anima"). Favorite track: Caos Nocturno. Stream: http://missamortvm.bandcamp.com/
12Lunar Mantra

3.8 - black metal - Genesis kicks off and with a solid ritual/ambient/drone penchant, however England's Lunar Mantra excel in a different terrain, proving that they lie among the most interesting black metal bands out there; The song structures are twisted, the bitter melodies bring in mind the avant-garde wing of the second wave of black metal (Code, Ved Buens Ende, Kathaaria etc.), whereas the blackness transmitted throughout is totally genuine. The album loses some points from the inconsistent production ("Stellar Catacombs" ends abruptly) and the partial exploitation/incorporation of the ritual/ambient/drone factor. Favorite track: Xanthotic Madness. Stream: http://lunarmantra.bandcamp.com/releases
Fratricidal Concelebration

3.8 - death metal - Lectern's debut sounds as an old Morbid Angel (of the first two albums)/Nocturnus/Slayer hybrid, however the Italians have added some character of their own (for example, the groovy passages in "Lordless"). In case anyone yearns for tech death/thrash metal as it was done in the early '90s, Fratricidal Concelebration is a definite jam. The album is streaming at Spotify.
Before The Fog Covers The Mount

3.5 - retro psych/hard rock - On their first album, the Spaniards deliver chilled out (for the most part) '70s heavy rock with ties to pure psychedelia. Great vocals, laid back song writing and a modern sound that strays from "default" vintage directives, make for a worthwhile listen. Favorite track: Flying Whales & Swimming Birds. Stream: http://1886band.bandcamp.com/album/before-the-fog-covers-the-mount
Raw Howls

3.8 - retro psych/hard rock - Alucarda from Denmark take a different road with respect to their occult rock peers and infuse a heavy dosage of punk/noise rock inside their '70s heavy rock worship. The result is a dynamite of an album, nasty as vomit, but addictive as sugar. Favourite track: Witches Dance. Stream/"name your price" download: http://smokeddproductions.bandcamp.com/album/raw-howls
Chaos Abomination

4.0 - death metal - Atomicide's relentless death/black metal is yet another proof that South American extreme metal outfits can easily match, if not top, any other homologous school of sound on Earth. Favourite song: the whole album. Stream/free download: http://atomicide.bandcamp.com/album/chaos-abomination

4.0 - post punk - Decades/Failures come from Richmond, Virginia, and yet, they could be easily mistaken for British residents that were caught into the post-70s industrial crisis that cultivated the local post punk scene. On their sophomore album, the icy/electro side of post punk is combined with more traditional arrangements, and a gothic trait that may (or may not) bring in mind fundamentally different bands (for example, Paradise Lost, The Sisters of Mercy or Beastmilk, even). In any case, to argue in favour of this band's musical legitimacy, is the least this soundoff can do. Stream: http://decadesfailures.bandcamp.com/album/g00dby3
18Mondo Drag
Mondo Drag

3.6 - retro psych/hard rock - On their sophomore album, the Iowans lay down a delicious vintage rock meal in front of us, mostly in terms of atmosphere, as the arrangements follow (more) closely (than needed), the tracks made by older and more accomplished outfits of the same style. Still, Mondo Drag it easily one of the best "ancient rock" jams for the current year and in general. Favorite track: Zephyr. Stream: http://mondodrag.bandcamp.com/album/mondo-drag

3.8 - death metal - On their sophomore album, Sepiroth from Holland draw inspiration from the war in former Yugoslavia during the early '90s, and they coat their narrative with excellent old school death metal that steps on both banks of the Atlantic Ocean. Even in these dire times that the music industry is going through, it is hard to believe that this is an independent release. Favorite track: Breadline Massacre. Stream: http://sepiroth.bandcamp.com/album/uninvolved
20My Expansive Awareness
My Expansive Awareness

3.6 - retro psych/hard rock - With their self-titled debut album, Spain's My Expansive Awareness have convincingly set themselves around the center formed by garage rock and neo-psychedelic pop. The arrangements are minimal in design yet effective (same goes for the sound production), the hammond lines give the whole recording a warm vintage aura, whereas the vocals, male and female, more than fit the occasion. Favourite track: Wake Me Up. Stream: http://myexpansiveawareness.bandcamp.com/album/my-expansive-awareness
21Biotoxic Warfare

3.5 - thrash metal - What's readily evident in Biotoxic Warfare's debut album is their unconditional preference for Kreator and the album triplette Terrible Certainty/Extreme Aggression/Coma of Souls, despite the existence of US crossover thrash shards here and there. The songs are good overall albeit better flow and originality should be endeavored in future releases, whereas the sound is excellent (the guitars slay!). Stream: http://biotoxicwarfare.bandcamp.com/album/lobotomized
22Ymir's Blood
Blood Of The Ice Giant

3.6 - epic heavy/doom metal - On par with the generalized scenery of today, where groups of outfits issue original music while paying their tribute to established genres or outfits (or both), the debut album from Finland's Ymir's Blood acts accordingly regarding the last era of Bathory (mid '90s and onwards). Imminently, what's on sonic display in the fittingly titled Blood of the Ice Giant (sic) album, is a mix of epic (and guitar-downtuned) heavy/doom metal with sparse black metal parts. Even the singer tries to replicate Quorthon's trademark falsettos (with good results), which makes the album a bit more special. Stream it at play.spotify.com
23Trial (SWE)

2015 is no more than a month in, but I just know that this album of barbaric heavy metal will wind up being one of the best of this year. On their sophomore album, Trial from Sweden are all about '80s heavy/speed metal for the most part, but that does not stop them from straying to doom, progressive and even black metal (the guitars), without turning their music into a spaghetti incident. Their vocalist, a crossbreed between Harry "The Tyrant" Conklin, King Diamond and Kai Hansen, is cracking the whip throughout the album, along with the rest of the band, namely the guitarists who, in so many words, hail and kill. As of this album, the band stands on the same level with other modern Swedish classic metal stalwarts, namely In Solitude, Portrait, Enforcer and the like. Favorite track: Ecstasy Waltz. Stream the album at play.spotify.com
24Graves (NZ)
Fides Ad Nauseam

3.5 - metallic hardcore - Fides Ad Nauseam is metallic hardcore in the vein of Converge and the like, brimming with intensity and spite. Even though there's nothing that's not previously heard elsewhere, the album is ideal for what it is. Stream/download: http://gravesnz.bandcamp.com/album/fides-ad-nauseam
25Devil's Train

3.8 - glam metal - In a nutshell, the sophomore Devil's Train album is an awesome tribute to late '80s glam rock, with the genre being fruitfully projected to the 21st century. Liapakis is a great metal vocalist, but his glam rock delivery on II is excellent as well, the production is loud, whereas the default genre arrangements have been beefed with ultra-heavy (almost "nu-metal") guitars and an aggressive, yet party-like attitude.
26Level 10
Chapter One

3.4 - hard rocking heavy metal - Just for Allen's vocals, the rating average should be much higher, but as Anglo-Saxons say, different strokes for different folks... So on one side we have Allen and his exceptional vocal work and on the other, Matt Sinner and a band of musicians going through the motions of hard rock and heavy metal and their respective classic and modern intersections.
Aphotic Veil

4.0 - death/doom metal - Exgenesis haven't come up with any innovation in their debut album, however the doom/death metal of Aphotic Veil is masterfully crafted in terms of arrangements and sound. Stream: http://exgenesis.bandcamp.com/releases
28Angelus Apatrida
Hidden Evolution

3.6 - thrash metal - On their fifth observation, Angelus Apatrida refine the straightforward thrash of the previous affair and come up with a great album which stands a few steps below from everything they've done in the past (especially Clockwork)
29John Carpenter
Lost Themes

3.6 - Eletronic/Soundtrack - Lost Themes is a mixed bag, but in a good sense. From one side there's the trademark, dark themed music that's evident in all of Carpenter's films and on the other there's a shameless play with '80s synth pop. Tracks like "Obsidian" have that "prog rock" structure where the two aforementioned trends have been properly combined. Favorite tracks: "Vortex", "Obsidian", "Night".
30Seeming Emptiness

3.6 - post metal - Even though Conversion is their debut album, Seeming Emptiness from Germany showcase a keen ability in blending the aesthetics of ambient, post and doom metal. The result is an album that's worth the effort, also because Katatonia's shift in style evidenced in Discouraged Ones, has received here a really welcome rendition. Favourite track: Apparently Forlorn. Stream: http://seemingemptiness.bandcamp.com/
Shaped By Aeolian Winds

3.5 - black metal - While the black metal found in Haethen's debut album builds a distinct atmosphere, the song structures blend the one with the other, towards the end. Stream: http://haethen.bandcamp.com/album/shaped-by-aeolian-winds
Revolutionary Cells

3.7 - thrash metal - Good Euro thrash metal just keeps on flowing! While these Dutch folks don't strive for a truly genuine sound, they balance things with their top notch, raging instrumental performance, perfect sound, and an adequately diverse handful of songs. Band has been officially placed in the lookout. You can stream the album at play.spotify.com
Toxic Mutation

3.5 - thrash metal - This is the Debut EP for this company of Spanish thrashers, and while the opening cut shamelessly hints at Overkill, the rest of the lot reveals a proficient admiration for Coroner and their various phases, arrangements/vocals (!!!) wise. Even the Dark Angel cover ("Merciless Death") is "polluted" accordingly and rests as yet another attractive EP site. The above said, Holycide need to improve the impact of the backing vocals and the drumming sound/performance wise. Favorite tracks: "Apocalypse Riders", "Merciless Death". Stream: http://holycide.bandcamp.com/album/toxic-mutation-ep-2015
34The Amazing
Picture You

3.6 - folk/psych rock - One of the most relaxing pieces of music 2015 has to offer, the airy psychedelic/folk of The Amazing in Picture You sounds different from everything else published this year, even though the second half of the album lacks some drive in terms of arrangements. Favorite songs: Broken, Picture You.
All Life Erased

3.6 - death/thrash metal - I hadn't come across a good death/thrashcore/groove metal album for quite a while... Nominally, Gian's debut album is an amalgam of the work of acts like Grip Inc., Pantera, Lamb of God, Pro-Pain etc. Band has not further elaborated on its influences, however the album as a whole is particularly solid (the sound is more than on par with the spirit of the music), with some sparse moments of really clever songwriting (Trauma, Pain and Pleasure). On another note, the guitarist to work more on the lead guitar themes. Favorite track: Pain and Pleasure. Stream: http://gian.bandcamp.com/releases
36Crypt Sermon
Out of the Garden

3.8 - doom metal - Last year, Doomocracy from Greece attempted harbouring the sound of Solitude Aeturnus with fair success; this year, it's Crypt Sermon, yet another newly emerging act (from the ever vibrant East Coast metal scene) paying its dues to the Texan epic doom metal legends, while trying to add something on their own in the final mix. Band certainly stands above average vocals/arrangements-wise, whereas the only thing detracting some merit from its debut effort, is that utterly dedicated attachment to SA itself.
37Unjustly Labeled

3.6 - industrial - On their third album, Unjustly Labeled deliver a drone-y industrial metal hybrid that sounds like it was made from the worst nightmares... Dystopic synths, relentless rhythm section, and bleak vocals/lyrics make for an album that's worth the time and effort to sink in it. Favourite track: Divine Beholder. Stream/"name your price" download: http://unjustlylabeled.bandcamp.com/album/beholder

3.8 - post/black metal - Good post/black metal is constantly emerging from Russia and the countries that used to be part of the former USSR federation, and the debut Au-Dessus album is yet another proof in that respect. Au-Dessus is a debut album, but the Lithuanians sound unexpectedly mature in terms of their razor-sharp sound and the genuine darkness that comes of it. With respect to the fairly convoluted song structures, Au-Dessus could further refine some ideas (for example, in "II"), in order to improve the flow. Favourite tracks: III and IV. Stream: http://witchinghourproductions.bandcamp.com/album/au-dessus

3.4 - hard rocking heavy metal - Six years since their last affair, Impellitteri return(s) with yet another solid album of melodic metal. The rhythm section is tight, Rob Rock(s)!!!), whereas Chris Impellitteri is impressive as usual in his guitar shredding endeavors. Despite being entertaining, the sounds derivative with respect to previous Impellitteri albums, whereas the exact repetition of some ideas in several songs, and the compressed sound (the heavy-by-design guitars could sound way livelier and heavier), detract further merit from it.
Bound by Strength

3.5 - black metal - The band name does anything but hinting at a black metal band, but rest assured, Dizziness is a particularly dependable Hellenic black metal outfit. What sets Bound by Strength in motion is elements adopted from bands like Rotting Christ (music) and Kawir (music/lyrics), and while Dizziness have achieved quite a lot in terms of dynamics, they rest well below both aforementioned acts. Favourite track: Legion. Stream: http://dizziness.bandcamp.com/album/bound-by-strength

3.6 - crossover metal - Quite an interesting proposal on behalf of Barus here; Meshuggah's atonal metal gets together with black/blast-beat death/sludge metal, whereas even dubstep style metal has been introduced to the party ("Chalice" brought Burial's "Spaceape" track into mind). The vocal work is beastly and truly adds up to the arrangements, which need a few more nudges, in order to bring the band in front of a truly distinct style. Favorite track: Tarot. Stream/"name your price" download: http://barus.bandcamp.com/album/bar-s-ep
From Beyond

3.5 - heavy metal - Enforcer's previous album was their magnum opus, so I was expecting the follow up to land on lower ground. Indeed, From Beyond is differentiated with respect to its predecessor both in terms of style and lasting experience, but not by a large margin. The tempo has been lowered, the riffs and melodies became more subtle, while there's this impression (in the second half of the album) that the band is merely jamming on some sparse ideas to test their merit regarding their incorporation into proper songs. While that can be bad for most bands and albums, it doesn't pose adverse effects on Enforcer's new effort, on the contrary, it grants a welcome sense of spontaneity.

3.5 - thrash metal - Along with the stoner circuit, the Greek thrash metal scene is constantly churning good material, and that applies for the self-titled debut album by Nightbreed; Accounting for the style of thrash, the Athenians are drawn primarily by the raw side of teutonic thrash, namely old Kreator (more) / Sodom (less); The sound is particularly taken care of, whereas the band refrains from any kind of innovation; Still, Nightbreed is bound to make some heads to roll in concerts. Stream: http://witchesbrewthrashes.bandcamp.com/album/nightbreed
44Evil Killer
Lethal Assault

3.4 - heavy/thrash metal - Evil Killer's tech heavy/thrash metal would sound a whole lot better, had their singer made a conscious effort in optimizing his work in terms of pitch and vibrato. The odd part is that he's probably not aware that's he is up to it (check the chorus on "High Speed"). In terms of arrangements, the band is excellent at its thrash-meets-Maiden, despite the members' young age. Stream: http://evilkiller.bandcamp.com/album/lethal-assault
45Evil Madness
Bastards Get Rotten

3.5 - thrash metal - Evil Madness come from Chile, hence their thrash comes as raw as the relevant Latin American tradition prompts. The above said, there are sparse technical outbursts and some great lead guitars that make things more interesting, however the arrangements tend to converge towards the end of the album. Favorite track: Beyond The Gate. Stream: http://thanatologyproductions.bandcamp.com/album/bastards-get-rotten
None But the Brave

3.5 - heavy metal - The Portuguese are more than convincing at their Manilla Road/old school heavy metal worship, however with a new Manilla Road album out this year, many fans will sadly pass by this album. Check out the new Manilla Road and then come here.
In the Shadow of the Inverted Cross

4.0 - doom metal - The release of Sorcerer's demos in one package back in the mid '90s, was one of the reasons Trevor Perez (of Solitude Aeturnus fame) founded Brainticket Records at that time. Fans of Swedish power/doom metal have been patiently waiting for the outfit to release new music since that time, so Sorcerer's debut LP will quench their copious longing. Analogously to the last Veni Domine album, the Swedes have let "external" elements (melodic hard rock/metal) to blend with their power/doom metal. Rhythm section holds no surprises, however the vocals are excellent, whereas both guitarists are top notch lead guitar shredders. As for the arrangements, they are as sentimental as they can get, constantly going in and out of the gloom.
The Dark Spirit of Ages

3.5 - groove metal - Needless from Hungary have come up with a promising slab of contemporary extreme metal, that's hard to bottle into one or more spefific genre tags; The EP will be appreciated by people into bands like Lamb of God (minus the metalcore element), Machine Head and Pantera. Favourite track: Deceit. Stream/"name your price" download: http://needlessofficial.bandcamp.com/releases
Above Below Within

3.7 - retro psych/hard rock - Nocturnalia come from Sweden and they play '70s heavy rock. Aand I could just sum up this sound-off at the previous period mark regarding the quality of this recording; it is mandatory however, to give special kudos to the excellent singer and the atmospheric and elaborate evolution of most songs. Most certainly, retro rock rectors should keep an eye on this band. Favorite songs: Lady of the Woods, Within His Lies. Stream: http://gaphals.bandcamp.com/album/nocturnalia-above-below-within
50Brightly Painted Corpses
A Candle Set in a Vacant Rib Cage

3.5 - ambient/doom/black metal - In most cases, one-man metal bands are lacking in more sectors than one - production, arrangements, performance etc - however Dan London aka Brightly Painted Corpses has come up with an interesting mix of art rock, eerie/keyboard driven ambience and doom/black metal. Every listening session is just as good as the next one. Favorite track: Polluted Delta. Stream: http://brightlypaintedcorpses.bandcamp.com/album/a-candle-set-in-a-vacant-rib-cage
51Legion Of Nexus
Legion Of Nexus

3.4 - power/doom metal - With merely a handful of outfits practising the art of power/doom metal, every new addition to the fold should be carefully examined. In that light, Brazilians Legion of Nexus are a solid, and accounting for the country of origin, a rather unexpected entry. However, their eponymous debut has convincingly enclosed all the core elements of this hybrid genre, namely the "nervous" rhythm section, and the ultra heavy guitars that pay their homage to the genre's greats (Memory Garden come in mind). Legion of Nexus loses some bits of merit due to the coarse grained vocals, which need more work, and the solid, but a bit undeveloped guitar leads. Favourite track: Turn of Grey. You can download the album for free at Metal Media Brazil: http://metalmedia.com.br/newspress_en/?p=10231
52Chapter V:F10

4.0 - post/black metal - In most cases, post/black metal is a hit or miss for me, as sometimes "post" detracts spite from black metal. Which is definitely not the case with Syndrome. If it weren't for the abundant "post-" elements encountered herein, Chapter V:F10's debut could still stand as an awesome riff-laden album that mixes the old and the modern school of (second wave) black metal. However, Syndrome sounds all the more crushing because post rock is awesomely and seamlessly fitted, like it belonged there since day one. Favorite track: Nectar. Stream: http://bloodreddistribution.bandcamp.com/album/syndrome
53Noir For Rachel
Went Missing

3.7 - post punk/gothic/shoegaze - In most cases, outfits and individuals who record one or more albums per year, end up churning derivative/unremarkable works, but the atmospheric/instrumental gothgaze/noise/post-punk of this obscure young Russian aka Noir For Rachel (and Telephone Is Dead), is slowly but steadily flourishing release after release. Favourite tracks: "Phylloxera", "Search For Identity" and "Primary Sex Ratio". Stream: http://noirforrachelband.bandcamp.com/album/went-missing
54Karma Violens
Skin Of Existence

3.7 - crossover metal - With the adoption of a wide spectrum of elements from extreme metal, Karma Violens are continuing their uphill battle towards the definition of a custom style, the latter lying somewhere in between Chimaira, Lamb of God, Hypocrisy, and Pantera. If they discard the last remaining fragments of musical derivativeness in future releases, they will surely stand side by side to the best works of the aforementioned bands. Favorite track: Skin of Existence. Stream: http://youtu.be/X9uCE9utUlo
Finding The Eternal

3.7 - doom/black metal - Dunmharu is a black metal band from Ireland and while the Celtic origin of their name may hint towards the epic spectrum of the genre and fellow country men like... Primordial or Mael Mordha, truth is that this Dublin duo has shuffled the deck considerably when compared to the said outfits. While what is to be encountered in Finding The Eternal is black metal in nature, Dunmharu give in to some really bleak/majestic doom metal passages, with transitions taking place in odd times and places. To spice the cake a little more, the guitars have been given this muddy texture evidenced in bands like Bolzer, Portal, Vacivus etc. and make for a really tight package when met with the aforementioned attributes. Truth be told, the fifth Dunmharu album (in three years!) isn't the most memorable thing in extreme metal, but it will definitely take you places during its spin time. Favourite track: The Savage Path of Time: Stream: http://dunmharu.bandcamp.com/album/finding-the-
56Stone Sour
Meanwhile In Burbank...

3.5 - modern rock/metal - Very good stuff, Stone Sour convincingly deliver on all five covers, despite the dramatic shifts in style. Taylor's vocals in particular, have magnificently been adapted to the task at hand. Favourite tracks: We Die Young & Creeping Death. Stream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLq8NxRTHEw9QFbg8uFjoLiDVBXAmLF_G5&v=qG2G6ULOklI
Prepare for the Atoms

3.8 - thrash metal - Spain's Harmpit have delivered one of the best thrash metal albums of this year! The excellent, (perhaps too) polished sound production, blends ideally with the top notch instrumental performance (some tracks flirt with tech thrash), while the song writing branches out to heavy/power metal and occasionally to more extreme forms (death/black metal), on par with the vocals which keep a fair distance from the default thrash style. A must-listen-to album for every thrasher out there. Stream it at play.spotify.com.
Savage Land

3.6 - death metal - Days before 2014 gives way to the current year, an outfit from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Festival of Mutilation, delivered an awesome tribute to mid-to-late '90s Death with their sophomore album, Indiscipline. Gruesome's debut album is up the same alley, only it references the early Death endeavors (up to Leprosy, that is). While the album is excellent in its own right, one cannot help but think it's a replica of a recipe that, along with a few more from Central Europe and the Scandinavian peninsula and, defined old school death metal.
IV: Love Eternal

3.7 - electronic/drone/black metal - Ethereal, velvet textured melodic drone, whose recurring patterns will do everything in their power to dwell their recipients deeper into the tracts of the subconscious. Stream: http://aelter.bandcamp.com/album/aelter-iv-love-eternal-lp

4.0 - black metal - Excellent black metal albums just keep coming and coming; Musically, Nahtrunar go back and forth between elaborate acoustic guitar tracks and magnificent arrangements of abstract black metal, similar to that of Norway that emerged throughout the '90s. In terms of lyrics, an equally abstract concept has been embraced, relevant to the Central European myths regarding the last days of the year, in which "the portal to the netherworld is said to be wide open, all sorts of spirits are awakened and old gods walk freely among mortal men. The threshold to the dreamworld is blurred. During these nights, dreams and visions are of prophetic quality.", Favourite track: Wir Leichenvogel. Stream/"name your price" download: http://nahtrunar.bandcamp.com/releases
The Future Is Now

4.0 - black/thrash metal - The Future Is Now sounds like a lost collaboration Venom, Sodom and Hellhammer had back in the early and formative '80s; this is nothing but a huge compliment for this German company of metal-patch-vested gentlemen. The actual music is a messy yet engaging mix of punk, NWOBHM, thrash and (early '80s) black metal, with the vocals being an abyssal highlight all the way through. Those disappointed by the new Venom album, should get a hold of Speed Whore's debut album as soon as possible: Stream: http://witchesbrewthrashes.bandcamp.com/album/the-future-is-now
62Bardo Pond
Is There A Heaven?

4.0 - retro psych/hard rock - As I was totally unaware of Bardo Pond, the first thing that made me listen to their new "EP" (clocking at almost 30 minutes) was the cover that hinted at Candlemass' Tales of Creation... What's emphatically evident in Is There A Heaven?, is the band's ability in gradually building noteworthy dynamics and atmospheres, while providing a custom interpretation of drone, noise and the blues. Needless to say, but the band is bookmarked for further inspection. Favourite track: In Every Dream Home A Heartache. Stream: http://play.spotify.com/album/3hzXaCG3yaph3XGfquhLp9

3.6 - black/thrash metal - Contrary to what the album cover and title font may imply, Ukraine's Stormride sound like pagans that decided to black/thrash n' roll (in the most convincing of ways), instead of affiliating themselves to more compliant extreme metal genres. Favourite tracks: "Stormride", "Warrior", "Snowfall". Stream/free download: http://stormride.bandcamp.com/
Sacral Regicide

3.5 - doom/black metal - Mysterious, chaotic, and convoluted as far as its moderate genre hopping process goes, the black metal of Sacral Regicide EP signifies Eigenlicht as a new important outfit in the field. Stream/"name your price" download: http://eigenlicht-metal.bandcamp.com/album/sacral-regicide

3.9 - progressive/black metal - After the release of Sideshow Symphonies, I had little hope that the Norwegians would return to the grandeur of their past albums, so the brilliance of Arcturian definitely caught me off guard. Every element - the elaborate electronic parts, the folk manipulations, the black metal outbursts, the floating keyboards emulating the random configurations of the Northern Lights - has been masterfully appended in each song; The album highlight though, is none other than Vintersorg's vocals, and that comes from a die-hard fan of Garm and La Masquerade Infernale, which is still the best Arcturus album by far. Favourite song: Warp. Stream the album at play.spotify.com.
Auf Teufel Komm Raus

3.6 - black metal - For those who witnessed the migration of Norwegian black metal towards more clinical/aggressive/industrial paths in the late '90s, Brannthorde's debut will turn out to be a great trip down memory lane. There are some post and doom metal passages here and there, but the album as a whole, comes rather short in carving a truly distinct mark. Band needs to shuffle the cards more on the follow-up record. Favourite song: Dunkles Gr�n. Stream/name your price download: http://brannthorde.bandcamp.com/album/auf-teufel-komm-raus
Escape from Reality

3.8 - thrash metal - Bypassing the rather naive but genre fitting band name, I could just say these thrashers come from Canada and be done arguing about the quality of this album; however the additional element that makes Escape from Reality an important release is that Alcoholator aimed/largely succeeded at combining all three schools of tech/raw/crossover thrash - Canadian, US and European - into a derivative, but mind bending and body shattering blend. Favorite tracks: Dictator, The Bleeder, Fuck Your Skull (!!!). Stream: http://alcoholatormetal.bandcamp.com/album/escape-from-reality
68Spectral Lore

3.5 - black metal/experimental - As the man behind Spectral Lore aptly puts it, prior to the release of the next Spectral Lore album, the band will give way to experimentations with music genres tangential to black metal. As such, the Voyager "EP" (clocking at 40+ minutes) is a solid ambient/electronic fest, almost on par with soundtracks like the Interstellar OST or the relevant Pink Floyd endeavours in Dark Side of the Moon. While it's not particularly memorable, it's a soothing experience as a whole. Favourite track: Destination (Arrival & Terraforming). Stream: http://spectrallore.bandcamp.com/album/voyager
We Are, We Were and We Will Have Been

3.5 - drone - drone that's as "menacing" as it is soothing. On another note, it's no better nor worse than anything else up that alley. Favorite track: Find Your Own Gods. Stream: http://ritualproductions.bandcamp.com/album/we-are-we-were-and-we-will-have-been-2
70Paradise Lost
The Plague Within

3.8 - gothic/death/doom metal - Paradise Lost don't know how to fall off the high standards they are known for all these years, their new album is no exception, but I can't help thinking it stands a few steps below the previous 4 albums, Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us excluded.
71Truls Morck
Truls Morck

3.7 - psychedelic rock - As if the new Graveyard album wasn't enough to renew our interest about the lads from Goteborg, their former guitarist/current bassist Truls Morck took his artistic distance, and released an experimental, moody and sentimental psyched rock album. His fantastic vocals are "laid down" and soothing, whereas the flirt of blues rock with noise and electronica, gives out something different regarding the "retro rock" movement. The album is streaming at play.spotify.com.
72Spectral Wound
Terra Nullius

3.8 - black metal - Contrary to the usual affiliations of the black metal scene within the American Continent, Canada's Spectral Wound have endorsed the old school Scandinavian black metal ethics. In that darkness (sic), Terra Nullius may not come as innovating, yet its spite and franticness will surely keep it from wearing off any time soon. Favourite track: A Noble Rot. Stream: http://spectralwound.bandcamp.com/album/terra-nullius
The Human Project

3.6 - thrash metal - Second album for Exarsis, in which the Greek thrashers focus on optimizing the album flow in view of their live concerts detail, to the point where there's only a big 40+ minute thrash song. While their intent is understandable, not one song stands out of the lot as a result. On another note, vocals have been improved, reaching the realm of classic metal in places.
74Shape of Despair
Monotony Fields

3.8 - death/doom metal - I'm not sure if funeral doom has been designed to drive genre enthusiasts along memory lane by default, but albums like Monotony Fields are nothing but positive catalysts to the process; Through their recurring, majestic and drone-y arrangements, Shape of Despair may allow intronauting (sic) towards the lowermost layers of memory, only to re-emerge to the surface, relieved and a bit wiser... Favourite song: Monotony Fields. Stream: http://shapeofdespair.bandcamp.com/album/monotony-fields-2
Copper Lock Hell

4.0 - industrial - Excellent ambient/industrial/drone/doom from an obscure outfit that deserves to be further known... Copper Lock Hell is based on a simple but effective recipe; Mesmerizing samples of middle/far east/psychedelic descent, lie upon similarly realized, industrialized drone/doom structures, and while it would be expected for the affair to become tiring after a while, the album flows seamlessly as a perfect soundtrack for our darkest hours of recollection... Favorite tracks: first 5 tracks slay! Stream: http://khostband.bandcamp.com/album/copper-lock-hell
Rite of Ascension

4.0 - death/black metal - How come no one has taken notice of this EP yet? Vacivus endorse the kind of old school, cataclysmic death metal that's up the alley of Bolzer, Portal and the like, and they do it like they really mean it. Aside from some Nile-like (and sometimes transcendental sounding) guitar leads and the elaborate bass that stands out of the mud, there's no other trait separating the band from the monolithic approach of the mentioned (and other) outfits. Rite of Ancension EP is yet another powerful invocation to the ancients (sic). Favourite track: Vacivus Aeternum. Stream: http://goatprayerrecords.bandcamp.com/album/rite-of-ascension
77Fredag Den 13:E

3.6 - blackened hardcore - Irrespective of genres and styles, Sweden doesn't know how to make bad music, and the same applies for this metallic punk/hardcore outfit from Gothenburg. Musicianship is as technical and raging as needed, whereas the rock n' roll element combined with the excellent guitar leads, spice things even more. Stream: http://fredagden13e.bandcamp.com/album/domedagar
The Impaler

3.6 - US heavy/power metal - This is the debut album of this Detroit MI, '80s heavy/power metal outfit, but Wulfhook's 2012 demo (stop reading this soundoff and check it out at once!) was their real calling card into the circuit; Besides the mentioned genres, the band also has a knack for thrash metal, as witnessed by the riff textures and the album's speeding tempo; however (and in contrast to the 2012 demo), the sound of The Impaler lacks the spite that would equally highlight the album's harshest segments; the music itself is great per se (the guitar leads kill!), but barely goes beyond the standard '80s metal tribute, whereas the high pitched singer is a delight for the sound as it was introduced in the '80s, but a more diverse collection of vocal lines would really be a plus nowadays. The fan inside says the album is a solid 3.7, the staffer inside says it's rating is 3.6, well go figure... A must-listen-to album for fans of Riot, Oliver Magnum, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest etc...
79Sacri Monti
Sacri Monti

4.0 - retro psych/hard rock - Put in brief, Sacri Monti's debut is serious contender for best '70s psych/hard/prog rock album this year. Just about when enthusiasts of the previously mentioned genres would think that there's nothing exciting from the retro movement to sink his/her claws in, This Californian gathering comes in with thick, voluptuous song writing to shake them down. The guitars stay busy all the time, the dynamics are excellently developed, the production makes relevant albums issued in the '70s sound badly produced, and the whole thing can be spun over and over and over. You have been warned. Favourite track: all tracks slay, but Sittin' Around In A Restless Dream has an orgasmic groove that easily overshadows everything else. Stream: http://theobelisk.net/obelisk/2015/07/20/sacri-monti-sacri-monti-review-and-stream/
80Lamb of God
VII: Sturm und Drang

3.4 - crossover metal - Lamb of God are licking the wounds that Blythe's non-trivial ordeal carved on them, with a new album after 3 years. While VII... puts its money where the mouth of the Richmond VA bunch is for quite some time now, it also showcases a stylistical stagnation, especially in view of fresher, but terribly obscure homologous 2015 releases.
81Psycho Choke
No Place In My Soul

4.0 - crossover metal - Psycho Choke from Thessaloniki, Greece deliver a seemless yet utterly ferrocious NWOAHM/metalcore masterclass. There's more where that came from though, as elements of Entombed metal emerge in the sound (courtesy of Jacob Hansen), whereas a crossover with old school heavy metal is evident either in the arrangements or the excellent lead guitars. If you liked this year's Lamb of God album, there's little chance you won't dig this as well. Favorite tracks: Drop Dead, No Place In My Soul, Days of Fall, The Fine Art of Being Idle, The Raw Art of Being Idle. Stream: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyQIFtXHLUT6G5EftFS-p86BnX30tnded
In Eerie Slumber

3.7 - death metal - Although most Finnish death metal bands have developed a distinct sound with respect to their neighbouring Swedish contemporaries, there are some outfits that are drawn by swedeath metal, while some of those come with additional twists. Coffincraft file under the latter disposition, although the moniker speaks completely otherwise. The album's musical substrate is made of Stockholm metal, however the band adds groove (death n' roll, even stoner/sludge metal!) and some latent prog metal structures here and there. Style descriptions aside, what's readily evident here is a band willing to experiment up to the full magnitude of its ability. Favourite track: Necrostation. Stream: http://coffincraft.bandcamp.com/album/in-eerie-slumber
83Chelsea Wolfe

4.0 - experimental - Wolfe dug deeper into the world's fathomless pits of decay, and unearthed the necessary dirt for making albums such as this one. Favourite track: After the Fall. Stream: http://chelseawolfe.bandcamp.com/album/abyss
84Fear Factory

3.7 - industrial metal - Fear Factory go through the motions, but boy do they still sound hungry and mad! Genexus sounds like the twin release of Mechanize minus the element of surprise, and a marginal (yet perceivable) lack of innovation in terms of arrangements.

3.6 - post punk - Autobahn come from Leeds UK and go along the gloomy gothic/post punk thing, on par with their town and genre peers of old, The Sisters of Mercy and Mission. That may seem as quite the burden to bear from the get-go, but Autobahn play the game with no pretences, while showcasing the necessary skiils to do so; Stentorian vocals split between the gloom and the angry punk ethics, an equally motional bass, and dystopic guitars that flirt with noise and revolt. Favourite tracks: Passion, Beautiful Place To Die. Stream: http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/aug/21/autobahn-leeds-new-band-of-the-week
86Tad Morose
St. Demonius

3.6 - In an interview for the promotion of Revenant two years ago, Tad Morose declared their determination to not let time pass by in sloth. To the benefit of every involving party, the Swedes are fulfilling their pledge with their 8th album St. Demonius, which sounds a bit more to the point, regarding its direct predecessor. Throughout, Tad Morose are paying their dues to Judas Priest (their vocalist Ronny Hemlin rips once again); On the other hand, the Swedes are giving in the thrashy power/doom metal of their homeland and outfits like Morgana Lefay, Memory Garden, Abstrakt Algebra, Candlemass etc. Favorite songs: Remain, Darkness Prevail, Your Own Demise. Stream the album at Spotify.
The Inn of Sorrowing Souls

3.6 - power metal - The identification of decent (at least) Europower metal albums nowadays has come to resemble the perennial quest of Diogenes the Cynic, who carried a torch at broad daylight looking for real people. In that respect, the sophomore Breitenhold album The Inn of Sorrowing Souls is definitely an oasis placed within a barren land. Regarding the song writing endorsed here, the major influence from old Blind Guardian gives and takes away merit from the album; so does the sound which highlights the melody while it "buries" the distortion of the rhythm guitars. Superb/technical drumming at places and an apparent affinity for thrash metal, make The Inn of Sorrowing Souls a safe bet for Europower metal enthusiasts. Favourite track: The Inn of Sorrowing Souls.
88My Dying Bride
Feel the Misery

3.7 - death/doom metal - My Dying Bride continue their upward route, with what feels as a homogeneous amalgamation of the previous 6 releases. However, Feel the Misery feels less forced than its predecessor, probably due to the fact that new (old ;)) blood has been transfused into their veins. While some may reasonably argue that My Dying Bride anno 2015 have stagnated their art, their 12th full length stands the trial of repeated listens with minimal casualties. Favourite track: And My Father Left Forever. Stream the album at http://metalstreaming.net/pages/play-album.php?activeAlbum=00074%20-%20My%20Dying%20Bride%20-%20Feel%20The%20Misery
89Graveyard (SWE)
Innocence & Decadence

3.5 - retro psych/hard rock - Just as any Graveyard album, this one too has been instilled with the band's genuine enthusiasm for all things rock, and yet it lies a few steps below Lights Out. Whereas the predecessor album had loads of memorable songs (and lyrics), Innocence & Decadence has almost none, although it's very enjoyable as a whole. On another note, Truls Morck should sing more.
Casket Dream Veneration

3.6 - black metal - If we are to believe the issued-in-Bandcamp, press release stating that in the albums issued before Casket Dream Veneration, Onirik were merely an average black metal outfit from Portugal, then this album constitutes an unprecedented step of progress. At first glance, what's a display here is doomy, melodic black metal (in the vein of demo-tapes-era Thorns, Ved Buens Ende and the like) that comes as seemingly inadequate in terms of diverse song structures. However, Casket Dream Veneration earns its share of replay value, through the hypnotic/misty and recurring effect of the guitars, which may hint at the aforementioned outfits, yet they endorse additional elements from different places (the second Psychotic Waltz album comes in mind). Favourite song: I am Him but He's not Me. Stream: http://onirik.bandcamp.com/album/casket-dream-veneration

3.7 - epic black metal - Havukruunu had declared themselves as a promising epic black metal since the Usvakuningas EP, so the quality enveloped in their debut LP is wholeheartedly welcome, but hardly surprising; first half of the album takes no prisoners, whereas in the second, things get a bit repetitive. In terms of references to other bands, the spirit of Immortal and Primordial is ever present, always in the best of senses. Favourite track: Terhen. Stream/"name your price" download: http://naturmachtproductions.bandcamp.com/album/havulinnaan-np061
92Millennial Reign
Carry the Fire

3.6 - modern hard rock - For reasons that are a bit difficult to pinpoint, the identification of new, really good power/melodic metal bands has become incredibly cumbersome; In that respect, Millennial Reign from Arlington, Texas are quite a pleasant surprise. Although everything about the band - album artwork, band photos etc - hints at an Adult Oriented Rock band, Millennial Reign are (melodic) metal to the bone. Keyboard melodies are in harmony with heavy guitars, whereas the vocals are fantastic. Fans of bands like Royal Hunt, Kamelot, Conception and Queensryche are strongly prompted to check the band out, even if its Christian beliefs are readily evident in the lyrics. Carry the Fire is streaming at Spotify.

3.5 - thrash metal - Lithuanian thrashers Phenetix have issued an energetic debut album, which flirts discretely with more elaborate, tech- directives. Good sound, apt instrumental performance and the fruitful hunger of a newcomer band, make for a worthwhile deal. Favourite track: Unconscious Game. Stream: http://phrenetix.bandcamp.com/album/fear
94Dead When I Found Her
All the Way Down

4.0 - industrial - Best piece of electronic-based music I've heard since the two Burial albums and that Perdition City album by Ulver. Yeah I know, I'm comparing apples to oranges, but All the Way Down and all aforementioned releases have one thing in common: a convinving, seemless interpretation of the darkness that prompted their birth. The atmosphere is brooding, the arrangements are optimally minimal within their undisputed industrial scheme, the film samples make things even more tense, and the lyrics, the lyrics... Favourite tracks: Downpour, Misericordia. Stream: http://deadwhenifoundher.bandcamp.com/album/all-the-way-down

3.8 - industrial/electronic - Neurotech have infused a good deal of melancholy in a sub-genre of dance music (trance) that was designed to induce the quite opposite spectrum of sentiments; Along with the soothing ambience and the discrete, yet ever present industrial touch, Evasive comes as one of the few, really interesting proposals for electronic music anno 2015. Favourite track: there's a handful of them but the melancholy of "The Resurface" always gets to me. Stream/"name your price" download: http://neurotech.bandcamp.com/album/evasive
Fallen Empires

3.6 - heavy metal - As Manos wrote in his review, the entire Greek metal scene lives and breathes for classic metal, hence the release of albums such as this is hardly surprising; stylistically, Diviner lie in between Iced Earth, and Judas Priest. Guitars are pointy and heavy, vocals are wailing most of the time, whereas the rhythm section has this reinvigorating thrashy feel that classic metal needs nowadays. The album is streaming at Spotify.

4.0 - post/black metal - Batushka distinguish themselves from the lot, firstly in terms of the brilliant cover; still, a clever idea for the album art won't take a band anywhere, if the music does not live up to the expectations. Fortunately, the Polish outfit delivers an extremely interesting post/black approach, in which the Greek Orthodox mass chanting is seemlessly combined with the aesthetics of post/doom/black metal. By far, this is one of the most interesting releases of 2015. Favourite song: Last three cuts devour planets. Stream: http://witchinghourproductions.bandcamp.com/album/litourgiya
98Killer Boogie

Retro hard rock from Italy.
99Bella Lune

Electro/goth/dream pop from Phoenix, Arizona.

Stream/"name your price" download: http://bellalune.bandcamp.com/album/tranzendance
100The Walls
Voyage Au Bout De La Nuit

Post rock from Ukraine.

Stream/"name your price" download: http://thewalls90.bandcamp.com/
101Winds of Genocide
Usurping the Throne of Disease

Crusty death metal from the UK.

Stream: http://pulverised.bandcamp.com/album/usurping-the-throne-of-disease
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