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Last Active 01-08-23 8:51 am
Joined 02-13-12

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04.17.22 Pon's Top 50 ov2k2104.10.22 2021: Rejects
01.21.21 Jac's Top 50 m/ ov2k20 10.08.20 Every Ulcerate Song Ranked (Again)
05.19.20 some classical jamz05.03.20 some metal jamz
05.05.19 For BlushfulHippocrene 05.02.19 Recent 2019 jams
04.19.19 Some 2019 Classical 04.18.19 Some 2019 m/
01.16.19 Jac's Top 50 m/ ov2018 07.25.18 Hard as Feck Riffs
07.08.18 Classical in 2018 04.23.18 Jac's (late) 1st Quarter 2018
12.27.17 Jac's Top 30 of 2017 10.20.17 Classical in 2017
04.01.17 Every Ulcerate Song Ranked 03.29.17 Dissonant Tech
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Where Is The Love?

Okay so I've noticed the site has been lacking in good vibes recently so I've compiled a list of 101 users I like and why I like them. Althought Sputnik can be a den of ravenous wolves sometimes, every now and then I'm reminded why I keep coming back here. Stuff like the outpouring of grief over the news about Daniel Davis' recent passing (RIP hard man) and the support for Gyro during dire times helped me keep faith in the community. If your name doesn't appear it's probably just 'cause I haven't interacted with you very much but you prob rule anyways. List is not ranked.
1Pink Floyd
The Dark Side of the Moon

Evilford - This guy loves his DM which automatically puts him in my good books plus he's pretty cool for an old guy.
2Sachiko M
Bar Sachiko

Nimb (SachikoM/LivingThrowaway) - So yeah sometimes (very often) you can be annoying with your constant attempts to be ejjy as phuck but you actually bring something interesting to the site taste wise and you're a good dude once you get passed the bullshit.
3Sweet Trip
Velocity : Design : Comfort

Cygnatti - Well what can I say about Dearest Cyg that hasn't already been said? This guy brings the love no matter what.
Like an Ever Flowing Stream

ShadowRemains - When anyone is caught out of line you can always count on Shadow popping in to tell them to shut the fuck up, that and he knows his m/
5Judas Priest

ExplosiveOranges - Super humble guy and excellent writer, always up for a chat but refuses to change his name to VolatileMandarines and for that I'll always be mad.
6Diamond Head
Lightning to the Nations

Dannyboy - This guy is the biggest goob on the site but he's a loveable goob who's always up for a chat.
7Neutral Milk Hotel
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

Judio - Another great writer and super nice guy who makes dank tunes and always has some feedback on reviews n shit #Judio4staff2k16
8 The Brave Little Abacus
Just Got Back from the Discomfort

Yaknips - So yeah you're kind of a fuckin weirdo but I'll let that slide because you're alright once people get to know you never change~
9The Red Paintings

Jom - Probably the most patient man on Earth having moderated this site for like 35,000 years and has a great sense of humour and the site would be shit without him.
10Kayo Dot
Dowsing Anemone With Copper Tongue

PunchForPunch - Never see him post any more but I'll always remember you as that mildly sarcastic guy with sweet taste.
11Soulja Boy

Gyromania - One of the most down to Earth guys on the whole site who isn't afraid to voice an unpopular opinion, great writer too and I hope you pick up the pen again soon, so to speak.
12Cult of Luna

Relinquished - I just put you on here cause I'm scared you'll beat me up if I don't.
13Brand New
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

SowingSeason - One of my fav staffers even if we have nothing in common taste-wise but whenever we chat is always a treat.

TheAcademy - This guy's an enigma we will never crack.
15Motley Crue
Too Fast for Love

The Spirit - One of the most underrated writers on the site who needs to be contrib ASAP, sweet taste as well.
Here in After

Inveigh - Used to encounter this guy regularly in DM threads but his activity has dwindled which is understandable as people have life shit to deal with but post more anyways man m/
Paso Inferior

Rasputin - Undisputed DM King of Sputnik with some crazy fuckin' knowledge of tonnes of other underappreciated genres and a good dude if you don't cross him.
19Porcupine Tree
In Absentia

Mongi - Does this guy even proofread his reviews lel just kidding, Mongi is one of the few users you can't say a bad thing about and he bring the positivity hard.
20Black Veil Brides
Set the World on Fire

ASnideReturns - Probably the most divisive user on the site right now but I can't hate him, he's a nice guy at heart and tbh people just need to learn to chill it's not like you're all fuckin' saints anyway.
21Pink Floyd

MeatSalad - I don't see you very often anymore but you have like the best avatar ever so that's something.
Draft 7.30

Deathschool - One of my fav Ausbros with a strange sense of humour which is the kind I like best, don't you go changin'

Zakalwe - Cranky old bastard with rose-tinted specs glued to his face but his one liners are hilarious you remind me of my great uncle.
24Cradle of Filth
Dusk and Her Embrace

Hawks - lol hawks m/ m/ m/ cradle hard
We Are the Romans

Jesterhead - Guy only popped up recently but is quickly becoming a fav of mine, keep posting RIP In Flames as well.
Black Horse Plague

CaptainDooRight - Don't think we forgot about the lately saga m80
27Alice in Chains

Necro (Necrotica/FiveLeavesLeft/SoccerRiot) - Don't think we forgot [2] but nuh Necro is a good guy and don't let no one tell you otherwise.
28Kanye West

Arcade - Prob the most cynical person in the world bar Zak and Nimb but a super good writer with a good sense of humour.
Liberate Te Ex Inferis

JokineAugustus - One of the first users I ever interracted with and still goin' strong don't worry man I'll check Zao one day.
30Bob Dylan
Blood on the Tracks

Atari - Fuck man I got like 70 of these to go holy shit but Atari is another of my favs from my Sputnik rookie year when all we did was quote Chuck lyrics good times.
Lush Islands - Illusion of Paradise

Oltnabrick - Bizarre motherfucker who you can always count on for a good shitpost.

Danielito - I remember having beef with you for some reason but oh well you rule now hail the 'techre agreed.

JohnnyOnTheSpot - Well yeah one of the best writers on the site with superb taste to boot and if this guy isn't staff next year I will quit Sputnik forever tbh
34Talking Heads
Remain in Light

Chortles - Superb taste [2] but unfortunately I never spoke to you that much hopefully that will change one day.
35Volcanic Queen
Faith In Desire

Graveyard - When I checked Volcanic Queen I didn't even know it was a user project it was that good which says a lot about this guy's skillz.
36Edge of Sanity
Purgatory Afterglow

Solaire - Hasn't posted in forever so RIP probably but you were a good dude.
37John Coltrane
A Love Supreme

House (DrHouseSchuldiner/RobSchuldiner/VanSchuldiner) - Assumed to be a skele alt when he popped up in 2012/13 but turned out to actually be Hugh Laurie who would've guessed?
38Sufjan Stevens

Osmark - Posts infrequently but always has something good to say, had lots of fun in plug with him too.
39Howls of Ebb
The Marrow Veil

Emester - Didn't know what to make of this guy when he first showed up but quickly established himself as good user with sweet taste and as it turns out good writing skills too.

KILL - It's fuckin' KILL what else do I need to say?
41Bomb the Music Industry!
Goodbye Cool World!

Demigod - what else do I need to say? [2] Demi was an awesome plug and tinychat bro and had a lot of fun with him, stay golden~
Jane Doe

Artuma - I remember not even knowing who you were for ages and then I was like "who the fuck is this guy with 14k comments" but yeah you're a gem.
43Dot Hacker

Rowbro (Rowan5215) - Can always count on havin' a good laugh with or at Rowbro, loved the plug jams even if you always muted my tunes actually no fuck you.
Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk

ADR - I've heard like 7 noise album.
45Ensemble Pittoresque
For This Is Past

Havey - Pretty much migrated over to RYM completely now but has some of the best taste ever and I only realised that when it was too late rip hard.
Consuming Impulse

Ryus - Can't believe you're like 9 years old you're more mature than 98% of the site, pls stay with us.
47Basic Channel
Quadrant Dub

Puntugruhm - Don't even know what to make of this guy but I like him plus Basic Channel rule.
The Moon Is a Dead World

DrMaximus - Modelled his taste on Havey's and still acts like he made up his own mind lol go 5 Kleistwahr or something, nuh sorry I love you Max < 3
49Kanye West
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

Gwyn - Hated this guy when he was YouTellMe but yeah you're a no bullshit kind of guy which is what I like to see.
50Massive Attack

Potsy - Biggest cunt in the history of cunts but we all love you for that reason plus I checked Yugen Blakrok cause of your avatar tyvm
51Boards of Canada
Tomorrow's Harvest

Keyblade - Another of my fav plugbros who I had lots of laughs with, often at Rowbro's expense lol
52William Parker
The Peach Orchard

Liledman - Best taste on the site hands down and has mad knowledge and needs to properly start writing reviews and post more etc.

Foxblood - Another guy from my early Sput days who I never spoke to much but always struck me as a nice fella.
54Jimmy Eat World

Futures - More bitter than Bitrex and hasn't even heard ATG's debut and is a major pleb lol @ you mocking other users' ratings but idk I love you for some reason.
55Ash Borer
Ash Borer

MoosechriS - Super genuine guy who lives to spread the love.
56In Flames
The Jester Race

Flugmorph - I'm actually convinced this guy is a bird.
57The Smiths
Hatful of Hollow

Bach - Named after Bach which rules by itself but is a funny cunt too who wants to guess when he'll leave the site next?
The Flesh Prevails

GameofMetal - Don't worry man I'll like something you review one day but that day won't be today prob.
59Pig Destroyer

FearThyEvil - I dunno I'm kind of lost for words when it comes to you maybe you're just that beautiful.
60Between the Buried and Me

Betray - Thought you were going to be the worst user ever after our exchanges in the Carnifex threads but you turned out sweet keep spin-kickin.
61Tom Waits
Rain Dogs

ffs - Without question the funniest guy on the site and writes the best reviews too.
Master of Puppets

Lloyd (Tempest--) - Lloyd is a bro of the highest order and anyone who has a problem with him I'll fite them irl
63Fleetwood Mac

Parallels - I just know you as the user with the Awoo~ avatar but nuh you've been cool whenever we've talked.
64Johnny Truant
In the Library of Horrific Events

ChuckyTruant - This guy called me a cunt for refusing to 5 Symbolic once lol I'll never forget that keep being awesome.
Hurry Up, We're Dreaming

MisterTornado - Got fuckin' shafted in the 2014 staff promotions no wonder he left the site holy shit what a loss.
66Children of Bodom
Follow the Reaper

FrozenVain - Can't even remember the last time you posted but you were always super supportive when I was startin' out reviewing so thanks.
67Fates Warning
Perfect Symmetry

Willie - Does a lot of behind the scenes stuff that keeps the site from crumbling and for that we thank you dearest Willie.
68Laura Stevenson

Foxxxy - It's fuckin' Foxxxy of course he's here.
Above the Weeping World

Crysis - One of my favourite staffers who doesn't sugar coat his advice when it comes to writing and I've improved a lot thanks to his imput.
70J Dilla

RosaParks - RosaParks is a just an all-round good bloke with a no bullshit attitude which as you know by now I admire.
71Lil B
05 Fuck Em

Trebor - Anyway, how's your sex life?
Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo

CometoDaddy - Underrated writer and all-round nice bloke with awesome taste why don't more users grovel and suck your pecker I don't get it.

Hype (Hyperion1001) - Along with Baseline helped me appreciate Autechre which counts for a lot and is one of the best reviewers currently active and if said activity is sparse.
The Sum of All Fossils

Wizard - This guy's psyche will never be figured out and dammit that's the way it should remind there are some things man is just not meant to know and how this guy thinks is one of them.
75Mobb Deep
The Infamous

Pissbore - Hated you in 2013, love you now. On his eternal mission to quash untrvth and all who preach it.
76Asking Alexandria
Stand Up and Scream

TheMoreira - The nicest dude on the site bar none, sticks to his guns and doesn't change his opinion for anyone. Accepts my ridicule with good graces which is something you sensitive fucks could learn a thing or two from.

78X Japan
Art of Life

CalculatingInfinity - Probably the only user we managed to pluck from plug and not have the community frighten off in a day, that commands fuckin' respect!
Effigy of the Forgotten

SlMBOLIC - I don't even know to say about you other than you're a top bro.
80John Frusciante
Shadows Collide with People

TommyGun - One of my absolute favs, Tommy is a better user than you could ever hope to be sorry. So much fun had in plug and tinychat it's a shame those days are pretty much over but the memories will live on ~nevr felt so alone~~~~~~~

Climactic - Super level headed dude, perhaps a little too much so for this place and a good bloke tbh
Tri Repetae

Deviant - We pretty much collectively make this guys' job way harder than it needs to be but he presses on, not because he wants to, but because we need him too~
83Strapping Young Lad

MO - lol your name used to be MetallicOpeth but yeah best avatar ever made and a gifted musician and all-round nice guy who doesn't take shit from no one.
Epicus Doomicus Metallicus

Ovrot - This guy is more metal than the Earth's mantle you will never even know hail Stan and keep reppin' Grom hard.
Ten Summoner's Tales

Sevengill - It takes fuckin guts to come out the way you did on a site than can be as poisonous as this, you actually helped restore faith in this site's community which is saying a lot.
True Blue

BallstoTheWall - Great writer with a unique and entertaining style, great sense of humour plus your burns of Andcas were the stuff of legend.
87James Ferraro
Live at Primavera Sound 2012

Phlegm - Thought this guy was dead but he recently confirmed he wasn't which is sweet, pls come back.
88Black Murder

Dryden - This guy needs no introduction basically.
89 Chevelle
La Gargola

Fromtheinside - Yeah as it turns out you're actually kind of mental but idgaf you were one of the best plugbros a bro could ask for and you're funny as heck.
90Nick Drake
Pink Moon

LilLioness - Haven't seen this girl in a while which is a shame but yeah Lani fuckin rules face hail butts etc.

TheNoTrap - Another user I ain't seen in forever, maybe he got a little too old for the internet I always assumed this guy was like 70 for reason.
92Red Hot Chili Peppers

Alachlahol - You hate me but I like you and I hope it stays that way forever.
Storm of the Light's Bane

SCREAM! - Another down to earth dude who has stuck around for longer than anyone would deem healthy but it's good that you have < 3
94Demi Lovato
Here We Go Again

[Redacted] - So yeah, this guy was basically the Snide of 2012/2013 except 100 times more fucked up. EDIT: Made some bad choices, was given the benefit of the doubt, then outed as a creep.
95Black Flag
My War

Fozzie - Guy doesn't seem to know what a sound off is even after like 7845 years on the site but this guy straight up does. not. give. a fuck.

Nocturnal (Nocturnalize) - Tries to beef with me these days but I'll never forget when we were buddies rip hard

SuperCoolGuy - This guy is like, super cool or something.
Leaves Turn Inside You

SaneTPB - Crazy as it sounds, I wouldn't have checked Unwound if it weren't for this guy. Superb taste and a good dude.
Mental Funeral

Witchxrapist - Responsible for my fav trollview on the site (Beyond Cops, Beyond God) and sticks to his guns and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks of him.

Fluttertrank - People thought I was your alt at first lol how fuckin dumb is that?
In Utero

BigPleb - Of course, this list would not be complete withour our dearest Nirvana-loving, proper-horrible tanline sporting, Opeth-reppin, opinion flip-flopping, Big God Damn Pleb. The hours upon hours spent in plug with all the other plugbros, the tinychat seshes in which we'd pretty much rip on him until he ragequit, the threads we ruined, this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_ZYcQiXTps, the fuckin bastardisation of the english language ("will prob twat my pom ass" anyone?), Pleb is pretty much the most lovable user in existence. The goob to end all goobs, basically.
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