VOTED most underrated user (2016, 2020)

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Last Active 08-17-21 12:24 am
Joined 10-27-13

Review Comments 9,078

03.25.24 Went to a psyche ward01.23.24 2024 Oscar Noms
12.30.23 I made an EP04.02.23 What the fuck is up sput???
11.15.22 Top 100 Favorite Metal Songs04.24.22 SPECULATED 5/5's: Chuck Schuldiner
11.29.21 dont comment on this list07.21.21 Help finding my grandfather's band?
05.05.21 BPD sucks04.29.18 Moving to MONTANA (give me recs)
04.25.18 THAT'S NOT METAL09.29.17 Saw Jeepers Creepers
08.28.17 Hurricane Harvey jams04.25.16 Albums that cost a shit ton to make
10.27.15 Albums that blatantly copy another band10.05.15 Acoustic death metal
10.05.15 Folk recs?09.25.15 Death - TSOP
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Probably the worst Sputnik member band of all time, COTE was some sort of metal band from The Woodlands, Texas that included me on bass, FlyheadMetal on rhythm guitar, GoatmoonDeth on vox, and the infamous Sowders on drums. Ah, what a time. In the year we were around, we literally got nothing done. Two weeks after forming, we played a gig that was mostly covers with the exception of two songs, which were COTE originals. The gig was fun, but shocker, we sucked dick...well, Sowds did. After that, we literally got nothing done at all. Not a damn thing. We would start a song, Sowders would get hungry and force us to buy food, he'd do something that was borderline illegal, and we'd go home in the exact same place we started. It was a disaster. I had never even touched a bass before when I was assigned to the band, so of course I wasn't going to be good. I don't think I was awful, and playing a fretless bass forced me to try, but I just used my guitar experience to play an alien instrument. Ahh. What a joke. Any questions about the shit?
Seether: 2002-2013

I usually don't mind people with differing taste, but Sowders was trying to start a brutal metal band...yet this was his second biggest influence. Seriously, he lists Seether as a band influence. People would say Sowders didnt listen to very much metal, but the truth is he didnt listen to much music at all. We had to force him to jam Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Slayer, JP, Death, or any of that shit. According to the Facebook page, the top influences are: System of a Down, Metallica, Pantera, slayer, Meshuggah, korn, job for a cowboy, Seether, control Denied, dragonforce and animals as leaders. Thrash metal!
2System of a Down

Many local people (and sometimes on Sput) would ask "what genre are you guys?" and we really didnt know. Sowders claimed we were "thrash metal" and would call us "Korrosive metal" after a bad joke I made on the first day of practice. I'm honestly not sure how to label ourselves because we had no style at all. Everyone pitched in some riffs, and I had a progressive metal riff vibe, Flyhead was very djenty or deathcore-ish, Gavin was for metalcore and neo-classical, GoatmoonDeth wrote Darkthrone-ish black metal, and Sowders wrote...idk man, like hard rock, Load-era Metallica, Korn, Seether. He had one good riff, one. That shit doesn't mix at fucking all. If you want to hear on album that sounded like us, imagine a shitty version of Toxicity with a bunch of guitar solos more death growls.
A New Era of Corruption

Truth be told, we weren't thrash. As I said above, we were a mess. GoatmoonDeth and I personally thought we were progressive thrash metal and metalcore. Flyhead was under the impression that we were deathcore. Gavin believed we were progressive metal and SOAD-esque alternative metal, which sounds about right. Charlie Haley, our vocalist, said he'd label us as metalcore, post-hardcore, and alternative metal. Lot's of metalcore, right? Well, Sowders HATED metalcore (of course, he hadn't heard any of it) but he had a massive on-camera rant about how he'd "rather die than be in metalcore band" yet he had two singers; one for cleans and one for growls/screams that would often trade. METALCORE MUCH?
4Job for a Cowboy

Flyhead earlier discussed Sowders's..."tendencies", but I personally don't feel comfortable going into detail about his dark thoughts online. In short, he was a fucked up individual and I got some nasty stuff on camera, but I won't deny that I had a lot of fun with him. He's not too bright, but he would occasionally say something hilarious. If he didn't try to instigate trouble between friends AND strangers, I could honestly forgive his disturbing agenda if he just kept it to himself. My biggest issue was that he was an abysmal band leader and could not handle criticism, and somebody like him isn't the type of person to say no to. He can be a cool person and I respect him for dreaming big and not taking shit from people telling him he can't do it. Props to him and I honestly wish the best for the guy.
Jane Doe

Saying "we sucked" is affirmable, but the fact is that we weren't too bad individually. I practiced a lot to be a decent fretless bass player, but what would you expect from someone who hadn't been playing for more than two weeks? Flyhead was a great riffer (not so much a solo guitarist...sorry dude) but he's gotten better. Charlie had a killer Phil Anselmo impression. Gavin, without a doubt, was the best player. You can insult my talent, Flyhead's talent, Charlie's talent, but you'd be daft to say Gavin sucked at guitar. He's possibly the most talented personal musician I've ever met, and it's a shame he got whirlpooled into a band that sucked so much ass. Jane Doe is Gavin's favorite album.
6Breaking Benjamin
We Are Not Alone

Although the 2nd generation of COTE began in August of 2014, we didnt find a "permanent" vox until January of 2015. Charlie was pretty good and he reminded me a lot of Phil Anselmo vocally, but Sowders was thought he was "not what we are looking for". We already had a growler, FlyheadMetal, and we were looking for a clean vocalist (cough metalcore). What kind of clean vox did they want? Time and time again, "the vocals from Breaking Benjamin" was always his answer. So...a progressive thrash metalcore band with deathcore growls and Breaking Benjamin cleans? Firing Charlie was such a dumb idea.
Individual Thought Patterns

Gavin, thankfully, quit first in early May. I was the next to leave about a 10 days later. I was fed up with Sowders's bullshit and I wanted to pursue other projects. FlyheadMetal quit in early June for similar reasons, and GoatmoonDeth quit I think on the same day. The band sat silently for a bit until Gavin, for whatever fucking reason, decided to join the band again. He also stopped talking to me, Fly, and GMD around the same time. I'm not sure what the fuck he sees in the band.
Valley of the Damned

As some know, COTE is now serving under a new name. You thought the first name couldn't get any worse? Try the new one, 'Verily Insane'. Yah. That name was originally a song title and we had an argument about how shitty it was, but Sowders loved it. It was 5 vs 1, but he refused to drop the song name. Guess he loved it a lot, huh. The first band name was originally Warp Tuesday, which later became Comanches, Dæmonwolfe, and Chemical Contact, and COTE was the one that stayed the longest, sadly.
Destroy Erase Improve

HISTORY TIME, FUCKERS. Before I was recruited, Sowders and his band dated back to mid 2012. Originally called Warp Tuesday, he changed the band to Dæmonwolfe, in which he had a full line up and even played TWO gigs, yah, TWO. He wasn't the drummer, but actually the bassist and clean vocalist. They played at Super Happy Fun Land and some park/gig setup in Woodloch, and they were both total disasters. Supposedly, the first gig brought seven people and the second gig brought zero...the latter of which put the band several hundred bucks in debt. Everyone but Sowders quit the next day. He started over, changed the name to Comanche, and recruited Gavin. After a year of laying low, he recruited Flyhead, who suggested the name Chemical Contact. In August of 2014, Sowders recruited me, GMD, and Charlie about three days after changing the name to COTE. I call my line up COTE 2nd Gen, and COTE 3rd GEN is now 'Verily Insane'.
10Black Sabbath
Born Again

GMD, Charlie, and Flyhead started a comedic blackened deathgrind band called DethHammer!, and Sowders was originally on drums until he got fired for destroying GMD's house in a drunken rage. DethHammer dropped the exclamation point, put Charlie on drums, and have actually released two demos on Google+, played SIX gigs...and they are literally a JOKE BAND beating the serious band! Recently, they changed their name to something more serious (I'm not of liberty to say what it is) and they will start writing and recording serious music. They have also signed up for a metal tour and'll hit San Antonio, Dallas, Lubbock, OKC, Little Rock, and a bunch of other places. Frankly it's all self-funded, but they get to keep 75% of the crowd turn up. The tour starts in January of 2016. They plan on using that money to fund a studio LP. Good luck to them, truly! I'll add to the site once they allow me to spill the name change because, unlike COTE, they have actual material.
The Metallica Collection

Line up:
Tyler Sowders - Drummer
Tyler Wright - Bassist
Gavin Al-Acevedo - Lead Guitarist
Todd Tanzosh - Rhythm Guitarist / Harsh vox
Charlie Haley - Clean vox
Nathan Blake - "manager" / backing vox/ contributing songwriter
Considered Dead

As a filmmaker, I began documenting the band and it's activity. I was originally trying to show the struggle for a young band trying to make it big, but the topic gradually shifted to Sowders and his stupid antics ripping the band apart. The documentary is almost done, and I've uploaded some scenes to YouTube. That's practically 80% of the doc right there.
13Cult of Tomorrows End
Cult of Tomorrows End

WTF is this still doing on the database tbh...
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