Cyan isn\'t a shade of blue.

Reviews 40
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Soundoffs 108
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Band Edits + Tags 4,239
Album Edits 221

Album Ratings 1180
Objectivity 74%

Last Active 12-09-22 12:08 am
Joined 08-22-13

Review Comments 41,149

06.08.24 Low Effort Pride Month post04.30.24 Ranking Butthole Surfers Studio stuff
03.22.24 Sputnik’s Sacred Clowns03.21.24 Pram
02.19.24 ###NeoFoLK TaG FeST02.15.24 idiotican can't take criticism
01.08.24 Inverted Umbrella 2023-24 Results: 01.01.24 25 most listened to songs in 2023
12.31.23 Round 11: Inverted Umbrella Competition12.25.23 Round 10: Inverted Umbrella Competition
12.17.23 Round 9: Inverted Umbrella Competition12.10.23 Round 8: Inverted Umbrella Competition
12.03.23 Round 7: Inverted Umbrella Competition11.30.23 NEW TAGS ARRIVED! K-Pop and J-Pop (help
11.27.23 Round 6: Inverted Umbrella Competition11.24.23 Who Has a "New" Genre Tag on Their Pie
11.20.23 Round 5: Inverted Umbrella Competition11.13.23 Round 4: Inverted Umbrella Competition
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Why Did You Choose That Username?

Is it a music reference? A TV one? Does it accurately describe your personality? Were you just like: "What's the stupidest thing I can think of? I got it SillyCaringRabbitPal!" Or what? (I'll add your username, description of why you chose it and album of your choice to the list! If your username is a music reference, I'll probably put that album next to your name) :)
1Mr. Bungle

ArsMoriendi - "Ars Moriendi" is the title of a song from my favorite album California by Mr. Bungle. I like to think it suits me since it's all over the place and so are my thoughts.
My Own Prison

Slut - "I haven't touched a girl in years."
Slumber of Sullen Eyes

demigod! - Was really into death metal, especially the band Demigod.
4Nick Drake
Bryter Layter

NorthernSkylark - Is a reference to "Northern Sky" by Nick Drake.
5The Beatles
The Beatles

Lolifant - Delusionally thinks he is an elephant who lols.
6The Beatles
The Beatles

Someguest - Long story:

The first forum I was a member on (Rare-Extreme Forums, a Rareware games fan web site, RIP) used to allow guest posting. I posted under the guest name some guest for a year or so before I made an account. The name garnered a cult following, and I brought it with me here.
7Suicide Nation
Suicide Nation

YakNips - Is a reference to his 7th grade history teacher's nipples. "his name was Mr. Yakubovsky, old buff Russian powerlifter with hard nipples."
8The Beatles
The Beatles

Avagantamos - Something about naming a box Avagantamos in this video here:
9The Beatles
The Beatles

CK - CK is shortened from ckreticeland, which was his original username. It's a reference to an inside joke between his friends from years ago ("What about the secret Iceland?")
10The Mountain Goats
Hot Garden Stomp

letme69johndarnielle - Says his username is his dream.
11The Beatles
The Beatles

ChoccyPhilly - Was one of his nicknames at school.

SharkTooth - Was one he came up with randomly. No reference.
13Dir En Grey

Angelboros - Loves the album Uroboros by Dir En Grey and thought that combining it with the word angel would make it sound nice. He also loves the idea of reincarnation.
This Conversation Is Ending Starting Right Now

sixdegrees - Five degrees was taken. (Was probably actually named after The Dream Theater album Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence.)
15The Beatles
The Beatles

SillyCaringRabbitPal - Loves gimmicky, yet cute names. (That's what a dissected out of your paragraph Silly.)
16Death Grips
The Powers That B - Part II: Jenny Death

deathschool - Believes that "All your life all you're really doing is learning how to die," therefore life is a death school.
17The Beatles
The Beatles

emester - Evan Mester = E. Mester = emester.
Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

AmericanFlagAsh - "Ashes of American Flags" is the title of a song from the album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot by Wilco. The album it's from means a lot to him.
19The Beatles
The Beatles

Spec - People didn't like him when his username was MichaelJordan, so he chose a different one of no reference.
20The Beatles
The Beatles

bloc - Likes to party. Presumably at block parties.
21The Beatles
The Beatles

Supercoolguy64 - Just what he thought of when he was singing up (Should have lied and said the 64 referenced Nintendo 64.)
22Morita Doji
A Boy

Lethean - Lethean means forgetful.
23The Beatles
The Beatles

Ryus, Chortles, AaronIsCrunchy, KILL, GnarlyShillelagh - No reason at all.
The Pod

StallionMang - His username references the songs Stallion Pt. 1-5, mainly Stallion Pt. 2. by Ween.
25The Beatles
The Beatles

Acanthus - Long Story:

"Wanted a name for a social media site, couldn't think of anything cool so I started googling and Acanthus came up: Any of various perennial herbs or small shrubs of the genus Acanthus, native to the Mediterranean and having pinnately lobed basal leaves with spiny margins and showy spikes of white or purplish flowers.

I liked how it sounded, kept it. Later on this sparked life altering drama, never got tired of the name though and used it ever since."
26The Beatles
The Beatles

oltnabrick - Because he sells drugs? I don't get it.
27The Beatles
The Beatles

TheGreatQ - A reference to his second favorite show: Star Trek The Next Generation.
28John Williams
Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope

RougeNine - Rouge Nine is a Star Wars callsign.
29The Beatles
The Beatles

FacelessMan - Is a Game of Thrones reference to the Faceless Men of Braavos.
30The Beatles
The Beatles

Graveyard - He used to work the graveyard shift at his old job.
31David Bowie

anobsoletevernacular - "An obsolete vernacular" is a quote from his favorite movie: The Royal Tenenbaums.
32The Beatles
The Beatles

Jacquibim - His nickname from high school.
33The Beatles
The Beatles

Intothepit - Used to be named Intotheshit, but got his username changed because it was gross.
34The Beatles
The Beatles

ElegantElephant - Another delusional elephant who thinks he is elegant and black.
35Plain White T's
All That We Needed

SnakeDelilah - His name is Jake Delia, and Jake sounds like Snake and Delia sounds like Delilah. People also used to sing "Hey There Delilah" by the Plain White T's to him a lot.
36MF Doom
Operation: Doomsday

LordePots/PotsyTater - Long story:

"silentpotato was my nexopia username when i was a preteen tbh. dont remember why. then people started calling me a bunch of nicknames on here (silent, potsy, posty, pots, taters etc) so my backup alt account was PotsyTater, a mix of two nicknames. Then after i whipped my silentpotato account and came back a year later I made a new account LordPots cuz LordPots is to silentpotato as MF Doom is to Daniel Dumile, its just my villanous comic bookish hip-hop alter ego. And then one day i was posting in the Lorde thread a bunch and someone said "lorde pots" and so i changed my name to LordePots."

DominionMM1 - It's the name of his guitar.
Scream Bloody Gore

Evilford - His original name was ford84prefect, a reference from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy and his birth year, but eventually he grew dissatisfied with it, so he got it changed to evilford which is a combination of his original name and Chuck Schuldiner's nickname from the early Death years: Evil Chuck.
39The Beatles
The Beatles

Cygnatti - Named himself after the Cygnus knights in Maplestory back when he was 12. (His 3rd non-troll account on here apparently.)
40The Beatles
The Beatles

Judio! - His username was initially JudioRuso, which came from his chosen name for his Spanish class. He later changed it to Judio! because it sounded catchier/nicer. The exclamation point was suggested by user Demigod!
41Fates Warning

Dis_Con_Nec_Ted - References the album Disconnected by Fates Warning. He says it describes his personality because music is what I'm most connected to in this world, so he's otherwise disconnected.
42The Beatles
The Beatles

Friday13th - His first and 13th birthdays were on Friday the 13th.
43Nick Drake
Five Leaves Left

Nectrotica/FiveLeavesLeft/SoccerRiot - Nectrotica comes from a goreporn pic from 4chan (Ew.) It's also duh to his previous obsession with death metal band Necrophagist. Five Leaves Left is an album by Nick Drake, and SoccerRiot is supposedly meaningless.
44The Beatles
The Beatles

Bombastus/PlatonicMushroom/ - The first describes his personality, it's also an anagram for "sat bum sob" since he supposedly sits and cries a lot. The second just sounds cool.

Jasdevi087 - Jasdevi is a character from the anime D. Gray-man. Also, he uses 087 for a lot of his online accounts.
46Brian Eno
Ambient 1: Music For Airports

Frippertronics- Named himself after a tape looping technique developed by Robert Fripp of King Crimson. This technique was used by many music artists, most notably Brian Eno.
47The Beatles
The Beatles

Thuglifethor - A bunch of girls named made his Instagram Thuglifethor when he was a freshman in high school. Years later, he feels that he's the exact opposite of of what the username implies in a lot of ways. His actual name is Thor though...
48The Beatles
The Beatles

wtferrothorn - Named himself after the generation 5 Pokemon ferrothorn while merging it with the acronym WTF.
49The Beatles
The Beatles

TalonsOfFire - Name after a phrase his friend came up with in high school.
50The Beatles
The Beatles

titanslayer - He loves mythology so he referenced Zeus/Jupiter in various usernames throughout the years by calling himself titanslayer.
51The Beatles
The Beatles

dimsim3478 - Named after the Chinese food dim sim. Also, because he's Asian and it rhymes with Lim, which is his last name.
Pablo Honey

Uranium - He used to think bombs were made of uranium and thought it was cool.
53The Beatles
The Beatles

CL0VER - Because Clover was taken.
54The Beatles
The Beatles

Sevengill - She thinks sharks are awesome and they have seven gills! (Well they can have 5-7 gills depending on the type of shark, but close enough!)
55The Beatles
The Beatles

OvDeath - He likes death metal and "ov" is a common way of writing "of" among underground communities.
56The Beatles
The Beatles

HillaryClitTongue/LambsBread - First one was a mocking parody of the politician Hillary Clinton. He got banned a lot under it so he changed it to Lambsbread, which is a strain of medical marijuana that he uses.
57The Beatles
The Beatles

Royl123 - His first name is Roy and his last name starts with the letter L. the numbers don't mean anything.
58The Beatles
The Beatles

Let - It's a reference to the mantra "live and let live."
59The Beatles
The Beatles

Arcade - Arcade is his mother's maiden name (What a weirdo.)
60Cult of Luna
Somewhere Along the Highway

PitchforkArms - This user name comes from the lyric "dead man with pitchfork arms tells me all that he knows, leave me here for the crows" from the song "And with Her Came the Birds" by Cult of Luna.
61The Beatles
The Beatles

Aftertheascension - He says it represents his uncertainty of what comes after death, and the name sees death as a positive 'ascension' to a better state of existence.
62Fates Warning

Parallels - Is a reference to the album Parallels by Fates Warning.
The Hawk Is Howling

Flugmorph - He thinks it sounds cool and unique. Flug means flying in German and birds are his favorite group of animals. He also loves other "morphs" like necromorphs and xenomorphs.
64The Beatles
The Beatles

gagnonov - It's his last name, Gagon, Russianized.
65Laura Stevenson

Asdfp277 - Saw it on a spam message on a news thread.
66The Beatles
The Beatles

zakalwe - Cheradenine Zakalwe is the main character from the novel Use of Weapons by Iain M Banks.

FearThyEvil - It's a reference the movie See No Evil (A movie he hates) with Thy instead of No because he likes the game Oblivion.
68Fear Before
The Always Open Mouth

Mort. - A Shortening of his former user name MortimusPrime. Possibly because he's dead inside.
69The Beatles
The Beatles

bach - Is a reference to Johan Sebastian Bach.
70Morbid Angel
Altars of Madness

VisionsFromTheDarkSide - "Visions from the Dark Side" is a song on the album Altars of Madness by Morbid Angel.
71The Beatles
The Beatles

SAPoodle - Poodle was originally a nickname he hated (a reference to his curly hair,) that he eventually accepted and was called throughout high school. The SA added stands for South Africa, where he is from.
72Brand New
The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

SowingSeason - "Sowing Season" is a song on the album The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me by Brand New.
Day of Reckoning

puntugruhm - He likes the band Pentagram, and his Dad supposedly would pronounce the band this way, which he finds funny.
74The Dillinger Escape Plan
Calculating Infinity

CalculatingInfinity - He is named after the album Calculating Infinity by The Dillinger Escape Plan. Also he's a Math major, so it fits that he's calculating things.
75The Beatles
The Beatles

Lakes. - Originally it was GreatLakes1996. He lives near the Great Lakes.
Sing the Sorrow

EvoHavok - He believes he chose it subconsciously from various references including: HTC Evo, the car Mitsubishi Lancer Evo, Davey Havok is the singer from AFI, Havok engine etc. So I guess Evo and Havok are just common words in a lot of things he loves.
77The Beatles
The Beatles

melonade/edanolem - He enjoyed an Anthony Fantano skit containing the word "melonade" and wrote it backwards when his original account got banned.
78Rufus Wainwright

DoofusWainwright - He's the imaginary untalented/tone deaf Wainwright brother to juxtapose against the real talented ones!
79The Beatles
The Beatles

chinesewhispers - He named it after a type of cocktail, not named after the game. Both do fit though.
80ZZ Top
Rio Grande Mud

DustyTill - His last name is Till, and Dusty Hill is ZZ Top's bassist so he mixed them together.
Consuming Impulse

FlyheadMetal - Greenlandic legend says flies are the messengers of satan and that satan has a giant flyhead for a head. Satan references = metal music to him so that's why he chose FlyheadMetal.
82Frightened Rabbit
Pedestrian Verse

JoylessBastard - It's from a lyric from the song "Nitrous Gas" from the album Pedestrian Verse by Frightened Rabbit. He also says that his username describes him well.
83The Beatles
The Beatles

Gameofmetal - He loves metal music and Game of Thrones (both the books and the show.)
84The Beatles
The Beatles

Egarran - Egarran is a name for his mild-mannered online personality, most likely invented while he was high.
85The Beatles
The Beatles

RoundOnEndHiInMiddle - It's a reference to one of Ohio's fight songs, and he's from Ohio.
86The Beatles
The Beatles

DrGonzo1937 - His username is a reference to the character Dr. Gonzo from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunt S. Thompson.
87The Beatles
The Beatles

JWT155 - It's just his college email.
88The Beatles
The Beatles

JokineAugustus - "Jokine" is another way to spell "joking" supposedly and he was born in August, which was named after the Emperor Caesar Augustus.
89The Beatles
The Beatles

ConcubinaryCode - He likes porn, probably ones with concubines in them.
90In Flames
The Jester Race

InFlamesWeThrash666 - A reference to the band In Flames. They aren't a thrash metal band though, they're death metal... close enough!
91The Beatles
The Beatles

Torontonian - He is from Toronto and believes that Toronto is the best city in Canada.
92The Beatles
The Beatles

MrNippleLipz - Originating from an inside joke, he finds the idea of having lips where your nipples would be absolutely hilarious.
93The Beatles
The Beatles

Thibs - It's a nickname of his.
94The Beatles
The Beatles

wwf - It's an acronym for an account of his on another website. What does it stand for? Who knows!

sonictheplumber - He combined Sonic the Hedgehog with Mario who's a plumber. He wants us to think it has something to do with the fast food restaurant Sonic and his supposed aspirations to be become a plumber though, sounds like he's ashamed of his username's origins.
96The Beatles
The Beatles

OldCrime - He takes his username from a quote: An old Adam Carolla quote from Loveline:

"I miss the old crime. You know, when someone would try to tunnel into a bank rather than just march right in with the AK-47 ablaze. Or instead of rape at knifepoint, someone would just cop a feel. Or how about those people who just exposed themselves."
97The Beatles
The Beatles

Gwyn. - He used to be gwynbleidd before making it shorter. It's a reference the witcher games and books.
98Off Minor
The Heat Death of the Universe

p4p - Something to do with Off Minor.
99The Beatles
The Beatles

TheMagicalBlender - He was originally going to call himself LetUsClingTogether, referencing the game Tactics Ogre, but he thought it'd be funnier if he made it LetUsBlendTogether, and his profile pic was a blender. Somewhere down the road he ended up switching it to TheMagicalBlender instead.
100Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven

Static/howmanycanyoufit - He was originally Static, which references the Godspeed You! Black Emporer song "Static". Then he got banned and was static2dope which is reference to Shaggy 2 Dope from insane clown posse. After further bannings he became kingstaticthethird, then staticnumercuatro, then 5guysstaticandfries after the fast food chain 5 guys burgers and fries, then Bogs and now he is howmanycanyoufit because it's a fun game he likes to play with his girlfriend... lol
101The Beatles
The Beatles

ExplosiveOranges - He likes citrus fruits and napalm. Weird kid.

yourgodisinferior - He was going through a cynical phase of his life where he felt superior. He still may not have gotten over it.

AnimalsAsSummit - It's a combination of the band names Animals as Leaders and Scale the Summit. Two bands he likes a lot.
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