
Reviews 1
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Album Ratings 1163
Objectivity 81%

Last Active 11-21-17 1:09 am
Joined 05-31-12

Review Comments 2,115

06.10.24 Feelin' Like a Sellout11.06.18 Catching up
04.04.16 Almost 5 years on here03.08.16 IDM Essentials
02.09.16 Shoegazeeeee06.13.15 Could use some new electronic music
06.10.15 I saw Bjork live02.20.15 Relapse Records Sampler
02.11.15 Recent Digs, Could Use Recs!11.06.14 Jazz And African Music
10.22.14 90's Indie Rock/lo-fi/punk/whatever10.16.14 Summer of (non-sexual) Exploration
09.24.14 Bringin Da Ruckus06.27.14 More Vinyl
06.01.14 Drone Recs05.04.14 Everything New I Listened To In Freshma
05.02.14 Why Has It Taken Me This Long To Get In04.18.14 Female Bassists Are Rad
More »

Best Spur Of The Moment Ideas I've Had

I am usually one to think out most of my plans thoroughly however, every once in a while you just decide to do some stupid shit and it turns out awesome.
Keep it Together

Writing a 16 minute EP in the slap-happy groggy haze of the night before Record
Store Day 2013. Me and two other friends were sitting in my room about to go to
sleep for the long day ahead buying music and watching bands at a record store in
Dallas, when we started messing around on the instruments in my room. This
eventually led to a fleshed out concept album of short ideas and motifs based on the
act of channel surfing while watching television. We ended up getting between 2 hours
to 15 minutes of sleep after writing and recording 12 short tracks and then leaving to
stand in line at around 6 in the morning. We were very proud of the ideas established
and this one off Ep ended up becoming something we have carried on with.
2Ben Folds Five
Whatever and Ever, Amen

Stealing all of the fortune cookies from Panda Express. Me and my girlfriend were
bored and decided to one at a time grab handfuls of fortune cookies and then
proceeded to enjoy every one of them. Sadly, they caught on and now hand out one
fortune cookie to each customer at the register.

Meeting my friend Jesper. In sophomore year of high school, on the first day of my
inter mural tennis class, I suddenly decided to be social and started conversation with
a random kid sitting next to me. About 10 minutes into the conversation I noticed an
accent that I hadn't given any mind to. I asked him where he was from and turns out
he was a foreign exchange student from Stockholm. We became really good friends in
that class and eventually started to hang out outside of class. By the end of the year,
Jesper had become one of my closest friends and made a huge impact on my life. He
showed me that it is possible to always have a positive attitude and take life by the
balls and embrace every opportunity I was given. He also took me back to Stockholm
with him and showed me a country other than the USA for the first time in my life. I
continue to speak to and visit Jesper every year although, with the price of college, I
don't know that I will be able to return to stockholm of arrange for him to return here.
4Free Throw
Free Throw

Attending a game of Dungeons and Dragons. Now this was something I was extremely
hesitant to do. A couple of my friend played pretty frequently and I looked down upon
it much like most people I know. One day, when there was nothing to do in the quiet
town of Allen Texas, my friend dragged me along to his friend Bishop's house. Most of
the people there I had never met and I didn't have the slightest idea how to play and
this event ended up being somewhat hectic. A few weeks later though, I was invited
back and took up the strange opportunity. The guys in our group ended up becoming
my best friends. I will never forget the times spent playing D&D (a childish game of
fantasy) and hiding on the golf course because we were under age and smoking
5The Adicts
Sound of Music

Cliff jumping. My girlfriend found a video on YouTube of some kids cliff jumping into a
giant reservoir of amazingly clear, beautiful water in the city just north of our own.
One day when we were hanging out alone, we decided to go on a quest to find this
spot. After tireless efforts and many bug bites, we found the place. This became a
spot me and my friends ended up visiting often that summer, having a blast jumping
50 something feet into the wonderful feeling water and swimming towards the islands
erected in the middle of the reservoir. Although we ended up getting caught for
trespassing and had multiple run-ins with the cops, this place will always hold fantastic
6 Mastodon

Going to see Ghost, Mastodon and Opeth. Two of my friends pronounced that they
wanted to go to this show and I was quite indifferent. I had listened to The Hunter and
a couple of Ghost and Opeth songs so it wasn't until the day of that I officially decided
to go. This ended up being my first real metal show (despite seeing Korn in 7th grade
SOOOO BRUTALL). This was sort of the tipping point with metal for me. After this I
was finally able to somewhat fully accept metal. I had always been hesitant due to the
harsh vocals (such as Akerfeldt's) and the presumption that all metal sounded the
same. For some reason seeing these bands live opened up a door that led me straight
to some of the bands that I absolutely adore now.
7Big Black
Songs About Fucking

8 B.B. King
Blues of the Bayou

Deciding on my college. I had been looking for the right place for me for a while and
stressing intensely over where I would end up. One of the many sleepless nights
junior year, I was browsing college matching websites when I came across the school
that I'm currently enrolled in. After one video and seeing the offered degrees, I
decided that this was where I was meant to be.

Drinking most of a handle of Fireball Whiskey.
Demon Days

Learning to play guitar. Just one day I decided to use my saved money as an 11 year
old to buy an epiphone SG and teach myself guitar. This has been a major part of my
life ever since.
A Farewell to Kings

Listening to Rush's discography. Not fueled by anything, just decided to all of a
12 Haunted Horses
The Watcher

Spending a night in New York City. On my way to Sweden sophomore year, my friend
that was going with me to see Jesper grabbed the wrong passport and ruined our
whole flight plan. This ended up with us stuck in Newark, New Jersey for a night. My
mom had warned me not to leave the hotel because she was worried about me being
alone so far away at night. With every intention of obeying my mom, we staying in the
room until we got too bored and then explored the subway system until we found time
square. This was my first time in New York and to suddenly and unexpectedly
experience it all was astonishing. Never did I think that something like this would
happen but I'm pretty glad it did because exploring New York City was a nice change
of pace from the suburban life in texas.
13Them Crooked Vultures
Them Crooked Vultures

Drinking coffee. Always hated it, one day just decided it was for me and started
enjoying it. Coffee is grand.
Young Team

Going to Good Records. One day, after having a meeting about a gig for my band in
Dallas, we decided to check out a record store I had just heard about. This place has
provided entertainment, all of the music that I own basically and a glimmer into
whatever small music scene dallas has to offer.
15We Were Skeletons
Blame and Aging

Realizing that My Chemical Romance is not in fact the greatest band on the planet. I
had a massive boner for this band from Three Cheers to The Black Parade and
somewhere in middle school I just decided that it was time to move on. I think this
was mostly due to the god awful fan base and my discovery of Led Zeppelin.
16Wo Fat
The Black Code

Deciding to ask my girlfriend out. In sophomore year I had a crush on this girl named
Kayla, only to find out that she liked someone else. This made me extremely upset
and in an attempt to get over her (which I didn't realize at the time), I dated one of
her friends. This went on awkwardly for a few months and made my first relationship
a terrible and unappealing experience. After that relationship had ended the feelings
for Kayla had not left and I realized that finally. After two months or so of being a
mopey douche, I decided to just kiss her one day and that kickstarted my current
three year relationship.
17Aesop Rock
None Shall Pass

Listening to this and deciding I enjoyed hip hop.
18Youth Pictures of Florence Henderson
Unnoticeable in a Tiny Town, Invisible in the City

Buying this album

Quitting sports. This was hard for me as it was one of the strongest bonding points
with me and my dad over the span of my life. Telling him one day in 8th grade that I
was done with it all and didn't want to play any sports anymore ended up making me
much happier and focused on things that I care about.

Making this list. It's been fun
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