The Haunted



by jdsanca USER (3 Reviews)
March 24th, 2011 | 28 replies

Release Date: 2011 | Tracklist

Review Summary: A Clear step in the wrong direction

My First Review so take it easy on me please

Its been three years since The Haunted released their mediocre, but yet enjoyable album Versus. As a fan of The Haunted, before and after Revolver, I was excited to hear new music from the Swedish thrashers. I had heard the title track Unseen previous to their release, and from hearing this I became uneasy, and uncertain what to expect. But ignorantly I dismissed this as a typical “experimental” Haunted song, for example Skuld, and The Medusa, from Versus and The Dead Eye. The day finally came, and I headed to the local music store, and what I heard was disappointing, and not the band I once loved and cherished, they had transformed drastically, and perhaps for the worst. Before I continue I would first like to make a valid point, I am not against a band changing their sound, or trying to evolve themselves. It’s a difficult task for musicians, to create music that sounds new and refreshed, but also to maintain their core sound, and to preserve a loyal fan base. Its always a gamble when a band tries to change their sound, it will either work in their favor, or destroy them, for example Trivium’s album The Crusade. Thus we must understand a musicians dilemma, and their inherent nature to alter their sound, after all we don’t want the same album written five times every two years. Saying that let us examine the Haunted’s newest release Unseen.

Reverting back to what I already stated, this album is a disappointment to me, and I can speculate that fans of their previous sound will also be disappointed. Gone are the crunchy, fasted paced, thrash riffs. The raw anger, chaotic nature, and pure hatred in Peter Dolving’s voice that we heard on Revolver. Gone is the mix of melody and heaviness we heard in the Dead Eye and Versus. What do we hear now? Well to put it simply, it sound like they took the musical formulas of A Perfect Circle/Tool, mixed it with a Southern slug metal workings of Crowbar, and moulded into a album that lacks structure or a consistent direction. As Peter Dolving describes it:

"Epic. Danceable. Groovy. And very very arty farty metal. With this next record we are going to be taking a piss in the general direction of all the crappy 99.9 percent of generic contemporary Mr. Goatse jerks out there" (Metal Much 2010)

While Dolving’s “Intellectual” , incoherent ramblings are quite amusing, it’s apparent that Dolving and the rest of the band have lost a understanding of what he phrased as “taking a piss in the general direction of all the crappy 99.9 percent of generic contemporary Mr. Goatse jerks out there” ,sorry Dolving, not with this album. Unseen begins with Never Better, a song that begins with familiar territory of the haunted, by this a mean a fasted pace introduction of crunchy guitars, semi-fasted paced drumming, but also dumbed down into simplistic riffs that sounds like Adam Jones of Tool wrote this, but just turned up the Reverb. Then Dolving’s clean vocals kicks in….his over produced, commercial friendly vocals, that sound out of place. Dolving utilizes his clean vocals for a majority of the album, songs like their title track Unseen, Disappear, and Catch 22, and Motionless incorporate Dolvings over produced vocals, melody and rhythmic guitars, but the bass is barley audible within the whole album. For the sake of diplomacy, I do not like to accuses bands of “ripping off” music from others, but the similarity between Dolving and Maynard James Keenan, is a little too noticeable, this is also the case with the music, which seems to have a synthesis of Tool/A Perfect Circle, with the less heavy songs. Whether The Haunted with a Tool/Perfect Circle theme is constitutes a good or bad thing, its up to the listener, but I reiterate that old fans of the haunted thrash roots, like myself, may consider this a horrific betrayal, as harsh as it sounds.

While I have been critical of the Haunted’s new sound, they arguably do have, to some extent, enjoyable tunes. While some songs like The city contain some traces of their old sound, with Dolving’s screams, and raspy vocals, and some level of heaviness within the music, most of the “metalish” tunes are absent of thrash elements. Songs like No Ghost contains a southern slug metal theme, with slow, powerful riffs, that contains elements of Crowbar, and to some extent Down’s debut album Nola. Songs like the Skull, start off with melodic guitars, and Dolvings cleans, but then we get the pleasant surprises of the southern metal elements, this is also the case with songs like Done, that give the over all slug metal atmosphere.

In the case of the Haunted Unseen, It sounds to me like Peter Dolving went through a similar situation of many heavy metal artist, Phil Labonte for example. They screamed all their issues out in the first few albums, they got their therapy, they got all the anger out, now they feel better, and want to sing. Why this may be a obscure idea, and many will not agree with it, it presents an theory of why this has happened, why bands loose their edge, rawness, and aggression. And this is exactly what has happened to the Haunted, all factors that made up the Haunted are gone, their sound has changed, and in my opinion for the worst. The band have dumbed down their music, which is sad to hear, as we know what the Björler brothers are capable of, we have heard it with At the Gates, and the Haunted albums previous to this. Overall a average album.

Recommended tracks

No Ghost
The City

user ratings (118)

Comments:Add a Comment 
March 24th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

Sorry my first review, I tried to make it flow and coherent, if it sucks, then my Dyslexia and A.D.D must have kicked in, or I just suck at writing. Either way , I tried.

Staff Reviewer
March 24th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

My First Review so take it easy on me please

erase that phrase, it biases the reader that your text is terrible. It is not.

You review is decent as in describing this album, also the rating is correct.

The fact is that you say the same things in two places or more in the review, jeopardizing its cohesiveness and its flow.

the cure to this is simple: proofread/proofread/proofread and go by the moto "less is more".

keep writing :-)

March 24th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

Thanks Voiod

I will indeed condense, and proof read any future reviews. thanks for the advice

Staff Reviewer
March 24th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

Why isn't this review up to the main reviewing page?

March 24th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

Dont have a clue. I am not very Knowledgeble of the site

Staff Reviewer
March 24th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

you should probably back up your review text, as this album is not out yet, in terms of physical copies and your review may be erased by the site moderators.

March 24th 2011


Album Rating: 2.4

Physical copies and/or legal streams are both acceptable. First-time reviews have to be approved before they'll show up on the main page.

March 24th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

I was gonna saw it was released the 21 of March, I have a copy.

Staff Reviewer
March 24th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

It's ok man :-). There's a stream of the record too.

March 24th 2011


Ive only heard one of there old songs(D.O.A) and it was fukn awsom but when i listned to this album it kinda sucked

March 24th 2011


over all is one word. Review is good, band was decent for one album. I heard the stream and it was fucking terrible, altough the guitars on No Ghost were pretty nice

March 25th 2011


Tried getting into this band a few times and it never really clicked...oh well

March 25th 2011


Album Rating: 2.4

Revolver had a few good tracks.

March 25th 2011


I've always liked Revolver besides the last 4 tracks.

Used to dig the hell out of One Kill Wonder also.

March 25th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

The dead eye was good, hell even versus was ok. its a shame about this, ill miss their metal tunes :-(

Staff Reviewer
March 25th 2011


Album Rating: 2.5

Revolver had a few good tracks.


I went through the stream to listen to this 3 times, nut it remained "average" in all three, a pity...

March 25th 2011


Pretty nice first review. Band sucks ass so I'm not gonna check this out.

March 25th 2011


I thought your review was well written. Tool/Crowbar/ the Haunted sounds good on paper though!

March 25th 2011


Album is depressingly bad. Still dig their first few albums, though.

March 29th 2011


Album Rating: 4.0

Screw all of you who think the cool thing to do right now is get on the tough guy bandwagon and hate on The Haunted

and the direction they took with this album. I'll go as heavy as anyone, and get just as pissed as most when a band

sells out for green, but I call a spade a spade -- and this album is ballsy original great sounding material regardless if

it is a departure from their deep metal roots. They took a different direction and I'm surprised as hell that it flat-out

works. If you don't like this style of music, so be it, but don't be a mindless lemming and go with the flow of negativity

without giving Unseen a chance.

Oh, and the review blows.

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