
The Curse



by Drunken Viking USER (20 Reviews)
January 23rd, 2006 | 323 replies

Release Date: 2004 | Tracklist

The metalcore/screamo band Atreyu have been lifting up the music world since their debut with "Visions" in 1998... So maybe not lifting up, more like riding the current wave of mediocre metalcore and screamo bands. Reigning from Orange County, California. Here is an excellent biography of them courtesy of Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atreyu#History . And here are some facts about the album, also from Wikipedia.com http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Curse .

Atreyu is as heard on the Curse...
Brandon Saller - Drums & Vocals
Travis Miguel - Guitar
Alex Varkatzas - Lyricist & Vocalist
Dan Jacobs - Guitar
Tom MacDonald - Bass
Mark McKnight - Bass
For those of you who didn't read the WIkipedia article (I'm betting this is over half of you) the reason that two bass players listed is because in the Curse booklet Tom MacDonald is thanked for "lending his bass skills" on the album, but it is not clear whether he played bass on all of the songs, or just a few. And a track by track review of the album.

NOTE: This is coming from a guy who loves Atreyu, this review is biased, and for the record I don't think that Alex has a shiti voice. Just a little FYI to decrease in the amount of spam and flaming that will inevitably happen.

"The Curse" is the third full length album from "Atreyu", and explores themes of isolation and paranoia, memory and immortality as well as power and potency. This is their most recent album to date (01/23/06), and with "The Curse" comes world domination.

01.Blood Children (An Introduction) (1:14) - This is an introduction to the album, most people think it is ripped off from "Avenged Sevenfolds" "Waking The Fallen", I can see why most people think that but I can still se differences, but no need to argue.

02.Bleeding Mascara (2:26) - The first actual song on the album. "Bleeding Mascara" starts out with a guitar lead that Is rather impressive. The first verse shows some nice fretwork from axemen Travis Miguel and Dan Jacobs, accompanied by Alex's screaming. The chorus has Brandon singing. There is another verse and chorus then comes in a solo from Dan Jacobs, pretty impressive, definately goes with the song. Sadly the bass is not heard. Alex's screaming is proably his best on this song, and Brandon did some nice work too. It's most people's favorite song from the album.3/5

03.Right Side Of The Bed (3:42) - "Right Side Of The Bed" was the first single off of "The Curse" and I'm willing to bed that atleast 75% of the people reading this review have heard it. The intro starts off sounding like "The Hive" from "In Flames", but instead of notes chords are played and it is slighly different. The verse has Alex screaming/saying is part, and you can actually hear the bass pretty well, it follows the drum part. The chorus again has Brandon singing, with some screaming from Alex. Another verse and chorus later we hear a breakdown of sorts, followed by a bridge which leads into the solo. This is one of my favorite solos from "Atreyu", not to long, but not to short either. The intro riff is played again and then the chorus and the song comes to a crashing halt. "Right Side of the Bed" reigns as one of the most personal songs on the battle, according to Alex, "There is so much contrast in the song, it"s a total rock song, but the lyrics reflect pure pain for me -- regret and misery aren"t usually presented in that context, but it just worked well for us.". RSOTB is proably Atreyu's most radio friendly song, hence Alex saying half the words instead of screaming and the lack of total screaming throughout. A good song though none-the-less. The drumming isn't to good but it's ok, and you can actually hear the bass a rarity in modern music.4/5

04.This Flesh Is A Tomb (3:59) - "This Flesh is A Tomb" starts off with a slight intro that goes into a drum fill. The first verse comes in with Brandon and Alex trading off vocal duties. The second half of the verse has just Alex screaming and a slightly more introcit guitar riff. The chorus comes in with just Brandon singing, and its proably my least favorite off the album, the vocals sound whiny to me and the guiar work isn't to impressive. Another first/second verse is done followed by another chorus. and a bridge comes into play. Somewhat of a solo follows it, but it just two or three notes consecuativly played. An outro chorus is followed shortly, the outro of the song is actualy an Acoustic guitar being played with an effect on it towards the end. The bass isn't to well heard on this song.B]3/5[/b]

05.You Eclipsed By Me (3:59) - My favorite song off of the album, "You Eclipsed By Me" starts off with a guitar riff that is played throughout the first verse, this is accompanied by Alex screaming. A second verse has a slightly different riff, followed by this is the chorus. My favorite chorus on the album so far. The vox isn't so whiny and is better then "This Flesh Is A Tomb's". Another verse follows, then there is a second part of the verse that is a little heavier. A breakdown occurs next, "I will not be broken, though I am the one that bleeds" is yelled and said during this. A nice drum fill is shown next, really impressive work from Brandon, it's not as complex as say "Chris Adler's" (Lamb Of God) fill in "Ruin"{As The Palaces Burn [Lamb Of God's major label debut album (Lamb Of God's third album under the moniker of Lamb Of God)]} The chorus follows, the instuments make this song (and album for that matter) sound dark. This song is a howling roar of determination and strength of will in the face of adversity from a lyrical standpoint.5/5

06.The Crimson (4:01) - The second single from "The Curse", "The Crimson" starts off with a clean guitar and Brandon's Hi-Hats. The first verse has the intro played throughout it, with some double bass from from Brandon behind it. Alex screams this and the second part of the verse. The chrous features Brandon singing with Alex screaming somewhat over it. The second verse is much the same as the first, but the rythym does not change at all, whereas in the second part of the first verse it does slightly. Another chorus follows, which is the same as the first. A breakdown proceeds to steal the song. One of "Atreyu's" finest in my opinion. A second breakdown, or a part two if you will follows. Brandon sings and Alex later screams "Just live and breathe, try not to die again." Another chorus later and the song comes to a close. The lyrical aspect of "The Crimson" is all about exploring vampire immortality. This is one of my favorite songs on the album, and of theirs overall. 5/5

07.The Rememberance Ballad (4:27) - "The Rememberance Ballad" is the seventh song on the album, and my personal theory that the seventh track on an album usually is pretty good has proved correct for this cd. This has not, and can not be proved it's just based off of my personal opinion, [On other albums such as "Avenged Sevenfolds" "Waking the Fallen" (Second Heartbeat), and Mudvayne's L.D. 50 (Cradle) I have found that the seventh song has been epic, again this is only my personal opinion]. Now back to the review, this song starts off with a slight guitar lead by Jacobs, with Miguel playing chords behind it. This is also what happens during the first verse. The second half of the first verse is more rhythm oriented the before. Then the pre chorus hits, and it's pretty sweet. "Of my immortal soul of this eternal flame, Will you remember?" is sang by Brandon, then Alex screams "Will your heart sink with pain?". The chorus is sung "Who calls out my name? And tell me what happens. When my eyes close for the last time, does it all simply end in a blanket of darkness? And what of my soul, what of my soul?" Brandon again sings most of this, but Alex screams the last few words over it. A slight breakdown occurs, it's only long enough for Alex to say not scream "All those things that you couldn't say, You should've said. All those I-love-you's lost, Weighed more like lead on your chest" twice. The chorus repeats itself and then Jacobs does a nice solo, it's shredding at a mind boggoling speed, it's short but sweet. Before the next chorus Alex screams "If I could take back all those misspent days, Every second of anger, I would wash my sins away!" two more choruses later and the song comes to a close. This song contains proably their most meaningful lyrics. "A lot has happened in the past two years, and I started realizing that I will die, that I can"t control it, so I started thinking about my choices while I am living this life, and on trying to break everything down and build back up into a person I can be proud of", Alex explains. 5/5

08.An Interlude (2:09) - Like the title says, this song is basically an interlude from the first half of the album to the second. You can hear the bass pretty well, not so much complex stuff, more relaxing. This song is the only instrumental on "The Curse", and it's played all clean no effects. Good song. 4/5

09.Corseting (2:10) - The ninth track on "The Curse". "Corseting" starts off with some chords, but during the verses Jacobs and Miguel trade off leads throughout the verses. Alex screams the entire song, even the chrous's. The chorus is screamed, "I'm tying you up, using the nicest lace, Trying to kill you softly, trying to erase your face" Another verse and chorus then a slight outro with effects behind it by Jacobs.

10.Demonology and Heartache (3:42) - One of the darker songs on this album, not lyrically, but the feel of the song is. The rhythm guitar really makes this song sound so full and dark. The order of the song is intro with a great guitar lead. The verse hits next, a first and second verse are in this song, the first one is not as heavy, whereas the second one is much more so. The chorus is again screamed/sang. Another verse and chorus later there is slight breakdown, but the outro of the breakdown is great, really heavy and melodic. A slight 2 or 3 second lead is played that is reminiscent of the intro. The chorus repeats itself 3 more times and the song comes to a close. 5/5

11.My Sanity On The Funeral Pyre (3:40) - This song starts off with feedback from the guitars with drumming that sounds like it's from far away. The first verse hits, and the singing fits the emotion of the song perfectly, this songs theme lyrically is about the harsh battle between paranoia and peace of mind., and Alex captures that vocally perfectly. A second verse hits, and then a then the chorus hits, Brandon sings the entire time, no screaming from Alex. Another verse comes then another chorus and a bridge of sorts that has some faded guitar leads mixed with it, and a nice guitar solo ends the song. 3/5

12.Nevada's Grace (3:48) - A short drum fill starts off the song, and the guitars follow the drums in the chorus which comes next, the first verse hits, and the drums play a lesser role just keeping the beat while the guitars are blazing through. The chorus again hits and the guitars make it fell sort of rushed. A breakdown occurs and Alex whispers throughout it inaudible for the most part, the beginning he says "I'm built for pain I swore to let no one in and there you where a vision a beauty", but I can make out what he says at the end which is, "It takes my breath away". Coming out of it he yells, "How could I know that you would take my breath away? And. How could I know one kiss would change everything?". There is an outro to this song unlike most others where the chorus ends it. The drums are also pretty good on most of the song, during the outro and the chorus. 5/5

13.Five Vicodin Chased WIth A Shot Of Clarity (4:24) - Five Vicodin Chased With A Shot Of Clarity" starts off with some chords on guitar that are played loosely followed by a dun dun chu from the the drums. The first verse is palm muted for the most part, and the chorus just feels empty, there are no chords played by Miguel over Jacobs, so it doesn't feel the same. A bridge happens and it is mostly Alex's screaming, with him whispering slightly over parts. The chorus happens again. Which has Brandon and Alex trading off lines. The second bridge you could call it has Alex screaming "I will, I will never give up, I will, I will never take the easy way out." The chorus appears again, and then the outro appears, Alex screams "This is, this is..." and the band yells the words life the first time, struggle the second, love the third, and war the fourth times. A nice closer to an excellent album, atleast I think so. 5/5

-The guitar work on most of the album is technical, and melodic
-Brandon, Travis, and Tom/Mark create a really tight rhythm section
-The band has progressed immensely as a whole form "Suicide Notes and Butterfly Kisses"
-The drumming is decent on most of the songs, not technical enough for them to be the main focus, but also not a boring simple "bass drum snare; bass drum snare" beat throughout the songs

-Alex's "guttural" vocals take away from parts of this album
-The songs are very short, the longest is only 4:27
-This album is slightly overproduced to the part where some fans can't tell if the songs (most notably "Right Side Of The Bed") are real or fake
-The bass isn't very well heard on some songs

I would like to extend a huge thank you to the biography on Atreyu's official site ( www.atreyurock.com ) for lyrical explanations of some of the songs, and for the forward about "The Curse" featured right before the track-by-track review. Also, to www.darklyrics.com for the lyrics to their songs.

I've completely changed my rating for this to update it, this review is very unreflective of what I think of it now.

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The best thing about owning a copy of Atreyu's The Curse is that the booklet holds host to some pict...

Comments:Add a Comment 
January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 1.5

Your right about one thing, the album is overproduced. It is a disc full of crappy radio rock mtv songs that all sound the same. The best part was the Bon Jovi cover. All of these songs are exactly the same and this album just plain sucks, definitely not an improvement on Suicide Notes & Butterfly Kisses. I also disagree with your comment about the drumming, I (as a drummer) find it immensely boring and quite redundant. As for your review, not a bad job, your bias does definitely show through. I'm not really one for track by tracks, but not a bad job.

January 24th 2006


If you want real screamo, I can help you with that.

January 24th 2006


Hm, good review, though I have to disagree on two things. One being a fact, the other one a personal opinion:
The fact: Atreyu =/= Screamo
The opinion: The Curse =/= 4/5

January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 1.0

So what is this album in terms of classification then?

January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 2.0

this is called 5h17core

January 24th 2006


This is a terrible album, but a great review. Even though I completley disagree with every rating.

January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 1.5

Your review is excellent, except I completely disagree with it.

This album really is utter trash. Aside from a song or 2 (most notably Bleeding Mascara), this is almost a complete rehash of SNABK. Absolutely horrid vocals, and aside from the guitars, mediocre instrumentation make this album an inescapable pit of suck.

The guitars nearly save it, with some catchy leads (when they aren't reusing riffs, mind you), but all together, stay away from this.

January 24th 2006


[Quote=toastet135]So what is this album in terms of classification then?[/Quote]
Well, they are definately not Screamo. First artist that comes to mind (and that I know that they have a Purevolume-page ;)) is Circle Takes the Square. Have a listen at their somngs on the PV site:
For here on Sputnik I think Metalcore fits Atreyu, though I personally file them under "bad Pop-Core"

January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 1.5

overall this cd sucks 1.5/5

January 24th 2006


no way, 4 stars? Still a good tbt though.

Electric City
January 24th 2006


Atreyu truly doth blow. And they're fans annoy the crap out of me.

January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

Everyone flames Atreyu... I think the vocals are horrid and lyrically they are very cliche. Except the guitarists do display some good playing, especially in the lead department. Download Bleeding Mascara, The Crimson, Corseting, My Sanity On The Funeral Pyre and the last track. Don't buy the album... thought the review was excellent though.

January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 1.0

Atreyu as a whole are the catalyst to what is wrong in modern music. They've spawned an entire clique of dis-gendered make-up clad wieners running around talking about how metal they are while cowering at the sound of anything slightly harsh. Good review, but awful band.

January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 1.0

I don't get it. I always hear people on this site saying how un-screamo/emo MCR, Atreyu, Underoath or Thursday are, but you never hear people saying what genre those bands do fit into. Now, if Atreyu is metalcore, what does that make bands like Unearth and As I Lay Dying?

Good review, but as Shattered_Future said, I disagree with most of it.

Storm In A Teacup
January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 3.5

Not even metalcore is as bad as this.

January 24th 2006


Album Rating: 2.0

If tehy got rid of the lead vocalist, who can't scream worth sh*t and just let the drummer do the singing, they might be worthy of a 3 or a 3.5 in my book.

January 25th 2006


Album Rating: 1.5

"bad Pop-Core"

...please, for the sake of humanity, stop giving scene kids another reason to live by creating more -core genres.

Drunken Viking
January 25th 2006


[QUOTe=SpatOutPath]I realise this is only your second review, but it's still terrible. First of all there's no need to link to a bio in the intro when there's a perfectly good band info page on the site. In fact, it's just stupid to be linking away from your review before it's even started. Second, this isn't even a track-by-track; you just describe what's happening as it's happening instead of giving us reasons to listen to it. Then there's little details like the way you start putting Atreyu in quotation marks halfway through and the numerous spelling errors, and the way you say "***i" as if it's an actual word.[/QUOTE]
I am going to fix it tommorow, I'm sorry my review wasn't up to par with what is acceptable I guess, I mean I have concluded /inside joke. I'm not to good a speller, nor will I try to make anymore excuses for my spelling, but for the record ***i should have been [font=2]shi[/Font]ti.

May 20th 2006


didnt know atreyu had 2 bass people

Drunken Viking
May 21st 2006


They don't, the one that played bass on the album was their former bassist, and one is
their current bass player.This Message Edited On 05.21.06

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