This was the Beastie Boys first full length release, They had a few EP's where they were featured as mainly a hardcore punk act in the early 80's. It's the first rap album to become popular among mainstream audiences being the first of its kind to top Billboard's Pop Albums chart. Coming out to many as the "white boy Run-DMC" They were the first white rappers to come around (not Eminem). Fusing Hip-Hop sampling and rhymes with heavy guitar and powerful drum beats. Beastie Boys were automatic history in the making. This album, no matter how aged it might sound, is a classic must have for any music fan out there. Forget this new pop rap stuff. This is an album with no filler, no skits, which will make you want to rock out like no other. Guaranteed! :thumb:
Now don't be a pussy and go buy it! :evil:
Rhymin & Stealin -
Powerful! One of my favorite rap songs of all time. This song is a great opener and introduction to this album. The hard drumming and scratching begins this song which then goes into a heavy guitar riff which breaks loose when Adrock shouts "Because!!!...." This song has this "Pirate" feel to it; the repetitive "Ali Baba and The forty-thieves" might get a little annoying, but still it doesnt really destroy the song too much. The lyrics are pretty hilarious as are most of the lyrics on this album, but just keep in mind even the Beastie's look back today and consider the words to this album as a joke.
The New Style -
Cocky-type lyrics doesn't stop this song and album from kicking a
"It's The New Style!" more scratching and Metal riffs. The definite highlight of this song is the way these guys trade lines,and finish each others senteces; they really do this like no other. The second part of this song "Drops" with a bass heavy beat with the guys dubbed in the background "Ho-ing!" Gotta love it.
She's Crafty -
A similar formula from the first two songs. Yet this album is so goddang good it leaves you nodding your head to every metal guitar driven hip-hop track on here. This song contains lyrics about a woman who apparently is interestingly crafty.
Posse In Effect -
This track is filled with "Tough Guy" lyrics. More Scratching going on in here. Less of the heavy guitar formula. But still hard pounding. This song isn't the highlight of the album, but it's not as bad you might think.
Slow Ride -
"Low-Rider" is cleverly sampled on this song and lyrics about getting drunk are also featured in this song. I can picture this song/album being popular with College students around the world. Not a bad song. But not one of my favorites.
Girls -
Geez! Who hasn't heard this? I've seen cheerleaders do routines to this song. A very jingly song which Adrock dedicates to what all us "Guys" Love! :cool: This one's a must least for the fun of it......."Yeah!!!"
Fight For Your Right -
Probably "hip-hop's" first hit single, despite being a solid Metal song. Lot's of people wont admit to liking this song. But this is THE Anthem. "You Gotta Fight!"
If you party. This is your song. Case closed.
No Sleep Till Brooklyn -
Here's some "Metalhead" trivia - Kerry King of Slayer is featured playing lead guitar on this song, He also appeared on the music video, the music video is basically a spoof of heavy metal. This song is pretty similar to "Fight For Your Right". But it's still a goodie.
Paul Revere -
From now on every song you will listen to is going to be a hit after hit. This song has a kickass bassline that is excellent for "hard thumpin'" car stereo fanatics. I was in love with this song as a kid (9 years old), and to this day I still am not ashamed to listen to this song at full blast. ...just please dont pick on me. :upset:
The lyrics are hilarious, with "a little story about three bad brothers you know so well". ;)
Hold It Now, Hit It -
Rick Rubin is such a skilled producer. He really gave this album his all to give this album its everlasting spark. This song has some excellent sampling. Along with it's carribean flavor, this song is another beauty that shouldn't ever be skipped when listening to this album.
"Hold it now....5/5...hit it!" :cool:
Brass Monkey -
"Dat s0nG!OMGLOL!!11!"
You must have heard this song by now?
More Powerful "thumpin'" bass with lyrics about an Aphrodisiac drink called 'the brass monkey.' This is another anthem for all you crazy college students out there.
Slow And Low -
More of the Beastie's recognizable formula is featured on this song. Jay-Z most recently thought he could get away with taking a piece of this. This is a favorite for Old-School hip-hop heads. By the way, "slow and Low, is the tempo." just in case you were curious. ;)
Time To Get To Ill -
The Last song on this album happens to be the 'Time To Get Ill'. no I mean it...if you haven't by now, I really think you should break out your adidas sneakers and some windbreakers and break out some of those windmills and dance moves you use to work on as a kid. This song is loaded with samples. Including one sampling The 'Famous' Mr. Ed show (you know that talking horse?) and Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Down on the Corner". This is a great album closer.