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Last Active 12-11-15 5:13 pm
Joined 08-15-12

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01.25.17 Prog is Dead 201601.28.15 Album Cover Games
01.08.15 Brilliant Boc12.15.14 Menawati 2014
08.26.14 100 Greatest Guitar Riffs08.16.14 Malware Java
07.30.14 Scottish Independence05.09.14 The Soft Machine
05.04.14 Prog 201404.22.14 Italian Prog - Top 30
04.14.14 Amon Duul Ii Ranked 04.13.14 Zappa - If You Like Hot Rats...
04.12.14 2014 So Far03.23.14 Soulful Reggae
02.21.14 Krautrock 02.18.14 Geddy's Top 10 Whelps, Screams And Sque
02.13.14 King Crimson - Life After Discipline02.11.14 Chunky Sweaters, Beards And Real Ale
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Brilliant Boc

No not Boards of Canada sorry.
1Blue Oyster Cult

The Vigil - Archetypical BOC with its daft mystical lyrics and beautifully clunky riff. Middle section is
amazing and has a brilliant Buck solo. Pisses all over that overplayed song about being scared of a
2Blue Oyster Cult
Blue Oyster Cult

Last Days of May - There?s a strange bleak quality to this psych tinged slowie. Buck?s gibson tone is
sweet as always but it?s the whole desert and tumbleweeds atmosphere of the the song that makes it
and suits the story in the lyrics perfectly.
3Blue Oyster Cult
Fire of Unknown Origin

Vengeance (The Pact) - Tucked away near the end of the excellent Fire of Unknown Origin album.
Cheesy fantasy lyrics are something BOC often aspired to but somehow they (nearly) always pulled
it off - this one was used for the cult animated movie Heavy Metal. Hypnotic main riff and an epic
up-tempo galloping finale.
4Blue Oyster Cult
Fire of Unknown Origin

Veteran of the Psychic Wars - More fantasy stuff, this time based on Moorcock?s eternal champion.
Layered synth tones that drive most of the song are about as sci-fi as it can get.
5Blue Oyster Cult

The Siege and Investiture of Baron von Frankenstein?s Castle at Wisseria - From a concept project
by Sandy Pearlman. Record company would only pick it up if BOC performed it. Cracking record
overall and this is probably the highlight. Suitable monster movie feel.
6Blue Oyster Cult
The Revolution By Night

Shadow of California - The Revolution By Night was a nosedive after the excellent Origin as the
band embraced AOR smoothness but it has this gem on it. I have no idea what bizarre shit Bloom
is singing about on this but it sounds like a bunch of drunk angels playing a holy mess of guitar
riffsand thumping electronic drumkits. And Buck is on there abusing growling suvvern rock riffs
with a delay pedal . Killer hooks, mad song.
7Blue Oyster Cult
Cultosaurus Erectus

Black Blade - I sometimes imagine an NC-17 movie based on Michael Moorcock?s Elric character and
this would play during the closing credits. And if you haven?t a clue who Elric is then let Stormbringer
drink your soul.
8Blue Oyster Cult
Cultosaurus Erectus

Unknown Tongue - Creepy tale about suicide or spirituality or suburban pubescent witchcraft or
something. Hard to guess with a lot of Eric?s lyrics. Bloody great choruses and guitar bridges though.
9Blue Oyster Cult
Secret Treaties

Dominance and Submission - Secret Treaties is probably BOC?s best album, the whole thing exudes
a kind of creeping dread. This song was their live opener for years and has a wonderfully naive but
catchy riff.
10Blue Oyster Cult
Secret Treaties

Flaming Telepaths - Another one off the brilliant Secret Treaties. It?s about drug use or could be a
sci-fi tale about experimantel drugs to control the masses, no fking clue really but Bloom obviously
read a lot of sci-fi. Great keyboards, Buck?s on form, unsettling vibe, dark perfection.
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