07.30.14 | maybe any feisty Scots on here up for a squabble ? |
07.30.14 | Scots should bear in mind that when Ireland gained independence, their economy was no where near stable enough
to stand on its own two feet. Scotland are slightly better off with the north sea oil, but your economy is still very frail and
even if you do get your independence, it's possible that you'll end up like Spain or something. Simply put, your economy
isn't self sufficient enough unless you drill every last drop of oil from the north sea, and then what? |
07.30.14 | Im gonna vote NO |
07.30.14 | "English people won't have to subsidise the Scots any more via the Barnett Formula."
could you explain this dude? |
07.30.14 | Voting no |
07.30.14 |
it basically means that a disproportionate amount of UK tax get's given to the Scots so they can have free prescriptions and stuff |
07.30.14 | Im gonna vote no just to piss you off.
07.30.14 | "not that I'd go because of the racism." ?? |
07.30.14 | thinking of fleeing to Scotland from all the New Thatcherism we're suffering
07.30.14 | It's all very well for the agricultural sweaties in the highlands to want independence but what I'm concerned about is the effect it will have on the high quality skag that's circulating in the Govan. |
07.30.14 | "not that I'd go because of the racism." ??
there is a lot of anti english sentiment there, it can get quite vicious (like basically you can get your head kicked in just for being english there) |
07.30.14 | Glasgow rules. People are spot on!!
There's never been Englishman who got nutted who didn't deserve it. |
07.30.14 | rofl "independance" |
07.30.14 | "there is a lot of anti english sentiment there"
you limeys consider yourselves a race? |
07.30.14 | I think that there will be a dick measuring contest here soon. Can't wait |
07.30.14 | I couldn't give a lesser fuck as to the direction my country chooses to go in, but I will say that the
government-approved advocacies for the Yes campaign are abysmal. Like, those guys aren't even trying. |
07.30.14 | "you limeys consider yourselves a race?"
we are all part of the human race so yes the word 'racism' is misused in general, probably the word bigotry is more accurate |
07.30.14 | Great things have happened to Scotland since the early 18th century union with England and Wales, like the Scottish Enlightenment which pretty much invented the notion of secular liberalism and capitalism. That's pretty cool. |
07.30.14 | "We won't have to hear about crap Scottish football on TV anymore here in England"
agree so hard |
07.30.14 | Welp, this thread escalated pretty quickly. |
07.30.14 | I get the feeling that SNP relies too much on oil and "scottish patriotism" to get them independence. In reality, both are fickle and short term |
07.30.14 | "We won't have to hear about crap Scottish football on TV anymore here in England"
couldn't be worse than having to hear about the english national team though |
07.30.14 | im not scottish citizen and only got a quarter scottish blood, but im a proud member of the campbell clan and would vote for independence if i could |
07.30.14 | "im not scottish citizen and only got a quarter scottish blood, but im a proud member of the campbell clan and would vote for independence if i could"
That interesting iBlue, where are you from?
07.30.14 | shoudn't do it |
07.30.14 | as long as I can still buy laphroaig here then either way is fine |
08.01.14 | Why should I stay with mom even if I can’t invite girls at home or play music loud:
— Mom do laundry
— Mom pay bills
— Mom makes good cookies
— I’m afraid to live by my own
Better together. |
08.25.14 | They're debating about it now and it's now like on of sputnik's threads |
08.25.14 | But if you go you can't just keep the pound. |
08.25.14 | 8 is a really good point though. |
08.25.14 | lol i'm not scottish but i might be going to aberdeen for uni, which would make me an international student right? The guy is putting right, where the currency debate should work both ways and Salmond is being way too edgy |
08.25.14 | This is kinda ironic given the whole "WE'RE LEAVING EUROPE!" thing coming from England - but they do the same thing as the Scots and criticize them for doing so.
Way to go. |
08.25.14 | Haha nice one. Everyone's saying they'll get the euro. Where's the fun in that? They should take the Chinese yuan.
08.25.14 | DC doesn't want to leave the EU but in general, it seems like Salmond still wants to sponge off the pound without accepting the RBS debt |
08.25.14 | hypocrisy thy name is... human |
08.25.14 | The fuck is wrong with Salmond, let the man speak! |
08.25.14 | also mena you're a nice guy but holy hell this list makes you sound like you've regurgitated the daily mail |
08.25.14 | Agreed. This can easily be argued both ways |
08.25.14 | I'm well aware that the whole "WE'RE LEAVING EUROPE!" was a political move, doesn't matter though if the pressure consists in a way that they'll have to go through with it - particularly considering that just "taking it back" would probably just lose them more voters.
I'm also not referring to specific cases but the general principles. The English criticize the Scottish for wanting independence but wanting the benfits of the U.K. while the U.K. (whether Cameron wants that or not doesn't matter nearly as much) says they want to get out fo the EU but still keep the benefits. |
08.25.14 | "also mena you're a nice guy but holy hell this list makes you sound like you've regurgitated the daily mail"
^ that, too. |
08.25.14 | Yeah that's true, most people i've heard who want out of EU don't fully understand the positives from being there anyway and so much of it circled around "OMG, FOREIGNERS" and it's just blatant ignorance |
08.25.14 | Tell me about it. I heard the whole "EVERYTHING WAS BETTER BEFORE THE EURO" from more than enough idiots that don't understand a shitstain about economy, particularly not if an economic situation goes beyond the borders of their country. It's like people getting all up in arms about welfare which is ridiculously miniscule in comparison to other budgetary expenses. (e.g. useless military facilities or plain ol' bad management if we're talking of "wasting tax money")
Oh, and paperwork. |
08.25.14 | lol you sound like my dad
x1000000 for #4 though |
08.25.14 | i blame the papers, particularly ones like the Daily Mail that are constantly feeding these half arsed stories about squatters. When that's all that someone reads, they're bound to take no notice that the EU are our biggest business exporters. |
08.25.14 | wolf i'm still wondering if the reason that the uk criticises scotland for its want for independence while it wants to distance itself from the EU is due to the length of time the UKs been joined with each one e.g. over 300 years with Scotland while only 20 with the EU and it's still to unfamiliar to assimilate it into the national identity/consciousness. |
08.25.14 | you can be pretty much guaranteed that half those stories/figures in the newspapers have just been made up tbh |
08.25.14 | maybe it's just the circles I'm in but most englishmen seem apathetic towards scottish independence, and I know more who are for it than against |
08.25.14 | That may or may not be true but it doesn't matter from a practical point of view which is much more pertinent in a tangible way than ideology. If a political decision will break your neck financially - what then? All the ideology in the world isn't gonna make up for that.
From what I gather there's also been lingering tensions between Scotland/England for the same time they've been (forcibly) joined. I mean Scotland has more or less been annexed, historically speaking. |
08.25.14 | same here fish though i think it's probably more in active debate the further north you go maybe. |
08.25.14 | I don't think it's necessarily made up, it's probably just a twisted interpretation of actual data - as with most misconstruing of data. If I give you a study but leave out important information like the design and framework I can easily influence how you're going to interpret that. That is - if there is actual data. Anecdotes are worthless in that context. |
08.25.14 | Most of the Scots that I've asked about it seem to be against it because of how much of an inexperienced douche that Salmond guy is. |
08.25.14 | Salmond might have some good points but he keeps interrupting Darling for no reason. bedroom tax is wank though |
08.25.14 | fuck bedroom tax |
08.25.14 | Touching welfare and or social security is political suicide in the States where the overwhelming amount of the voters are 65+. I'd imagine that it's much the same way abroad. |
08.25.14 | Most of the english people i know want scotland out too but most i know don't even know why |
08.25.14 | Depends on what you mean by "touching it" - as in diverting funds from there or as in touching them politically/expanding them. |
08.25.14 | jeez, this debate is ridiculous, Salmond doesn't know what cross examination is |
08.25.14 | Cutting them, wolf. There's always a fuss on the political right when politicians or special interests
lobby to try to expand it, but cutting it would alienate x-candidate from well over half of the voters
in the country. It's the same with everything else to a certain extent I suppose, but it's kind of an
unspoken rule among both parties to not cut it. |
08.25.14 | Mhm, yeah - that's definitely true to a certain degree. Although I don't think that's necessarily an issue here. |
08.25.14 | Sadly, there's nothing we can do about who votes and how ignorant some of the views are |
12.24.21 | :D |
12.24.21 | christ sonic thanks for reminding me how f*****g annoying I was on here to loads of people |
12.25.21 | hahaha |
12.25.21 | you scots sure are a contentious people |
12.25.21 | this list is so yikes
12.25.21 | jfc I'm glad I never commented on this
scottish independence then was a debasing stooge parade
scottish independence now makes me want to brick anyone not scottish who weighs in more than mildly on it |