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@cylinder atmo drum and bass list lfg

It is here! Sorry for stalling, uh here we go
1LTJ Bukem
Producer 01

Uh, so by and large you'll find that this lovely twinkly spaceout downtime chillvibes/skittery beats thang is *not* an LP genre at all. You'll find it best navigated by either:

a) singles and occasional EPs, or
b) comps and DJ mixes

I much prefer snagging an occasional single and working it into an ongoing mix-n-match playlist that I tend to shuffle (would link, but it's not on Spotify and neither are a lot of the tracks in it), but if you'd rather go large on it then by all means hit up the Producer series and keep the names from the rest of the list in mind for when they crop up there
2LTJ Bukem
Demon's Theme / A Couple of Beats

anyway, this is your daddy

and this is your mom
4Artemis (UK)
Elysian Fields / Desideradi

this is my personal GOAT
5Shogun (UK)
Ulysees / Nautilus (Mouly + Lucida Mix)

and this an almost-as-good winner from the Artemis guy, recommend both (short) discogs of both projects
Planetary Funk Alert / Camouflage

this is a huge zinger
7Source Direct
Secret Liaison/Complexities

this is a classic + of particular appeal if you dig the rougher edge of LTJ Bukem's shattering beats. Made Up Sound/The Cult also highly rec'd
Psychosis / Represent

this is your bread and butter
9Big Bud
Infinity + Infinity

this is a filthy LP! but is very good, incredibly consistent! his following double-album Late Night Blues is my personal go-to, but that straddles a bunch of other electronic genres whereas this is pure atmo dnb mmmmhmm

this is another staple
Windchime/Offworld Tides/Stature

this stomps and beats hard but still has that ethereal magic (all the more remarkable for it?)
12Intense (UK)
Breathless / Streams of Thought

this is another template
13Junior Varsity KM
Taking Care of You (Bliss Out, Vol. 10)

this is Darla Recordscore at its purest. we're on LPs now.
14Adam F

this is not pure atmo, but it does everything you could ask of a lounge-ready dnb record
Human Elements

this is perfect if you want a stepping stone from atmo to liquid funk
16Dream Dolphin
Cloudy Sky, Rain and the Rainbow

this is largely ambient and downtempo, but her atmo dnb is so good you'll hardly think of it as such
17DreamWeaver (JP)
blue garden

this is atmodnb pandering to zoomergaze, and it holds up far better than that brief would have you believe
Punk's Not Dead

this is sweet and lovely and very different and probably quite you
Deadly Deep Subs / Calculus Beats

lmfao i almost forgot this! what!
sassy things

and hey look who it is
Nutty Bass/I'll Be There

first track is straight jungle, second is atmo goodtimes
Oceanic EP

aight let's see oh okay this is great, will jam the album soon
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