2014: First Half (songs)
There's no particular order on these songs, I just thought I would pick my favorite songs from the year so far. So yeah, no particular order: |
30 | EMA Smoulder
The big highlight on an otherwise solid album. If all songs on the album were as good as this one, I'd rate it higher probably. |
29 | The Mire Triple Gemini
The whole album is a very solid Post-Metal release, and this song is the perfect showcase of the band IMO. |
28 | First Aid Kit Cedar Lane
Close call between this one, The Bell and Waitress Song, but I gotta give it to Cedar Lane. What a beautiful and dreamy atmosphere it has, and that chorus is just the greatest. |
27 | Warpaint Drive
The big standout on the album for me personally. |
26 | Behemoth O Father O Satan O Sun!
The whole album is very good, but I liked the closer the most. |
25 | Crosses Telepathy
A "single" done right. |
24 | Owls Ancient Stars Seed
While the album overall is not a home run, this song really stands out IMO. I love the main riff and how the melody sort of builds up. This song really shines instrumentally. |
23 | Tori Amos Invisible Boy
Not counting Night of Hunters as a studio album, this is probably her best song in 10 years at least. Maybe even more. |
22 | Casualties of Cool Moon
This is one of those cases when the album as a whole works more for me than the individual parts. However, Moon is a favorite. |
21 | Linkin Park Mark the Graves
Many really good tracks on this album. Keys to the Kingdom or A Line in the Sand perhaps? I went with Mark the Graves, which has been a personal favorite since I heard the album. It displays a fun and playful side of the band, some great instrumental sections and one of the best choruses on the album IMO. |
20 | Broken Bells The Changing Lights
This track is just so good. There's an acoustic live version on youtube which might be even better than the album version. But oh boy, that chorus. |
19 | St. Vincent Every Tear Disappears
Hard to pick a favorite from this album, but Every Tear Disappears was the first song that really clicked and I stand by it. It's perhaps a bit more straight-forward and less experimental than some of the others, hard to say. |
18 | Cult Leader Driftwood
Another epic closing-track. |
17 | Deadmau5 Silent Picture
This album as a whole was a pleasant surprise to me. I've been a fan of Deadmau5 since before, but most of his albums have 1 or 2 songs that just get annoying. This album, despite being a double album might just be his best album yet. It flows really nicely and no big turnoff tracks like "Chtulhu Sleeps". I love the use of acoustic guitars in this track, gives a nice vibe. |
16 | Boris Angel
I'm not sure what to say about this track, because I'm still at the early stages of "figuring" this band out. But the song is over 18 minutes and it's something special. |
15 | Mastodon Diamond in the Witch House
Mastodon meets Neurosis and forms Neurodon. This track is a bit of a divider among the fans. I would rank Neurosis as my favorite metal band, and Mastodon aren't in my personal top10 (even though I really like them), so I love the Neurosis vibe in this song. However, it seems some people who love Mastodon and don't like Neurosis (dear god why?!") feel the opposite. Either way this track is epic. |
14 | Death Grips Billy Not Reilly
I just love the drive in this song. How it just keeps pushing forward. |
13 | Agalloch Plateau of Ages
I think the harsh criticism for this album is unwarranted. I have a few minor issues with it, for example I don't think the acoustic interludes are that great or memorable, and they could have been shortened or dropped, but the "real" songs themselves are great. This song in particular brings many memorable sections, and might even challenge The Hawthorne Passage IMO. |
12 | Have a Nice Life Emptiness Will Eat the Witch
The whole album has a very dark and gloomy atmosphere (what the band has always done so well), but this song, the closer is IMO the perfect way to finish the album. I love how simple yet effective it is, a great closer. |
11 | Gazpacho I've Been Walking Part 2
This song has so many amazing sections and parts, it blows me away how nicely the song as a whole flows. |
10 | Sun Kil Moon I Watched the Film the Song Remains the Same
I just love the sound landscape this song paints for you. |
9 | Trophy Scars Everything Disappearing
A very strong concept album that flows very nicely. This is pretty much the big epic finale of the album, and the biggest highlight IMO. Everything before it kinda builds towards this song, and the payoff (once it comes) is excellent. |
8 | The War on Drugs An Ocean In Between the Waves
A strong album overall, and I love how they blend Indie Rock with Ambient sounds. From the first time I heard it, this song stood out as my favorite though. The guitar-playing might be very Dire Straits influenced and they are wearing their influences on their sleeves, but this song really is great. |
7 | Anathema Distant Satellites
Many really good tunes on this album. I love the Lost Song trilogy, and the track Anathema is another amazing song. But the title track has a slight edge, and I love how Anathema blend their sounds with electronics in this one. |
6 | The Hotelier An Introduction to the Album
Perhaps the album I had the hardest time picking a song from. There are several big standouts on the album, and I could have gone with Housebroken or Dendron, but I decided to go with An Introduction to the Album, because it was the first song that clicked for me, and it holds a special place in my heart. |
5 | La Dispute Objects in Space
A very good album with many standout songs, the closer however manages to perfectly capture a great atmosphere, and with some great spoken word lyrics, it results in a very memorable ending to a wonderful album. |
4 | Alcest Délivrance
While the album as a whole was slightly underwhelming, this song is as good as it gets. I like what Alcest were going for, but the result is a decent album that is neither an amazing post-rock album or an amazing shoegaze album, but a kinda okay mix of both. This track however really stands out as one of, if not THE best song in their career. |
3 | Thee Silver Mount Zion Austerity Blues
While the whole album is awesome, this is the one track that I felt could match the epic levels of Godspeed You! Black Emperor. I do hope we get a new GY!BE (maybe they'll release Behemoth on album), but this album (and this song) will keep my nerves calm for a bit. 14 minutes of the greatest post-rock this year. |
2 | Cloud Nothings I'm Not Part of Me
It either came down to this tune or Pattern Walks, but I decided to go with I'm Not Part of Me because of how catchy it is. Cloud Nothings took another giant step forward with their new album, if this is a sign of what's to come, then sign me up. |
1 | Swans Bring The Sun/Toussaint L'Ouverture
I could have picked almost anything from this album, but the sheer brilliance of the 34 minute centerpiece is hard to ignore. A song that has two amazing climaxes, great build-ups and includes everything from horses to rape whistles. This is the shit. |