Soundoffs 4 Album Ratings 543 Objectivity 60%
Last Active 01-23-13 6:32 pm Joined 05-23-11
Review Comments 439
10.15.13 | 1 is 1
I really like the aenema video though | Dunpeal
10.15.13 | we appreciate your input on the matter | MO
10.15.13 | provide links or this list stinks hurrrrrr | Avagantamos
10.15.13 | I really like the Parabol/Parabola video. Vicarious is pretty cool, too. | JamesDay
10.15.13 | My favs probably Pushit | JamesDay
10.15.13 | Not sure If it was officially made my tool But there is a really cool video on youtube of it | Dunpeal
10.15.13 | oh wait. it's not, but damn close | AceOfSpades
10.15.13 | I used to like Tool too, but then I switched over to Rush: 1) a helluva lot more albums to jam too so
the chance of things getting stale are close to ziltch. 2) not a bunch of pretentious ass hats so even
in Rush's late age they try to give you albums whenever they can and 3) less embarrassing to admit I
am a fan (especially in a northern state where everyone's dad loves Rush). When you say Tool either
people don't know what the hell your talking about or they think your a misanthropic d-bag, but to
each their own I suppose. /endrant |