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Last Active 04-02-13 8:02 am
Joined 05-17-11

Review Comments 2,275

08.24.24 Pong pong pong08.10.24 list is cigs
08.07.24 review/writing questions 07.01.24 ADHD
06.20.24 011100100110000101101106.14.24 discog runs i wanna do
06.04.24 brutal dm por favor??05.29.24 2 years no sauce
05.04.24 albums that shaped my youth04.27.24 Artificialbox's Record Collection
03.11.24 The Holy Trinity of Risecore01.20.24 Thursday Retrospective
01.14.24 A VERY ARTIFICIAL 202312.02.23 re-discovering the waterfront
01.27.13 100

albums that shaped my youth

I think I started to develop my own taste in music when I was like 10-12 years old. So a lot of these were released in the mid 2000s, like 2005-2007 especially. Most of these I heard of from kids at school, the radio, or from watching Much Music (MTV for Canadians).
1Thirty Seconds to Mars
A Beautiful Lie

Still bangs 5/5
2Billy Talent
Billy Talent II

Red Flag is the first Billy Talent song I ever heard cause it was in the SSX On Tour soundtrack. Loved that game.
3Linkin Park
Minutes to Midnight

I have vivid memories of sitting on my bed, playing Ninja Gaiden on the Nintendo DS and listening to this on my CD player.
4Relient K

The first "punk adjacent" album my dad bought me because he heard they were christian (my parents were born again punk rockers lol)

Seeing the music video for This Could Be Anywhere In The World on TV when I was like 11 or 12 years old is a core memory.
6Panic! at the Disco
A Fever You Can't Sweat Out

My friend in grade 5 fuckin lied and said he hated this band even though he said he loved them like a few weeks prior. I called his ass out for lying.
7My Chemical Romance
Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge

Torn between this one and Black Parade. Both were equally as influential to my teen years.
8Rise Against
The Sufferer and the Witness

Used to listen to this on repeat while playing Adventure Quest.
For Blood and Empire

I bought this CD from a record store cause it looked cool. I learned a bunch of political terms from the lyric book and used them for a spelling test. I remember my teachers being really concerned and asking my parents why an 11 year old was suddenly using words like propaganda, communist, socialist, unionist, classism, tyranny, facism, etc etc etc
10Every Time I Die
New Junk Aesthetic

Another CD I bought from the mall record store purely because the artwork looked sick
11Sick Puppies
Dressed Up as Life

Bruh I remember blasting "All The Same" on my way home from school one day because I found out my crush didn't like me back. I was 12 lmfao.
12The Strokes
Room on Fire

Still holds up.
13The Killers
Sam's Town

Not as popular as Hot Fuss but When You Were Young was a bop and a half
14Avenged Sevenfold
City of Evil

I think I also discovered this band thru the SSX On Tour soundtrack. A7X was one of my first "favourite" bands. I owned all of their CD's from their debut to Nightmare. I also had a brief long distance relationship with some chick that had 2 A7X tattoos. I wonder if she still rocks them today or if she covered them up.
15Good Charlotte
Good Morning Revival

Terrible album lol but The River fucking slaps.
16The All-American Rejects
Move Along

This one was more of my brothers thing but I was forced to listen to it by proxy a million times, so I inadvertently learned all the words.

I used to leave this playing on my CD player so that my dad would hear it and think I was cool but he would just turn it off if I wasn't in my room lmao.
18Beastie Boys
Check Your Head

My parents used to take in foreign exchange students to stay with us while they went to school. Some of them were cool as fuck and one of them gave me this CD. I forgot his name but I still have the CD.
19Breaking Benjamin

This was when I was really starting to become moody lmao
20Three Days Grace

Also equally torn between this one and their debut.

I loved this band a lot. I remember being so hyped when Cosmic Egg came out 4 years later and then being really disappointed by it
22Bullet for My Valentine
The Poison

Used to jam this one while playing Battlefield. Idk why so many of my early music memories are also tied to video games.

Another album that was more of my brothers thing but I still really liked this one a lot.
Oracular Spectacular

This album was solely responsible for turning me into an owl necklace wearing hipster. So many core memories were spent listening to this.
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