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| Top 10 Carly Rae Jepsen Songs
Here it is Sputnerds, the most important top 10 songs you'll ever read.
If you're favorite song isn't here, it's probably still amazing :) | 10 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Gimmie Love - a song that has grown on me tremendously. A number of songs could have started this list but that huge outro couldn't go overlooked. | 9 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Never Get To Hold You - chill b-side. I really like this vibe for her | 8 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
When I Needed You - huge banger alert brought to you by funky rae jepsen. great choice to close Emotion | 7 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Dedicated
Real Love - Emotion may be the better album but Dedicated gets the better closer, even if only by one spot. Carly singin' about love in its most pure form. | 6 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Dedicated Side B
Now I Don't Hate California After All - newest addition to the bunch. easily one of the most unique songs she's done and there's just something about this song that eases me | 5 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Let's Get Lost - baby let's take the long way home :) | 4 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Emotion - the song that really got me into her. i can't have a list like this without it in the top 5 | 3 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Run Away With Me - most consider this her best and I did too for the longest time. and I won't argue, it's absolutely huge and the best thing i've ever heard on the radio this past decade. | 2 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Love Again - this song is really good except for the chorus which is one of, if not, her best. | 1 |  | Carly Rae Jepsen Emotion
Making The Most of The Night - if Emotion (song) is what pulled me into CRJ and Run Away With Me is what made me think she was an absolute idol, this is the song that showed me just how different she was than the rest of the pop scene. this track (appropriately) screams "nightlife" in the most beautiful way that an artist can. i realized relatively recently that this has to be her best work and i'm really happy with that claim. a masterpiece | |
08.07.20 | a few things:
yes, Emotion is her best album, that's why it's here most of the time
honorable mentions: Higher, Comeback, Warm Blood, This Love Isn't Crazy, Tiny Little Bows
The only big track I don't have is probably Cut To The Feeling which probs isn't even top 25 CRJ honestly | Bedex
08.07.20 | List needs boy problems | GreyShadow
08.07.20 | Boy Problems is another track i think is overrated. still a bop though | Colton
08.07.20 | “this song is really good except for the chorus which is one of, if not, her best.”
??? | Sowing
08.07.20 | Love seeing Carly love. I'd have more b-sides here as well as Cut to the Feeling but not a bad list by any stretch. | GreyShadow
08.08.20 | @Cole, it sounded better in my head lol
good song, god tier chorus | dedex
08.08.20 | 3 is 1 and 1 is 2 | JohnnyoftheWell
08.08.20 | Swap Run Away With Me for Boy Problems, stick Warm Blood somewhere and this is reasonable | tectactoe
08.08.20 | Needs more 'Favourite Colour' tbh. | tectactoe
08.08.20 | Also 'Warm Blood' [2] - most underrated track from EMOTION. | GreyShadow
08.08.20 | Warm Blood is no lower than 15, Favorite Color is no lower than 20. love em both | alamo
08.08.20 | i think 3 4 5 7 and 10 would make my top 10 as well |