Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 3 News Articles 16 Band Edits + Tags 7 Album Edits 5
Album Ratings 387 Objectivity 75%
Last Active 07-26-22 6:14 pm Joined 06-18-10
Review Comments 1,086
09.19.11 | List is recent digs, feedback on the music is much appreciated! | Mewcopa0
09.19.11 | ....was this recording with one mic? cause it's maxing really bad.
otherwise its really sick. cool atmosphere. despite the horrible mic, the vocals are slick, and the rest of the production is well done. actually really awesome. you guys posting this free? | paxman
09.19.11 | Didn't you already do this list? | KotoFtw
09.19.11 | Yeah it was recorded just through an iPhone I think, or maybe a little digital handheld recording device. It wasn't meant to be for anyone ,just for me to learn the songs, and to aid in writing vocal parts. We'll be recording 6 songs with a guy that I know in October or November I think.
And yeah paxman I did, I was hoping more people would see this since I posted it at 5pm instead of 4am. I deleted the other list. |