Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Soundoffs 3 News Articles 16 Band Edits + Tags 7 Album Edits 5
Album Ratings 387 Objectivity 75%
Last Active 07-26-22 6:14 pm Joined 06-18-10
Review Comments 1,086
06.17.19 | props for 1 yeee even though I prefer Heir | KotoFtw
06.18.19 | Heir is so good, honestly the only thing that doesn't fight for a top spot was their last full-length. But the tones and production on Riala just put it over the top for me. Plus, In Confidence is the ultimate Suis La Lune song. | Pikazilla
06.18.19 | Nice list! I haven't listened to 1 in ages. | Bedex
06.18.19 | Are you talking about Distance/Closure when you say their last full length?
Riala is a very strong album and I totally respect preferring it to Heir. For me the intro to 'With Wings of Feathers and Glue' and the buildup in 'Can't Believe I Spelled It Out To You' beat everything and make Heir a 5 | WretchedCacophony
06.18.19 | Bolt Thrower - ...For Victory. Jam it to begin every workout |