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Last Active 01-14-14 4:18 pm
Joined 07-14-08

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07.21.12 Been A While12.07.10 Mark's Top 25
12.01.10 Finals Week...11.03.10 17 Yr Olds
10.21.10 Favorite Guitar Tones10.20.10 Growin' A Beard
10.04.10 Fall!09.28.10 Anberlin
09.21.10 11 Months10.22.09 Saw Vi...
10.14.09 Sludge09.29.09 Festfestfest
09.28.09 Busy08.10.09 Movin' Out
08.04.09 Moar Vinyl07.25.09 Is This Brent?
07.23.09 Vinylllll07.20.09 The Chariot...
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Shows, papers, books, maps, movies...anyways, been hella busy the past two weeks. So umm...list of bands that have kept me busy over the past two weeks...some good...some not so good.
1Arsonists Get All The Girls

I am disappoint. Last time I caught them was before they lost half of their members and they put on such
an entertaining show. Now...let's just say there's lots of rainbow tanktops, running in place, and crappy
attitudes about the fact that you played to less than 50 kids.
2It Dies Today

Played with AGATG, were much more entertaining, guitarist almost punched annoying hipster times. Can't stand their music but they're nice guys.
3Oh Sleeper

Second time this year. Good guys, decent enough show. Got a bit irritating since the mics kept cutting
out but eh.

Better show than I expected, British accents are pretty fantastic.
5Bring Me The Horizon

If I was 13 again, they would have ruled. I hate everything they choose to be, but they know how to
work a crowd. One of my friends got his nose broke by some douchebag with a fringe haircut who thought
it was funny to stage dive with his elbows down. He ended up getting what he deserved in the end
6Every Time I Die

First actual good band. Three songs off Hot Damn!, three songs off Gutter Phenomenon, three songs off
Big Dirty, three songs off New Junk Aesthetic. Could have used at least one thing off of Last Night In
Town, but still, awesome set.
7The Faceless

Decent. Basically just stood still and stared at their instruments.
83 Inches of Blood

Kind of ruled, seriously. That's all I have to say.
9Between the Buried and Me

I keep hearing that they've only been playing 3 songs on the tour but they played an hour long set (might
have something to do with the fact that it was Dan's birthday yesterday, but if they've been playing hour
sets all tour I've been lied to). All Bodies, Selkies, Obfuscation, Decade of Statues A and B, White Walls.
Would have preferred something off Silent Circus and maybe Primer instead of DoS but it still ruled. Much
more energetic than Colors_Live for the most part (Dusty is still the equivalent of having a fern onstage).
10In Flames

Put on a pretty awesome show. Played 0 songs from their new album, and barely anything after 2002.
Opened with Cloud Connected, played a bunch off Clayman, I think one or two songs from
Whoracle/Colony, and a song from Lunar Strain. The rest were songs I didn't recognize since I'm not really
a HUGE fan. Still, they've been together about as long as I've been alive, so mad props.
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