Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Album Ratings 178 Objectivity 67%
Last Active 05-06-08 5:05 pm Joined 09-28-07
Review Comments 803
07.02.08 | is it douchey of me to say i didn't know you were gone? | BroRape
07.02.08 | yes. | foreverendeared
07.02.08 | fair 'nuf. i apologize for my douche baggery | jrowa001
07.02.08 | sorry but i cant stand 1,2. i havent heard the rest | botb
07.02.08 | Good to see you back, bro. 1, 2, and 4 are all very good. haven't heard 3 or 5. | combustion07
07.02.08 | 1 is okay I enjoy 2 alot. And what I've heard from 4 was better than their first. Good to see you back man. |