Reviews 1 Approval 100%
Album Ratings 178 Objectivity 67%
Last Active 05-06-08 5:05 pm Joined 09-28-07
Review Comments 803
03.17.08 | 1 is kind of boring, but good, 2 is pretty good, and i haven't listened to 3 yet. | combustion07
03.17.08 | 1 and 3 are good. i don't like 2, its just not my style. | Amputee
03.17.08 | 1 is solid.
2 is bad.
3 is alright i guess, but doesn't have too many bright spots. | HighandDriving
03.17.08 | #2 sucks balls, I betcha you'll look back at it and wish it wasn't in your collection. Trust me, Let it Enfold You and The Silence in Black and White still haunt me.
#3 is a decent modern rock album.
#1 is fun for about 5 mins. | Bfhurricane
03.17.08 | 1 is really good, I put on a few songs every now and then. | tinathefatlard
05.14.08 | 2 is pretty good, agreed. |