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Last Active 03-12-22 9:26 pm Joined 04-30-07
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| Let's Talk E3
E3's big press conferences are about over. These are the games that impressed me the most throughout this weekend. Which games stood out the most for you? Which developer had the best conference? | 1 |  | Anberlin Never Take Friendship Personal
DEATH STRANDING - The best moment of the Playstation conference was when Hideo Kojima made a surprise appearance. Considering that Metal Gear Solid is one of my all-time favorite game series', it's no surprise that anything with this man's name attached is going to catch my attention. The teaser for this game showed no gameplay, and had very little in the way of plot development...but MAN, was it pretty. Very cinematic; very Kojima. And it got me VERY hype. | 2 |  | Billy Talent Billy Talent
HORIZON: ZERO DAWN - Ever since hearing about this game, I've been really curious to see what it's all about. I love the juxtaposition of low-tech tribal warriors fighting big sci-fi machines, and it looks like there may be a "Planet-of-the-Apes"-esque plot involved (wherein past humans created the world that is so grueling for current humans to live in). The gameplay that was shown off makes me really excited to play it...but I dunno if I can get past the main protagonist's voice. I suppose I expected her to have an accent of some sort; instead, she sounds like my nephew's middle school gym teacher (to tell the truth, the voice acting on the whole is, from what I've seen, pretty dodgy). Oh well...will still buy. | 3 |  | Gang Starr Moment of Truth
INSIDE - Limbo was an absolutely superlative game that really helped showcase how deep and creative indie gaming can be, and man, what an experience it was to play! If the teaser for Inside is any indication, Playdead intends to push indie gaming forward once again. I'm completely down to see if they succeed. Best part is, I only have to wait two weeks to play it! | 4 |  | Jimmy Eat World Futures
THE LAST GUARDIAN - It was to worldwide fanfare that Team ICO revealed last year that this game wasn't dead, and gave us a gameplay teaser to prove it. This time, we get a trailer, with a reveal of the world, and boy is it ever as awe-inspiring as the studio's first two games! Environment and scale have always been key elements to Team ICO games, and this one is no exception--the first time I saw the game's world from overhead in this trailer, I was done. I don't have a PS4, but this (and FFXV) would be reason enough to get one. | 5 |  | The Presidents of the USA The Presidents of the USA
THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: BREATH OF THE WILD - Two words: CONSOLE. SELLER. This game wins the E3 press conferences, IMO. I watched the trailer, and it took my breath away. Gorgeous visuals that are reminiscent of Skyward Sword, a massive, beautiful world, and a story that looks to be about uncovering how the world ended up in the state its in--I'm sold. Completely. The only thing I have to wonder is whether it will actually feel like a Legend of Zelda game; right now, it's giving off real Team ICO/thatgamecompany vibes, with the lonely exploration of huge environment where you don't quite know what's going on. To tell the truth, however, that may be advantageous--this looks like the most ambitious Zelda title in the entire series. Here's a link to the trailer (no pun intended), but you should check out the full Nintendo Treehouse video, where they play the first part of the game: | 6 |  | The Roots Game Theory
SEA OF THIEVES - Sea of Thieves could be this year's Rocket League. All the other games on my list are serious, character driven games. This one looks like pure multiplayer mayhem. I only just happen to catch this trailer while watching the livestream, but I'm glad I did--the game looks incredibly fun! | |
06.14.16 | Music is recent digs.
I know it seems like I fanboy'd over Zelda, but I'd like to point out that I've never finished a Zelda game, and I've only ever even started just one of them.
Also, honorable mention to the Pokemon Sun & Moon gameplay. Gotta say, I'm excited.
Finally...I know there are plenty of games that are yet to come after these big conferences. I may end up adding them to the list as we go along.
So...what do you have to say about the games/developers at E3? | Keyblade
06.14.16 | dat zelda bro whewwwww | Atari
06.14.16 | no mention of the crash bandicoot remakes? | CalculatingInfinity
06.14.16 | Death Stranding's trailer was completely meh imo, did not care but I always don't like Kojima trailers. Also Horizon was game of the show for me. | Masochist
06.14.16 | Well...I dig remakes, and I did enjoy Crash Bandicoot, but to tell the truth, I'd be more excited for, say, non-Skylanders Spyro remakes. | Slex
06.14.16 | Yeah watched the new Zelda for a couple hours Tbh, goddamn does it look spectacular | brainmelter
06.14.16 | god of war 4 looks too fire
im intrigued by the new gameplay and direction. | Gwyn.
06.14.16 | that new God of War game looking all sorts of lit | Cygnatti
06.14.16 | is the nintendo one still going on or? | Masochist
06.14.16 | I actually think it is, Cygnatti. It's something like 5 hours long at this point. | Slex
06.14.16 | yeah it's been showing Zelda gameplay for hours now, not sure if it still is cuz I switched over to IGN | Slex
06.14.16 | also there is supposed to be more on God of War 4 tomorrow. most anticipated game for E3 and i really hope they show something a little more traditional or in-depth than what was shown at the Sony press conference. Also, it's complete shit that there isn't a new Red Dead | MO
06.14.16 | yea I'm pretty apprehensive about splooging over the new God of War. I love pretty much every game but something about the 3rd person throws it way off. we'll see how it pans out.
stoked for crash remakes of course I mean come on
new zelda looks like a new zelda
RE7...ugh, we'll see what happens with that. looks like they were heavily influenced by P.T with what little they showed...would be cool if it was a straight up horror game. but I feel like that's more for SH, not RE
definitely agreed with Inside, that will be fucking awesome m/ | Slex
06.14.16 | Also glad to see love for Sea of Thieves, that looks so fun | ConcubinaryCode
06.14.16 | Sony had a good showing. Bethesda was ok, I'm stoked for the new prey. Everything else seemed so tame and uneventful. Everything was leaked weeks before so that sucked a lot of the life out of the showing. | Masochist
06.14.16 | Sony definitely had a good showing. I just watched the God of War IV gameplay footage--looks like it'll be worth it. Plus, it's switching to Norse Mythology? That'll a great direction to push the franchise in, and opens up a million other paths (Ancient Gods from all across history). | Slex
06.14.16 | Just now seeing footage for Inside and wow I'm so excited now, looks incredible and Limbo is a classic | ConcubinaryCode
06.14.16 | I'm interested in how they're going to tie GoW 3 to this new one. Like at the end of 3 the game ended on a pretty shitty note in terms of the way the world was left. Are they just going to retcon the entire thing or will this be a spinoff? | GreyShadow
06.14.16 | Everything about Zelda looks amazing. They've been showing off one portion of the game for almost 5 hours now without going into anything in the main story. The map is huge. There are so many ways to make use of this world especially with all of these crazy abilities/items. | Slex
06.14.16 | Yeah I am beside myself hyped for the new Zelda, it's everything I've ever wanted a Zelda game to be and more it seems | Sinternet
06.14.16 | sony's conference was great, looking forward to Horizon: Zero Dawn, might just get a PS4 for it | Mystletainn
06.14.16 | sony wins this e3, you can't win e3 with one game | zakalwe
06.14.16 | Sheesh. Now all the bile has been spat out on other threads I'd just like to say Zero Dawn looks a cracker :D | Mystletainn
06.14.16 | you don't have to watch nintendo though because they didn't do a presentation | Masochist
06.14.16 | Mystletainn - "you can't win e3 with one game"
Bethesda from last year would disagree.
But I meant in terms of the best single game; Nintendo's conference as a whole was really only two games, so yeah, pretty weak overall. Sony's was definitely the best. But the LoZ gameplay did the best at getting me hyped for that game. | Slex
06.14.16 | Yeah I do think the Zelda game is the most impressive game shown off so far | Masochist
06.14.16 | Microsoft had some good stuff, but it was more about hardware and multi-platform connectivity (buy a game once; play on Windows or X-Box, etc.). Mass Effect: Andromeda looked good from the teaser, too. | FullOfSounds
06.14.16 | Zelda was awesome; it's a shame a lot of people are complaining about it. | GreyShadow
06.14.16 | Sony wins, which isn't surprising, but tbh I wasn't too excited for most of what they showed. God of War should be amazing and Spidey looks great, but I personally wasn't too invested in the whole thing. Zelda can't just "win" the overall show for Nintendo, but it is definitely the only game showed off that I am actually very excited for. | GreyShadow
06.14.16 | Pokemon Sun and Moon look great but today's showing of it was so unnecessary. The girl interviewing Matsuda was annoying and nothing interesting was revealed. For X/Y they officially revealed the Fairy typing at E3 so this was a letdown. | MrSirLordGentleman
06.14.16 | obligatory half-life 3 comment | Cygnatti
06.15.16 | i thought the pokemon reveal was great! but perhaps not on par with what e3 should been. |