Soundoffs 1 News Articles 8 Band Edits + Tags 1 Album Edits 49
Album Ratings 301 Objectivity 73%
Last Active 02-16-11 5:19 am Joined 09-02-06
Review Comments 1,220
| On the Impossible Past...
Seeing The Menzingers' 10-year anniversary(!) tour for this bad boy tonight, been counting down the days. List is digs. | 1 | | The Menzingers On the Impossible Past
Been spinning this sucker for a few weeks in prep, probably gonna shell out for the anniversary edition tonight despite already having both the O.G. and Possible Past 10". Rarely a misstep in the mix, but the opening trifecta, "Mexican Guitars," and "Casey" in particular are such great songs, and the title track is a gorgeously understated hinge for everything around it. | 2 | | Touche Amore Is Survived By
These folks are opening for Menzingers, which I'm sure will be amazing in its own right. Inspired me to do a discography run-through as prep, which, the beauty with this band is you can do pretty much everything in like 90 minutes haha | 3 | | Touche Amore Stage Four
Love their older, more aggressive melodic hardcore style to bits, but this is probably my favorite of theirs, front-to-back. Reductive to say, probably, but this is a worthy sister album to Pianos' also-career-topping Lack Long After in terms of deep dives into grief and coping with loss. | 4 | | Touche Amore Lament
Honestly didn't spend as much time with this one as I should have initially, but upon revisit, it definitely keeps their winning streak going. Also didn't register that Counting Crows' "Round Here" gets a shout-out on this until my latest listen, which, as though I didn't already relate to Jeremy enough... | 5 | | Bartees Strange Farm To Table
Picked this up on a recent trip to Richmond, been really digging it quite a bit. Feels like a good progression of his already-strong Live Forever, definitely seriously considering making the trek down to D.C. to catch him at 9:30 later this month, since the 25 minutes he played at All Things Go fest didn't really feel like it did the man justice, even if he managed to fit his cover of "Lemonworld" in there. | 6 | | Thrice Beggars
Another Richmond record store snag. Hot damn does this hold up. Like "Daedalus" before, I will never not sing myself hoarse during the end of "In Exile." | 7 | | The Menzingers Rented World
Feel like this often gets lost in the shuffle of their back-catalogue, which was probably inevitable for whatever followed OtIP, but chalk it up to nostalgia if you like, this has stealthily become my second-favorite album by these guys, or at the very least is tied with After the Party. Really hoping they bust out "Rodent" at some point tonight. | 8 | | Counterparts A Eulogy for Those Still Here
Some great post-whatever-core ear candy right here. | 9 | | Birds in Row Gris Klein
Ditto. | 10 | | Devin Townsend Empath
Paying this one a revisit in prep for getting around to Lightwork. Our boy Devy's reach can sometimes exceed his grasp on all this grandiose, bombastic maximalism, but boy when it hits, does it all feel worth it. I also only just remembered that The Puzzle and Snuggles were a thing, so might give those a listen soon, as well. | 11 | | The Menzingers On the Possible Past
Curious whether we'll get any of these interpretations at the show tonight; wouldn't be mad at any of them. | |
11.11.22 | oh shit i'll be there too hahaha | Sunnyvale
11.11.22 | Enjoy, sounds awesome! Love that album. | Hendoi
11.12.22 | Anyone else think Tom from this band always writes watered down post-warning green day sounding songs? | MoM
11.12.22 | Shit, I could do with another Banner Pilot album, if he wants to try his hand | AlexKzillion
11.12.22 | Show was awesome... I was pretty much dead by the time they made it through the album (and slight disappointed they didn't end up playing freedom bridge but understand) but I was right back in it when they busted out In Remmision
touche tho....... perfect live band seeing limelight live was transcendent | PitchforkArms
11.13.22 | Love the respect for Rented World. Where Your Heartache Exist absolutely guts me. Rodent is also an all-timer. Have a good show, dude! |