Rule: Albums that are unethical to buy with money but worth pirating.
To extend the list albums will be rated into three categories: bad music by a bad person (don't bother), good music by a bad person (Steal!), and music you probably deserve forced labor for enjoying (GULAG)
if you pull up the 'dat piff archives' on likely all of these hiphop albums are available thru there, also feel like in DAMN.'s case it isn't stealing if you already own the normal version. and really the only two i wouldn't be caught dead with in my collection are botdf and prophets. already own stuff by like least a dozen of these artists. like if you come across a used burzum cd in your local record store i feel like any serious metalhead has to buy it for historical purposes, and i don't even like burzum.
@BAT yeah it definitely came off more self righteous than I intended. Tbh stealing a used cd from a record store is prob more unethical than owning any of these albums imo (especially if purchased secondhand), generally this isn't that consistent but oh well
Yeah second hand stuff does seem less morally ambiguous than ordering directly from a problematic artist...buuut I did order the last daughters record from their merch site so I'm probably a bit of a hypocrite lol. If someone looked thru my vinyl collection I'd assume the ones I'd get immediately interrogated about are the first 3 mindless self indulgence LPS lmao, nostalgias a bitch.
BAT - Yah that's what I mean about the self righteousness bit, like I own all of DSO's albums pre-Furnaces. I think its kind of a seminal moment for all music fans when they first confront something unethical a musician they like has done, which means we all have some deep standards for what is and is not morally acceptable for ourselves so it's really easy to get haughty over purchases that probably wouldn't even buy any of these creeps a burrito.
@Rastapunk - and Wintersun has been abusing crowdfunding for the last decade to produce Time 2, what hopes to be the Chinese Democracy of Symphonic Metal. It was moreso a joke entry after I read up on Absurd. Another failing of this list is all the entries are albums but in some instances discographies probably should have been implied. womp womp