Vanilla Scoop Rangler (don\\\'t come near me I have a gun)

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Album Ratings 1321
Objectivity 79%

Last Active 09-30-22 9:48 pm
Joined 01-11-22

Review Comments 1,672

07.23.23 Rec Me A Classic 506.28.23 Rec me anything that sounds like this
06.21.23 Nintendo Direct General Chat05.25.23 (PT4)Unforseen Gems in Sputnikmusic(Les
05.17.23 VINNY'S Graduating05.05.23 (PT.3)Unforseen Gems In Sputnikmusic(Le
04.29.23 Show me the craziest/most gory metal co04.26.23 (Pt.2) Unforseen Gems in Sputnikmusic (
04.21.23 ||| 20 Best of 2021 |||04.17.23 Unforseen Gems in Sputnikmusic Pt.1
04.11.23 Road to 1000 ratings04.06.23 |||VINNY'S APRIL 2023|||
03.15.23 The Guiltiest of Pleasures03.02.23 |||VNNY'S MARCH 2023|||
02.10.23 (NINTENDO DIRECT FEB 2023 CONVO)02.01.23 |||VINNY'S FEB. so far (2023)|||
01.28.23 ᗷᘿSᖶ ᓍᖴ 200001.17.23 |||VINNY'S JAN. so far (2023)|||
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Show me the craziest/most gory metal covers

I like seeing certain album art that is both gory and terrifying to look at, giving therapists more of a reason I need to go to a mental hospital. Please rec me some, and I'll rate it.
1Viscera Infest
Verrucous Carcinoma

Fun band, great sound, and some of the most fucked up looking covers known to man. Very tasty!

Oh, yep, that's a dead body. Kinda tragic for the dude that got ran over, I just hope it was fast. But yeah, that's brutal
Rec by Supercoolguy64
3syphilitic retard
2017 Demo

My second choice was Cemetary Rapist, but I'm oddly more comfortable looking at this than child porn plastered on a cover. But the cover is pretty gnarly, make no mistake about it. After all, the dude's brain is on the concrete. Also, the name is awful, more horrendous than Anal Cunt
Rec from Parksungjoon's list

Well, this certainly wasn't the first time I stumbled upon scat porn covers, but it's still pretty wild looking at it. However, the woman's face looks more cartoony, probably stating these guys are probably idiots.
Rec from Parksungjoon's list
5Impure Violation
Lust in a Vulgar Display of Violence

Now, I picked this one because of the unsettling nature of it. The color palette, the woman in pain, the impaled heads in the background. It's a terrifying piece, absolutely sick!
Rec from Parksungjoon's list
6XXX Maniak
Harvesting the Cunt Nectar

Now this is brutal! I always get the most scared feeling when the killers have no remorse on their face, just a crooked grin while NOT giving the victim a fast death, but a slow, constantly painful death blow after blow. I also like the limbs in the background, it's a nice touch.
Rec from Parksungjoon's list
7RxMxHxFxTxVxOx / PxBxSxWxOxFx

I don't know what's more unsettling: The big, red, gapping hole, or the unnatural appearance of the human's(?) flesh.
Rec from Parksungjoon's list
8Biological Monstrosity/Methadone Abortion Clinic

I'm sorry, but this is hilarious
Dawn of the Black Hearts

Strange, the last time I went on the Mayhem album's page I didn't see this. But this one is straight forward. Interesting color combination and a devastating photo of a young man (or woman) that blown their brains out with a shotgun. And I though Mayhem didn't have crazy covers.
Rec by AffableMatyr

So there was a bit of a misunderstanding with the album cover. This isn't the original cover. Instead, the cover is a photo of a dead child girl. It's a bit concerning to know that was the band's option, but it's shock material.
Rec by OxME
Masticate to Dominate

Oh wow, um...ok. Let's take a moment to process this. So there is a woman with a huge, gapping baby hole stuck to the ceiling, a dude going to town on his Peter who is obviously making a Cannibal Corpse reference, and just two zombies having nonconsensual sex. Yep, this Marks all the boxes.
Rec by Hyperion1001
Postpartum Exstasy

Now I'm very familiar with Torsofuck, ever since I listened to some of the poop album. Yeah, ew. But this cover is, I guess, a bit more tasteful. The clash between the dark red and green gives a more Christmas-like vibe to it. I'll probably hate listening to this album, but props to the photography.
Rec by Hyperion1001
Molesting the Decapitated

Oh, I've seen this! Yeah, this screams "psychopath" everywhere. The dark, empty brown room, the decapitated man (Probably molested), yeah. I don't know, I really like the colors.
Rec by Sharenge
14Necrotic Disgorgement
Suffocated in Shrinkwrap

Well... it's basically that
Rec by BAT
Pissgrave (Demo)

Man, I almost hate looking at this shit, like EWWWWWWWW! Whatever, it passes
Rec by Sevengill
16Michael Jackson

Yeah- oh shit! This is graphic! My god, that purple background with that dude laying there all defenseless. That stare he gives me sends chills up my spine. What Smooth Criminal did this? This takes the cake easiLEE-HEE!
Rec by YoYoMancuso
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