Reviews 13 Approval 44%
Soundoffs 8,121 News Articles 4 Band Edits + Tags 3,983 Album Edits 11,837
Album Ratings 8121 Objectivity 87%
Last Active 01-09-23 5:52 pm Joined 09-23-21
Review Comments 12,721
05.26.24 | smok does not believe in false advertising | Hyperion1001
05.26.24 | have fun in hell | Hawks
05.26.24 | YOURMEN | Sharenge
05.26.24 | fapped while listening to your mom | ToSmokMuzyki
05.26.24 | hype u got it backwards it is liars like the wanking guy that go to hell | bighubbabuddha
05.26.24 | Smok do we need to lock you in a chastity belt to keep this community safe | rockarollacola
05.26.24 | nice | Butkuiss
05.26.24 | How many times a day tho king? | ToSmokMuzyki
05.26.24 | not even a maximum security prison could ever lock away DEEZ NUTZ
as many times until YOURMOM comes back | ToSmokMuzyki
05.28.24 | last chance to circlejerk before its kicked off front page |