Album Ratings 0 Last Active 10-30-22 3:53 pm Joined 12-28-20
Review Comments 1,267
06.18.22 | kill 11 with fire and never speak of it again
rest are a pretty good selection. could use drive my car, eleanor rigby, for no one, i'm looking thru you and p much everything else from MMT but this can be survived
inb4 no blackbird/yesterday/long and winding road | parksungjoon
06.18.22 | >kill 11 with fire and never speak of it again
why | JKing92
06.18.22 | I love "Maxwell's Silver Hammer." Paul's best music hall song.
I've heard "Eleanor Rigby" a little too much for it to be considered here, but "Drive My Car" was a close contender (as was MMT's title track), though "For No One" and "I'm Looking Through You" definitely both fall under my "I like them, but not to the extent of including them in a top 10/12" category. | ArsMoriendi
06.18.22 | 6 is my fave Paul Beatles song, nice
11 is great, the haters just don't understand |