A much needed improvement over Oczy Mlody. I have it ranked low because it's novelty and some of the arrangements are too modern pop for me. But it's a cohesive good project
I thought they were starting to lose it here. It's mostly just ok but there are a few bad songs and the pace of it sucks. I'm glad King's Mouth and American Head were better. The Castle is great though.
Love that you did this! Very well spread out rankings with no leniency on any one era too much showing you're a true fan. I have always started with Transmissions so I'm not very familiar with work earlier than that and have still yet to hear Zaireeka. Everything else is money.
The Terror and At War with the Mystics are neck and neck. Both are great albums. I think it's worth mentioning how much better I think 12 is than 13. 1-12 are all great and were tough to rank. 13-16 I could do without.