Soundoffs 4 Album Ratings 1109 Objectivity 64%
Last Active 02-16-22 5:25 am Joined 03-06-18
Review Comments 17
02.16.22 | For me its Falls of raoros - the light that dwells in rotten wood. It reminds me of the White Mountains, where I hike. | rage11111ro
02.17.22 | Very nice list. I particularly like 2,4,5 and 8. They don't trigger me towards hiking though, I prefer these for headset listening in bed at night. My hiking preferences go towards Isengard, Arckanum, Darkthrone | madtwoo
02.18.22 | Agreed, I also mostly listened to these at night. It's just the euphoria that makes me feel imagining standing in the woods or literal |